Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (2024)

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (1)

Preparing your house for the market can be a daunting task, especially when you have no cash to invest in any home improvements! But I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to not only get your house spruced up for the market, but that you can whip it into shape SO well that it sells super-quickly. Today I’m sharing my favorite cheap fixes to sell a house quickly, even if your home is in less-than-ideal condition and you have NO money to invest in prepping your house for the market.

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A long time ago, my middle school drama teacher introduced our class to the concept of ethos. We had to give a demonstration speech to the class, and a big part of our grade was how well we established ethos (credibility).

So, I figured I should establish ethos since this is not something I normally blog about. But before I tell you who I AM…let me quickly tell you who I am NOT:

  • I am not a realtor.
  • I am not a mortgage broker.
  • I am not a house flipper.
  • I am not a professional home stager or interior designer.
  • I am in no way affiliated with the real estate market.

Is my ethos blown yet?

Before you write me off as some clueless blogger, let me tell you who I am:

  • I am a homeowner for life. I will purchase rather than rent even if it isn’t the best financial decision. (Sorry, Dave Ramsey!)
  • My husband and I have owned (and sold) three separate homes in our 13 years of marriage.
  • We have prepared all of these homes for the market while BROKE. (Every. Dang. Time. Maybe I should follow Dave’s advice more closely.)
  • We are not afraid of fixer-uppers, but are never able to finish all we want to do before needing to move.
  • But (here’s the kicker)…the longest that we have had a home sit on the market before accepting an offer is 11 days.

So, here’s the deal. I’m not a real estate professional. I’m just a homeowner who LOVES to buy fixer-uppers, but has never stayed in them long enough to bring them to their full glory. We’re chronically broke (UGH!) and have been under significant financial strain during the staging process for ALL of our homes. But we’ve sold them. Quickly. And for full (or very nearly full) asking price.

So today I’m going to show you how to prioritize what little money you have so that you can get your house sold FAST!

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House Quickly

This list includes home improvements and minor repairs that you can do for free or very cheap. However, you’ll also notice a few other tips that will help you sell your house quickly.

1. Hire a Realtor

This might not seem like a “cheap fix” since a real estate agent takes a chunk of commission. However, there are significant money- and time-saving benefits for enlisting the help of a professional when selling your home.

The reason that I’ve put this first is that you want to put your realtor on notice well before you’re ready to list. That way, you can make sure that his/her timeline matches up with yours so the listing can go live as soon as you’re ready.

Time is money!

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (2)

A realtor can also do a (free!) walkthrough of your home to help you prioritize any changes you should make to your home before the listing goes live.

A real estate agent can also give you the best perspective on the condition of the market. They will be able to give you an idea of whether it is feasible to expect a quick sale for your home in the current market.

Finally, many realtors include other extras for free as part of their listing services. Are you stressed about the condition of your furniture? Your realtor might provide free staging services! Do you want professional listing photos taken? A good real estate agent will take care of that, as well.

2. Sell Your Stuff

You will need to clear out your house to make it easier to do the cheap fixes that I share in this post. You might as well sell off a bunch of your extra stuff at a moving sale. Some people think that the moving sale should come when it’s closer to moving time. I disagree. In fact, after you put your realtor on notice, I think the next thing you should do is have a moving sale (especially if money is tight).

Selling off a good portion of your stuff will help you in staging, but it will also give you some extra cash! You can put the proceeds of your sale toward any repairs or improvements that you need to do. Plus, downsizing your stuff will help you get by with a smaller (cheaper) storage unit and/or moving van!

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (3)

We held a moving sale about four months before we listed our home and we made close to $1,000. This funded a large amount of our projects!

3. Declutter and Pre-Pack

Decluttering and pre-packing your home costs NOTHING and it is one of the most important parts of preparing your home for the market.

Whatever belongings that you don’t sell at your moving sale, either box them up for charity or box them up for storage. Don’t put them back in the house!!

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (4)

Then take that momentum and start pre-packing the rest of your house. You’re going to be moving this stuff anyway…you might as well box it up so that potential buyers aren’t distracted by it.

Pre-pack everything but the ESSENTIALS. You’re putting it out into the universe that your home is going to sell quickly, so start packing!

Quick side note: Yes…packing can cost nothing. Check out your local liquor store, classified pages on Facebook, or your local chapter of the Buy Nothing Project for boxes and packing supplies.

If you can’t afford a storage unit, just stack the boxes neatly in the garage, being careful to keep your attic, crawlspaces, furnace and electrical panel accessible for inspection. If you don’t have a garage or shed, you can also stash boxes under beds or in closets!

If you are nervous about losing/needing things in a tower of boxes while you prepare for your sale, you definitely need to check out my post with my method of staying organized during a move.

4. Deep Clean Inside and Out

This is another HUGE part of selling your home quickly. Eyes naturally wander toward the dirty, so you want to limit the distractions that will keep potential buyers from appreciating your home’s assets.

You should start the cleaning process as you empty things out and pre-pack, but you’ll want to do the main cleaning right before you list.

Here are the places where my perfectionist clean-freak eyes wander when I’m house hunting (and the places many people forget to scrub):


  • Ceiling fans
  • Light switches
  • Doors, walls, and baseboards
  • TVs and appliances (if they will be part of the staging)
  • Furnace intake vents
  • Cabinets, especially around the knobs and handles
  • Stovetops (most people don’t look in the oven, but if yours is overly dirty you should probably clean it)
  • Blinds and curtains
  • Carpet and rugs
  • Toilet rings and tub stains


  • Porch lights
  • Windows and window screens
  • Driveway (a little pressure washing goes a long way!)
  • Garage door
  • Siding (dirt and cobwebs)
  • Welcome mat, if you have one

Other than the cost of your cleaning supplies, this step is completely free as well.

5. Make Minor Repairs

This is the part that can be scary when you have no money to spend on repairs, but it’s really important to make sure everything is in good working order BEFORE you list your home.

Why not just wait to see what the home inspector notices?

Well….if repairs are deemed necessary after inspection, odds are that the buyer will request they be fixed by a licensed professional (even if it could be a DIY task).

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (5)

For example, we had a slightly-loose toilet that we hadn’t noticed. We could have easily taken care of it prior to listing, with the help of knowledgable friends and an inexpensive wax ring.

Unfortunately, we didn’t notice the issue prior to the inspection.

The buyers insisted that it be addressed by a licensed plumber. Cha-ching!

You shouldn’t complete a bunch of DIY work that you’re not qualified to do in order to hide necessary repairs. But if you notice things that might come up on an inspection, I suggest fronting the money on your own terms before you list.

Even if you have to hire out for the tasks, you can take your time and find the right professional at the right price if you’re not under the time crunch of a sale agreement and inspection timeline.

Here are common things that come up on an inspection and can often be taken care of on your own or by a professional at a reasonable price (if you have time to shop around):

  • Gutter issues (make sure the gutters are clean and don’t leak.)
  • Furnace servicing
  • Small plumbing leaks
  • Dirty chimney
  • Sticky windows and sliding doors (clean the tracks and spray with silicone so they glide easily)
  • Reverse polarity of outlets (the tool to test for this is SO cheap and fixing it is FREE if you know how to do it safely)
  • Moss on the roof
  • Chipped paint
  • Broken outlet covers (seriously…the inspector might not care about this kind of stuff, but prospective buyers notice them! They cost next to nothing to replace, so switch out those cracked outlet and light switch covers.)
  • Loose door knobs and cabinet pulls
  • Broken window/door screens
  • Evidence of old leaks. (You will disclose prior leaks in the seller disclosure statement, but they seem less of an issue to potential buyers if the evidence is gone.)

This is just a quick list of small, common things that inspectors find. You can go ahead and gamble with not making repairs, hoping that your buyers don’t nickel and dime you after the inspection.

The trouble with that plan is that you might not even get to the inspection.

If potential buyers see a bunch of these small issues during an open house or showing, they will wonder what bigger repairs lurk below the surface and move on to the next house.

A well-kept home sells more quickly!

You could always list the home at a firm “as-is” price and refuse to do any repairs, but you will probably find that your home sits on the market for longer than you would like.

6. Make Budget-Friendly Updates

It can be hard listing your home when you KNOW that things are outdated. But I’m here to tell you that if your house is clean and well-kept, the right buyer will look beyond outdated fixtures and flooring.

This is when it pays to have a realtor. They will walk through your home and, if there is any room in your budget at ALL, they can outline how best to spend your money. The outdated things that are bothering you might not even faze your realtor. They know what buyers are looking for in your local market!

One thing I’ve come to learn after selling three homes while broke: With a limited budget, there is really nothing you can do in regards to home improvements that will significantly increase the value of your home. You are mainly just trying to update enough to get people in the door!

Here are some budget-friendly updates and cosmetic fixes that we have done prior to selling our previous homes. If you’re looking for cheap fixes to sell a house, these would be some good cosmetic fixes to add to your list.


When I was a clueless first-time homeowner, we were trying to sell a home with DARK wood baseboards that were all nicked up. It was one of the first things our realtor noticed and I remember being shocked by that at the time. (Huh?? People care about BASEBOARDS?!)

That’s when she told us about tinted Old English and, after rubbing down all of our baseboards, I became a believer in giving your baseboards TLC before listing. You notice baseboards even if you don’t realize it!

So if your baseboards are really beat up, make sure to give them some attention.

If they are white, you can try a Magic Eraser and touch up with paint if necessary! Caulking makes a HUGE difference as well (and caulk is cheap).

If they are wood-tone, you can use the tinted Old English to take the visual shock factor out of big nicks in the wood. (I know I’m recommending things that cost money, but it’s cheaper than replacing them!)

Light Fixtures

If you have broken or outdated light fixtures (interior OR exterior), consider switching them out if you can find a budget-friendly option.

In one of our homes we had UGLY light fixtures in the hallway. I had been eyeing trendy, fashionable light fixtures as replacements but it just wasn’t in the budget. So I was going to leave them as-is.

Our realtor thought otherwise.

He pointed us in the direction of the low-cost light fixtures at Home Depot and they were SO much better than what we had. I think they only cost around twenty bucks each and they made a huge difference.

These light fixtures on Amazon are very similar to what we found (and they’re cheaper).

Front Door

It takes less than a quart of paint to give your front door a huge face lift! Pick an on-trend color that will look awesome in your photos and help your listing stand out.

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We replaced our scuffed up black paint with teal, which brightened up our covered porch and made the front door pop from the street.

House Numbers

If you have HIDEOUS house numbers (been there…more than once), consider swapping them out. There are tons of frugal options. I would NOT suggest doing this if you don’t have touch-up paint for your house, though. You never know what unpainted surfaces are lurking underneath your existing house numbers!

(I have written a post that shares an easy way to hang house numbers “just so” with hardly any effort.)

Outlets and Light Switches

Having fresh white outlets and light switches is a small thing that makes a HUGE difference! If you have crusty yellowed light switches and outlets in your house, consider swapping them out because it costs next to nothing. (If you don’t think you can do this safely, PLEASE consult a professional or a knowledgable friend/family member.)

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (7)Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (8)

If you have novelty or very taste-specific light switch covers (like this one), you’ll definitely want to switch those out. Even though we all know it would take five minutes and about a dollar for the buyer to switch out a novelty light switch cover, it still gets added to the potential homebuyer’s mental tally of what they want/need to fix.

When you only have a few minutes to make a good first impression, you want to keep that mental tally short!


Paint is one of those things that no one wants to do because it is such a hassle.

Including potential homebuyers.

If you have rooms painted in bold or bright colors, consider painting them a more neutral color.Paint really isn’t too expensive, especially if you are painting everything one color and can buy in bulk.

White woodwork still sells! If your house has outdated, wood-tone builders grade trim with doors to match, you might consider painting it if your budget and timeframe allow. It is definitely labor-intensive, though!

Window Coverings

Replace heavy, dark curtains with something more light and flowy. Curtains do not have to be expensive! (After checking MANY stores, we found ours at Walmart. We even shopped around within Walmart until we found the most panels for our buck.) You can also find some great options at thrift stores.

If your mini-blinds are broken or bent, replace them. You might also consider upgrading to white faux wood blinds if your budget allows.

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (9)

Fix broken curtain rods and make sure they’re at a visually-appealing height. There are tons of guides for this online!

The curtain rod in our living room was installed in a way that didn’t allow for the curtains to be pulled back completely. It made our house way too dark!

In order to fix it, I needed the rod to extend past the window on each side but it was too short! So I bought a $10 length of metal conduit and spray painted it to match the existing finials and brackets. Then I mounted it in a more appropriate location and replaced the heavy blackout curtains. It made a HUGE difference!

So that gives you an idea of what we updated when listing our homes. When in doubt about whether or not you should update something, just give it a good cleaning and leave it alone!

If whatever you’re planning on updating is going to look cheap or rushed, it’s not worth it!

For example, I had planned on repainting our chipped kitchen cabinets before we listed our most recent home, but I knew that it wouldn’t have been my best work. Instead, I took one of the cabinet doors off the hinges and got the color matched at Home Depot. I was able to touch up the existing cabinets for a fraction of the price and saved a TON of time.

7. Stage Your Home

Staging a home when you have no budget can be a challenge.

What I’ve found when staging our less-than-awesomely decorated homes is that LESS IS SO MUCH MORE! Unless your belongings are completely on-trend, it’s usually best to just keep them out of sight. Definitely stash away any overly-personal items and pictures.

However, I have one more thing to say about on-trend belongings: If your home is REALLY outdated, having trendy home furnishings might just draw even more attention to your ugly carpet or countertops. The discrepancy between the eras can be visually distracting to potential buyers.

I’ll say it again: Less is more!

If your house is screaming out for some items for staging, your realtor likely has a few wall hangings or other staging items that they would be willing to bring over for pictures and/or showings. You could also borrow from friends or family. Don’t get carried away, though. We have always staged our homes as “one step away from vacant” and have had success with minimal furnishings and decor.

8. Tidy Up Your Landscaping

Curb appeal is a real thing. It matters. Even if your front yard is a complete wasteland of dry weeds, mow it down and start watering it! See if you can get it greened up a bit for pictures.

Landscaping is basically free if you roll up your sleeves and do it yourself. Pull weeds, ask friends and family for flower starts from their gardens, tidy up shrubs and trees, you name it!

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (10)

If you have room in the budget, I think you’ll find that your money can go a long way when it comes to landscaping! Watch for sales on mulch and annuals. You might even find that you can afford to have a professional landscaper come and whip things into shape for you!

9. Keep Things in Tip-Top Shape

It can be tempting to let your house slide back from “picture perfect condition” after the first open house and a few showings, but keep it up! If you keep your house in that same impeccable shape for EVERY showing, you’ll stand a much better chance of getting an offer.

Yes, this can drive you absolutely crazy for that first week or two, but then you’ll be DONE!

Cheap Fixes in Action

Now I want to give you an example of how your efforts can pay off!

Remember, we had next to NO money to devote to staging our most recent home. It was a dated home in the same price range as new construction, so we were really nervous. The home was also on a very busy intersection in a tricky part of town, but we received a full price offer after only ten days on the market.

The buyers sent a sweet letter with their offer, and I had to smile because all of the things they mentioned were directly related to the improvements we had made on the property before listing.

I’m not going to quote the letter directly because that seems rude, but I’ll give you snippets of what they loved about our outdated home:

  • “Beautiful large tree” – The previously-overgrown tree that we had trimmed ourselves before listing…for free!
  • “Lovely flowers” – Discount perennials that I found at Home Depot and planted right before we listed. They were cheaper than annuals, so that’s what we bought!
  • “Landscaped backyard” – We borrowed an edger, pulled weeds, planted fresh grass seed, and spread mulch. We also repurposed small concrete slabs from under the rotten deck we replaced with a patio. (We turned the slabs into walkway pavers.)
  • “Open floor plan” – Our home didn’t have the flow of modern open floor plans, but it sure felt like it with ALL of the stuff packed up and gone (including most of our furniture)
  • “Plenty of natural light” – We fixed wonky curtain rods and replaced the heavy room-darkening curtains with cheap, lightweight curtains from Walmart. We also installed inexpensive pull-backs and made sure everything was OPEN for every showing.

Did you notice what WASN’T included in their letter?

Basically anything about the real estate “big hitters” — particularly the flooring, kitchen, and bathrooms.

They didn’t compliment those things because I’m sure they were on the buyers’ mental tally of things they wanted to change (which they should). But since we took care of so many of the small-but-still-important items before listing, we kept that tally from getting so long that they moved on to a different house completely.

Clean and well-kept sells fast, even if it’s outdated!!

The right buyer will come along for your home, even if it’s not in perfectly updated condition. It just takes one buyer to sell your house and I’m confident that if you follow the tips above and are strategic with whatever money you DO have, you’ll find that one buyer and sell your house fast!

Share or Save These Cheap Fixes to Sell a House

I hope that you’ve found some inspiration in these tips! Be sure to save the pin below to your favorite board on Pinterest so you can find this post later.

Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (11)
Cheap Fixes to Sell a House FAST When Money's Tight - Mommy Standard Time (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.