Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (2024)

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023?
31 points by itsmefaz on June 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 55comments

Given a choice to learn systems programming or low-level programming in 2023, how would you start?

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (1)

Learn enough C to encounter the pain points C++ & Rust are trying to solve. C is simple, but not easy.

Then learn enough Rust to be productive.

Then learn enough C++ to interact with the enormous amounts of existing C++ code.

Once you know a bit of all 3, decide where to focus based on the work you're trying to do. Rust is the easiest, but least widely supported. C is necessary either way, unless you're working for Microsoft where C++ fills that role.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (2)

DonaldPShimoda on June 6, 2023 | parent | next [–]

> C is simple, but not easy.

I think I know what you're trying to say, but unfortunately C is anything but simple. The semantics are riddled with surprises of all kinds. It's unlikely the average C programmer has never written a program with undefined behavior, for example.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (3)

josephg on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Right. But you can fumble through writing a lot of (maybe subtly wrong) C code. I certainly did for many years. You can't fumble through writing Rust. Its an order of magnitude more difficult to learn because the compiler won't compile "bad" code. Unlike C all the pain happens up front.

Rust hurts when you're learning it. C hurts when you're trying to debug your program.

If you've never written low level code before, I wouldn't start with rust. Zig or C are both much better options when getting started. But learning rust eventually will make you a better programmer.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (4)

estebank on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I'm not sure I agree: the biggest pain point of Rust is that it makes some common patterns from C and C++ non-representable (outside of unsafe). People coming from other languages will likely encounter patterns they are used to that are cumbersome but still representable, with a judicious use of Box, Arc, RwLock, and friends. This means that someone that wants to "just" get something working can implement the same things they were used to, just with a nagging reminder that "they are not being as efficient as they could be" (which annoys a certain kind of people, a category I belong to too). And from this I believe that people that start learning programming with Rust will have a hard time understanding the reason for a lot of its rules, but will not have a hard time following and relying on them. I am convinced that the people with the worst Rust learning experience are experienced low level developers, looking for high performance, that have been experts for so long that they have forgotten what "learning something new" feels like.

With all that said, there are lots of things that Rust could do to make itself easier to learn. I believe it will get there, in time.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (5)

brezelgoring on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> It's unlikely the average C programmer has never written a program with undefined behavior

I'd add that the average C programmer can't spot UBs before they cause a problem, they are not your average bug. Unless you're very well read or are just told about them, that is.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (6)

DonaldPShimoda on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

> the average C programmer can't spot UBs before they cause a problem

No, the average C programmer probably can spot some UBs, but I think there are many more undefined behaviors than most C programmers realize. John Regehr wrote a series of blog posts about some of the trickier UBs, starting here:

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (7)

DonaldPShimoda on June 7, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Looking at my own comment a day later and I think I had misread the parent comment as suggesting that "the average C programmer can spot UBs", which I felt the need to dispute.

I dunno how I made that mistake even after copy/pasting, but I did, so I apologize for that.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (8)

lmm on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I'd go so far as to say it's unlikely the average C programmer has ever written a program with defined behaviour.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (9)

spoonfeeder006 on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

So my 5k lines of C code project from back in college is all... undefined?

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (10)

lmm on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Almost certainly. Of course the only way you'll find out is when you upgrade GCC and it suddenly leaks the contents of your memory to the whole world.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (11)

kaba0 on June 7, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

No need to wait for that, running it through valgrind will surely uncover some UBs (but do note that even if it didn’t uncover anything, it doesn’t prove their absence, only that this particular run through the state space didn’t encounter any valgrind looks for).

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (12)

SAI_Peregrinus on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Yes, I suppose "small" might be clearer than "simple". C is simple partly because of how little of what a computer can do it actually defines. That makes it more difficult to use, but the well-defined language is quite simple. Safe Rust tries to define all of that, so you can do everything the underlying processor is capable of, and becomes far more complex in return.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (13)

727564797069706 on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

As a newcomer to systems programming, I hopped on the Rust hype train and enjoyed the ride for quite a while.

But in recent months, I've been more drawn to Zig. Simplicity, vision and governance of the language (among many other things) are very much to my liking.

As a bonus, I can use Zig to interact with C (even compile C, Zig is also a toolchain), so I feel I'm bound to learn more about C on this journey, too.

In your position, I'd also check out Zig, just to see if it's more your cup of tea or not. Here's a good intro talk:

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (14)

thesuperbigfrog on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

C is the best choice to learn systems programming.

C is the simplest of C, C++, or Rust and most other languages have C interop or foreign function interface.

First learn C and then you can learn Rust or C++ if needed. The concepts you learn in C programming will help you to better understand the more advanced concepts used in Rust or C++.

Recommended first book:

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (15)

remexre on June 6, 2023 | parent | next [–]

Agree that C is easier to explore the concepts in, but knowing enough C to know why e.g. [0] gets the behavior it does is IMO not useful if the goal is to learn the _concepts_ before switching to a language that doesn't do this kind of thing.

So, IMO worth jumping to Rust as soon as you feel confident with the stack vs the heap, use-after-frees, etc.


Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (16)

billforsternz on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

You lost me here with p += (&ys[2] - &xs[0]);

I mean, why would I expect the parenthesised subtraction to do anything I can rely on? Or did you mean (&ys[2] - &ys[0]) ?

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (17)

remexre on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Because if memory is a big array of bytes and pointers are indices into that big array, that should be numerically valid. And indeed, if instead of making xs and ys separate arrays, one writes:

 int zs[20] = {0}; int *xs = &zs[0], *ys = &zs[10];

then no perplexing behavior is observed.

Of course, any veteran C programmer will point at that being UB, but the big-array-of-bytes (with holes) model is what one sees in userspace assembly, and what I assume most systems programmers think about most of the time, rather than the C memory model.

I wouldn't recommend that someone trying to learn systems programming (as opposed to C or C++ as languages) spend, like, any time whatsoever memorizing the list of C UBs (and then learning about pointer provenance, exposed addresses, etc., I suppose?). Assembly, Forth, safe Go, and safe Rust don't have the same kind of UB, and (Linux) kernel C has a different set of UBs than userspace/spec-compliant C.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (18)

scoutt on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Why always give the most contort examples? Jeez...

OP is asking about a language to learn. Let them fail, to learn and understand.

And after all, C was and actually is moving the world forward, and thanks to C you have the possibility to write and run programs in Rust. Rust can't do anything if not by calling C APIs. Removing C code from any system is removing the legs from the crab.

So why not choosing C? Seems wise to me. Think about the thousands of lines of C code executing across the world so you can just download a crate. It seems to me that your first interest, as a Rust user, is to have C programmers around so you can run your Rust code.

I'll contribute by telling my personal experience after 20 years of embedded and system C: the fear spread by Rustaceans (regarding UB) is uber-exaggerated, specially at learning stages.

Before you bring exploits up, not every C application is connected to internet or has a user interface or runs as root. Just a portion.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (19)

bmcooley on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Same here. Embedded programmer, primary language being C. I sat here staring at that line for a solid 30 seconds trying to understand the intent - it’s nonsensical. I read your comment and see the intent you’re guessing at but… you would not generally write C like this. Pointer arithmetic is to be avoided, and this case is contrived. I don’t think a compiler warning would be thrown here though - maybe that is the point, that the language and compiler would not catch this issue and that typos or novice learners can make compilable mistakes too easily?

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (20)

remexre on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I mean, this surely wouldn't be written as obviously as this in real code. It'd be somewhere in a data structure that packs to be able to fit better in a cacheline, and has something like:

 struct edge { struct node* src; int dst_offset; int label; };

Knowing about integer overflow, the original programmer carefully wrote overflow checks where dst_offset gets computed, and the code was correct. Nodes were allocated into one contiguous array, and edges were allocated into another.

Later, someone else changed how nodes were allocated, so adding a new node would never trigger a realloc of the whole graph. Instead, a linked list of node arrays is allocated. Suddenly now, computing dst_offset is UB, and yet, the observed behavior of the resulting program is the same.

Even later, someone updated GCC on the CI machine, and now the inliner is more aggressive. Suddenly, mutations to node labels are unreliable, and edges are found to not refer to any node in the graph, except when debug logging logs the address they actually refer to.

This is the kinda thing that requires an understanding of UB that has nothing to do with the actual hardware to diagnose and fix, which I think is really unnecessary for a beginner.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (21)

joseph8th on June 6, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Biases because that's how I learned, but yeah... I agree. Learning C will help you be a better programmer in any C-like language.

C forces you to think like a programmer. Once you grasp that, you can learn most other languages with relative ease.

Maybe not counting Lisps.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (22)

bombcar on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

I highly recommend learning enough C that you at least decently understand pointers. That’s a major stumbling block and worth overcoming.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (23)

mr_00ff00 on June 6, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

+1 and I say this as a rust fan.

The rust programmers that learned C first always have very elegant solutions and have the least issues in their unsafe blocks.

C to learn how memory works and how to manage resources, then Rust to understand how to use a higher level systems language for more productivity in places where it helps.

I work as a C++ dev and there are jobs in it, but unless you are trying to work a C++ job, the other two are wayyy better.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (24)

josephg on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Another rust fan here (with 3 years experience writing it full time at this point). I agree with all of this.

C knowledge also helps to understand what rust's borrow checker is actually doing. And it will teach you what Box / Rc / etc are for. Its surprisingly easy to write rust code that Box everywhere, and runs very slowly in practice. (I've seen rust programs run slower than their javascript equivalents). Learning C first will give you the right knowledge base to appreciate rust and use it well.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (25)

jandrewrogers on June 6, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

C is a good learning language for systems programming, no doubt about it. All of the elementary concepts are exposed in a simple way that will server you well in any systems programming language. It was also a language design that informed many of the systems language designs that came later, so the history is educational.

However, it is not a productive systems programming language these days compared to C++, Rust, or Zig.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (26)

shicholas on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I would choose Rust because it has much better developer ergonomics than C. Even the little things like having a standard linter and package manager (Cargo) go a long way in writing idiomatic code. You can't go wrong with either choice, so choose the one that makes you most productive.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (27)

the__alchemist on June 6, 2023 | parent | next [–]

This is an underrated advantage of Rust. And, I can expect code to compile (or compile + flash for embedded) by running `cargo run` on Linux or Windows, vice expecting a dependency mess with the C toolchains I've encountered.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (28)

fargle on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

The key to any of embedded, system, or low-level programming is as much about learning how the computer actually works to a reasonable degree. You are not programming to an abstract computation model. You are moving bits and bytes around and generating assembly code and talking to the machine at quite a low-level.

So while Rust and C++ are higher-level languages with all kinds of nice features to be safer, concise, structured, etc. they are not good at all for learning how to work at this low-level. Wielding either of them well for systems code is quite advanced.

C and assembly are where you really need to start.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (29)

user8501 on June 6, 2023 | parent | next [–]

C is an abstract computer as much as any virtual machine. Now this computer is quite simple compared to the abstract machines of Rust and C++ but is doesn’t have much to do with how a computer actually works.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (30)

kaba0 on June 7, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

Disagree, C is not at all lower level than Rust or C++. It is much less expressive, but there is nothing that would be possible in C that can’t be done in C++/Rust. Hell, these latter two are even closer to the hardware due to having proper SIMD primitives.

C++ is the de facto “most performant” language for a reason.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (31)

nathants on June 6, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

c doesn’t have any good game engines or physics libraries. missing other stuff too. otherwise it’s perfect.

passing structs to functions is probably the way, but a struct with functions works too.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (32)

earthboundkid on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

This question is bad. Learn all three. You’re not taking a class at school. There is no penalty for dropping out. Just start learning and if it’s boring, stop.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (33)

abnercoimbre on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

We have three conference podcasts talking about systems programming in depth:

- The Race to Replace C & C++ (2020) [0]

- The Race to Replace C & C++, Episode 2 (2021) [1]

- Memory Strategies: The Merits of (Un)safe (2022) [2]

They feature prominent guests including the creators of Zig and Odin, as well as people making a living using Rust. Hope this helps!




Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (34)

itsmefaz on June 6, 2023 | parent | next [–]

Thank you!

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (35)

debatem1 on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

C. It's the only language people writing bootloaders, writing kernels, and writing serious userland code kinda sorta agree on.

Maybe someday it'll be rust, but if so that day isn't this year or next. Plenty of time to pick it up for your next job.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (36)

user8501 on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

C is forever. It’s the only language where the community aspires to target as early a specification as they can. This keeps C in the hands of the programmers and not the compiler creators.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (37)

photochemsyn on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I assume this question is about which language to learn, rather than which language to use for a particular project assuming you're at least somewhat familiar with all three.

C++ is not a bad place to start, as any decent course in it will, after the basic concepts of variables, loops, arrays, functions, pointers and memory, algorithms & data structures, introduce you to both classes and inheritance and encapsulation (the typical object-oriented paradigm) as well as how to write functions with nested lambdas (the basic functional paradigm). From there you can pick up almost any 'higher-level' language like Java, Python, etc. that utilizes some kind of virtual machine/interpreter to run the code, the various pure functional languages and so on.

Learning C and/or Rust is then a lot more accessible I think. You'll have some grasp of why 'memory-safe' Rust became fairly popular, and of why C's more low-level and simpler approach (no classes, inheritance, etc.) relying on structs, function pointers, etc. instead is still attractive, flaws and all.

The underlying theme though is that these languages all compile directly without any Python-like 'bytecode' intermediate, so probably at some point diving into the assembly output for specific platforms (x86-64, ARM, RISC-V) will be worthwhile, for which is the place to go.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (38)

hgs3 on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Try assembly (maybe RISC-V), then C.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (39)

andyferris on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

For low-level programming in 2023 I would honestly start with Zig.

It offers the same system programming capabilities as C but makes it much easier to write correct programs.

(If Rust is the “better C++”, then Zig is the “better C”).

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (40)

jandrewrogers on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

It really depends on the kind of systems programming you are doing. As a rough heuristic, C for embedded because portability across odd silicon; C++ for complex software close to the metal, like database kernels; Rust for somewhat higher level software — not so close to the metal — where performance matters. Right tool for the job, and all that.

All are good choices in the right context. None is unambiguously superior for all systems programming use cases.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (41)

ritchiey on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I'd be interested to hear if anyone has learned Rust without first understanding memory addressing and pointers.

Although I think Rust is a better way to write safe code and the industry is right to adopt it, it seems like a heavy lift to learn about heaps, stacks and pointers whilst also learning about ownership and lifetimes.

I don't really think that C++ is worth learning unless you have to work on an existing C++ codebase.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (42)

haolez on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

If you are targeting embedded devices, I'd go with C++. If you are targeting super efficient cloud services, I'd go with Rust.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (43)

huijzer on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

I think learning for the sake of learning is highly overrated in programming. Would a woodworker advice anyone to learn wood working from a book?

Find a project that you think is important and work on it. Doesn’t matter which language. You can always switch. Knowing C++ will make you a better Rust programmer and vice versa.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (44)

xvilka on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Learn all three but write only Rust unless no choice.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (45)

felipellrocha on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]


Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (46)

userbinator on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Asm, followed by C89, preferably writing a compiler for the latter --- it's actually not that hard, unlike C++ or Rust.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (47)

29athrowaway on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

If you can afford hundreds thousands of dollars worth of static analysis tools, pick C.

Otherwise go back in time and use Cyclone.

Or use Ada or Rust.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (48)

zabzonk on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

rust, c++ and (to a certain extent) c are all quite high level languages. if you want to learn low-level programming, learn it for the assembly language for the processor you are interested in. this will make learing languages like c, and the others easier - i know it did it for me.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (49)

pengaru on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

C is such a glorious language to competently develop software in, UB be damned.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (50)

nathants on June 6, 2023 | parent | next [–]

so true. c is like the dark side of the force, but for great good.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (51)

spoonfeeder006 on June 6, 2023 | parent | prev | next [–]

whats UB?

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (52)

pengaru on June 6, 2023 | root | parent | next [–]

Undefined Behavior, apologies for using jargon.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (53)

pajko on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

Zig or Nim

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (54)

nathants on June 6, 2023 | prev | next [–]

rust-analyzer, clangd, and clion are all fantastic. why not try both?

cpp feels better to me now, but that could easily change.

rust-analyzer is a good experience, and cpp is not exactly fast, just faster.

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (55)

revskill on June 6, 2023 | prev [–]

Try Rust++

Ask HN: Rust or C or C++ in 2023? (2024)


Should I learn Rust or C or C++? ›

C++ is a well-supported and framework-rich language, but if you want your code to be extremely safe, avoid memory leaks, and other undefined behavior, you might choose Rust instead. If your main priority is speed, both C++ and Rust are equal in this aspect.

Should I learn Rust or Go in 2023? ›

Knowing Rust is always a plus point, as it deepens your understanding of how modern software works. Each language caters to different preferences. If you love building products quickly, choose Go. It's ideal for those who want to develop swiftly and see immediate results.

Should I learn Rust or C++ 2024? ›

If you are looking for a well-supported and framework-rich language, you will probably choose C++. In other cases, you might want your code to be extremely safe, avoid memory leaks and other undefined behavior then start learning Rust. It is said that Rust still lacks tools and frameworks.

Will Rust really replace C++? ›

Rust and C++ are totally different and unrelated languages that are used for totally different and unrelated tasks. They are both great languages, really great. Neither one of them will die every time soon. Rust is not a successor or a replacement for C++.

Should I use Rust or C++ for new projects? ›

Each language has its own distinct set of features and applications, and their suitability for different types of projects varies dramatically. For instance, if your startup specialises in desktop applications, C++ is a suitable option, while Rust is better suited to systems programming and web assembly projects.

Why is C still better than Rust? ›

On the other hand, Rust has a much more complex syntax, with many unique features that can be difficult for programmers to master. This complexity makes Rust more prone to errors and difficult to debug. C also offers greater control over memory management, which is critical in systems programming.

Is Rust really as fast as C++? ›

When comparing, Rust performance vs C++ is often cited as being faster because of its unique components. More often than not, their speed depends on the program being developed, the compiler, and the quality of the code. Thus, if your product written in C++ performs badly, poor code may be the culprit.

Is C++ going obsolete? ›

Learning C and C++ remains relevant, and it's quite likely that their relevance persists in 2024.

Is Rust more memory safe than C++? ›

Rust offers exceptional defaults and strict memory safety. It truly is an excellent programming language, but it also has a tough learning curve as concepts like borrow-checker might be an alien concept to C++ veterans.

Why switch from C to Rust? ›

As software development continues to evolve, the search for safer and more efficient programming languages has prompted many to consider alternatives to the well-established C++. With its focus on memory safety, zero-cost abstractions, and concurrency, Rust has emerged as a compelling choice.

Why will Rust never replace C? ›

The code ends up quite laborious, and it's just not suitable for many things, and it doesn't play so easily with C. Most projects do not require what Rust provides at the cost it provides it at.

Is Rust a C++ killer? ›

Rust's generics are uglier and way more verbose than C++ templates for numeric code. Rust has better aliasing guarantees and nicer multi-threading, but I guess that's something OP is willing to manually deal with in C++. Most of them, for instance, Rust, Julia, and Cland even share the same backend.

Is it better to learn C or C++? ›

If you are interested in low-level programming tasks such as operating systems and device drivers, C may be your better choice. If you are more interested in developing higher-level applications such as web browsers and graphics software, C++ may be a better fit.

Is Rust code faster than C++? ›

At its best, optimal Rust is faster than non-optimal C++, and vice-versa. At it's worst, both languages make it easier to use non-performant but convenient abstractions that put the performance behind both a C program that doesn't have those abstractions, and a Rust or C++ program that doesn't use them.

Should I learn C or C++ for game dev? ›

Both C# and C++ can be used to create games. However, C++ has better control hardware on the PC or server. Therefore, it is usually a more suitable language for game development.

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Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.