Does underconfidence matter in short-term and long-term investment decisions? Evidence from an emerging market | ScienceGate (2024)

Management Decision



Vol ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)


Maqsood Ahmad


Decision Making

Stock Exchange

Emerging Market

Investment Decision

Investment Decisions

Investment Strategies

Short Term

Content Type

Investment Decision Making

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to clarify the mechanism by which underconfidence heuristic-driven bias influences the short-term and long-term investment decisions of individual investors, actively trading on the Pakistan Stock Exchange.Design/methodology/approachInvestors' underconfidence has been measured using a questionnaire, comprising numerous items, including indicators of short-term and long-term investment decision. In order to establish the influence of underconfidence on the investment decisions in both the short and long run, a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire has been used to collect data from the sample of 203 investors. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS graphics software. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling technique.FindingsThis article provides further empirical insights into the relationship between heuristic-driven biases and investment decision-making in the short and long run. The results suggest that underconfidence bias has a markedly negative influence on the short-term and long-term decisions made by investors in developing markets. It means that heuristic-driven biases can impair the quality of both short-term and long-term investment decisions.Practical implicationsThis article encourages investors to avoid relying on cognitive heuristics, namely, underconfidence or their feelings when making short-term and long-term investment strategies. It provides awareness and understanding of heuristic-driven biases in investment management, which could be very useful for finance practitioners' such as investor who plays at the stock exchange, a portfolio manager, a financial strategist/advisor in an investment firm, a financial planner, an investment banker, a trader/broker at the stock exchange or a financial analyst. But most importantly, the term also includes all those persons who manage corporate entities and are responsible for making its financial management strategies. They can improve the quality of their decision-making by recognizing their behavioral biases and errors of judgment, to which we are all prone, resulting in more appropriate investment strategies.Originality/valueThe current study is the first to focus on links between underconfidence bias and short-term and long-term investment decision-making. This article enhanced the understanding of the role that heuristic-driven bias plays in the investment management and more importantly, it went some way toward enhancing understanding of behavioral aspects and their influence on the investment decision-making in an emerging market. It also adds to the literature in the area of behavioral finance specifically the role of heuristics in investment strategies; this field is in its initial stage, even in developed countries, while, in developing countries, little work has been done.

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How do emotional intelligence and behavioral biases of investors determine their investment decisions?

Rajagiri Management Journal



Vol 14(1)

pp. 35-47


Saloni Raheja

Babli Dhiman


Decision Making

Stock Exchange

Investment Decision

Sample Selection

Investment Decisions

Risk Tolerance

Content Type

Behavioral Biases

Investment Decision Making

The Impact

PurposeIn earlier studies, research has shown that EI is the only element, which influences the ways in which people develop in their lives, jobs and social skills control their emotions and get along with other people. It is EI that dictates the way people deal with one another and understand emotions. The research gap is to explore the impact of behavioral factors and investors psychology on their investment decision-making.Design/methodology/approachThe information was gathered from 500 financial specialists. The region of research was the financial specialists who contribute through LSC Securities Ltd. in Punjab State. The purposive testing system was used in this examination.FindingsThe investigation found that the positive connection between the conduct predispositions of the financial specialists and venture choices of the speculators and positive connection between enthusiastic insight of the financial specialists and their venture choices. Yet, the authors found that the enthusiastic insight better foresees the venture choices of the financial specialists than the conduct predispositions of the speculators. Among the different elements of conduct inclinations of the speculator’s lament and carelessness are identified with the financial specialist’s venture choices. Among the various estimations of eager understanding – care, dealing with emotions, motivation, empathy and social aptitudes are related to the hypothesis decisions of the monetary pros.Research limitations/implicationsThe sample selection was based on purposive sampling, rather than a random probability sample. The sample was area specific, restricted only to Ludhiana Stock Exchange in Punjab state. Therefore, the results of the study cannot be generalized with certainty to all the investors investing through other exchanges in other states. The inferences are based on the assumption that the data provided by the investors are true and correct. The findings may be relevant for other stock exchanges as that of the Ludhiana Stock Exchange. However, the authors do not claim the generalization of the results.Practical implicationsThis study also helps to understand the relationship between investment decision-making and risk tolerance of investors. It will helpful for the financial advisors to know the behavioral biases of investors while making an investment decision, and therefore, they can advise investors properly to mitigate such biases. It may help the investors in understanding the subjective part of their behavior and control their emotions while taking decisions for their investment in stock market options.Social implicationsThis research will help investment advisors and finance professionals to judge investors’ attitudes toward risk in a better way, which leads to better investment decisions.Originality/valueThis study is my own study and it is original and has not been published anywhere.

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Does salience matter in investment decision?




Vol 48(8)

pp. 1894-1912


Samra Chaudary

PurposeThe paper takes a behavioral approach by making use of the prospect theory to unveil the impact of salience on short-term and long-term investment decisions. This paper aims to investigate the group differences for two types of investors’ groups, i.e. individual investors and professional investors.Design/methodology/approachThe study uses partial least square-based structural equation modeling technique, measurement invariance test and multigroup analysis test on a unique data set of 277 active equity traders which included professional money managers and individual investors.FindingsResults showed that salience has a significant positive impact on both short-term and long-term investment decisions. The impact was almost 1.5 times higher for long-term investment decision as compared to short-term decision. Furthermore, multigroup analysis revealed that the two groups (individual investors and professional investors) were statistically significantly different from each other.Research limitations/implicationsThe study has implications for financial regulators, money managers and individual investors as it was found that individual investors suffer more with salience heuristic and may end up with sub-optimal portfolios due to inefficient diversification. Thus, investors should be cautious in fully relying on salience and avoid such bias to improve investment returns.Practical implicationsThe study concludes with a discussion of policy and regulatory implications on how to minimize salience bias to achieve optimum and diversified portfolios.Originality/valueThe study has significantly contributed to the growing body of applied behavioral research in the discipline of finance.

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Investor sentiment antecedents

Review of Behavioral Finance



Vol 11(1)

pp. 36-54


Ranjan Dasgupta

Rashmi Singh


Decision Making

Stock Market

Emerging Market

Investment Decision

Investor Sentiment

Equation Modeling

Content Type

Investment Decision Making

Retail Investors

Specific Factors

PurposeThe determinants of investor sentiment based on stock market proxies are found in numbers in empirical studies. However, investor sentiment antecedents developed from primary survey measures by constructing an investor sentiment index (ISI) are not done till date. The purpose of this paper is to fill this research gap by first developing an ISI for the Indian retail investors and then examining the investor-specific, stock market-specific, macroeconomic and policy-specific factors’ individual impact on the investor sentiment.Design/methodology/approachFirst, the authors develop the ISI by using the mean scores of six statements as formulated based on popular direct investor sentiment surveys undertaken throughout the world. Then, the authors employ the structural equation modeling approach on the responses of 576 respondents on 40 statements (representing the index and four study hypotheses) collected in 2016 across the country.FindingsThe results show that investor- and stock market-specific factors are the major antecedents of investor sentiment for these investors. However, interestingly macroeconomic fundamentals and policy-specific factors have no role to play in driving their sentiment to invest in the stock market.Practical implicationsThe major implication of the results is that the Indian retail investors are showing a mixed approach of Bayesian and behavioral finance decision making. So, these implications can guide the investment consultants, regulators, other stakeholders in markets and overwhelmingly the retail investors to introspect their investment decision making across time horizons.Originality/valueThe formulation of ISI in an emerging market context and thereafter examining possible antecedents to influence retail investors in their investment decision making are not done till date. So, the study is unique in its research issue and findings and will have significant implication for the retail investors at least in emerging market contexts.

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Pengaruh Financial Literacy, Representativeness Bias, Dan Bias Optimisme Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi




Vol 2(3)

pp. 2976-2991


Silvia Putri

Halmawati Halmawati


Decision Making

Linear Regression

Multiple Linear Regression

Empirical Evidence

Financial Literacy

Stock Exchange

Investment Decision

Investment Decisions

State University

Investment Decision Making

This study aims to analyze 1) whether there is an influence of financial literacy on investment decision maknig. 2) Obtain empirical evidence whether there is an Representativeness bias making on investment decisions. 3) Does Bias optimismeaffect investment decision making. In this study using Causality Design. Population and sampek are 104 respondents registered in the Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery (GIBEI) Faculty of Economics, State University of Padang. The method of analysis is multiple linear regression. The results of the study found 1) Financial literacy influences investment decisions on investment decision making.2) Optimum bias affects investment decisions on investment decision making. 3) Representativness influences investment decisions on investment decision making. 4) Together financial literacy variables, the optimum bias and representativness together influence the investment decision on investment decision making

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Role of personal values in investment decisions

Management Research Review



Vol 39(8)

pp. 940-964


Otuo Serebour Agyemang

Abraham Ansong


Corporate Governance

Quantitative Methods

Investment Decision

Personal Values

Investment Decisions

Content Type

Investment Decision Making

Recent Emergence

Decision Making Processes

PurposeThis paper aims to examine the role personal values play in investment decision-making processes among Ghanaian shareholders.Design/methodology/approachIn consequence of the recent emergence of the issue of corporate governance practices in Ghana, and the kind of the research objective of this paper, a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods was used. These methods were used in two stages. The first stage was qualitative, which purposively selected 20 individual shareholders to solicit their perspectives on how personal values influence investment decisions. Their responses were used to construct the content of this enquiry. The second stage, which was quantitative, used stratified sampling technique to select 503 individual shareholders to confirm the responses obtained from stage one of the enquiry.FindingsThe findings of the study reveal that individual shareholders in Ghana hold value priorities and that honesty, a comfortable life and family security play a significant role in their lives and their investment decision-making processes, and the kind of companies they choose to invest in. Also, to Ghanaian individual shareholders, there is a clear distinction between a comfortable life and a prosperous life in the sense that they are not incentivized more by the latter but by the former in their investment decisions.Practical implicationsThe results can inform corporate directors and managers what values are considered in investment decisions, and that it is not purely financial. With these results, they can be informed that while some financial values are important, it is just to live a comfortable life and not a prosperous life. This may influence these directors and managers to have a more long-run focus and to have more of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) focus by putting implementable measures in place to tackle corporate responsibility issues and to take up a responsibility for their CSR feat. Also, the results can be used for public policy in that if regulators find out that more CSR-type information is important to investors, they might require additional CSR-type disclosures in financial statements.Originality/valueThis paper contributes to the knowledge on the stakeholder perspective of corporate governance that individual shareholders’ personal values have influence on their investment decisions and the choice of companies they invest in.

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An Analysis of Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making

International Journal of Financial Research



Vol 10(4)

pp. 55


Geetika Madaan

Sanjeet Singh


Decision Making

Positive Impact

Stock Exchange

Investment Decision

Investment Decisions

Individual Investors

Behavioral Biases

Investment Decision Making

Survey Responses

The Impact

Individual investor’s behavior is extensively influenced by various biases that highlighted in the growing discipline of behavior finance. Therefore, this study is also one of another effort to assess the impact of behavioral biases in investment decision-making in National Stock Exchange. A questionnaire is designed and through survey responses collected from 243 investors. The present research has applied inferential statistics and descriptive statistics. In the existing study, four behavioral biases have been reviewed namely, overconfidence, anchoring, disposition effect and herding behavior. The results show that overconfidence and herding bias have significant positive impact on investment decision. Overall results conclude that individual investors have limited knowledge and more prone towards making psychological errors. The findings of the study also indicate the existence of these four behavioral biases on individual investment decisions. This study will be helpful to financial intermediaries to advice their clients. Further, study can be elaborated to study other behavioral biases on investment decisions.

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Evaluation of behavioral biases affecting investment decision making of individual equity investors by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process

Review of Behavioral Finance



Vol 12(3)

pp. 297-314


Jinesh Jain

Nidhi Walia

Sanjay Gupta


Decision Making

Behavioral Finance

Investment Decision

Investment Decisions

Analytic Hierarchy

Content Type

Behavioral Biases

Investment Decision Making

Overconfidence Bias

Hierarchy Process

PurposeResearch in the area of behavioral finance has demonstrated that investors exhibit irrational behavior while making investment decisions. Investor behavior usually deviates from logic and reason, and consequently, investors exhibit various behavioral biases which impact their investment decisions. The purpose of this paper is to rank the behavioral biases influencing the investment decision making of individual equity investors from the state of Punjab, India. This research would provide valuable insight into the different behavioral biases to investors and other participants of the capital market and help them in improving investment decisions.Design/methodology/approachThe research is conducted on the individual equity investors of Punjab, India. Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was applied to rank the factors influencing the decision making of individual equity investors of Punjab. The primary factors considered for the study are overconfidence bias, representative bias, anchoring bias, availability bias, regret aversion bias, loss aversion bias, mental accounting bias and herding bias.FindingsThe three most influential criteria were herding bias, loss aversion bias and overconfidence bias. The five most influential sub-criteria were “I readily sell shares that have increased in value (C61),” “News about the company (Newspapers, TV and magazines) affects my investment decision (C84),” “I invest each element of my investment portfolio separately (C71)” and “I usually hold loosing stock for long time, expecting trend reversal (C52).”Research limitations/implicationsAlthough sample survey conducted in the present study was based on a limited sample selected from a particular area that truly represented the total population, it is considered as the limitation of this study.Practical implicationsThe outcome of this research provides investors with a better understanding of behavioral biases that influence their decision making. This study provides them a guideline on different behavioral biases that they should consider while making investment decisions.Originality/valueThe research model is based on the available literature on behavioral finance and the research results and findings would add value to the existing knowledge base.

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Challenging investment decision-making in pension funds

Qualitative Research in Financial Markets



Vol ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)


Carl-Christian Trönnberg

Sven Hemlin


Decision Making

Critical Incident

Pension Fund

Investment Decision

Investment Decisions

Pension Funds

Content Type

Fund Managers

Intuitive Thinking

Investment Decision Making

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of pension fund managers investment thinking when confronted with challenging investment decisions. The study focuses on the theoretical question of how dual thinking processes in experts’ investment decision-making emerge. This question has attracted interest in economic psychology but has not yet been answered. Here, it is explored in the context of pension funds.Design/methodology/approachThe sample included 22 pension fund managers. The authors explored their decision-making by applying the critical incident interview technique, which entailed collecting investment decisions that fund managers retrieved from recent memory (Flanagan, 1954). Questions concerned the investment situation, the decision-making process and the challenges and uncertainties the fund managers faced.FindingsMany of the 61 critical incidents examined concerned challenging (mostly stock) investments based on extensive analysis (e.g. reliance on external analysts for advice; analysis of massive amounts of hard company and stock market information; scrutiny of company reports and personal meetings with CEOs). However, fund managers to a high degree based their decisions on soft information judgments such as experience and qualitative judgements of teams. The authors found heuristics, intuitive thinking, biases (sunk cost effects) and social influences in investment decision-making.Research limitations/implicationsThe sample is small and not randomly selected.Practical implicationsThe authors suggest anti-bias training and better acquaintance with human forecasting limitations for pension fund managers.Originality/valuePension fund managers’ investment thinking has not previously been investigated. The authors show the types of investment situations in which analytical and intuitive thinking and biases occur.

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Effect of Emotional Biases on Investor’s Decision Making in Nigeria

International Journal of Business and Management Future



Vol 4(1)

pp. 33-39


Ebenezer Y. Akinkoye

Oluwaseun E. Bankole


Decision Making

Loss Aversion

Stock Exchange

Investment Decision

Investment Decisions

Primary Data

Investment Decision Making

Regret Aversion

Overconfidence Bias

Structured Questionnaire

The study examined emotional biases and its effect on investor’s decision making in Nigeria Primary data were employed and the population consists of clients of the top 10 stockbroking firms registered by the Nigerian Stock Exchange as at 31st January, 2018. These firms were selected because they contributed to 68.72% of total value of transactions as at 31st January, 2018. Data on emotional biases and investment decision making among investors in Nigeria were obtained through structured questionnaire which was administered to 30 clients of each stockbroking firm, totalling 300. Data analysis was done using percentages and logistic regression analysis. Findings showed that emotional biases, represented by loss-aversion bias, overconfidence bias, regret-aversion bias and herding bias were prevalent to Nigerian investors and also significantly influenced investor’s decision making in Nigeria. The study suggests that investors should improve the understanding of various emotional biases and traits exhibited by them, adopt a suitable decision technique to avoid this and seek experts’ opinion when making investment decisions.

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Strengthening impact integrity in investment decision-making for sustainable development

Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal



Vol ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)


Fara Azmat

Ameeta Jain

Fabienne Michaux


Decision Making

Sustainable Development

Management Practices

Investment Decision

Investment Strategies

Content Type

Responsible Investment

The Sustainable Development

Investment Decision Making

Development Outcomes

PurposeThis paper aims to focus on impact integrity in investment decision-making – an under-researched yet important topic – as a means for optimising investor contributions to sustainable development outcomes, including achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs).Design/methodology/approachThis conceptual paper adopts a two-step approach. First, this paper reviews existing “responsible” investment strategies and products used in practice and highlight their shortcomings in terms of optimising sustainable development outcomes. Second, drawing from the minimal standards theory, this study explores how emerging impact management practices may strengthen impact integrity in investment decision-making and mitigate shortcomings in existing “responsible” investment approaches to increase their contribution to sustainable development outcomes.FindingsCurrent “responsible” investment approaches often do not optimise sustainable development outcomes and may facilitate “impact washing”. The theoretically grounded framework demonstrates standardised impact management practices based on a bounded flexibility approach – adaptable to different contexts within limits and assessed by skilled analysts – along with incorporating shared language and conventions supported by appropriate accountability mechanisms that can be used to mitigate shortcomings in current “responsible” investment approaches. The authors further propose accountability mechanisms to systematically involve stakeholders (including rightsholders) in decisions that impact them with effective grievance and reparation mechanisms. Such an approach, the authors argue will strengthen impact integrity and the capacity of investments to optimise contributions to sustainable development outcomes.Practical implicationsThe findings have implications for the ability of investment markets to optimise their contributions to sustainable development and the SDGs.Social implicationsBy highlighting shortcomings in current “responsible” investment approaches and focussing on strengthening impact integrity in investment decision-making through standardised impact management practices, the findings enhance the capacity of investment markets to contribute positively to sustainable development and the SDGs.Originality/valueDespite its importance, impact integrity in investment decision-making is severely under-researched with little academic attention. This paper fills this void.

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Does underconfidence matter in short-term and long-term investment decisions? Evidence from an emerging market | ScienceGate (2024)


Does underconfidence matter in short-term and long-term investment decisions? Evidence from an emerging market | ScienceGate? ›

The results suggest that underconfidence bias has a markedly negative influence on the short-term and long-term decisions made by investors in developing markets. It means that heuristic-driven biases can impair the quality of both short-term and long- term investment decisions.

How does confidence affect investment? ›

Financial literacy and investor confidence promote investment in risky assets. Self-confidence plays stronger role for stocks than bonds, which are less risky.

Why is it important to focus on the long term for investing? ›

The S&P 500 posted positive returns for investors over most 20-year time periods. Riding out temporary market downswings is often considered a sign of a good investor. Investing long term cuts down on costs and allows you to compound any earnings you receive from dividends.

What are the risks associated with investing in emerging markets? ›

Emerging markets may have unstable, even volatile, governments. Political unrest can cause serious consequences to the economy and investors. Economic risk. These markets may often suffer from insufficient labor and raw materials, high inflation or deflation, unregulated markets and unsound monetary policies.

What is the psychological bias in investment decision making? ›

Recency bias, closely related to the availability heuristic, causes individuals to give more importance to recent events or information. In investing, this bias can lead to decisions based on the latest market trends, ignoring historical patterns or the potential for longer-term shifts.

What are 3 factors that impact confidence? ›

Keys Factors That Influence Self-Confidence

Your childhood, society, the media, and people in your life can all add or take away from how you feel about yourself.

What happens when investors lose confidence? ›

When investors lose confidence, they tend to purchase fewer big-ticket items and postpone buying a new car. A prolonged slowdown in consumer purchasing will slow down the econ- omy as well. However, a depressed stock market also affects business investment.

Why short term investment is better than long term? ›

There is no clear winner here as both have their pros and cons. Short term investment allows you to achieve your financial goals within a short span, with a lower risk. On the other hand, if you have a greater risk appetite, wanting higher returns, you can select long term investment avenues.

What are the benefits of short term and long term investments? ›

Long-term investments can provide steady growth over an extended period, but they require patience and dedication. On the other hand, short-term investments offer greater liquidity and potential for quick returns, but they come with higher risks and require active management.

Is investing better for long term or short term goals? ›

For most investors and for many goals with a mid- and long-term time horizon, it may be worth the risk to maintain a long-term investment approach so that you can benefit from the better return potential.

What are 3 high-risk investments? ›

Some of the best high-risk investments include:
  • Initial public offerings (IPOs)
  • Venture capital.
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Foreign currencies.
  • Penny stocks.
Feb 25, 2024

What are the three riskiest ways of investing? ›

What Are High-Risk Investments? High-risk investments include currency trading, REITs, and initial public offerings (IPOs).

Is the S&P 500 a good indicator of the economy? ›

The Bottom Line

The S&P 500 works well as a benchmark for the broader economy because it includes 500 companies in the U.S. across all sectors.

What are 2 common behavioral biases that affect investors? ›

One of the key aspects of behavioral finance studies is the influence of psychological biases. Some common behavioral financial aspects include loss aversion, consensus bias, and familiarity tendencies.

What bias can affect investment decisions is based on? ›

Oversimplification bias can lead to poor decisions based on overly simplistic or incomplete analyses of complex investment situations. Underestimating risk or misinterpreting data can have negative impacts on investment strategies.

What biases affect investment decisions and how do they work? ›

Overconfidence bias is a cognitive bias that can hurt investment returns by leading people to overestimate their knowledge and ignore relevant market information and feedback. Trading psychology refers to the emotions and mental states that help to dictate success or failure in trading securities.

How does confidence affect a business? ›

If for some reason consumer confidence declines, consumers become less certain about their financial prospects, and they begin to spend less money; this in turn affects businesses as they begin to experience a decrease in sales.

Is overconfidence can make your investment successful? ›

Overconfidence can have significant negative consequences on your investment returns by leading you to make poor financial decisions. Recognizing and understanding this cognitive bias is essential for improving your decision-making abilities and ultimately enhancing your investment performance.

What increases investor confidence? ›

Develop a strategy based on your goals. Having an actual investing plan could help you feel better about the portfolio you build. Figure out what milestones you're saving for and determine how much tolerance you have for risk. From there, decide how you'll assemble a portfolio.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.