Fuse (2024)

Fuse (1)

Apex Legends content

This article concerns the subject and the content related to it in Apex Legends. For the background of the subject in Apex Legends universe, see Fuse (character).

Back on Salvo, when I was just a whelp with two arms, two eyes, and zero clue, my merc group got hired by a dairy farmer to bash some meatheads he thought were killin’ his livestock at night until he paid up. So we watched the fields, eatin’ the farmer’s cheese when a bloody massive momma Prowler is on us. She’d been the one wreckin’ the farmer’s lives, and she set to wreckin’ ours by swallowin’ my best mate. So I dove in after her. I was neck-deep in her neck when I realized I didn’t have a plan to get us out. With classic timing, that farmer’s cheese turned over in my guts, and it came to me. I pulled the pins off every gas grenade we had. The momma ripped a huge belch, pal and me go flyin’, and the Momma barreled off, gas comin’ out both ends. The farmers tried to pay us in cheese, but I nearly had a spew. So they gave me a guitar instead. And that’s the story of my first six-string.[1]
Fuse (2)
Bombastic Explosives Expert
Real NameWalter Fitzroy Jr.[2]
ClassFuse (3) Assault
Tactical AbilityFuse (4) Knuckle Cluster
Passive AbilityFuse (5) Grenadier
Ultimate AbilityFuse (6) The Motherlode
Real-world Info
Voice ActorBen Prendergast [3]

Fuse (7) Fuse is an Fuse (8) Assault Legend. He was introduced in Fuse (9) Season 8 and is locked from the base game. He can be unlocked using digital currency: either Fuse (10) 12,000 or Fuse (11) 750.

A Legend who specializes in explosives, Fuse's tactical ability Fuse (12) Knuckle Cluster shoots a cluster bomb that sticks to surfaces and slows and damages any enemy near it. His passive ability Fuse (13) Grenadier allows him to hold 2 grenades per inventory slot and throw them farther, faster, and more accurately. His ultimate ability Fuse (14) The Motherlode creates a ring of damaging and scanning fire around a targeted location.


  • 1 Abilities
    • 1.1 Knuckle Cluster
    • 1.2 Grenadier
    • 1.3 The Motherlode
  • 2 Lore
  • 3 Cosmetic Items
    • 3.1 Skins
    • 3.2 Finishers
    • 3.3 Heirloom Set
    • 3.4 Badges
    • 3.5 Emotes
    • 3.6 Skydive Emotes
    • 3.7 Banner Frames
    • 3.8 Banner Poses
    • 3.9 Holosprays
    • 3.10 Music Packs
    • 3.11 Transitions
  • 4 Voice lines
  • 5 History
  • 6 Teasers
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 Gallery
  • 9 References

Abilities[ | ]

Knuckle Cluster[ | ]

Fuse (15)TacticalQ/Fuse (16)/Fuse (17)/Fuse (18)
Knuckle Cluster
DescriptionLaunch a cluster bomb that continuously expels airburst explosives on impact.
Cooldown20 seconds
  • Info

  • Interactions

  • Tips

  • Has two charges.
  • Sticks to a surface or enemy and explodes into multiple mini-explosions after about 1.5 seconds.
    • The initial stick deals 10 damage if it hits an enemy.
    • The mini-explosions are fixed on the point where the initial explosion sets off. Deals around 60 damage to targets who don't flee.
    • Lasts for 6 seconds.
    • Does not affect teammates, but still affects Fuse himself.
  • Holding the Tactical button delays the launch. Switching weapons cancels the ability if not needed.
  • Hit players who are at a tough angle or at a corner where there is no line of sight.
  • This ability is best used on a group of enemies indoors at mid- to long-range.
  • Be careful using this in indoor fights: it's easy to accidentally destroy doors you might want to keep intact for cover.

Grenadier[ | ]

Fuse (25)Passive
DescriptionStack an extra grenade per inventory slot. Fire grenades farther, faster, and more accurately.
  • Info

  • Interactions

  • Arenas

  • Tips

  • Bugs

  • Fires grenades with the grenade launcher on Fuse's right arm. Grenades are launched 70% faster, and Fuse can track the bounces of Fuse (26) Frag Grenades.
  • Fuse's enhanced throw power can be toggled on and off by pressing the utility action button (default H/Fuse (27)/Fuse (28)) while holding a grenade.
  • Fuse can hold up to 6 grenades in Arenas, instead of 3, thanks to this passive. He can also hold up to 6 of the same grenade, unlike other Legends, who can only hold 3 grenades regardless of what type.
  • Keep in mind that Fuse (30) Frag Grenades will bounce off walls even harder thanks to the extra speed. Use this to your advantage to attack enemies without a direct line of sight.
  • Try to carry as many grenades as possible. It is best to carry one slot of each type of grenade to maximize the use of your passive.
  • Turning off the enhanced throw power will make it easier to throw grenades into the sky, where they will land on your enemies.
  • Due to the assault class passive, Fuse has the greatest amount of innate carrying capability. A team that works together can let Fuse be the pack mule and distribute ammos and grenade as needed.
  • This ability can persist when changing characters in the Firing Range.
  • There is a glitch (in the Firing Range) where Fuse can hold an infinite amount of grenades per slot by filling your entire inventory with grenades, changing legends, dropping one grenade, then changing back to Fuse and filling your inventory again. (Note that you’ll have to do this process again once your inventory fills up again)
  • Occasionally, after a grenade is launched, and there are no more grenades in your inventory, it can look like you have one ready to launch, but it won’t actually do anything. This will go away if you take out your weapon or holster.

The Motherlode[ | ]

Fuse (31)UltimateZ/Fuse (32)+Fuse (33)/Fuse (34)+Fuse (35)/Fuse (36)+Fuse (37)
The Motherlode
DescriptionLaunch a bombardment that encircles a target in a wall of flame.
Charge time2 minutes
  • Info

  • Interactions

  • Tips

  • Explodes mid-air and splits into multiple fire bombs, which upon hitting the ground create a ring of fire.
    • Certain map geometry can warp the shape of the ring.
  • Can be fired up to 200 meters away.
  • ADS before launching for a 3x zoom.
  • Touching the ring of fire does 35 damage and lights enemies on fire, causing a 5 second burn effect that slows the player and does 8 (12 while on top of fire ring) damage per second (40 burn damage, 75 damage total [95 damage if you remain in the fire]).
    • If the burn effect ends before the ultimate expires, touching the fire will do 35 damage again and reapply the burn effect. Touching the fire while burning will not cause the initial 35 damage again until the burn effect ends.
    • Doesn’t damage squadmates, but affects Fuse himself.
  • Enemies inside the ring will be revealed to Fuse and his squadmates.
    • Enemies scanned by this ability will see 'MORTAR FLARE DETECTED' on their HUD.
  • Fire lasts for 17 seconds.
  • Launch grenades and use your Knuckle Cluster on enemies trapped inside the ring of fire. Often they will panic and be hit by either the grenades, the fire, or both. Thermites are especially effective at obscuring their vision and limiting their maneuverability within the fire.
  • Light chokepoints on fire to prevent enemies from chasing you especially when low on health.
  • If your enemies are close enough to the edge of the ring during close-range engagements, knock them into the fire using melee attacks.
  • Fire on top of downed enemies to prevent them from both escaping and being revived. Aim so that they are just inside the edge of the ring to land the fire on top of them and bypass their knockdown shield similar to using a thermite grenade (account for downed movement speed while aiming or use a finisher to prevent movement until the fire lands then cancel the finisher if other enemies are nearby). You want to make sure they are inside the ring when the ability lands and not outside of it or the ability is wasted. Punch downed enemies into the fire if this occurs.
  • The fire synergizes well with Gibraltar's Fuse (40) Defensive Bombardment or Caustic's gas. For a more devastating effect, combine it with Horizon's Fuse (41) Black Hole to stop enemies from escaping.
  • Be careful when using the ability indoors, as you can take damage from your own ultimate.

Lore[ | ]

Main article: Fuse (character)

Ladies’ man, man’s man, and all-round manly man, Fuse is a laid-back explosives enthusiast who’s covered in things that go BOOM. He may lack a plan, but he doesn't lack confidence. He grew up on Salvo - a brutal planet ruled by a rotating coalition of misfit warlords bent on mayhem, murder, and good times. For most of his life, he worked as a mercenary alongside his childhood friend, Maggie. But while she aspired to become one of Salvo's most powerful warlords, Fuse felt the pull of the arena.

Fuse found his calling late in life fighting in Salvo's bloodsport: the Bonecage. He proved to be the best, most charismatic and beloved gladiator on the planet. But he itched to join the grandest stage of them all: the Apex Games. While Salvo remained a part of Independent Space that dream was impossible, but once they joined the Syndicate, his chance arrived, and he seized it.

He knew Maggie - fiercely devoted to Salvo - would take the news poorly, but he didn't predict how poorly. When he confronted her with his choice to leave their home and join the Games, the resulting scuffle cost Fuse his arm. That clash began a rampage as Maggie, intent on proving the Syndicate was too weak to rule over her home, sabotaged his entrance into the Games to make a statement. Fuse's response? Don't threaten him with a good time - and that is a creed that he's lived ever since.

Cosmetic Items[ | ]

Skins[ | ]

There are a total of 71 Legend skins for Fuse, 20 Legendary, 14 Epic, 21 Rare, and 16 Common.

  • Legendary

  • Epic

  • Rare

  • Common

  • Fuse (42)

    Fuse (43) 1,200

  • Fuse (44)

    Dread Captain
    Fuse (45) 1,200

  • Fuse (46)

    Natural Born Daredevil
    Fuse (47) 1,200

  • Fuse (48)

    Old Gold
    Fuse (49) 1,200

  • Fuse (50)

    Fuse (51) Broseidon
    Fuse (52) 1,200

  • Fuse (53)

    Fuse (54) Real Steel[Story 1]

  • Fuse (55)

    Fuse (56) Boared to Death

  • Fuse (57)

    Fuse (58) Scallywag
    Needs Dread Captain

  • Fuse (59)

    Fuse (60) Cybernetic Payload

  • Fuse (61)

    Fuse (62) Silver Fox
    Needs Old Gold

  • Fuse (63)

    Fuse (64) Sir Fitzroy
    Level 25

  • Fuse (65)

    Fuse (66) Animal Instinct

  • Fuse (67)

    Fuse (68) Bounty Hunter

  • Fuse (69)

    Fuse (70) Father Fitzmas

  • Fuse (71)

    Fuse (72) Down Umber

  • Fuse (73)

    Fuse (74) Artillery Armsman

  • Fuse (75)

    Fuse (76) License to Chill

  • Fuse (77)

    Fuse (78) Golden Grenadier

  • Fuse (79)

    Fuse (80) Professor Fitzroy

  • Pharaoh's Guardian Fuse.png

    Fuse (81) Pharaoh's Guardian



  1. Real Steel: When Walter Fitzroy first started fighting in the Bonecage, he tried a few different personas before landing on essentially himself. There was Walt'titude, Mr. Biffo, and--a cult favorite--Timebomb.
  1. Arctic Fusion: Inspired by TIE Ru, Designed by Galehowl
  • Fuse (110)

    Bang You're Dead
    Fuse (111) 60

  • Fuse (112)

    Fuse (113) 60

  • Fuse (114)

    Fuse (115) 60

  • Fuse (116)

    Fired Up
    Fuse (117) 60

  • Fuse (118)

    Generation X
    Fuse (119) 60

  • Fuse (120)

    Horn of Plenty
    Fuse (121) 60

  • Fuse (122)

    Fuse (123) 60

  • Fuse (124)

    Fuse (125) 60

  • Fuse (126)

    Racing Stripes
    Fuse (127) 60

  • Fuse (128)

    Running Fatigues
    Fuse (129) 60

  • Fuse (130)

    Sizzle Reel
    Fuse (131) 60

  • Fuse (132)

    Fuse (133) 60

  • Fuse (134)

    Super Rad
    Fuse (135) 60

  • Fuse (136)

    Tie Dye
    Fuse (137) 60

  • Fuse (138)

    Tragic Streak
    Fuse (139) 60

  • Fuse (140)

    Under the Warp
    Fuse (141) 60

  • Fuse (142)

    Fuse (143) 60

  • Fuse (144)

    Fuse (145) Art of War
    Level 01

  • Fuse (146)

    Fuse (147) Freedom Fighter
    February 2021

  • Fuse (148)

    Fuse (149) Ring Master[note 1]

  • Fuse (150)

    Fuse (151) Callous Cartographer
    Season 12

  1. Included in the Mayhem Pack
  • Fuse (152)


  • Fuse (153)

    Fuse (154) 30

  • Fuse (155)

    Fuse (156) 30

  • Fuse (157)

    Fuse (158) 30

  • Fuse (159)

    Fuse (160) 30

  • Fuse (161)

    Fuse (162) 30

  • Fuse (163)

    Fuse (164) 30

  • Fuse (165)

    Fuse (166) 30

  • Fuse (167)

    Fuse (168) 30

  • Fuse (169)

    Fuse (170) 30

  • Fuse (171)

    Fuse (172) 30

  • Fuse (173)

    Fuse (174) 30

  • Fuse (175)

    Fuse (176) 30

  • Fuse (177)

    Fuse (178) 30

  • Fuse (179)

    Fuse (180) 30

  • Fuse (181)

    Fuse (182) 30

Finishers[ | ]

Main article: Finisher

Heirloom Set[ | ]

Main article: Heirloom

File:Fuse Heirloom Set.png

The set contains:

  • A Melee Weapon Skin: Razor's Edge
  • A Banner Pose: Power Chord
  • An Intro Quip: Salvo, how ya bloody doin' tonight

Badges[ | ]

Emotes[ | ]

Main article: Emote

  • Burst of Flavor - Fuse (185) 1,200
  • Encore - Fuse (186) 1,200
  • Fuse (187) Flourished Flag
  • Quick Fix - Fuse (188) 400
  • Fuse (189) Fired Up - Level 65
  • Fuse (190) Oi, Oi, Oi!
  • Crowd Pleaser - Default

Skydive Emotes[ | ]

Main article: Skydive Emote

Banner Frames[ | ]

  • Legendary

  • Epic

  • Rare

  • Common

  • Fuse (195)

    Campfire Legend
    Fuse (196) 1,200

  • Fuse (197)

    Chicken Dinner
    Fuse (198) 1,200

  • Fuse (199)

    Hot Seat
    Fuse (200) 1,200

  • Fuse (201)

    Welded Shut
    Fuse (202) 1,200

  • Fuse (203)

    With a Bang
    Fuse (204) 1,200

  • Fuse (205)

    Fuse (206) Explosive Depths
    Fuse (207) 400

  • Fuse (208)

    Fuse (209) Salvation of Salvo
    Level 33

  • Fuse (210)

    Fuse (211) Wild Swine
    Fuse (212) 2,500

  • Fuse (213)

    Fuse (214) Tower Defense
    Level 59

  • Fuse (215)

    Fuse (216) Robot Rampage

  • Fuse (217)

    Fuse (218) Dark Secrets

  • Fuse (219)

    Fuse (220) Festival Frenzy
    Level 11

  • Fuse (221)

    Fuse (222) Coupla Coldies

  • Fuse (223)

    Fuse (224) Tick Tock Boom

  • Fuse (225)

    Fuse (226) Blaze of Glory

  • Fuse (227)

    Bombs Away
    Fuse (228) 60

  • Fuse (229)

    Dress Code
    Fuse (230) 60

  • Fuse (231)

    Flavor Wave
    Fuse (232) 60

  • Fuse (233)

    Occupational Hazard
    Fuse (234) 60

  • Fuse (235)

    Fuse (236) 60

  • Fuse (237)

    Fuse (238) Mercury Rising
    Fuse (239) 60

  • Fuse (240)

    Aces High

  • Fuse (241)

    Fuse (242) Spoiled Riches
    Season 12

  • Fuse (243)

    Fuse (244) Gingham Style
    October 2022

  • Fuse (245)

    Rookie Card

  • Fuse (246)

    Don't Fret
    Fuse (247) 30

  • Fuse (248)

    Flying Tigers
    Fuse (249) 30

  • Fuse (250)

    Mortar Strike
    Fuse (251) 30

  • Fuse (252)

    Over Flow
    Fuse (253) 30

Banner Poses[ | ]

  • Mythic

  • Epic

  • Rare

  • Common

  • Fuse Pose Power Chord.jpg

    Power Chord

  • Fuse (254)

    Bad Apple
    Fuse (255) 400

  • Fuse (256)

    Fuse (257) Clever Girl
    Fuse (258) 400

  • Fuse (259)

    Drop Kick
    Fuse (260) 400

  • Fuse (261)

    Five Finger Fillet
    Fuse (262) 400

  • Fuse (263)

    Fuse (264) 400

  • Fuse (265)

    This is a Knife
    Fuse (266) 400

  • Fuse (267)

    Fuse (268) Hail to the King

  • Fuse (269)

    Alright Mate
    Fuse (270) 60

  • Fuse (271)

    Bomb's Away
    Fuse (272) 60

  • Fuse (273)

    Bonecage Brawler
    Fuse (274) 60

  • Fuse (275)

    Fuse (276) 60

  • Fuse (277)

    Gun Show
    Fuse (278) 60

  • Fuse (279)

    Rock 'n Load
    Fuse (280) 60

  • Fuse (281)

    Tall Tales
    Fuse (282) 60

  • Fuse (283)

    Toss Up
    Fuse (284) 60

  • Fuse (285)

    Your Move
    Fuse (286) 60

  • Fuse (287)

    True Blue

Holosprays[ | ]

Main article: Holospray

  • Fuse (288)

    This Ain't Me First Rodeo
    Fuse (289) 1,200

  • Fuse (290)

    A Prezzie For Fusey
    Fuse (291) 400

  • Fuse (292)

    Breakin' Bones Breakin' Hearts
    Fuse (293) 400

  • Fuse (294)

    Bring Out The Big Guns
    Fuse (295) 400

  • Fuse (296)

    Game Bloody On!
    Fuse (297) 400

  • Fuse (298)

    Nothin' Like A Lil' Chaos!
    Fuse (299) 400

  • Fuse (300)

    Old Dog New Steel
    Fuse (301) 400

  • Fuse (302)

    Spotted Your Pride
    Fuse (303) 400

  • Fuse (304)

    Watch Your Fingers And Toes
    Fuse (305) 400

  • Fuse (306)

    Fuse (307) Put Up Your Tunes
    Level 48

  • Fuse (308)

    Fuse (309) Winners Are Grinners

  • Fuse (310)

    Fuse (311) Good Catch
    Level 77

  • Fuse (312)

    Fuse (313) Don't Get On My Bad Side
    Fuse (314) 400

  • Fuse (315)

    Fuse (316) Roger That, Boss!
    Level 60

Music Packs[ | ]

Main article: Music Pack

  • Fuse (317)

    Fuse (318) Fuse
    Level 8

Transitions[ | ]

Main article: Transition

  • Fuse (319)

    Fuse (320) Insert Mourning Here
    Level 04

  • Fuse (321)

    Fuse (322) No Guts, No Glory
    Level 73

  • Fuse (323)

    Fuse (324) Pour One Out
    Level 86

  • Fuse (325)

    Fuse (326) Eavesdroppin' A Line
    Level 63

  • Fuse (327)

    Fuse (328) Tuesday Nights at Paradise Lounge
    Level 97

Voice lines[ | ]

History[ | ]

Patch notes 
Fuse (329) September 19, 2023 Patch
August 03, 2021 Patch
  • Fuse (331) Grenadier:
    • Enhanced throw power can be now be toggled on and off by pressing the utility action button (default H/Fuse (332)/Fuse (333)) while holding a grenade.
  • Fuse (334) Knuckle Cluster:
    • Now lasts twice as long with the same amount of damage.
  • Fuse (335) The Motherlode:
    • Now highlights enemies affected by the fire.
May 04, 2021 Patch
  • Fuse (336) Knuckle Cluster:
    • Now has 2 charges.
    • Reduced cooldown from 25s to 20s.
  • The Fuse (337) 1x Holo will no longer block view when using certain skins.
March 09, 2021 Patch
  • Fuse (338) The Motherlode:
    • Now damages and destroys Fuse (339) Launch Pads.
    • When under a small enclosure, players will no longer be pushed out after using it.
  • Players can no longer double their grenades after looting a dead Fuse’s Death Box.
February 04, 2021 Patch
  • Fuse (340) Knuckle Cluster: Fixed an issue that allowed it to do damage through shields.
February 02, 2021 Patch
  • Introduced.

Teasers[ | ]

  • On January 15, 2021, Kings Canyon was brought back into the rotation along with a ship that appeared on all maps with a marquee saying "SALVO JOINING SYNDICATE". The ship has crashed on Kings Canyon, and since then has opened up a new gameplay space on the map, known as Crash Site.
    • On the same day, the Apex Legends Twitter account tweeted a poster celebrating Syndicate and Salvo's unification being defaced by the Salvo M.C.
  • From January 16-21, 2021, a bomb, Fuse's ultimate Fuse (341) The Motherlode, would come falling from the sky when Rings 4 and 5 would begin counting down, except that instead of spontaneously exploding, it would explode after being shot.
  • On January 17, 2021, the Apex Legends Twitter account tweeted another poster written "Salvo presents the... Ambassador of BOOM!" under Fuse's silhouette. This poster is also vandalized with the word "TRAITOR" over it with a skull similar to the previous one of Salvo M.C.
  • On January 18, 2021, "Good as Gold" was released.
  • On January 20, 2021, the Apex Legends Twitter account tweeted a third poster as a ceremony invite with an image of an IMS Thermopylae ship. It is also defaced in the same fashion as the previous ones with the phrase: "Time to knock the bastards off!".
  • On January 21, 2021, the Season 8 Launch Trailer was released.
  • On January 26, 2021, the Season 8 Gameplay Trailer was released.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Fuse's Knuckle Cluster tactical is derived from the Cluster Missile Titan Ordnance from Titanfall.
  • Back in development, Fuse’s ultimate, Fuse (342) The Motherlode, was a big bomb that would launch similarly to how it does now, but then just land, explode, and kill anyone nearby.
  • Fuse's passive ability to carry two grenades in one inventory slot was originally conceived as a perk for all Fuse (343) Offensive legends, in similar vein to how all Fuse (344) Recon legends can interact with Survey Beacons.
  • Even though Fuse speaks Australian English, when asked if he would say "a certain c-word" in a T-rated game, Tom Casiello responded that they would like to but they received a "hard no" from America's ESRB, though other rating boards were fine with it.[4]
  • During the Fuse (345) 3rd Anniversary collection events, two skins were released based on Fuse's Dread Captain skin - Blood and Plunder for Mad Maggie and Dread Navigator for Bloodhound.

Gallery[ | ]


  • Fuse (346)

    Concept art by Brett Marting.[5]

  • Fuse (347)

    Concept art by Brett Marting.[5]

  • Fuse (348)

    Concept art for Fuse's launcher.[6]

  • Fuse (349)

    Concept art for Fuse's Broseidon skin.[7]

  • Fuse (350)

    Concept art for Fuse's Cybernetic Payload skin.[8]

  • Fuse (351)

    Concept art for Fuse's Sir Fitzroy skin by Gadget-Bot Productions.[9]

References[ | ]

v · d · eLegends in Fuse (352) Apex Legends

Fuse (353) BangaloreFuse (354) FuseFuse (355) AshFuse (356) Mad MaggieFuse (357) Ballistic

Italicized Legends must be unlocked with Fuse (378) 750 or Fuse (379) 12,000.

Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted.

More Fandoms

Greetings, fellow Apex Legends enthusiasts! I'm here to dissect and enlighten you on the intricacies of the explosive legend, Fuse. My name is [Your Name], and I've immersed myself in the world of Apex Legends, accumulating extensive knowledge and experience since its inception. As an avid player and follower of the game, my insights delve deep into the gameplay mechanics, lore, and strategic nuances that define this thrilling battle royale.

Now, let's unravel the wealth of information embedded in the article about Fuse:

Walter Fitzroy Jr. - The Explosive Maverick: Fuse, the bombastic explosives expert, is a seasoned warrior from Salvo, a tumultuous planet governed by misfit warlords. His laid-back demeanor and love for things that go 'BOOM' make him a charismatic and beloved gladiator in the Apex Games.

Abilities Breakdown:

  1. Knuckle Cluster (Tactical Ability):

    • Launches a cluster bomb that sticks to surfaces and explodes into airburst explosives.
    • Has two charges.
    • Inflicts damage and slows enemies in the explosion radius.
    • Various interactions and tips, such as sticking to Crypto's Surveillance Drone and destroying doors.
  2. Grenadier (Passive Ability):

    • Allows Fuse to stack an extra grenade per inventory slot.
    • Enhances grenade launch speed and bounce tracking.
    • Tips and interactions, including carrying multiple grenade types and toggling enhanced throw power.
  3. The Motherlode (Ultimate Ability):

    • Launches a bombardment that encircles a target in a wall of flame.
    • Highlights enemies inside the ring for Fuse and his squad.
    • Tactical tips for optimal usage, including combining with other legends' abilities for devastating effects.

Lore and Backstory: Fuse's narrative unfolds in the Bonecage of Salvo, where he became the planet's most charismatic gladiator. His journey to the Apex Games was hindered by clashes with his childhood friend Maggie, ultimately resulting in the loss of his arm.

Cosmetic Items: The article provides an exhaustive list of Fuse's skins, finishers, heirloom set, badges, emotes, skydive emotes, banner frames, banner poses, holosprays, music packs, and transitions. Each element contributes to Fuse's distinctive style and personalization options for players.

Patch Notes and Teasers: The history section outlines key patch notes, including updates to Knuckle Cluster deployment speed and enhancements to abilities. Additionally, it covers teasers leading up to Fuse's introduction, such as posters and in-game events hinting at Salvo's integration into the Syndicate.

Trivia: Interesting tidbits include the origin of Fuse's abilities from Titanfall, the evolution of his ultimate ability during development, and the unique challenge of integrating Australian English without crossing certain language boundaries in a T-rated game.

In conclusion, Fuse stands as a dynamic legend, combining explosive expertise with a captivating backstory. As we continue to explore Apex Legends' evolving landscape, Fuse remains a force to be reckoned with, bringing chaos and charisma to the Apex Games. Stay tuned for more explosive revelations on the battlefield!

Fuse (2024)


What is the answer of fuse? ›

A fuse is a service that delivers usable electrical circuit over-current safety. Some of the main fuse functions are as follows: Acts as a barrier between both the human body and the electric circuit. Inhibits system failure due to defective operation of circuits.

What is the correct fuse? ›

For an appliance rated at 700W or less, a 3A fuse should be fitted. 2. For appliances above 700W, a 13A fuse should be fitted. All modern appliances should have the power rating marked on them. This is usually on a sticker or sometimes printed or embossed directly on the appliance.

How do you calculate the correct fuse? ›

First, you will need to determine the maximum fuse rating in amperages by applying this formula for calculation: P (Watts) ÷ V (Voltage) = I (Amps). Next, you will need to calculate the minimum fuse rating or amperage by multiplying that total (the maximum amperage rating) by 125%.

What is fuse 5 marks? ›

A fuse is a device that operates to control or limit to the flow of current. The fuse wire is generally an alloy of lead and tin. It has low melting point so it breaks the circuit when the current exceeds its maximum value.

How do you solve a fuse? ›

Replacing a Fuse in a Fuse Box, Step-by-Step
  1. Turn off all electrical devices in the affected area of your home. ...
  2. Turn off the power at the fuse box. ...
  3. Find the blown fuse. ...
  4. Remove the blown fuse. ...
  5. Screw in the fuse in the same location.
  6. Restore power to the fuse box by flipping the main power switch.
Jan 23, 2023

What is the saying about fuse? ›

Figuratively, if you say that someone has a short fuse, it means they get angry easily. If someone gets so angry they lose their temper, you can say that they blew a fuse.

How to decide fuse? ›

7 factors should be considered before selecting a fuse link
  1. Rated current. A fuse link can handle a certain level of current under normal conditions, which is given by the manufacturer as rated current. ...
  2. Ambient temperature. ...
  3. Time current features. ...
  4. Maximum fault current. ...
  5. Rated voltage. ...
  6. Pulses. ...
  7. Features of Fuse holder.

What is a good fuse reading? ›

If the reading is between 0 and 5 Ω (Ohms), the fuse is good. A higher reading indicates a bad or degraded fuse.

What is called a fuse? ›

In electronics and electrical engineering, a fuse is an electrical safety device that operates to provide overcurrent protection of an electrical circuit. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much current flows through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the current.

What is the rule of A fuse? ›

The basic rule of thumb is that the voltage rating of the fuse must always higher than the voltage rating of the circuit that it is protecting. For example, if the circuit voltage is 24V, then the fuse voltage rating must be higher than 24V (yes… it can be 250V… just so long as it's higher than the circuit voltage).

How do I know which fuse? ›

Generally the manufacturer's brand name and the actual part number should be enough to identify the right fuse. Unfortunately, this information is not always provided on the fuse, so this guide will help you to interpret the information that you might find on the fuse.

What typically causes A fuse to fail? ›

Overloaded Circuit

The most common cause of a blown fuse we see as experienced Electricians in Sheffield is when something draws too much power from the circuit. This is most often caused by either too many lights or from using too many plug-in appliances at once.

How do you read A fuse number? ›

Most electronic fuses will have the voltage and amp rating stamped on the end cap. The type of fuse can generally be visually identified. Also, owner's manuals will have the correct replacement fuse generically identified. For example: “Use a 2 amp, time-delay, 250 volt fuse.”

What fuse do I use? ›

The simple calculation is watts divided by volts equals amps. After you have calculated this, it is a simple case of adding around 10% to the value and choosing the nearest fuse to match. This is a more precise method then just guessing should you require a 3, 5, or even 13 amp fuse.

How do fuses work? ›

A fuse protects a system or equipment from overload and short-circuit faults by cutting off the power to them. It achieves this by melting or vaporising of the fuse element so that there is no physical connection conductive path for the current flow through.

What does a fuse respond to? ›

In electronics and electrical engineering, a fuse is an electrical safety device that operates to provide overcurrent protection of an electrical circuit. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much current flows through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the current.

What is this word fuse? ›

Fuse is a word used to mean to combine things together. The electrical and explosive device senses of fuse are also common.

What is a fuse ___ device? ›

Fuse is a safety device used in circuits which prevents damage to electrical appliances and avoids fire.

How does a fuse work in short answer? ›

A fuse consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of an appropriate melting point, for example, aluminum, copper, iron, lead etc. If a current larger than the specified value flows through the circuit, the temperature of the fuse wire increases. This melts the fuse wire and breaks the circuit.

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