Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (2024)

Seven mamas spill the beans on their top money goals for the new year!

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (1)

Author: Kari Lorz – Certified Financial Education Instructor

Do you want to make a lot of money? Uhhh, of course? Most of us would love that!

Or maybe you want to stay at home? Living life on your own schedule and taking care of your littles, they’re only young once, right?

Here are 7 real-life Moms who are taking their knowledge, their drive, and their grit (yes, this online world absolutely takes grit) and making their own life the way they want to live it. All by starting their own business so that they can help other women achieve their money goals.

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (2)

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Female entrepreneurs are coming on strong

Women-owned businesses are rising at a fantastic rate in the US! Fundera did a recent piece about exactly what the environment forwomen-owned businesseslooks like, and the statistics are astounding!

  1. The US has12.3 millionwomen-owned businesses.
  2. US women-owned businesses generate$1.8 trilliona year.
  3. 40%of US businesses are women-owned.
  4. Women started1,821net new businesses every day last year.
  5. 64%of new women-owned businesses were started by women of color last year.
  6. Latina women-owned businesses grew more than87%.
  7. There are114%more women entrepreneurs than there were 20 years ago.
  8. 62%of women entrepreneurs cite their business as their primary source of income.

While we still have a ways to go in comparison with men, the rate of our gains is astounding in recent years! So take heart if you have dreams of being an entrepreneur and making a 6 figure income!

Now I’d like you to meet some of the amazing women who are part of these statistics you just read about. They have started their own businesses and are making their own money goals happen! They all started in different spots and have different financial goals, but their drive & determination to set goals and crush them is strong!

I want to reiterate that their financial goals are different, as with every group of people. Your financial goal can be…

  • Short-term goal – making $1000 a month, getting a savings plan, opening a Roth IRA, etc.
  • Long-term goal focused – financial independence
  • A monthly goal – covering their household’s monthly expenses with their income, etc.
  • An annual goal – earning $50,000, 100% debt payoff, maxing out their retirement savings, etc.
  • A goal not based on income but to make a financial plan to get different aspects set up and then set financial goals within that plan, etc.
  • A goal based on an outcome – setting up a retirement account, opening a savings account, getting to $500K net worth, dumping your student loan debt, getting a financial advisor, having a fully loaded emergency fund, getting life insurance, etc.

So to all the money-minded Mamas with an itch to do more, this one is for you! To inspire you, to give you real-life examples that the life you want is possible!

Mamas who are starting out on their money goal journey

I reached out to Mamas, both just starting out on their journey (2yrs or under) and Mamas whose businesses are more established. So you can see that everyone starts out at the beginning, but their potential for growth is limitless!

I am honored to be among those still learning the ropes of the online business world and am so excited for you to meet them! Now starting out at the bottom (which we all do) isn’t bad. Let me assure you, we’ve got nowhere to go but up! We’re bright-eyed, we’re hungry, and we’ve got big money goals!

DeShena from Extravagantly Broke

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (4)

I’m DeShena, wife and working mom to an energetic teenage son and an enterprising newly corporate daughter. I’m the founder of the website Extravagantly Broke, as well as an entrepreneur, Certified Life Coach specializing in debt freedom, and public speaker. My mission is to empower women to crush debt and pursue their passions.

My main financial goal for 2020 is to grow my business enough to replace my W2 income and be able to run my business full-time.

The two most important things I’m doing to reach my goals are; first, I step outside my comfort zone. Doing new things is scary, but I don’t get hung up on waiting until the stars align or trying to be perfect. And that leads to the second thing, which is, I take action, and I try it! If I screw it up…thankfully, the world won’t end! So I learn from my mistakes and try it again!

My secret hack that gives me motivation can be perfectly summed up with this quote by Jack Canfield…” Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” So I stopped letting fear and doubt hold me back and realized that in order to ever move ahead, I have to take a step forward.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear quote

Jack Canfield

Minda fromCents and Family

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (5)

I’m Minda! I’m a mother of 3 kids (ages 4, 6 & 9). I work full time as an oncology pharmacist and also run Cents and Family. Every day that I work at the cancer center, I’m reminded that life can be too short and that we must make the most of it. I strive to help others improve their finances and family life to live life to its fullest.

My main money goal for 2020 is to focus on my investments. I want to learn more about investing and put the learning into practice! I believe investing is one way to achieve many of the 10-year goals that I have set.

When asking Minda about some tips that she uses to help her reach her goals, she says that “Every day during my commute, I listen to podcasts about self-improvement, business, blogging, and finance. I consider the people on these podcasts to be my mentors, and they motivate me every day! My two favorite podcasters are Rachel Hollis (Rise) and Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income).”

I can definitely attest to podcasts being an amazing way to learn, as I too listen to them on my commute. Now that stereotypically “wasted time” commuting gets turned into valuable learning time!

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Nadia from Speaking of Cents

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (6)

I am a Personal Finance blogger and a mom of 3. My family has been living debt-free for more than seven years, and 2020 will actually mark the 8th year! We did it with a single income as I decided to become a stay-at-home parent when my first child was born. The reason for my blog is to teach people how they can manage their money better and live a fuller and happier life. I share frugal tips and budgeting tricks that help my readers to maintain a good standard of living on a minimal income. I believe if we as a family of 5 have done it, others can do it too!

My money goal for 2020 is to diversify my income streams and to invest my money in more than one place where it can start generating income on its own. Plus I am also planning to invest some money in learning new skills to improve my online presence. The successful launch of my digital product is also something I am seriously working on to create a stronger financial future.

If I am honest, I lose my motivation if I don’t see myself progressing, and it is pretty common when you are blogging, mommying, and doing everything in between! I need to see results to keep me going. I have learned that it is important to step back sometimes and re-think the strategy. If something is not bringing me results, I need to change my direction in order to avoid frustration. I struggled with balancing my mom duties and blogging, but I am hoping 2020 is going to be better when it comes to time management and productivity.

I asked Nadia if she has a secret hack/tip that helps you when times get rough (because, honestly, it can). “As I have mentioned above, I have had ups and downs over the past couple of years with my online business. There are good days, and then there are not-so-good days when it comes to blogging. Being an entrepreneur can also make you feel lonely at times. I try to stay active on Facebook in order to feel a sense of belonging. I am lucky to be a part of some awesome Facebook Groups where I find motivation and advice all the time. If I am too frustrated, I just take a break and come back with new motivation.”

Rebecca from Boss Single Mama

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I’m a freelance writer specializing in financial planning and a homeschooling single parent of two. I’m also growing two blogs; one focused on money and time-saving hacks for busy moms and another site that teaches freelance writers how to make a six-figure income.

Since I’ve paid off all my consumer debt except my mortgage, my main financial goal is to keep my freelancing income level at around $30,000 per month and grow my blogging income. I love blogging, but I’m definitely ready for it to become a money-maker!

To achieve this, visualization has always worked well for me. I create a specific goal, and then build a mantra around it. I use that mantra as the password to all of my online accounts, so I get a reminder of my goal every time I log in. It sounds corny, but it works!

I also make SMART goals – specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound. It helps me to visualize a clear path to reaching my goals. (If you’re looking to make a SMART financial goal, then read about the top 5 here!

When I feel deflated about my monthly goals, I remind myself that I’m doing everything I can on my own to reach them. Then I ask the universe for help, and more often than not, the universe hears me and responds. A new client will show up in my inbox, or I’ll make another affiliate sale on my blog. Every small step forward adds up!

Mamas who are rocking their money goals

Here are some Mamas that we all look up to in their online entrepreneur world. Not too long ago, they were just like us, working their days away, dreaming for better. Then they struck out in the online world. Slowly but surely, they have found great success on the other side!

Carly from Mommy on Purpose

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (8)

Carly is a Canadian blogger, but firstly a Mom. Her blog is about all creating your best life & mommy like you mean it! She’s focused on figuring out this mommy thing one day at a time. Raising little people while keeping our homes and financial life under control might be a challenge, but it’s one I’m excited to tackle… and I want to encourage you to tackle it too.

Her mom blog also shows others how to start their own blog, so that they, too can build a life on their own terms! What kind of life is possible, you ask? Well, on her December income report (for her mom blog only, not the blog teaching side), she had CAN $15,039 in income! Not too shabby huh!

My money goal for 2020 is to start working towards accepting that earning less money is okay. I don’t want to put so much focus on income because as long as you have enough and manage it well – money should be one of our least considerations.

To achieve goals, my best tip is just to do it. I mean, I think that when I have a goal, then I don’t set goals unless they are like 100% all of the effort in my mind, in which case I have to think about the steps I need to take to achieve them because they are the only focus I have, which makes it really hard to fail.

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (9)

Tracie from Tracie Fobes

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (10)

If you’ve been on the money-saving scene for a while, you are probably familiar with Tracie, as she was the heart & soul of the fantastic site Penny Pinchin’ Mom! She’s been featured on Good Morning America, The New York Times, US News and World Report, BetterTV, and more! In short, she’s quite the inspiration for us Moms in learning how to budget and save money.

She has recently handed over the reins of Penny Pinchin’ Mom so that she can focus her love & attention on helping people learn how to start their own profitable blog! You can get her exact free profitable blogging roadmap right here so you can get started on your own blog today!

In talking with Tracie about her personal financial goal for 2020, “My money goal is to bring the profits of my newest site up to where I was when I owned Penny Pinchin’ Mom (which is in the five figures). It has taken some time but all of the services, products, and courses being built, but I am starting to see it getting closer and closer!”

I am a visual person. I need to know what I want to accomplish by putting it in writing. My ultimate long term goal is to retire my husband early and for us to have more free time to do what we want. I have a note about this in my planner and see it every single day! It reminds me of why I do what I do and where I want to go!

Suzi fromStart A Mom Blog

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (11)

Suzi fell in love with blogging really & truly when her new baby girl would take naps; it was her creative outlet, a way to channel her energy. She blogged about breastfeeding, motherhood, recipes, and crafts.

Suzi soon began to realize that she loved connecting with other moms and helping them along their own incredible motherhood journey. She found community and purpose while still being home with her little ones (she has three now).

Suzi focuses on providing you with the same efficiency and optimization techniques that worked at Fortune 100 Companies (where she worked for years) to make your blog successful. You can join the other millions of moms who blog and make money from home, and you can start a blog too!

When connecting with Suzi, she says, “My big money goal for 2020 is to double my blog income by growing my team and finding unique ways to help my students. It’s going to be a big year, and I’m super excited for it!”

To help her reach this goal, continually learning is big to her! “I’m reading the 12 week year, I’ve heard such great things about it, I’ll be starting it on January 1st to help me accomplish my goals! ? I’d feel ecstatic when I reach this goal; it would mean I’m helping more people!”

If you want to know the exact steps that Suzi gives to new Moms looking to start a blog then you need to start by checking out her free blog plan right here!

I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.”

Harlan Coben

At the end of the day

Whether you have been at it for a while, are just starting out, and especially if you’re in the dreaming phase. Starting your own business can absolutely help you reach your money goals! So many inspiring women here have done, or are on their way to making it happen! If you want to join in and set financial goals to help your financial situation then be sure to check out 5 smart financial goals to aim for!

Yes, it can be scary, slow, and disheartening, but can’t everything be like that? What’s matters is that you take a chance and try!

Related Articles to Smart Money Goals from Mamas Making it Happen

  • How to Get More Sales From Your Etsy Shop
  • 5 Simple Steps to Starting a Business
  • 31 Days of Financial Goals to Jump-Start a New Year
  • SMART Financial Goals That You Should Absolutely Do

What money goals are you going to set for yourself?

Big Money Goals from Mamas Who are Making It Happen - MFTM (2024)


What is a plan that shows how much money you have and how you will spend it? ›

A budget is a plan that shows you how you can spend your money every month. Making a budget can help you make sure you do not run out of money each month. A budget also will help you save money for your goals or for emergencies.

How does having a monthly budget help you achieve your money goals Ramsey? ›

A budget is going to give you an action plan and clear picture of where your money is ending up each month. Budgeting will help you achieve the goals you're working toward—whether that's getting out of debt, saving for retirement, or just trying to keep your grocery bill from getting out of hand.

What is a plan for making or spending money? ›

Your spending plan, or budget, shows you exactly where your money comes from and where it goes. It is the best way to get the big picture of your finances. The big pay-off comes through the keen awareness you develop on how you spend your money and how much things cost.

What is the 70/20/10 rule money? ›

The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

What are the three main goals when creating a budget? ›

Planning, controlling, and evaluating performance are the three primary goals of budgeting.

What is the goal of a successful budget? ›

A budget helps create financial stability. By tracking expenses and following a plan, a budget makes it easier to pay bills on time, build an emergency fund, and save for major expenses such as a car or home. Overall, a budget puts a person on stronger financial footing for both the day-to-day and the long term.

How do financial goals help you create a budget? ›

Having a goal in mind for your budget is important when you decide how much money to set aside and how much to spend. It is also important to know exactly where your money comes from, and know how much you are bringing in.

What is it called when you make a plan for how to spend your money? ›

A budget is a plan you write down to decide how you will spend your money each month. A budget helps you make sure you will have enough money every month.

What is a plan that says how money will be spent? ›

A spending plan (also called a budget) is simply a plan you create to help you meet expenses and spend money the way you want to spend it.

What is a plan for your money? ›

A financial plan is a comprehensive statement of your financial goals and objectives that includes a detailed saving and investing strategy designed to help ensure your long-term security and well-being.

What is a plan for how do you manage your money called? ›

Budget. A plan that outlines what money you expect to earn or receive (your income) and how you will save it or spend it (your expenses) for a given period of time; also called a spending plan.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.