Barley (2024)

Barley (1)

"A bartending robot designed to mix drinks and banter with patrons, Barley also makes sure to keep his bar clean, to the detriment of anyone who makes a mess."

Barley (2)

Barley is a Rare Brawler who has low health but a high damage potential. He attacks by lobbing a bottle of harmful liquid that splashes onto the ground and creates a small puddle on the ground that lasts for a period of time, dealing damage to enemies splashed and inside the puddle over time. His Super lobs five similar bottles which cover a greater area and persist for a longer period of time. His first Gadget, Sticky Syrup Mixer, creates a sticky puddle around himself that slows enemies inside it down. His second Gadget, Herbal Tonic, throws bottles around himself and teammates that heal them if they stand on the puddles. His first Star Power, Medical Use, heals him slightly when he lobs his bottle with his attack. His second Star Power, Extra Noxious, increases his main attack's damage per second. His Hypercharge, Bottled-Up Rage, makes his Super lob three big bottles of liquid that covers a larger area than his normal Super, destroying bushes in the process. Barley and his Wizard skin can be unlocked for free by linking an account to Supercell ID.

Attack: Undiluted

"Barley lobs a bottle, breaking it on the ground. Enemies take damage from the splash, and more damage over time if they stay in the puddle."

Barley lobs a bottle of liquid that shatters and leaves a puddle, dealing damage to enemies who are splashed and standing in the 2-tile radius puddle. The damage can hit twice if the enemy remains standing on the puddle of liquid. After 1.9 seconds, the liquid disappears. However, his attacks reload rather slowly and travel slowly as well.

Super: Last Call

"Barley hurls a flurry of fiery bottles, covering a huge area in flames. This one's on the house!"

Barley lobs five bottles of flaming liquid that cover a very large area and deals the same amount of damage per tick as his main attack, but persists for longer. It’s mechanically similar to Barley's main attack but lasts for 3.9 seconds; the damage can hit four times if the enemy remains standing on the liquid, and after a short time, the liquid disappears. The spread of the bottles slightly increase the farther they are thrown. His Super takes 1.5 seconds to complete. However, he can't attack or reload while using his Super, and it is cancelled if Barley is knocked back, pulled. stunned, or if he uses his Herbal Tonic Gadget.


Sticky Syrup Mixer

"Barley drops a sticky concoction that leaves a puddle, slowing down all enemies that makes contact with it."

Barley (3)

Barley drops a bottle of liquid at his feet that slows down enemies that walk into it. The puddle lasts for 4 seconds and slows down enemies in a 3.33 tile radius. The puddle remains even after Barley is defeated. This Gadget can be used while using his Super and it will not cancel it.

Herbal Tonic

"Barley throws a healing potion at nearby allies that creates an area that heals for 720 health per second."

Barley (4)

Barley drops a bottle of liquid at himself and each of his teammates' within 10 tiles of his location that heals for 720 health per second. The puddles last for 4.5 seconds and affect all Brawlers in a 2.67 tile radius. The puddles remain even after Barley is defeated. Allies can heal for a total of 5 ticks, resulting in 3600 healing total as they heal allies immediately upon landing. Multiple healing puddles in the same area will overlap the healing, resulting in more total healing. Using this Gadget while using his Super will interrupt his Super.

Star Powers

Medical Use

"Barley regains 480 health from each attack."

Barley (5)

Whenever Barley lobs a bottle from his main attack, he regains 480 health. The healing occurs even if Barley doesn't hit an enemy with the attack.

Extra Noxious

"Adds +200 damage per second to Barley's attack."

Barley (6)

Barley's main attack's damage is increased by 200 damage per tick.

Hypercharge: Bottled-Up Rage

"Barley hurls 3 big brews that also destroy all bushes on impact."

Barley (7)

When activated, Barley's Super throws 3 big bottles of liquid that covers a larger area than his normal Super. Bushes that are caught in the area are destroyed. He also gains a 26% speed boost, a 25% damage boost, and a 5% shield boost.


Game Modes and Maps

  • Barley can be effective in Heist, if used correctly. Barley's Super has an incredibly long range, allowing it to safely deal damage to the Heist safe. Since the safe is a stationary target, it’ll take both ticks of damage from his main attack as well as all four ticks from his Super.
  • Barley is a great Siege Brawler mainly because he’s a control Brawler, excellent at area denial. He can force the enemies back with his long-lasting attacks and Super so that his team can retrieve the Bolts. When playing Barley in Siege, try to stay alive when your Siege Bot spawns. Barley is usually the primary damage dealer to the IKE. Additionally, Barley's Super has an extremely long range, making it able to reach the IKE without entering its range.
  • Barley is a menace in Duo Showdown if he is paired with a heavyweight such as El Primo, Rosa, or Bull. You can follow your teammate around and use Barley's attack to damage enemies while the tank finishes them off. The same applies to Power Cubes; if there are multiple boxes near your spawn, you can use your attacks to break them by stacking their damage.

Recommended Build

  • Barley's Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget can be more useful than one would assume. It can be used when defending a goal in Brawl Ball and can discourage tanks from chasing you. Surprisingly, you can use this to bush-camp with Barley. Hide in a bush, and when an enemy walks by, use your Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget to slow them and burst them down. If done correctly, this either takes out the enemy or deals tremendous amounts of damage, forcing them to retreat. Barley's Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget is especially useful against tanks and close-ranged assassins since it usually slows them down enough to where Barley can out-range and deal a large amount of damage to them.
    • Against opponents on the opposing side of a wall, Barley can also use his gadget followed by 3 attacks to effectively take down most of the Brawlers in the game. This melee Barley strategy is especially effective with the addition of bushes, because Barley's damage can be deceivingly high.
  • His Medical Use Star Power is more map-dependent, best used in game modes where controlling the field is more important than eliminating enemy Brawlers. This includes events such as Gem Grab, Heist, and Siege. Medical Use increases his survivability, allowing you to continuously attack instead of retreating, and giving up ground to heal up. This Star Power can be paired with his Herbal Tonic Gadget to provide healing when there aren't other healers on your team.
  • Barley's Extra Noxious Star Power allows Barley's attacks to deal more damage. This makes Barley to become a more aggressive Brawler, especially from behind walls. This Star Power enables Barley to become very strong on modes like Heist and Siege.


  • Like most other throwers, aiming two attacks at an enemy, two on either side of them, will force them to move up or down, potentially making it easier to separate them from their allies. They can also choose to move into the attacks and force them to take damage from Barley's attacks.
  • Combining Barley's Super with Spike's can deal huge damage to enemies trapped by both. Spike's Super slows the enemy's movement speed and deal damage, hindering them from escaping while Barley's Super deals massive damage.
  • Barley's attack can be used for area control, deeming it effective to discourage enemy movement through certain choke points or paths. Take advantage of this to keep enemies out of critical areas of the map, such as the Gem mine in Gem Grab, the zones in Hot Zone, or the Bolts in Siege.


  • Like Dynamike and Tick, his attacks can be lobbed over obstacles. It’s recommended to attack from behind walls where the enemies can’t hit you as easily than if you’re out in the open. It is even better to attack from behind unbreakable walls where enemies cannot destroy your cover.
  • Barley's Super can deal massive amounts of damage if an enemy is unable to quickly escape from the liquid. Try to aim the Super to have it land within the enemy standing in the middle of it or trapped against a wall, and use your Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget to prolong and maximize your damage output.
  • Auto-aiming with Barley often causes you to miss your shot or only deal 1 tick of damage. Because Barley's attacks last for two ticks, if you aim the shot in front of where an enemy will head, you’ll either hinder their movement or cause them to take two ticks of damage.

Voice Lines

SpawningIn The LeadReceiving DamageDefeating An EnemyDefeatedAttackingActivating A Super


  • 03/07/17:
    • Barley (8) Fixed a bug where Barley's main attack did not destroy vases/bones.
  • 16/08/17:
    • Barley (9) Barley's main attack and Super damage were increased to 140 (from 120) per hit.
    • Barley (10) His main attack projectile speed was increased by 16%.
    • Barley (11) His Super projectile speed was increased by 8%.
  • 04/09/17:
    • Barley (12) Barley's rarity was changed to Rare (from Super Rare).
  • 05/10/17:
    • Barley (13) Barley's Super damage was decreased to 120 (from 140) per hit.
  • 07/12/17:
    • Barley (14) Barley's Super recharge rate was decreased by 33%.
    • Barley (15) Barley's Medical Use Star Power was added.
    • Barley (16) He was given voice lines.
    • Barley (17) The health and damage statistics of all Brawlers were multiplied by 4.
  • 16/01/18:
    • Barley (18) His Medical Use Star Power healing was increased to 200 (from 100).
    • Barley (19) Barley's main attack projectile speed was decreased by 15%.
  • 21/03/18:
    • Barley (20) Barley's main attack projectile speed was increased by 14%.
    • Barley (21) Every Brawler's movement speed was increased by 70 points, increasing Barley's base movement speed to 720 (from 650).
    • Barley (22) All Brawlers' projectile speeds are increased by 9%.
  • 23/03/18:
    • Barley (23) Barley's main attack projectile speed was increased by 6%.
  • 09/04/18:
    • Barley (24) Barley's main attack projectile speed was increased by 20%.
  • 21/05/18:
    • Barley (25) Barley's main attack damage was increased to 600 (from 560) per hit.
  • 05/12/18:
    • Barley (26) Barley and his Golden skin were remodeled, and the Wizard Barley skin was added.
  • 29/01/19:
    • Barley (27) His main attack damage was increased to 640 (from 600) per hit.
    • Barley (28) His Super damage was increased to 640 (from 480) per hit.
    • Barley (29) Barley's Medical Use Star Power healing was increased to 300 (from 200).
    • Barley (30) The damage from the Super's different bottles no longer stack.
    • Barley (31) The spread of Barley's Super was increased when thrown near him.
  • 27/02/19:
    • Barley (32) Barley's main attack and Super damage was increased to 680 (from 640) per hit.
  • 15/04/19:
    • Barley (33) Golden Barley's projectile was retextured.
  • 01/06/19:
    • Barley (34) The Bakesale Barley skin was added.
  • 14/06/19:
    • Barley (35) The Maple Barley skin was added.
  • 17/07/19:
    • Barley (36) Barley's Extra Noxious Star Power was added.
  • 18/09/19:
    • Barley (37) Barley's Medical Use Star Power healing was increased to 400 (from 300).
    • Barley (38) The Red Wizard Barley skin was added.
  • 17/03/20:
    • Barley (39) Barley's Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget was added.
  • 13/05/20:
    • Barley (40) Barley's Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget slow area was increased by 25% and the slow area duration was increased to 4 seconds (from 3).
    • Barley (41) His Sticky Syrup Mixer Gadget no longer deals damage.
    • Barley (42) His Super bottle pattern is now fixed instead of random.
  • 26/08/20:
    • Barley (43) Barley's Herbal Tonic Gadget was added.
  • 10/09/20:
    • Barley (44) Barley's Super recharge rate was increased slightly.
  • 22/10/20:
    • Barley (45) Barley's True Silver and True Gold skins were added.
  • 15/03/21:
    • Barley (46) Barley’s Extra Noxious Star Power damage bonus was increased to 200 (from 140).
  • 07/04/21:
    • Barley (47) Barley's main attack damage was increased to 700 (from 680) per hit.
    • Barley (48) Barley's main attack range was increased to 8 tiles (from 7.33).
    • Barley (49) Barley, Wizard Barley, Golden Barley, Maple Barley, Bakesale Barley, and Red Wizard Barley received facial animations.
  • 19/05/21:
    • Barley (50) Barley's main attack range was decreased to 7.33 tiles (from 8).
  • 10/09/21:
    • Barley (51) The Unicorn Knight Barley skin was added.
  • 27/10/21:
    • Barley (52) Barley's class was changed to Damage Dealer (from Thrower).
  • 19/01/22:
    • Barley (53) The Sway Master Barley Skin was added. It was featured as a Year of the Tiger skin.
  • 29/06/22:
    • Barley (54) Barley’s flavor text was changed from "Barley's attacks by lobbing bottles at enemies, doing splash damage. His Super is a huge barrage of burning bottles!" to "Barley readily serves up the finest beverages in Starr Park. Dirty his bar though and steam comes out and bottles start flying!"
  • 25/10/22:
    • Barley (55) Barley's main attack damage was increased to 760 (from 700) per hit.
  • 12/12/22:
    • Barley (56) Wizard Barley's main attack visual effects were slightly reworked.
    • Barley (57) Barley’s flavor text was changed from "Barley readily serves up the finest beverages in Starr Park. Dirty his bar though and steam comes out and bottles start flying!" to "Barley serves the finest beverages in Starr Park. But dirty his bar up and steam comes out and bottles start flying!"
  • 28/02/23:
    • Barley (58) Barley's class was changed to Artillery (from Damage Dealer).
  • 25/04/23:
  • 05/09/23:
    • Barley (60) All Brawlers' health and damage were increased from 5% to 10% with each Power Level.
  • 24/10/23:
    • Barley (61) Barley's Herbal Tonic Gadget healing was increased to 576 (from 500) per second and now scales with Power Levels.
    • Barley (62) Barley's Medical Use Star Power healing was increased to 432 (from 400) and now scales with Power Levels.
    • Barley (63) Barley's flavor text was changed from "Barley serves the finest beverages in Starr Park. But dirty his bar up and steam comes out and bottles start flying!" to "A bartending robot designed to mix drinks and banter with patrons, Barley also makes sure to keep his bar clean, to the detriment of anyone who makes a mess."
  • 27/02/24:
    • Barley (64) Barley's Super damage was increased to 760 (from 680) per hit.
    • Barley (65) Barley's Super recharge rate was increased slightly.
  • 23/04/24:
    • Barley (66) Barley's main attack damage was increased to 800 (from 760) per hit.
    • Barley (67) Barley's Super damage was increased to 800 (from 760) per hit.
  • 25/06/24:
    • Barley (68) Barley's Bottled-Up Rage Hypercharge was added.
  • 23/08/24:
    • Barley (69) The Buccaneer Barley skin was added. It was featured as a Tales of the Sea skin.


Skins (10)

Barley (70)


Barley (73)

Golden (29 Gems or 1000 Bling)

Barley (74)

Barley (75)

Barley (76)

Red Wizard (29 Gems or 1000 Bling, available after unlocking Wizard Barley)

Barley (77)

Barley (78)

Barley (79)

Maple (79 Gems or 2750 Bling)

Barley (81)

Barley (82)

Unicorn Knight (79 Gems or 2750 Bling)

Barley (83)

Barley (84)

Barley (85)

Bakesale (149 Gems • S)

Barley (86)

Barley (87)

Barley (88)

Sway Master (149 Gems • S)

Barley (89)

Barley (90)

Barley (91)

Buccaneer (149 Gems • S)

Barley (92)

Barley (93)

Barley (94)

True Silver (10000 Coins)

Barley (95)

Barley (96)

True Gold (25000 Coins)

Barley (97)



Barley (98)

Barley (99)



Barley (100)



Barley (101)



Barley (102)



Barley (103)



Barley (104)



Barley (105)



Barley (106)



Barley (107)



Barley (108)



Barley (109)



Barley (110)

Barley (111)



Barley (112)

Barley (113)



Barley (114)

Barley (115)



Barley (116)

Barley (117)



Barley (118)

Barley (119)




Barley (120)



Barley (121)

Barley Hypercharge


Profile Icons

Barley (122)


Barley (123)


Barley (124)


Barley (125)

Bakesale Barley

Barley (126)

Buccaneer Barley

Wiki Navigation

Barley (136)


Super Rare

Items in gray indicate content that has been removed from the game.

Wiki Navigation

Barley (288)


Super Rare

Items in gray indicate content that has been removed from the game.

Barley (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.