Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (2024)

Rust VS C++ is a trending topic because these programming languages compete in the same sphere of system-level development. They have steep learning curves, meaning that beginners will struggle to learn them as their first programming languages. However, if you already have some experience, check out this C++ course!

Despite competing in the same arena, C++ has a stronger foundation when it comes to community, frameworks, and general information about its principles. Rust is a newcomer in the programming world, and many developers hesitate to pick it up. Hence, people wonder who uses Rust and what are the possible implementations with this language.

Looking at these languages from a very technical perspective, they share a variety of similarities in their syntax and code-peculiarities. However, while similar, Rust and C++ have significant differences that are very likely to help you make up your mind about which to learn.

So, let's cover the topic of Rust VS C++ more in-depth.

Table of Contents

  • 1. C++
  • 1.1. Capabilities of C++
  • 2. Rust
  • 2.1. Available Rust Frameworks
  • 3. Technical Comparison: Rust VS C++
  • 4. Memory-Safe Rust
  • 5. Rust VS C++: Which Language is Easier to Master?
  • 6. Game Development: Rust to Push C++?
  • 7. Conclusion
  • 7.1. Alternatives for beginners
  • 7.2. Rust: the Language of the Future?


C++ is a general-purpose language, meaning that it can be applied for nearly any purpose. However, due to its complex syntax rules and overall challenging use, it is mainly dominant in applications that require high-speed, concurrency, and a closer inspection of the way hardware works.

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Being the descendant of C and with its code compiled, C++ excels such languages as Python, C#, or any interpreted language. In terms of Rust VS C++, Rust is frequently proclaimed to be faster than C++ due to its unique components.

However, both of their speeds depend on the program developed, the compiler, and the quality of code. Therefore, if your product written in C++ is performing poorly, the culprit might be the flawed code.

Capabilities of C++

When it comes to Rust vs C++, C++ is the programming language that can create operating systems such as Microsoft Windows. Additionally, C++ produces the majority of market-breaking video games, making it the leading language for game development.

Even the Unity game development framework that lets you create games using C# is written in C++. A superior choice is to use the Unreal Engine, which is pure C++ and more advanced.

To guarantee speed, C++ does not offer automatic garbage collectors. Despite sounding convenient (in a way that all of the garbage will be collected automatically), this feature frequently slows down programming languages such as C#.


In the eyes of the specialists, Rust is a more innovative system-level language. Creators produced this language with safety in mind. Notably, they aimed to beat C++ by offering safer memory management while keeping their speed advantage.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (1)

In the Rust VS C++ discussion, it is clear that programming with Rust will lead to the production of fast software. What is Rust used for? It is possible to develop device drivers, embedded systems, operating systems, games, web applications, and so much more.

The language frequently supports projects aimed at high-security and high-concurrency.

One of the first things you will learn about Rust is its blazing speed. Yes, software created with Rust can impress with its speed, but not every program will have the necessary components to reach the full potential of Rust.

After all, programming languages only give you the tools to produce fast software: you need to hammer nails yourself.

Rust catches errors in code before developers even begin testing their software. For instance, Rust can help you produce programs that would check the correctness and validity of code at runtime.

To learn Rust, you need to get familiar with the basics of Rust programming. We offer you a course explaining the installation, basic concepts, data and error handling, and many other tips!

Available Rust Frameworks

When it comes to Rust VS C++, we can say that while the ecosystem of C++ is more mature, Rust also offers some frameworks. To learn Rust means to become familiar with the frameworks offering functional, secure, and robust code.

Rocket is a web framework for Rust developers that value security, speed, and flexibility. Therefore, if you want to use Rust for web development, this framework is for you.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (2)

Actix is a powerful actor framework proclaiming to offer many features, responsiveness, extensibility, type-safety, and other lightweight components. Due to its clever design, the framework does not sacrifice speed, nor does not it add unnecessary elements to jeopardize high-performance.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (3)

Nickel is a Rust framework for producing and managing information flow control systems with clear validation rules and user-friendly interfaces.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (4)

The Yew framework is for developing web applications with Rust. While backend would be the obvious choice, some enthusiasts have conducted experiments when they attempt to use Rust for frontend. While this choice for the client-side is irregular, developers have deemed it possible.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (5)

Azul is an immediate-mode GUI framework for developing desktop applications with Rust.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (6)

Conrod is a speed-oriented GUI library for developing reactive and dynamic interfaces.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (7)

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Technical Comparison: Rust VS C++

Why use Rust over C++, when it comes to Rust VS C++, when C++ has a stronger community, more frameworks, and has reached a stable position over the years? One of the arguments is Rust’s approach to security and correctness of code.

In dynamically-typed languages such as C++, it is much easier to miss problems and issues in your code. Rust can be described as a statically-typed language on steroids as its code-validating procedure is much stricter than in C++.

For instance, Rust compilers check every variable and memory address referenced. Therefore, Rust prevents data races that can lead to undefined behavior. As a brief reminder, data races refer to situations when multiple threads of a single process access the same memory allocations, and there is no synchronization.

Memory-Safe Rust

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (11)

While choosing which one is better in Rust VS C++, it's also important to talk about memory safety.

It is standard for system-level languages not to have automatic memory management since features such as garbage collectors can jeopardize performances. Therefore, C++ is anything but memory-safe to preserve its speed. Therefore, how can Rust, a system-level language, be memory safe?

Rust is memory-safe but should not be expected to work as C# with its garbage collector. Sometimes it seems that Rust does not follow the pattern of a manually-managed memory due to the built-in features.

Only C++ requires developers to perform purely manual management of memory, while Rust supplies many features that make the management procedure easier.

Rust VS C++: Which Language is Easier to Master?

The discussion above touches another argument in the debate on Rust VS C++: which is easier to use and why. Almost anyone who uses Rust can state that programming in this language is easier due to well-defined semantics and the prevention of unwanted behavior.

In C++, developers have more issues when trying to avoid undefined behavior.

Furthermore, C++ is a deep ocean when compared to Rust since C++ has so many features and opportunities for implementation that it can become challenging to keep track. However, Rust was not created to be a simple language for beginners. Just as C++, it is a complicated system-level language that helps you figure out the way machines work under the hood.

Game Development: Rust to Push C++?

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (12)

C++ is the leader in game development with the majority of top-notch, market-dominating games developed in C++. As we have mentioned, the Unreal Engine is the main framework for helping you produce games.

Rust also wishes to enter the game development sphere. However, it does not have the elaborate and polished frameworks that could win in the Rust VS C++ battle.

While some simple gaming applications are being developed with Rust, it will take a long time before this programming language will become the top choice for developers to produce more high-tech games. At least not until the ecosystem of Rust will become more prominent and reliable.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (13)

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Rust VS C++ is not an easy question to answer, as you need to consider many things. If you are looking for a well-supported and framework-rich language, you will probably choose C++.

In other cases, you might want your code to be extremely safe, avoid memory leaks and other undefined behavior. Therefore, you will start experimenting with Rust. If your main priority is speed, both C++ and Rust are fair game.

However, C++ still remains a more popular option. If you'd like to learn C++, as so many people do, check out this course on C++.

Alternatives for beginners

If you are looking for the quickest possible way of developing not performance-critical programs or games, both C++ and Rust are not for you.

Since these languages have steep learning curves, you won’t be able to master them quickly. Additionally, even skilled C++ developers take months or even years producing bug-free functional software.

If you are looking for more beginner-friendly options, try learning Python or C#. This course on Python is a perfect place to start exploring the capabilities of this language, and this C# course explains the basics of game development with the Unity framework.

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (17)


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Rust: the Language of the Future?

Even though the ecosystem of Rust is still pretty young, specialists are seeing its potential and labeling it as the programming language of the future. While developers are mainly creating, for instance, games with C++, Rust has the potential to take over this sphere once it gets settled.

Therefore, if the lack of tools and frameworks does not scare you off, you should definitely try learning Rust, especially if you already know C++. Thus, the final ruling of Rust vs C++ depends on the way you see the future and which features are more appealing to you.

However, if you still choose to master another language such as C++, you can learn it here!

Scientific References

Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa (2024)


Rust vs. C++: Why Use Rust Over C++ or Vice Versa? ›

It's all about tradeoffs. Macros in C++ are much weaker than in Rust but metaprogramming is more flexible (you can traverse and process complex types and data structures in C++, while in Rust similar facilities just simply don't exist…

Why should I use Rust instead of C++? ›

Rust enforces strict safety guarantees at compile-time, preventing common bugs like null pointer dereferencing and data races. In contrast, C++ provides more flexibility but requires manual memory management, which can lead to potential safety issues if not handled carefully.

Will Rust really replace C++? ›

Rust is not a successor or a replacement for C++. It is just a different language.

Is Rust really better than C++ on Reddit? ›

The answer is the same comparing C++ and Rust. Rust also has zero-cost abstractions, some of them are the same as C++, others C++ has and Rust doesn't, and others Rust has but C++ doesn't. At its best, optimal Rust is faster than non-optimal C++, and vice-versa.

Why Rust is better than C#? ›

Choosing Between C# and Rust

When deciding between C# and Rust for a project, several factors should be considered: Safety vs. Productivity: If safety and performance are paramount, especially for systems programming or building high-reliability software, Rust may be the better choice.

Can C++ do everything Rust can? ›

Strictly speaking all turning-complete languages are equivalent, but there are plenty of things that are easy in C++ but more-or-less impossible in Rust (the opposite is true, too, though Rust can do things that C++ couldn't).

Is Rust a C++ killer? ›

The C++ Killers (Not You, Rust) | Hacker News. [Languages like Rust] do help you to write more features with fewer bugs, but they are not of much help when you need to squeeze the very last flop from the hardware you rent. I do think that Rust helps you squeeze out that last 1% of performance over C++.

Is C++ becoming obsolete? ›

While the programming landscape continues to evolve, the relevance of C and C++ is sustained by their unique strengths and the ongoing use of these languages in various domains.

Is it worth learning Rust in 2024? ›

Rust is a rather new language that has quickly captured the developer's attention. More than 13% of developers worldwide in 2024 are making it a programming language to learn. Learning to code in Rust can benefit developers planning to grow their careers in the tech industry.

Will Python be replaced by Rust? ›

Is Rust going to replace Python? Rust is unlikely to replace Python entirely because they serve different purposes. Rust excels in system-level programming with performance and safety, while Python is favored for its simplicity and versatility in web development, data science, and scripting.

Should I learn Rust if I already know C++? ›

Therefore, if the lack of tools and frameworks does not scare you off, you should definitely try learning Rust, especially if you already know C++. Thus, the final ruling of Rust vs C++ depends on the way you see the future and which features are more appealing to you.

Does Rust compile slower than C++? ›

cpp file. This compilation is done in parallel, but parallelism is imperfect. For incremental builds, Rust will take longer to compile than C++ (i.e. C++ wins). This is because Rust compiles one crate at a time, rather than one file at a time like in C++, so Rust has to look at more code after each small change.

What is harder, C++ or Rust? ›

C++ vs.

There is no question that Rust is far easier to use than C++. It also has a significantly lower learning curve, along with extensive community support, libraries, tools, documentation, and additional resources that newcomers to Rust can take advantage of when they are first learning how to use the language.

Why should I use Rust instead of C? ›

To sum it up

Higher-level abstractions, easy memory management, and abundance of available libraries tend to make Rust programs have more code, do more, and if left unchecked, can add up to bloat. However, Rust programs also optimize quite well, sometimes better than C.

Which language is better than Rust? ›

While Rust is great for system programming, it offers less flexibility than Python. Documentation Due to its longevity, Python's documentation is extensive, user-friendly, and easier to understand. Rust's documentation is comprehensive but more technical and not user-friendly. Community Python has a larger community.

Why is Rust preferred? ›

Rust gives you the choice of storing data on the stack or on the heap and determines at compile time when memory is no longer needed and can be cleaned up. This allows efficient usage of memory as well as more performant memory access.

What are the advantages of Rust over C? ›

It's faster to code in Rust than in languages like C, enhanced error messages make bug fixing easier, and it can integrate with other programming languages. Rust has grown from a coding language created to overcome memory issues to one of the most popular languages used by developers all over the world.

Should I use Rust or C++ for new projects? ›

Compared to C++, Rust promises more security. But, just like with any language, it's still likely to write insecure code in Rust if the developer isn't experienced yet. In general, Rust is considered to be a safe programming language that is often used in operating systems, file systems, and web browsers.

Does Rust compile faster than C++? ›

Which one compiles faster: C++ or Rust? Unfortunately, the answer is: it depends! On my Linux machine, Rust builds are sometimes faster than C++ builds, but sometimes slower or the same speed. In the incremental lex benchmark, which modifies the largest src file, Clang was faster than rustc.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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