Checking out of center parcs - do you strip the beds? | Mumsnet (2024)

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24 replies

Cluelessat30 · 15/10/2014 07:39

Having stayed at center parcs for the third time last year, my parents (staying in a different lodge with friends) told us it was expected of guests to strip the beds the morning they leave.

I'd never heard this before! The first time we went was with friends, and since they didn't mention it, I guess they'd never heard it either. We're staying again in a few weeks (yay!).

So are my parents barking? Do you strip all the beds before you leave?

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CheeseEqualsHappiness · 15/10/2014 07:41

No, we don't. My friend is a cleaner there and she has never said this either


ClaimedByMe · 15/10/2014 07:41

It's usually in the handbook/folder thing in the lodge about stripping the beds, we do it!


Cluelessat30 · 15/10/2014 07:49

Checking out of center parcs - do you strip the beds? | Mumsnet (1) handbook? I really should pay more attention, I just assumed it was full of emergency this or that... which I guess I should have been reading anyway. Thanks!


TheBookofRuth · 15/10/2014 07:57

We didn't, nor would I even if I'd known it was "expected".


Allice · 15/10/2014 07:58

We first went about 14 years ago and I'm sure it was expected then and they were quite blatant about it.
I've not seen it mentioned anywhere in the last few years.



PfftTheMagicDraco · 15/10/2014 07:59

Whenever I have been there it has cost the GDP of a small country to stay. So no, I don't strip the beds.



Finola1step · 15/10/2014 08:00

I do remember seeing something about this for the old very basic comfort bungalow (the ones where you would pay extra for the beds to be made up on arrival).

That said, I've only stayed in woodland lodges and apartments and never have stripped beds. I do think for what Centre Parcs charge, especially during school holidays, they should employ more housekeeping staff to clean and prepare the accommodation properly.

So when I go next week, I will double check the handbook.


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Checking out of center parcs - do you strip the beds? | Mumsnet (2)

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onadifferentplanet · 15/10/2014 08:01

Yes we do, I can't remember where but there is definitely something in the villas requesting that you do either in the handbook or on a sheet left on the breakfast bar when you arrive.


charlie0123 · 15/10/2014 08:02

After I've paid that much to stay there, I recon their cleaners should be stripping the beds! It used to be requested - not sure it is expected now.


AliceMum09 · 15/10/2014 08:07

We strip the beds. It doesn't take two minutes and once the beds are stripped we always find things under the bed that we might have left behind otherwise!



SomethingAboutNothing · 15/10/2014 08:22

The first time we stayed there was a photocopied not asking us to strip the beds.

I have a family member who now works there as a cleaner who said that was definite not protocol and the cleaner was very cheek to do that but equally they have a lot of work to do to get the villas ready for new arrivals in a short space of time so really do appreciate people doing this.

The cleaners are worked very hard so if you do have the time it would be a nice thumb to do.


YeGodsAndLittleFishes · 15/10/2014 08:27

Yes, though agree that it isn't insisted on as much now, it is still preferred. Have worked as a cleaner, and the ones at CP work really hard. If it can make such a huge difference to another person's day, then why not spend a few minutes to do it.


Cluelessat30 · 15/10/2014 10:21

I agree it's a nice thing to do, I'll probably do it again this time. If DH complains I'll tell him he can leave a tip instead Checking out of center parcs - do you strip the beds? | Mumsnet (3)

OP posts:


NickiFury · 15/10/2014 12:39

I don't pay to go away and do housework so no I would not do that.


Enjoyingmycoffee1981 · 15/10/2014 12:44

I have paid over £1000 for a four night mid week break next May half term.

The chances of me stripping a bed is, well, there is absolutely no chance whatsoever!



May09Bump · 15/10/2014 12:53

I didn't realise until I ready the manual on our third stay. I think it's bonkers to request it, CP is not cheap and there is no way I'm stripping the beds on holiday.


Beth666 · 05/03/2016 12:58

I work at center parcs as a cleaner and up until about a year ago the welcome pack suggested guests stripped the beds before leaving - and most people did.
The welcome pack no longer states this and it's the poor cleaner that suffers - not the bosses sat behind a desk that made the decision.
Cleaners have little enough time to clean the lodges to an excellent standard as it is and because of constant staff shortages end up doing more work than they should be given.
Onto another subject
I'd be interested to know if the people above empty their bins before they leave the lodges as this is still suggested in the welcome pack.
I'm shocked by the amount of rubbish left by some guests - bins overflowing and spilling onto the floor because they are too idle to walk a few yards to the big bins. I've had bags so full of you can't move them safely and heavy boxes full of bottles. I once helped someone move ten bags full of rubbish from a four bedroom lodge - basically because the guests were too idle and/or thoughtless to remove it.
I've gone into warm lodges and been overpowered by the stench of urine from baby nappies that have been left under the sink in the kitchen and even under beds and on floors.
It also does'nt help when guest don't leave on time- every minute from 10 am onwards is precious and every minute lost means less time to clean. The cleaner ends up running around like an idiot in a panic to get the work done by 3.30pm.
And late leaving guests depart oblivious or uncaring of the chaos they have caused.


AliceMum09 · 10/03/2016 01:00

I can well imagine what it's like Beth, that sounds horrible!

You don't work at Whinfell Forest do you? We go as a big family group once a year (we have two lodges) and they finish up cleaner than when we arrived thanks to my Dad - he even hoovers all the floors before we leave! And all before 10am :-)

I'd never dream of not emptying the bins either. Yes you've paid a fortune to stay there, but how much effort does it take?


Beth666 · 12/09/2016 22:10

I'm quite lucky with my lodges as they are often left in good nick.

What is bad is that the lodges have been refurbished over the last 7 years - and they are using materials that are more difficult to clean - those dreadful marble kitchen work tops may look great but we clean them (of course) but then have to buff them - to shine them. The floors in the past were carpets so we only had to hoover them - now they are laminate so we have to hoover them and then mop them. There are mirrors everywhere, everything is white and steel and glass. The new look lodges take longer to clean but we were not given longer time to clean them - it's disgraceful.
When i decided to apply for this job I went to the job centre for advice and they tried to talk me out of applying!


Beth666 · 26/10/2016 18:11

I'd had enough on Monday just gone. Guests who could'nt even leave their lodges on time I watched them dump bin bags of rubbish on the grass below the window of their lodge. One was full of bottles. I gave them the benefit of the doubt but as they went to leave - they had actually got into their cars - the rubbish STILL on the grass - I told them to take their rubbish to the bins before they left "I am a cleaner I am not here to remove your rubbish" . There were six full bags of rubbish. I don't think they were very please by my request. I went into their lodge after they had gone to find a seventh bag in the kitchen that was so full I struggled to lift it. The lodge was in such a disgraceful state it took me thirty minutes longer that it usually does.



Beth666 · 26/10/2016 18:19

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with a guest. It was 9.50am. I approached the lodge believing it was empty - that the guests had gone. The door was open but i could see no-one inside. Suddenly a gentleman rushed out holding his hand up in a stop gesture saying you're not coming in here I'm still packing. I've got another hour before i leave." I politely told him check out time was 10 am not 11am. He said "Well I've paid a lot of money for this lodge i don't want "you lot" hanging around it"
This made me see red and I told him if i want to hang around I would."
We ignored each other after that. I stood nearby to make a point and then went for a walk.


annabanana23 · 28/10/2016 13:17

I always stripped the beds there and take the rubbish did state in the handbook in August to do so.

Rather pissed off that i had to do it after paying over £1k for 4nights.


genius1308 · 11/11/2016 10:53

We always strip all the beds, put all the bedding and towels in the hall, empty all the bins and put on the dishwasher (try to empty it too if it's finished on time but it's not always possible). I didn't realise it was no longer in the handbook! We have been going to Whinfell at least once a year for the past 11 years (just got back home again last friday from another great week).


PutAPlasterOn · 19/12/2016 12:31

I'm pretty sure years ago they did ask you to strip the beds the morning you check out but they don't anymore. I've always stripped the beds we've used tho. The kids usually have a twin room each and only use one of the beds in each room so I strip the bed they've slept in and leave the other made up in a hope that it makes it easier for the cleaner.



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Checking out of center parcs - do you strip the beds? | Mumsnet (2024)


Checking out of center parcs - do you strip the beds? | Mumsnet? ›

Do you strip all the beds before you leave? It's usually in the handbook/folder thing in the lodge about stripping the beds, we do it!

Do you have to strip the beds at Center Parcs? ›

You also had to strip the beds and take out the rubbish, as well as ensuring the kitchen was left as found. This made the cleanliness issue almost worse, as they didn't have that much left to do! The beds were very comfortable and the living space was good.

Do hotel staff like when you strip the bed? ›

While stripping the bed is appreciated, many say the most helpful thing you can do as as a guest is keep your belongings tidy so it's easy for staff to do their job. "Do your best to keep your belongings in your suitcase or in the wardrobe so that the bed and floors are clear," writes one housekeeper on the thread.

What does strip the beds mean? ›

: to remove all the sheets from a bed.

What is the Wales answer to Centre Parcs? ›

Bluestone Wales is a luxury holiday resort located in Pembrokeshire, Wales. It is an excellent alternative to Centre Parcs UK for families looking for a more affordable yet luxurious holiday experience.

What are the disadvantages of Center Parcs? ›

Crowded, even before the school holidays, noisy, nowhere to swim, nowhere to relax, shallow water and a Lazy River that should be renamed Crazy River. The planners obviously put a lot more thought into the rides and flumes than they did into the Pool area, which used to be the trademark of Center Parcs.

Can you stay at Center Parcs after check out? ›

You need to check out of your lodge by 10am but can stay on village until midnight. We ask that you kindly help us by leaving your lodge in a reasonable condition, please remove your waste to the recycling bins and pop the dishwasher on before you leave.

Should you strip the bed at a hotel when checking out? ›

Some of the well-mannered among us may even strip the sheets, offering a helping hand or gesture of gratitude to the hotel's team of hard-working cleaners. But according to a former cleaner, leaving the bed neat and tidy might actually be more of a burden to the staff than if you had left it in dishevelled disarray.

Should I strip the bed as a guest? ›

Proper overnight protocol is to strip the bed, put the bed cover back on it and put the folded sheets on top of the cover at the bottom of the bed.

Can hotel staff hook up with guests? ›

Hotel Policies and Regulations

These codes typically prohibit fraternization between staff and guests, including romantic or sexual relations. Employees are expected to maintain a professional demeanor and treat guests with respect and courtesy at all times.

What are two items you should remove when stripping a bed? ›

First put on your gloves before stripping the bed. Remove soiled bed linen from the bed, making sure that the soiled linen doesn't touch your body. This includes the duvet cover, flat sheet, fitted sheet, pillowcases, etc.

How often should you strip your bed? ›

best to strip your bed and haul your sheets to the laundry room weekly. If you don't sweat much, then you can probably get away with changing your sheets every other week or even once a month. Another factor to consider is how many people are using your bed.

What is bed stripping procedure? ›


2.1.1 Remove any clothing or personal items from the bed. i) In case of night clothes; fold them neatly and place them on the bed pillow while making bed in an occupied room. ii) Remove the bed sheet and blanket and place them on the chair/luggage rack.

What happened at the Center Parcs incident? ›

A teenage boy has died after falling from a skateboard at a Center Parcs resort. Paramedics were called to the company's Woburn Forest site in Millbrook, Bedfordshire, shortly before 16:00 BST on 26 October. East of England Ambulance Service (EEAS) said he was taken to Bedford Hospital for treatment but later died.

Why is Centre Parcs so popular? ›

Since it first raised the barrier to UK visitors in Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, in 1987, Center Parcs has been the go-to for middle-class British families in search of nature, childcare, all-day bars and no maritals about who's driving.

Can you leave Centre Parcs and come back? ›

Don't forget you are welcome to spend the rest of the day with us on your departure day, however please ensure your car is returned to the car park and vacate the village by midnight. Should you need to leave the village before departure day for any reason please inform Guest Services or Security, prior to departing.

Do you have to strip the beds at Haven? ›

Our team will carry out final checks and make up the beds, so please hand back to us no later than 10am on your day of departure. If your holiday home is not found clean and ready for guests, we will clean it for you and charge your owner account – we will let you know before we do this.

Do Center Parcs have bed guards? ›

Bed guards are available on request (subject to availability). Please contact Guest Services to request a bed guard.

What can you do at Centre Parcs at night? ›

  • Crazy Bingo Game. Order a drink and play! ...
  • Show Night: X-tra Ordinario. Order your favourite drink and soak up this dance show with great music. ...
  • Family Quiz Night. Fun is paramount in this family quiz! ...
  • Live Music. ...
  • DJ night. ...
  • Karaoke. ...
  • Gametown. ...
  • Night Out.

Can you leave Center Parcs at night? ›

Don't forget you are welcome to spend the rest of the day with us on your departure day, however please ensure your car is returned to the car park and vacate the village by midnight. Should you need to leave the village before departure day for any reason please inform Guest Services or Security, prior to departing.

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