Economic outlook for 2024 (2024)

Key Points

  • Americans are hopeful the Federal Reserve can achieve a so-called soft landing for the U.S. economy in 2024.
  • The Fed projects U.S. GDP growth of 1.5% next year.
  • Inflation is trending steadily lower but will likely remain above 2% in 2024.

The Federal Reserve has made significant progress in bringing down inflation while maintaining growth in the U.S. economy in 2023. However, while inflation has trended lower recently, interest rates are historically high. Economists anticipate the economic fallout from the Fed’s tight monetary policy measures may intensify in 2024.

Investors are hopeful the Fed will be able to navigate a so-called soft landing for the U.S. economy and avoid a severe recession in 2024. Unfortunately, inflation remains well above the Fed’s 2% long-term target, and experts are divided on whether the Federal Reserve may have simply delayed an inevitable recession.

The Federal Reserve itself projects its monetary policy tightening measures will weigh on U.S. economic growth in 2024.

Fortunately, the Fed recently modified its economic projections and no longer anticipates a U.S. recession. While the risk of a severe recession has declined in 2023, economists and analysts anticipate interest rates will remain higher for longer than optimistic Americans had hoped.

Investors looking ahead to 2024 should consider taking a cautious approach to their finances given the potential for a slowdown in gross domestic product growth, sticky inflation and a delayed negative economic impact from the Fed’s aggressive rate hikes.

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Economic outlook for 2024

There’s no question the U.S. economic outlook has improved throughout 2023, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the economy is in the clear heading into 2024.

The U.S. recorded 2.2% GDP growth in the first quarter of 2023 and 2.1% growth in the second quarter. As for its latest projections, the Fed expects the economy to roughly maintain that growth pace in the second half of 2023, forecasting full-year GDP growth of 2.1%. The Fed predicts GDP growth will slow to just 1.5% in 2024, a modest but positive pace.

The labor market also remains resilient heading into the end of the year. The unemployment rate has risen to just 3.8%, and the economy has averaged more than 250,000 jobs created per month over the past three months. The Federal Open Market Committee projects the U.S. unemployment rate will average a healthy 4.1% in 2024, still well below its long-term average of around 5.7%.

Unfortunately, some economists are skeptical that the U.S. can maintain economic growth with interest rates so high. The Conference Board predicts U.S. GDP growth of just 0.8% in 2024, including a “shallow recession” in the first half of the year. The nonprofit research group said wage growth is slowing, pandemic savings are declining and U.S. household debt is spiking.

The COVID-19 pause on student loan payments ended in October, placing an additional financial burden on millions of Americans. As a result, The Conference Board projects real U.S. consumer spending will drop 1.1% in the first quarter of 2024 and decline 1% in the second quarter annually. The firm said softening consumption, coupled with rising interest rates, will also weigh on U.S. business investment in early 2024.

The Fed’s inflation target

The FOMC has been aggressively raising interest rates since March 2022 with one goal: controlling inflation. So far, the Fed’s policy measures have worked extremely well, but its job still needs to be finished heading into 2024.

Core inflation

The Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation measure is the core personal consumption expenditures price index, or core PCE. The core PCE measures U.S. shoppers’ prices for goods and services, excluding volatile food and energy prices.

The Fed has a long-term core PCE inflation goal of 2%. But core PCE inflation surged as high as 5.3% in February 2023. As of August 2023, annual core PCE inflation was down to just 3.9%. That said, it remains nearly double the Fed’s 2% target.

Looking ahead to 2024, the FOMC projects core PCE inflation will continue to improve and average just 2.6% next year and 2.3% in 2025.

Soft landing

Inflation is typically a symptom of an overheating economy, so the Fed has been raising interest rates to bring down inflation without cooling the economy so much that it begins to contract.

Brad McMillan, chief investment officer at Commonwealth Financial Network, said the Federal Reserve deserves credit for its performance up to this point.

“With job growth strong and other data supportive, those higher rates seem to be bringing inflation down successfully without tanking the economy,” McMillan said. “This is the elusive soft landing that everyone has been hoping for but which very few thought would really happen. Of course, we are not there yet.”

Alternatively, a hard landing for the economy would likely be bad news for stock prices and U.S. workers.

For example, when the FOMC raised fed fund rates to more than 19% in 1981 to combat inflation, it triggered a severe 16-month recession. Subsequently, that launched a nearly two-year bear market for stocks and sent unemployment up to 10.8%.

Are more rate hikes expected in 2024?

Since March 2022, the FOMC has raised its fed funds interest rate target range by 5.25% to its current level of between 5.25% and 5.5%. Interest rates are now at their highest level in 22 years.

The bond market is pricing in more than a 40% chance of another rate hike by the end of 2023 and a more than 25% chance the Fed will cut interest rates below their current level by May 2024, according to CME Group.

Bill Adams, chief economist for Comerica Bank, said surprising increases in housing prices could fuel further shelter inflation in 2024. But rising long-term U.S. Treasury yields could help make additional Fed rate hikes unnecessary.

“Either way, the path is clearer for the Fed to pivot to rate cuts in mid-2024 with wage growth slowing, core inflation head(ing) lower and gasoline futures prices at year-to-date low(s),” Adams said.

Looking further into the future, the FOMC projects the fed fund rate will fall to an average of 3.9% in 2025 and 2.9% in 2026. But investors shouldn’t rely too heavily on these extremely long-term projections given how much economic circ*mstances could change between now and then.

Can we expect a recessionary environment in 2024?

While there is no official government definition for an economic recession, economists typically consider at least two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth to be a recession. The Fed is no longer forecasting a prolonged U.S. recession, and economists from Bank of America agree.

But the ratio of the 10-year yield to the 2-year yield curves in U.S. Treasurys has been inverted since mid-2022, and an inverted yield curve has historically been a strong indicator a recession is likely.

Economic outlook for 2024 (1)

The New York Fed’s recession probability model suggests a 56.12% chance of a U.S. recession by September 2024.

Richard Saperstein, chief investment officer at Treasury Partners, said the positive performance of the stock market in 2023 may have lulled Americans into a false sense of economic security heading into 2024.

“There are elevated expectations for a bullish slowdown where the economy slows enough to bring down inflation but not enough to trigger a recession,” Saperstein said. “Stocks are facing headwinds from higher interest rates and the uncertainty of how higher rates will affect economic growth and earnings.”

Americans concerned about a potential recession in 2024 should continue monitoring the Labor Department’s monthly jobs reports, typically released on the first Friday of each month. As long as the economy continues adding jobs, GDP growth will unlikely drop into negative territory, experts say.

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Risks to economic growth in 2024

While a growing number of economists are optimistic about a potential soft landing in 2024, there are plenty of risks to the U.S. economy in the next 12 months.

The most obvious risk is the one the FOMC identified, and it’s made targeting inflation a top priority for nearly two years.

If it becomes clear at any point that inflation is no longer trending lower in 2024, the Federal Reserve will likely have no choice but to respond with even more interest rate hikes. And that would put additional pressure on corporate earnings and economic growth. Higher interest rates increase borrowing costs for consumers and corporations, reducing spending and investment and slowing economic growth.

But even if inflation continues to trend lower, the FOMC will need to time its pivot from rate hikes to rate cuts perfectly to avoid either a rebound in inflation or a sharp drop in economic growth that could lead to a recession. The Fed is attempting to thread the needle and achieve a soft landing. But even one major misstep by the central bank could be enough to send the economy spiraling.

Financial pressures such as student loan repayments, slowing wage growth and rising household debt may negatively impact consumer spending in 2024, especially if Americans completely burn through their pandemic-era savings. Rising credit card debt levels when interest rates are already at multidecade highs could also hurt consumer sentiment and spending.

Finally, geopolitical risks are always a wild card for the economy, especially in a U.S. presidential election year like 2024. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the recent outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas in the Middle East could have a significant impact on international financial markets and the global economy.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The chances of an economic downturn or recession have been elevated for some time now, so Americans should take a cautious, long-term approach to their finances in 2024.

Paying down high-interest debt, building an emergency savings fund, and investing supplementary cash in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds are three general rules of thumb for managing your money responsibly. However a discussion with a financial advisor or other professional can help any American build a long-term financial plan that is optimized based on individual goals and risk tolerance.

Recessions can be difficult to predict, and even economists don’t all agree about whether the U.S. will slip into a recession in 2024. The FOMC is not forecasting a recession in 2024, but the New York Fed’s recession probability model suggests a 56.12% chance of a U.S. recession by September 2024.

Economists expect inflation will continue to trend lower in 2024 but remain above the Federal Reserve’s long-term target of 2%. The FOMC projects core PCE inflation will average 2.6% in 2024 before falling to 2.3% in 2025.

As an expert in macroeconomics and financial analysis, I've closely monitored the dynamics outlined in the provided article. The information presented is indicative of the intricate balance the Federal Reserve is striving to achieve in the U.S. economy.

1. Federal Reserve's Economic Projection for 2024:

  • The Fed projects a GDP growth of 1.5% for the U.S. in 2024.
  • Inflation, while decreasing, is anticipated to remain above 2% in 2024.

2. Current Economic Situation:

  • The Federal Reserve has succeeded in reducing inflation but faces challenges with historically high interest rates.
  • Analysts foresee potential economic repercussions in 2024 due to the Fed's tight monetary policies.

3. Investor Sentiment and Concerns:

  • Investors are optimistic about a "soft landing" for the economy in 2024, but concerns persist about lingering inflation and the possibility of a delayed recession.
  • The Federal Reserve itself acknowledges that its policy measures may impact U.S. economic growth in 2024.

4. Economic Outlook for 2024:

  • Despite improvements in 2023, uncertainties remain for 2024, with projections indicating a GDP growth slowdown to 1.5%.
  • The labor market is resilient, but some economists express skepticism about sustaining growth with high interest rates.

5. Inflation and the Fed's Measures:

  • The Fed has aggressively raised interest rates since March 2022 to control inflation, and its policies have been effective.
  • Core PCE inflation, the Fed's preferred measure, is projected to improve but remains above the 2% target.

6. Soft Landing vs. Hard Landing:

  • Achieving a "soft landing" involves curbing inflation without triggering an economic contraction, a challenging but crucial goal.
  • Some experts commend the Fed for progress but caution that a true soft landing has not been achieved yet.

7. Interest Rates and Future Projections:

  • Interest rates are currently at their highest level in 22 years.
  • Market indicators suggest a possibility of more rate hikes in 2023, with the Fed projecting future rate reductions.

8. Recession Concerns:

  • While the Fed is not forecasting a prolonged recession, inverted yield curves and other indicators raise concerns.
  • The New York Fed's recession probability model indicates a 56.12% chance of a U.S. recession by September 2024.

9. Risks to Economic Growth in 2024:

  • Risks include the Fed's response to inflation trends, potential missteps in interest rate adjustments, and external factors like geopolitical events.
  • Financial pressures, such as rising household debt and geopolitical risks, could impact consumer spending in 2024.

10. Recommendations for Investors:

  • Investors are advised to adopt a cautious approach in 2024, considering potential GDP growth slowdown, persistent inflation, and the impact of aggressive rate hikes.

In conclusion, the economic landscape for 2024 is marked by optimism but tempered with uncertainties, emphasizing the importance of careful financial planning and monitoring economic indicators.

Economic outlook for 2024 (2024)


Economic outlook for 2024? ›

Global growth is projected to be in line with the April 2024 World Economic Outlook

World Economic Outlook
Description: The Global Economy in a Sticky Spot. Global growth is projected to be in line with the April 2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast, at 3.2 percent in 2024 and 3.3 percent in 2025. Services inflation is holding up progress on disinflation, which is complicating monetary policy normalization.
(WEO) forecast, at 3.2 percent in 2024 and 3.3 percent in 2025. Services inflation is holding up progress on disinflation, which is complicating monetary policy normalization.

What will the US economy look like in 2024? ›

We expect growth to be a healthy 2 percent on a fourth-quarter over fourth-quarter basis and sustain a similar pace over the medium-term. Inflation has declined in response to the Federal Reserve's actions and we see inflation on a path towards the 2 percent target.

What is the economic outlook for 2024 and 2025? ›

The 2024–2025 Outlook

The year-over-year change in the PCE price index ticks up from 2.6 percent in 2024Q1 to 2.9 percent in 2024Q4, before moderating to 2.1 percent by the second half of 2025. Year-over-year core CPI inflation lingers around 3.5 percent through the rest of 2024 and then slows to 2.5 percent by 2025Q4.

What is the trade outlook for 2024? ›

Global trade in goods and services have resumed growth in 2024. Global forecasts for GDP growth remain at around 3% for 2024, with the short-term trade outlook being cautiously optimistic.

What is the emerging market outlook for 2024? ›

Our 2024 real GDP growth forecast for EMs excluding China remains unchanged at 3.9%, following 4.2% expansion in 2023. However, we adjusted our 2024 GDP growth forecasts for several countries.

Will there be a recession in 2024 or 2025? ›

The US has a 56% chance of slipping into a downturn by June 2025, according to the latest estimate from New York Fed economists.

Will the job market get better in 2024? ›

As hiring and job growth returns to normal levels and unemployment rates no longer see significant increases, the 2024 job market will look to be one that job seekers and employers alike can look forward to.

Which is the fastest growing economy in 2024? ›

Out of the world's 62 major economies in Euromonitor International's Macro Model, five emerging Asian countries are expected to have the highest real GDP growth rates in 2024: India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and China.

What is the inflation outlook for 2024? ›

On the basis of these inflation forecasts, average consumer price inflation should be 3.2% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025, compared to 4.06% in 2023 and 9.59% in 2022.

What will the US economy look like in 2025? ›

By 2025Q2, quarterly real GDP growth rebound above the 2.0 percent pace, owing to a healthy gain in nonresidential fixed investment and the recovery of consumption. Calendar-year GDP growth registers 2.5 percent again in 2024 and notches down to 1.9 percent in 2025.

What will happen to the stock market in 2024? ›

Overall, Yardeni Research forecasts S&P 500 operating earnings at $250 in 2024, up 12% vs 2023. He puts them at $270 in 2025 (up 8%) and $300 in 2026 (up 11.1%).

What is the Dow Jones forecast for 2024? ›

In 2024, the Dow Jones rate is expected to trade between $37,000 and $38,000. Bank experts predict that corporate income will remain at the same level, which will support stocks during a recession. In addition, earnings growth shortfalls and minimal equity risk premiums are the main constraints on the index's growth.

What is the outlook for 2024? ›

Growth Slowing, but Recession Unlikely

Analysts are looking ahead to further cooling over the year. “We're still expecting the sequential growth rates to drop sharply over the rest of 2024 and remain low through early 2025,” Morningstar chief US economist Preston Caldwell wrote in his July economic outlook.

What is the growth forecast for 2024? ›

Global growth is projected to be in line with the April 2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast, at 3.2 percent in 2024 and 3.3 percent in 2025. Services inflation is holding up progress on disinflation, which is complicating monetary policy normalization.

What is the consumer forecast for 2024? ›

A slowdown in inflation will bolster retail volume growth by 6.7% in US dollar terms and 2% in volume terms in 2024.

What is the economic outlook for the Middle East in 2024? ›

World Bank economists forecast that growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) will grow at a modest rate of 2.7% in 2024 up from 1.9% in 2023.

What will US inflation be in 2024? ›

Summary. Both overall and core PCE inflation stood at 2.5% year over year as of June, by our estimates. We project overall PCE inflation to average 2.4% in 2024 and 1.8% over 2025 to 2028—just below the Fed's 2% target.

What is the economic outlook for the next 5 years? ›

Overall, we expect the US economy to post real GDP growth of 2.4% this year, but for growth to slow to 1.1% in 2025. Between 2026 and 2028, economic growth is expected to pick back up, with annual gains in real GDP forecasted to range between 1.6% and 1.9% per year.

Which is the fastest growing economy in the world 2024? ›

📈 Graph Time | Fastest growing economies in 2024

The country with the highest forecast for gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2024 is Guyana. The IMF now expects the South American country's economy to expand by 33.9% this year — up from its 26.6% projection six months ago.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.