Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (2024)

Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (1)

Start an Airbnb

Inexperience makes new hosts easy targets for bad guests. Read on to learn how to prevent your own Airbnb guest horror stories.

When you start an Airbnb, you’ll quickly find that hosting is fun, challenging, and frustrating all at the same time.

During my first month as an Airbnb host, I had guests nearly every night and grossed close to $19,000 in revenue. That same month, I also had my worst group of guests ever–the type of guests that make you want to give up on hosting altogether. Unfortunately, guests like these are all too common for new Airbnb hosts.

If you’re a first-time Airbnb host who wants to avoid nightmare guests, keep reading. By the end of this post, you’ll know what hosting bad guests is really like and how to prevent your own Airbnb guest horror stories.

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m not affiliated with Airbnb in any way (other than being an Airbnb host, of course). Read my full disclosure policy here.


  • My Airbnb Guest Horror Story
  • How To Avoid Your Own Airbnb Guest Horror Stories
    • Step 1: Automatically screen guests
    • Step 2: Require guests have a profile photo
    • Step 3: Check the date their account was created
    • Step 4: Increase your minimum night stay requirement
    • Step 5: Increase your nightly rate
  • What to do if you ever get a bad Airbnb guest
  • Takeaway

My Airbnb Guest Horror Story

One of the first lessons I learned as a new Airbnb host is that nightmares are real. My second guest ever was a classic Airbnb guest horror story. Here’s what happened.

A group of friends rented my Airbnb for one (Saturday) night, threw a party, trashed my brand-new property, and started a fire.

After all the hard work I put into renovating my condo and making it a wonderful place for guests, it was really disappointing to see how badly this group mistreated it.

After they checked out, I learned from my cleaning crew that they left the entire place trashed: crushed chips on the floor, fake eyelashes stuck to the coffee table, gum stuck to one of the beds, spots on the couch, and so on. Little did I know, that was just the tip of the iceberg.

A week or so later I got a very nice message from my then-current guest. She said she turned on the oven to make dinner and started to smell smoke. Soon after, she realized it was unmistakably the smell of fire.

She opened the bottom drawer of the oven where she found a box of spare tile that I had left tucked away in the back of a closet downstairs. Someone had moved a cardboard box into the oven! (I think we can all assume who…)

Thankfully, the current guest immediately realized what was happening and extinguished the fire.

But what if she would have gone outside for a few minutes after turning on the oven? Or got caught up on a phone call? It could have turned out much worse.

These guests were incredibly thoughtful and kind about the whole ordeal. They made what would have otherwise been a terrible situation just a blip on the radar. I can’t thank them enough.

I’m not telling you this to scare you. I’m confident you can handle anything that comes your way as an Airbnb host. But, it’s important that you know what to expect so that you can prevent these issues from happening to you and navigate them successfully if they ever do. Keep reading to learn how to do just that.

How To Avoid Your Own Airbnb Guest Horror Stories

When it comes to preventing your own Airbnb guest horror stories, you first need to know that bad guests are, unfortunately, all too common with new Airbnb hosts. Inexperience makes new hosts easy targets for bad guests. But don’t worry–here are five proven ways to help prevent bad guests at your Airbnb:

Step 1: Automatically screen guests

Turning on Instant Book is one of the easiest ways to screen Airbnb guests. That’s because when you turn on Instant Book you can also turn on certain requirements that guests must meet in order to book instantly. Automatically screening guests this way saves you tons of time and stress compared to manually approving or declining every booking request.

Plus, guests love that with Instant Book they can book your place without waiting for you to manually approve their request. AND it even boosts your position in search rankings. Win, win, win.

Here’s how to turn on Instant Book and automatically screen guests:

  1. From your listing, select “policies and rules” from the left-hand menu.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (2)
  1. Then, scroll down to “Instant Book” and click “edit”.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (3)
  1. Once you turn on Instant Book, you’ll be able to require that guests booking instantly have a good track record and/or respond to a pre-booking message.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (4)

I’ve had a great experience with the “good track record” requirement and have never needed to use the “pre-booking message” requirement, but you can choose to turn on either one or both for your own listing. Learn more about these requirements here.

Recommended: How To Block Dates On Your Airbnb Calendar: 7 Tips To Price Like A Pro

Step 2: Require guests have a profile photo

Requiring a profile photo creates an extra step for guests to prove their identity, which helps weed out guests that aren’t serious. It also helps you feel like you know your guests a bit, which can help you feel more comfortable with their booking. My nightmare Airbnb guest didn’t have a profile photo, so I’ve been requiring one ever since.

Here’s how to require guests have a profile photo:

  1. From your listing, select “policies and rules” from the left-hand menu.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (5)
  1. Then, scroll down to “guest requirements” and toggle “profile photo required” to “on”.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (6)

That’s it! A super simple way to further screen your guests.

Recommended: Everything You Need to Know About the Airbnb Resolution Center

Step 3: Check the date their account was created

If guests don’t meet your Instant Book requirements, they’ll be able to send you a booking request instead. When they do, you can view their profile on the right-hand side of your message thread with that potential guest:

Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (7)

A guest’s profile can give you a lot of insight into their history on the Airbnb platform and what hosting them would be like. When reviewing their profile, one thing that could be a sign of a bad guest is if they just created their account this month. This could (but doesn’t necessarily) indicate that they had to delete their previous account and start over.

This was another red flag with my nightmare Airbnb guests–they had just created their account the same month and had zero history on the platform. Just like not having a profile photo, there’s no guarantee that this makes them bad guests, but it’s one signal to look for. I’ve found that guests who have had their account for several years tend to be good guests, even if they don’t have many reviews yet.

Step 4: Increase your minimum night stay requirement

Not having a minimum night stay requirement was probably the biggest reason I attracted my horrible Airbnb guests. Unlike almost every other Airbnb in my area, I was letting guests stay for just one night any day of the week, even on weekends (a.k.a. party central). I was the perfect target for them.

Here’s how to increase your minimum night stay requirement:

  1. From your listing, select “pricing and availability” from the left-hand menu.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (8)
  1. Then, scroll down to “trip length” and click “edit”.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (9)
  1. Finally, specify the minimum number of nights required to book with you and hit “save”.
Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (10)

Step 5: Increase your nightly rate

Lastly, check your nightly rate. If it’s too low, you may be attracting low-quality guests. Here’s everything you need to know about setting the right Airbnb pricing for your property.

Recommended: 7 Tips To Price Your Airbnb Like A Pro

What to do if you ever get a bad Airbnb guest

Even with all the tips above, you may still have bad guests from time to time. When that happens, the first thing to remember is that the vast majority of guests are wonderful. One bad experience doesn’t mean you should give up hosting altogether.

All that being said, if you ever do have awful guests, here’s how to navigate it successfully:

  1. Don’t make assumptions
    • If your cleaners report damage, excessive cleaning, or missing items, ask them for explicit details, photos, and when the issues were found. Don’t assume they’re updating you in real time or that what they’re sharing is 100% accurate.
  2. Pause before contacting your guests
    • You want to ensure you have all the information before contacting your guests, which takes time. Moreover, seeing photos of damage done to your property can be emotional. Give yourself time to have those feelings and then move on so that you can treat all of your guests with kindness and respect. You’ll be glad you did when you see you’ve maintained a 5-star rating.
  3. Remember that most guests are fantastic
    • If one of your first guests turns out to be a total nightmare, it can make you want to give up on hosting altogether. Remember that new hosts are especially susceptible to awful guests (but not if you follow all the tips above!) and that the vast majority of guests are wonderful.

Recommended: Everything You Need to Know About the Airbnb Resolution Center

Airbnb Host Tip: Things at your Airbnb will break or go missing and it’s not necessarily a sign of a bad guest. In my first month as an Airbnb host, the blinds broke, two towel holders broke, and the track on the bathroom door broke–none of them were because my guests did anything wrong, things like this just happen. Make sure these types of issues don’t impact your guests’ experience by doing regular property maintenance. Get all my property maintenance tips here.


Whew, we just covered a lot! After following the steps above, you’ll be incredibly well-prepared to avoid having nightmare Airbnb guests. Great work!

Recommended: 6 Proven Tactics to Earn More with Your Airbnb Business

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Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (11)

What questions do you have about Airbnb guest horror stories? Let’s chat in the comments.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. You are taking all provided information at your own risk. We are not financial, real estate, legal, investment or other professionals. Nothing on this website should be construed as professional advice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature. For more information, read our disclaimer.

Airbnb Guest Horror Stories + How to Avoid Them At Your Rental (2024)


How to avoid bad guests on Airbnb? ›

Check guest reviews: Check the guest's profile and reviews from previous hosts to see if they have a history of being difficult or causing problems. Look for red flags: Be wary of guests who have incomplete or vague profiles, refuse to provide additional information, or ask for exceptions to the house rules.

How do I protect myself as an Airbnb guest? ›

Always communicate and pay on Airbnb

Keep yourself, your payment, and your personal information safe by staying on our secure platform throughout the entire process—from communication to booking and payment. You should never be asked to wire money, provide credit card information, or otherwise pay a Host directly.

What to do if you feel unsafe at Airbnb? ›

If you feel unsafe during a trip

If you feel as if you may be in danger or your personal safety is threatened, contact the local authorities immediately.

Can you block someone from renting your Airbnb? ›

If you block someone, they won't be able to send you messages, use Instant Book for your listings, send you a reservation request, or accept a reservation request from you. Blocking someone you have an upcoming reservation with is not possible.

How do you spot a sketchy on Airbnb? ›

Carefully review the home information, photos, and the host's profile for any red flags. If you're renting from a company with multiple listings, check their social media profile for complaints or bad reviews. As a general rule, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is.

How do I remove a bad guest review on Airbnb? ›

While you can't remove a review, you can report it if you think it violates our Reviews Policy. Feel free to respond with more context or to provide your own perspective, so long as you, too, follow the Reviews Policy.

How to prevent Airbnb guests from bringing extra visitors? ›

How to avoid exceeding your Airbnb maximum guests
  1. Include the policy in your house rules. ...
  2. Maintain effective communication. ...
  3. Include all the names of guests in the vacation rental agreement. ...
  4. Charge a deposit. ...
  5. Airbnb guest screening. ...
  6. Install surveillance cameras. ...
  7. Smart technology solutions. ...
  8. Add an Airbnb extra guest fee.
Nov 16, 2023

Can Airbnb owners watch cameras? ›

Hosts are not allowed to have security cameras and recording devices that monitor any part of a listing's interior, such as the listing's hallway, bedroom, bathroom, living room, or guest house, even if they're turned off or disconnected. Hidden security cameras are strictly prohibited.

Can you shoot at an Airbnb? ›

Permitted weapons: With the exception of explosive or incendiary devices and assault weapons, as a guest, you may bring legally-owned weapons or non-lethal weapons only if safely secured and disclosed to your Host prior to arrival.

What is the most common complaints of Airbnb? ›

In this guide, we'll delve into the five most common complaints faced by Airbnb hosts and provide expert strategies for handling them with finesse.
  • Complaint #1: Issues With Cleanliness and Maintenance.
  • Complaint #2: Inaccurate or Misleading Property Descriptions.
  • Complaint #3: Problems With Check-In and Accessibility.
Mar 18, 2024

Can Airbnb be risky? ›

Hosts are paid out based on guest stays. Guests often find Airbnb is cheaper, has more character, and is homier than hotels. Risks of hosting include renting your place to rude guests, theft or damaged property, complaints from neighbors, and potential regulatory violations depending on your location.

Can I report a guest to Airbnb? ›

We accept reports directly from Hosts who contact us, as well as from neighbors.

Can you get kicked off Airbnb as a guest? ›

If your account is deactivated or suspended, any upcoming pending or accepted reservations you have as either a Host or guest can be canceled, and you may not be entitled to any compensation for the reservations that were canceled as a result of your suspension.

Does Airbnb protect guests? ›

AirCover for guests is provided for free with every booking, while travel insurance for guests in the EU and UK, travel insurance for guests in the US, or reservation insurance (for guests in FR) can be purchased separately during checkout.

Can you remove guests from Airbnb? ›

If you need to make changes to your booking, like adding an extra guest or removing someone that can't make the trip, you can do so. If you simply want to share the details of your trip with guests you've already accounted for as part of your booking, find out how to add your guests as co-travelers.

How do I tell Airbnb guests to be quiet? ›

Communication with guests

Setting the expectation of quiet hours is important before your Airbnb guests even step through the door. This should be clearly outlined in your listing page, reiterated in the house rules, and communicated prior to their arrival in your automated messages.

How to deal with demanding Airbnb guests? ›

How to handle difficult guests
  1. Create an automated message flow. By strategically sending messages before, during, and after your guest's stay, you can anticipate their needs and lower the risk of them complaining. ...
  2. Maintain ongoing communication. ...
  3. Be friendly, responsive, and offer solutions.
Mar 15, 2023

How do I deal with needy guests on Airbnb? ›

Always be polite.

Even when your guest is being difficult, provide professional customer service and be extremely polite. That said, if you have a clear policy regarding an issue don't automatically give in to what the Airbnb guest wants, especially if it is unreasonable.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.