Claymores (2024)

Claymores are usually young girls who had Yoma flesh, blood, and a yoma organ implanted into them, gaining superhuman abilities through yoki (Note Canon is different yet similar, see canon for more general info). They are named by the iconic claymore swords they carry which contain their yoki and awakened sides. In earlier generations, males were also turned into Claymores by the Organization, although they were found to be too unstable. However, male claymores are still commonly manufactured on the Mainland, likely due to a higher combat prowess and low enough life expectancy to make their troublesome behavior negligible. Claymores are the main standard fighting force of the Organization and kill yomawhen requests are made, earning revenue for the Organization. They live solitary and hated lives and are known as silver eyed witches by the humans. Claymoreshave very few options to choose from, either deserting, dying, or awakening. In staff, claymores can re-enter training as well as chat with other warriors. Claymores typically have to return to staff regularly to file their mission reports.When at staff, warriors cannot walk around after a strictly enforced curfew or they will be sent to a detentioncell for a week. The top 5 are an exception to this rule.

Claymores have the same characteristics as their peers in the original manga. They require very little food and sleep to survive, and can go days without either. All claymores emit a yoki-aura, with the exception of Grace and any that have undergone THUMA. This aura will become unnoticably small if a claymore uses no yoki for prolonged periods of time.

The implantation process is unknown and has changed in the organization's years of operation. Regardless of the process, a stigmata is created, although its appearance varies depending on the process. Incompatible blood types and/or organs cause a rejection in the human body and the implants start eating the human portion of the body far quicker than in a regular claymore, creating a colorhead. Colorheads exhibit rotting implants with sickly sweet smells and are extremely prone to awakening.

Claymores eventually all awaken as the yoki in their body grows stronger and eventually overtakes the human mind, causing an awakening. This process can be slowed by the consumption of raw meats and blood which helps slow down the spread of the yoki as it takes the raw materials as sacrifice rather than the mind (Desiree). When a warrior is to awaken, they typically send a black card to be killed by their choice person, usually a close friend.

It is possible for warriors to Semi-awaken (and occasionally, even transform parts of their bodies into an awakened form). This may occur when the implant material was from something closely related to the claymore, but generally can be achieved when a claymore can use her willpower to suppress her awakening. In this semi-awakened state, the claymore's human and inhuman mind are balanced with each other, giving these claymores a greater degree of emotion, hunger, and capabilities, both endurance and skill-wise.

Each claymore is unique in her Ability, symbol, and fighting style. Each claymore is bound to a unique shade, created from their own Soul, Body, and Mind. Claymores typically are unaware of these shades, although by learning these shades' names, and communicating peacefully with them, claymores can grow strong far quicker than an abusive and unresponsive peer. A claymore's symbol is representative of their being, and can be used to sum up their existence. This symbol is created on each claymore's Claymore when a claymore matures, and also worn on the warrior's dickey. Each shade possesses a unique Y.I.D., and set of Skills and Techniques. By learning skills and techniques unique to themselves within their potentials, claymores become stronger.

Claymores have inhuman bodies (shaped like humans) yet human minds. The yoki in their bodies has corrupted their entire body and is in the process of merging with/overtaking their minds. Due to their partial human nature, claymores still need to eat, sleep, and defecate as they still possess an open digestive tract. Claymores eat little compared to humans or awakened. This is because humans are fueled by the food itself and the awakened, fueled entirely by yoki which is self-regenerating and grows with time, are fueled by raw foods, but the claymores are fueled by their yoki, which is, crudely put, eating them.

Claymores are paid gold each time they successfully complete missions accordingly. In off-mission times, claymorescan go anywhere and do anything they would like. Warriors aren't allowed to stray out of their assigned areas without permission, kill yomawithout a request, or kill humans, although harming humans is within the bounds of impunity.

Warriors ranked 40 or higher are the weakest warriors, barely stronger than yoma and suitable only for single yoma missions. Double digits between 11-39 are suitable for multiple-yoma missions, as well as participating in awakened hunts. Warrior number 10 is an anti-eye claymore. Single digits (6-9) are strong enough to fight most Awakened alone, lead hunting parties, and may be more unstable than lower ranked warriors. Top 5 claymores typically are very unstable, and extremely powerful. Usually, these warriors are given missions to kill awakened and Corrupted Beings alone, as killing yoma has becoming boring to them and they are too dangerous to interact with humans. Claymore number 1 is a one-claymore army, capable of singlehandedly killing many awakened alone with minimal effort.

It should be noted that the current generation has an exceptionally powerful top 5 claymores, comprising a team originally intended to kill Blanc. Members of these ranks are sometimes nearly strong enough to hold a number 1 position had they been in another generation of claymores.

Claymores are sterile, completely unable to have children with anything. However, if a claymore was pregnant before receiving the operation to become a claymore, the baby will become a Naturally born hybrid, if it survives to birth.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Training
  • 3 Generations
  • 4 Combat Classes:
  • 5 Subclasses
  • 6 Special techniques:
  • 7 Active Warriors


Claymores are called as such for their iconic indestructible claymore swords that they carry. Most claymoreshave armored boots, armored skirt-tassels, armored pauldrons,and a cape/sheath for their swords (the typical claymorearmor of Yagi's claymore). Claymores also have a bodysuit made of extremely durable material to minimize replacement and sometimes custom uniforms containing black cloth which is more durable than the standard uniform and can stretch should its owner have a limb-extending ability. Warriors of high rank or great importance can request/receive customized armor to help them fight more comfortable or efficiently. All normalclaymoreshave pale skin, blonde hair, silver eyes and a stigmata from their transformation into claymores. Claymore warriors possessa transparentthird eyelid which unconsciouslyis used to protecttheir eyes from irritating particles. Claymores almost never wear jewelry, seeing it as cumbersome in combat and useless due to their hated identities as "Silver Eyed Witches", the only exception being Grace.

When using increasing amounts of yoki,claymoreshave golden slit eyes common to yoma,have bulging veins over their bodies, and may even experience bodily distortion/contortion when using high enough levels of yoki. Using over 70-75% yokiresults in awakening.

Claymores notably are recognizably unnatural. Animals naturally avoid claymores, and humans with sharper senses can see that something is wrong with them. This unnaturalness disappears when a claymore Awakens.


Most warriors train for three years in swordsmanship and get a simple educationthat teaches the young candidates how to read making delivering orders and missions easier. They also get social training while learning to behave and assume any role, everything fromnoblewomanto prostitutefor covert missions. As trainees, many warriors physically exert themselves until they cough up blood and begin to learn to use and create their own yoki-imbuedtechniques. Only 1 of 10 trainees graduate the final exam, a surprise yomaattack, and the rest of the dead trainees are sent to the retrieval squad.

Each trainee receives a blunt, light trainee sword and through constant training, imbues it with their yokito make it their own claymore. This claymore is their only and most important tool, and is a critical part of their being.


Claymore generations are determined after three years of training in swordsmanship.A standard warrior (double digit) lives for three years at most, the cause of death being killed in action or awakening. Single digits can survive for ten years if they don't use their yoki much. The top five can live for even longer since they had the willpower to hold themselves back from awakening.(c40)

Trainees/Claymores are rated by skill in various categories, see main article: Organization ratings

Combat Classes:[]

  • Offensive: Thinking about killing an opponent leads to this. High damage potential with the drawback of slow healing and regeneration.
  • Defensive: Thinking about surviving leads to this. High healing and regenerative abilities by sacrificing offensive power.

According to Noble, these are separated even more unknowingly by Claymores into several subclasses so called combat classes, 7 layers which evolved from these two.


  • Ghost:"Ghosts" are the assassins, agile, fast and sneaky. They kill from the shadows, master manipulators and able to fight full force even under the effects of Yoki suppression's. (c83)
    See main article: Ghost
  • Wind: "Winds" are all speed. Evasive maneuvers on the battlefield. They can parry each shot with high speed sword techniques or offensive charges. (c83,c79)
    See main article: Wind
  • Shield: "Shields" have the highest defense. Most often defensive types with accelerated healing, regeneration and hardened bodies to not break apart. A "Shield" can take a lot more punishment than usual and usually has abilities such as hardened bones, durable muscles or Yoki infused skin. They can take punches that would otherwise shatter bones and stabbing them would make no difference. They can and will pursue you if they spot your position. Usually head shots are preferable for the other classes, but a "Shield" is hard enough to even survive that.(c79,c83)
    See main article: Shield
  • Heart: "Hearts" main trait is endurance, a lot of endurance to dodge attacks and tire the opponent out.(c79)
    See main article: Heart
  • Hand: "Hands" have Yoki synchronization to either stimulate or disrupt the flows of Yoki, to heal or hurt the target. They can´t handle direct contact and stay behind to heal the others (c83,c79)
    See main article: Hand
  • Eye: "Eyes" have outstanding Yoki perception, to various degrees what makes them the scouts of the Organization. They will try to disrupt your aim and immobilize you for the kill, scouts. (c79,c83)
    See main article: Eye
  • Blade: "Blades" are all for technique and offense. Strong sword techniques are common among them. They can cut off a part of the environment like trees or rocks to use as shields (c83, c79)
    See main article: Blade

Special techniques:[]

A lot of Claymores hone their abilities and try to develop special techniques to give them an edge in battle. More often than not this technique will become part of their nickname. Nicknamed members of the current generation of claymores:

Active Warriors[]

Here is a list by ranking of the current generation. Due to warriors naturally getting promoted, for all characters except Gloria, who was likely demoted to the 40s, the highest rank on the list signifies the warrior's current ranking with other occurrences being ranks they possessed before. However, in light of recent events, many individuals on this list have been promoted although their current rank is unknown. Generally, from the beginning of the story, most claymore moved up 1 or 2 ranks following the death of Medea. However, Rae, Emily, Grace, and Elle are exceptions to this and numerous changes in order have likely occurred since then. Rae looks to abolish this system of ranking and instead have rankings based off of combat ability instead. The rankings from the beginning of the story:

  1. Gabrielle
  2. Psyche
  3. Desiree (later Rae) (Desiree had technically been in almost every one of the top 5 positions before)
  4. Amelia
  5. Medea (later Rae)
  6. Emily
  7. Rae (later Lucia)
  8. Julia
  9. Lucia
  10. Melaine
  11. Hannah
  12. Corinne
  13. Hannah (Later Gloria while monitoring Grace)
  14. Renee
  15. Gloria (first appearance)
  16. Valerie
  17. ...
  18. Valerie (Later Sheena)
  19. Gloria (after Graduation)
  20. Sheena (Later Gretel)
  21. ...
  22. ...
  23. ...
  24. Moore
  25. ...
  26. ...
  27. ...
  28. ...
  29. ...
  30. ...
  31. ...
  32. ...
  33. ...
  34. ...
  35. ...
  36. ...
  37. ...
  38. ...
  39. ...
  40. ...
  41. ...
  42. Grace
  43. ...
  44. Nella
  45. Grace
  46. ...
  47. Elle

Eris is unknown.

Claymores (2024)


Is Clare the weakest claymore? ›

As she is considered weak due to her Yoma abilities coming not from Yoma flesh but from the remains of Teresa, Clare is No. 47 - the lowest possible rank. Teresa of the Faint Smile is so named as she has no apparent technique or personality trait — only her faint smile.

Does the US military still use Claymores? ›

Named after the Scottish broadsword, the M18A1 claymore munition is a compact anti-personnel mine designed to take out several people simultaneously. Designed to strengthen defensive perimeters and ambush bad guys, this mine is still in use today by the U.S. military and several other countries.

What does a claymore mine say? ›

The case has the words "FRONT TOWARD ENEMY" embossed on the front of the mine. A simple open sight on the top surface allows for aiming the mine.

Can Claymores have children? ›

Claymores are sterile, completely unable to have children with anything. However, if a claymore was pregnant before receiving the operation to become a claymore, the baby will become a Naturally born hybrid, if it survives to birth.

Why did Clare kiss Raki? ›

Clare becomes attached to Raki as they travel together. After Gonal, she and Raki have to separate. She kisses him and vows to survive. She keeps searching for him during the seven-year time-skip.

Is Clare in love with Raki Claymore? ›

Raki saw Clare as a big sister, and Clare saw Raki as herself when she was with Teresa, wanting to become like Teresa by caring for Raki, as Teresa had for her. However, Raki's love and concern-protection of-for Clare, was quickly causing Clare to develop romantic feelings for Raki.

Is the claymore illegal? ›

“Directional fragmentation devices” such as Claymore “mines” are prohibited by the convention if they are victim activated (e.g., by a tripwire). If they are “command detonated” by the action of a soldier, they are not covered by the convention.

When were Claymores banned? ›

Are Claymore Mines Legal? Claymore mines are legal for use by US military personnel. This is because the US is not a signatory to the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, better known as the Ottawa Treaty.

Why is Claymore 18+? ›

Mature Content: Without question Claymore has graphic violence and gore. Children are absolutely mistreated emotionally and physically in the series. A male character flat out states he intends to rape an adult woman.

How old is Clare in Claymore? ›

It's not stated how long she spent traveling until the Northern Campaign, but it can be thought as being several months as any longer would have resulted in many warriors not recalling that she existed or assuming that she died when she arrives in Alphonse. This means that she has to be around 19 when she arrives.

Why is there no male Claymore? ›

The act of awakening is likened to the feeling of sexual climax, so while both male and female warriors existed in the past only the women proved to be successfully able to resist the allure of the awakening, and so the creation of male Claymores stopped altogether.

What is Clare's strength in Claymore? ›

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Analytical Prediction via Extrasensory Perception, Excellent swordsmanship, Martial Arts (After absorbing Rafaela, Clare became good at fighting using kicks), Yoki manipulation, Able to enhance her stats with Yoki, Can suppress her Yoki, Regeneration (Low-Mid), ...

Who is the strongest Claymore in Claymore? ›

Claymores are given ranks in correspondence to their overall power: Claymore No. 1 is the strongest, while No. 47 is the weakest (and receives a corresponding lack of respect). The number of official Claymores at any time is 47, the number of districts their island home is divided into.

Who is the most powerful Claymore in the awakened? ›

In 'Claymore', Priscilla is the most powerful of the Awakened beings and Claire's arch nemesis. Like Claire, she was a former Claymore.

How strong is Clare Claymore on Reddit? ›

Initially, Clare is ranked as Number 47, the weakest Claymore in the anime/manga. However, her abilities significantly improve after acquiring Irene's arm, gaining control over her awakened form with the help of Jean, and defeating Rigardo, a powerful foe stronger than many single-digit Claymores.

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