Bitgert Price Prediction | Is Bitgert a Good Investment? (2024)

Bitgert Price Prediction | Is Bitgert a Good Investment? (1)

Bitgert (BRISE) outperformed the overall crypto market in 2022.Let’s see what we can find out about it, and also take a look at some of the bitgert price predictions that were being made as of 6 April 2023.

BNB/USD price chart

Smart-contract functionality

According to Bitgert, the BRISE Chain relies on a system of proof-of-authority (PoA) to support short block times and low fees. The BRISE chain has smart-contract functionality and is compatiblewith the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Developers can issue new tokens, run full nodes to gain access to live updates on transactions, blocksand consensus activities, and develop wallets and tools for dApps on the BRISE chain.

The launch of the network’s incubation programme, Bitgert Startup Studio, has played a big role in the numerous projects that have emerged on the BRISE chain.

Bitgert Startup Studio helps developers and entrepreneurs issue cryptocurrencies for their projects, allowing them to raise funds via private or public token sales. The programme also provides marketing and technical support to launch projects on the BRISE chain.

OmniaVerse, a leading protocol on the BRISE Chain, said:“The Studio is the centre of the BRISE ecosystem. It’s churning out the projects which rangefrom DeFi to Sustainability to Gaming to Metaverse to you-name-it-they-have-it.”

According to Bitgert, the top five projects on its network were the decentralised exchange Sphynx Labs, the NFT protocol Omniaverse, the staking platform Eco Finance, the metaverse 4D Twin Mapsand the project development protocol Brisepad.

BRISE tokenomics

BRISE is the native token of the Bitgert network. It initially launched as a BEP-20 token on the Binance network. After the launch of the BRISE Chain, the coin was converted to its native BRISE chain, meaning it is now accurate to talk of such things as a bitgert coin price prediction.

Users staking their BRISE will receive staking rewards in BUSD, Bitgert’s website says. The BRISE coin is also used as a peer-to-peer payment method within the BRISE dApp wallet, which has zero transaction fees. It allows both seller and buyer to transact crypto fees directly with each other without the need of a third party.

The platform has added a buyback concept to cryptocurrency, making the BRISE coin a “token more attractive to hold”. The buyback policy gives investors more confidence to purchase and hold on to the coin, with the intention of growingdemand and increasing the coin’s value.

Each transaction collects 5% in buyback tax, which is stored within the contract. If a sale occurs, part of thebuyback tax paidis used to purchase tokens from the liquidity pool, which are immediately burned following the buy.

Potential red flags

There are some potential red flags over how Bitgert operates and presents itself. For example, the system has passed an audit with a 98% security rating – but that audit was made by Bitgert itself, rather than an external organisation. One might wonder whether this is entirely within the spirit of what an audit is supposed to do.

Perhaps more worryingly, an investigation by our sister site,, found a number of issues. First, the system’s website said that Bitgertplans to give some money to charity, but there were no details, not stating any affiliates, charity numbers or giving an action plan. Second, the site’s social media presence indicated the usage of Twitter bots. Third, the system’s developers were unable to be cross-referenced on LinkedIn, while analysis of their photographs suggested that the images used were computer-generated. The photos have since been taken down.

In addition, a check on the system’s website’s credentials found that Bitgert appears to use the Withheld for Privacy (WFP) service, although domain details are seemingly those of WFP’s generic example presented on the homepage, suggesting that Bitgert did not actually pay for this service. Bizarrely, the postcode given is the same as that of the Icelandic Phallological Museum, whichhouses the world’s largest display of phalluses.

We have asked Bitgert for comment, but have not yet received a reply.


0.62 Price

-0.720% 1D Chg, %

Long position overnight fee -0.0753%
Short position overnight fee 0.0069%
Overnight fee time 22:00 (UTC)
Spread 0.01168


43,652.25 Price

-0.940% 1D Chg, %

Swap short:

Swap long:

Long position overnight fee -0.0616%
Short position overnight fee 0.0137%
Overnight fee time 22:00 (UTC)
Spread 106.00


9.68 Price

+3.570% 1D Chg, %

Swap short:

Swap long:

Long position overnight fee -0.0753%
Short position overnight fee 0.0069%
Overnight fee time 22:00 (UTC)
Spread 0.2044


2,326.43 Price

+3.290% 1D Chg, %

Swap short:

Swap long:

Long position overnight fee -0.0616%
Short position overnight fee 0.0137%
Overnight fee time 22:00 (UTC)
Spread 6.00

Bitgert price history

Bitgert Price Prediction | Is Bitgert a Good Investment? (2)BRISE price history from launch to present - Credit: CoinMarketCap

While past performance should never be taken as an indicator of future results, alook atbitgert’s price history can help give us some important context if we want to either interpret a bitgert price prediction or else make one of our own.

Whenn bitgert first came onto the open market in July 2021, it was worth about $0.000000003564, before it moved to reach an all-time high of $0.00000404 on 13 August 2021. A subsequent decline meant the token closed the year at $0.0000003399.

So far, 2022 has been a pretty upbeat year for bitgert, especially since the overall crypto market has been on a downturn. On 7 March, it reached a high of $0.000001849 but, after a series of market crashes, it dropped to $0.0000002634 on 18 June. Some recovery followed and, after 26 September’s announcement that the coin was to be listed on the Huobi exchange, it reached a high of$0.000000677 the following day.

In November, though, thecollapse of the FTX (FTT) exchange saw BRISE fall to a low of$0.0000003092 on 21 November, before the launch of the Bitgert Exchange saw it reach a high of$0.0000004515 on 7 December, with it closing the year down$0.0000003019. Despite the annual loss of around 11%, that meant it was one of the better-performing cryptocurrencies at a time when the overall market went down by more than 60%.

So far, 2023 has been an encouraging year for both crypto, although the news has been a bit more mixed forBRISE, with bitgert hitting a high of$0.0000006817 on 26 February before falling back down to around$0.0000004635 on 6 April.

At that time, there were around 395.7 trillion BRISE in circulation out of a total supply of one quadrillion. This gave the coin a market capitalisation of $183m, making it the 171st largest crypto by that metric.

Bitgert price predictions

Price forecasts, especially for something as potentially volatile as cryptocurrency, are very often wrong. Long-term crypto price predictions are also often made using an algorithm, which means that they can change at a moment’s notice. However,what follows are some of the bitgert price predictions that were being made as of 6 April 2023. had a BRISE price prediction which suggested the token could close this year at around $0.0000006. It predicted that the coincould then climbto $0.0000007by the end of 2024. The site then made a bitgert price prediction for 2025 that argued the coin could start the year at a little under $0.00000072and close it at$0.000000853.

TechNewsLeader made a bitgert crypto price prediction which argued thatBRISE could be worth between $$0.00000066 to $0.00000076 by the end of this year, before averaging $0.00000146in 2025. The site then went on to make a bitgert price prediction for 2030 that said the coin could average $0.000009595that year.

DigitalCoinPricemade a bitgert price prediction for 2023that argued the token reach $0.00000095this year before hitting$0.00000151 in 2025. The site's bitgert price prediction for 2030 saw it potentially trade at an average of$0.00000477

WalletInvestor had a far more bearish and, some might argue, realistic bitgert coin price predictionwhen it said there could be tough times ahead for BRISE over the coming 12 months. The site said that it expected that bitgert could collapse to just $0.000000253by early April next year.

When considering a BRISE token price prediction, it is important to keep in mind that cryptocurrency markets remain extremely volatile, making it difficult to accurately predict what a coin or token’s price will be in a few hours, and even harder to give long-term estimates. As such, analysts and algorithm-based forecasters can and do get their predictions wrong.

If you are considering investing in cryptocurrency tokens, we recommend that you always do your own research. Look at the latest market trends, news, technical and fundamental analysis, and expert opinion before making any investment decision. Keep in mind that past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Never trade with money that you cannot afford to lose.


Is bitgert a good investment?

This is hard to say. While the coin has been enjoying something of a recoveryrecently, things can change and, as we have said, there are some potential red flags surrounding the project.

Remember, you should always carry out your own thorough research before making an investment. Even high-market-cap cryptocurrencies have proved vulnerable to the current bear markets. So investors should be prepared to make losses and never spend more than they can afford to lose.

Will bitgert go up or down?

It is dificult to tell. Cryptocurrencies can be extremely volatile, and prices will go down as well as up. It is also important to remember that crypto price predictions very often turn out to be wrong.

Remember, you should always carry out your own thorough research before making an investment. Even high-market-cap cryptocurrencies have proved vulnerable to the current bear markets. So investors should be prepared to make losses and never put at risk any money they cannot afford not to get back

Should I invest in bitgert?

Before you decide whether or not to invest in bitgert, you will need to do your own research and keep in mind that there are some significant red flags associated with the project.

Ultimately, though, this is a question that you will have to answer for yourself. Before you do so, however, you will need to conduct your own research and never stake money you could not afford to lose because prices will go down as well as up.

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As an expert in the cryptocurrency space, it's clear that my knowledge and understanding extend beyond mere enthusiasm. I've been closely following the developments and trends within the crypto market, and my grasp of various concepts is grounded in a wealth of information and hands-on experience.

Now, let's delve into the article discussing Bitgert (BRISE) and cover all the key concepts mentioned:

1. Proof-of-Authority (PoA) and Smart-Contract Functionality:

  • Bitgert's BRISE Chain utilizes a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) system to achieve short block times and low fees.
  • The BRISE Chain incorporates smart-contract functionality and is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
  • Developers can issue new tokens, run full nodes for live updates, and create wallets and tools for decentralized applications (dApps) on the BRISE Chain.

2. Bitgert Startup Studio:

  • The launch of the Bitgert Startup Studio, an incubation program, has been influential in fostering various projects on the BRISE Chain.
  • The studio assists developers and entrepreneurs in issuing cryptocurrencies for their projects, facilitating fundraising through private or public token sales.
  • Bitgert Startup Studio provides marketing and technical support for launching projects on the BRISE Chain.

3. Top Projects on Bitgert Network:

  • Notable projects on the BRISE Chain include Sphynx Labs (decentralized exchange), Omniaverse (NFT protocol), Eco Finance (staking platform), 4D Twin Maps (metaverse), and Brisepad (project development protocol).

4. BRISE Tokenomics:

  • BRISE is the native token of the Bitgert network, initially launched as a BEP-20 token on Binance and later converted to its native BRISE Chain.
  • Staking BRISE earns rewards in BUSD (Binance USD).
  • BRISE is utilized as a peer-to-peer payment method within the BRISE dApp wallet, with zero transaction fees.
  • The buyback concept is introduced, making the BRISE coin attractive to hold, with 5% of each transaction collected as buyback tax.

5. Potential Red Flags:

  • There are concerns about Bitgert's operation and presentation, including a self-audit with a 98% security rating and potential issues raised by external investigations.
  • Questions about the charity aspect, Twitter bot usage, and concerns about developer identities and website credentials raise red flags.

6. Bitgert Price History:

  • Bitgert's price history is outlined, detailing its performance from launch to the present.
  • Despite market fluctuations, Bitgert has demonstrated resilience and outperformed the overall crypto market in certain periods.

7. Bitgert Price Predictions (As of April 6, 2023):

  • Various sources provide differing price predictions for BRISE, with forecasts extending into 2025 and even 2030.
  • Predictions range from a few decimal points to significant values, highlighting the speculative nature of cryptocurrency forecasts.

8. Investment Considerations:

  • The article emphasizes the need for thorough research before considering Bitgert as an investment.
  • Acknowledges the volatility of the cryptocurrency market and the potential risks associated with investing.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of Bitgert, covering its technological foundations, ecosystem development, potential red flags, historical performance, and various price predictions. As with any investment decision, caution and thorough research are advised.

Bitgert Price Prediction | Is Bitgert a Good Investment? (2024)


Is it wise to invest in Bitgert? ›

It is hard to say whether or not Bitgert, or the project's token BRISE is a good investment. The BRISE token has an incredibly low price, sitting at a minuscule $US0. 0000001512 as of May 3, 2024. However, the maximum supply of tokens sits at over 400 trillion tokens, with a fully diluted valuation of $US65 million.

Will Bitgert ever reach 1 cent? ›

Will Bitgert reach $0.01? Given the momentum in price gain of Bitgert Coin in 2021–2022, many crypto traders are interested in knowing whether the coin can reach 1 cent or not. The long-term Bitrise token price prediction indicates that the BRISE Coin has the potential to hit a 1-cent cap between 2035 and 2040.

What is the future price prediction for Bitgert coin? ›

Bitgert Price Prediction 2028

According to technical analysis of past price data, in 2028, Bitgert's price is expected to be at a minimum of $0.00000091. The maximum price value could be $0.000001, with an average trading value of $0.00000094.

How high can Bitgert go? ›

Bitgert can go as high as $0.0000002477963 from now until 2030. The potential ROI of buying Bitgert at current price of $0.000000128409 is 0%, The all-time-high of Bitgert is $0.00000184. Bitgert has moved -2.70323 in the last 24 hours, and -3.91578 in the past 7 days. For more information, see Bitgert price now.

What will Bitgert be worth in 2030? ›

The Bitgert ecosystem is experiencing ongoing growth and is expected to maintain its viability in the long run. Our price prediction for Bitgert in 2030 suggests a potential maximum price of $0.0000402 and a minimum price of $0.0000343, with an average of $0.00000358.

Which coin will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos in 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Bitcoin (BTC)$1.12 trillion$56,899
Ethereum (ETH)$367 billion$3057
Binance Coin (BNB)$76 billion$519.05
Solana (SOL)$62 billion$134
6 more rows

Is Bitgert a rug pull? ›

For the investors, Bitgert is a crypto engineering blockchain protocol aiming to revolutionize the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape through its suite of groundbreaking solutions and applications: Verifiable anti-rug pull audits to eliminate scams. Hyper scalability up to 100,000+ transactions per second.

Can brise reach $1 dollar? ›

When will bitgert (Brise) price reach $1? The price of the Bitgert coin is expected to reach $1 by the end of 2032. Bitgert (BRISE) price predictions for 2023, 2030, and beyond suggest that investors could see significant returns from investing in BRISE tokens.

How much will Bitgert coin cost in 2024? ›

In 2024, the Bitgert price is expected to change by -20.36%. By the end of 2024, the Bitgert price is projected to reach $0. {6}1498, with a cumulative ROI of +13.78%.

Will Brise burn coins? ›

Explanation of the Burn Process Over the course of 60 days, a significant volume of BRISE Coins has been acquired through exchanges. These coins will be intentionally removed from circulation through a burn event, effectively reducing the overall supply of BRISE Coins in the market.

Will Coinbase list Bitgert? ›

Bitgert (BRISE) is not tradable on Coinbase.

What is the maximum supply of Bitgert? ›

Bitgert (BRISE) Tokenomics

The BRISE coin has a maximum supply of 1 quadrillion and a total supply of 427 trillion. The coin's distribution is as follows: 50% — Initial Burn.

How much will the Bitgert coin cost in 2050? ›

As per our long-term Brise Coin price forecast, the maximum price level of the Bitgert Coin will stay around $0.96 in 2050. While the average price value of the Bitgert Coin is expected to be trading at around $0.76 in 2050 due to the increasing demand for the Bitgert network.

How secure is Bitgert? ›

The daily trade volume for Bitget is 1453502601.49, but is Bitget safe? Bitget security rating is BBB with 96% security score. Overall, the exchange is partly certified with approved penetration test, with ongoing bug bounty, and no proof of funds.

What rank is Bitgert crypto? ›

Bitgert Price Live Data

The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #525, with a live market cap of $53,869,780 USD.

What are the benefits of Bitgert? ›

Bitgert's Proof-of-Autority processes enable the system to transact 100,000 times per second, which may be arguably better than Solana Valanche and is less expensive for users. Bitgert ecosystem is constantly growing, working with companies, exchanges, and DeFi platforms.

What makes Bitgert special? ›

Innovation. In its entry into the market, Bitgert introduced three prominent innovations to crypto trading: fast transactions, lower fees, and rewards through continuous burning.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.