Airbnb Co-Host - Pros & Cons, Fees and Tips 2024 (2024)

The figure of an Airbnb co-host is becoming more frequent: a trusted person, usually a relative or friend, who is in charge of helping the owner with tasks related to the management of the property.

Airbnb hosts know how hosting can be a daunting task. The list of responsibilities to be managed is quite extensive: keeping calendars up to date, answering doubts and questions from travelers, handing over keys, sending traveler reports, or organizing cleaning are just some of them.

Airbnb Co-Host - Pros & Cons, Fees and Tips 2024 (1)

Airbnb co-host pros & cons, tips, and must-to-know details

Who is an Airbnb co-host?

A co-host is a person who has been selected by the owner of an Airbnb listing to manage it every day. Typically, co-hosts are family or friends, although outsourcing is becoming increasingly popular, especially among professional hosts and property managers.
Co-hosts have their own Airbnb account to access listings they manage and to communicate with guests. So, sharing access keys with the owner becomes unnecessary, and it is much easier to identify who does what on the platform.

Responsibilities of an Airbnb co-host

Airbnb doesn’t allow you to customize co-host account permissions. Regardless of the responsibilities you have agreed to, your co-host will have access to the following actions within the platform.

Airbnb Co-Host - Pros & Cons, Fees and Tips 2024 (2)

10 ways an Airbnb co-host can help a property owner

1. Creating new listings on Airbnb

Co-hosts have almost complete control over the listings: writing titles and descriptions, uploading photos, adding services or changing the location are just some of the things they can do.

2. Permission to edit a calendar

Did you know that having your accommodation calendar out of date is one of the main causes of negative comments on Airbnb? Co-hosts can manage it, so you never have double-booking or overbooking problems again.

3. Prices modification option

Another key power for co-hosts: managing pricing settings. This includes the base price and other factors, such as discounts for long stays, seasonal rates or promotions.

4. Right to manage reservations

If you don’t allow instant bookings on Airbnb, your co-host can accept or reject guest requests. Likewise, they will be able to take care of the tasks associated with reservations:

  • Preparing the property for check-ins;
  • Personally receiving travelers;
  • Explaining how the accommodation works, etc.
  • Communication with guests 24/7

A good co-host will take an interest in the travelers, answer their questions and try to accommodate their requests. If your guests have problems during their stay, the Airbnb co-host will solve them quickly, ideally without involving you.

5. Writing reviews and feedbacks

When the trip is over, the person who has dealt with the guests from the start will understand how they have behaved best. Co-hosts are therefore permitted to review guests for the listing owner using their personal Airbnb accounts.

6. Manage cleaning and maintenance

Co-hosts may be responsible for hiring a cleaning service, cleaning the property themselves, or splitting tasks with staff, depending on their agreement with the owner.

They can also decide if they want to take care of the maintenance of the property themselves or leave it to specialists. Usually, they will have no problem doing basic tasks, but major repairs are often best delegated.

Things a co-host can’t do

Co-hosts have nearly unlimited access to the hosting account they manage. But still, there are certain features they don’t have access to – essentially anything that affects your privacy or your charges in any way.

Restrictions on co-hosts’ permissions and actions on Airbnb

Modify the listing detailsOnly the primary host can change the listing details, including the listing title, description, photos, pricing, and availability.
Initiate or accept booking requestsOnly the primary host can send booking requests and accept reservations on the listing.
Invite guests to stay at the propertyCo-hosts are not permitted to invite visitors independently; only the primary host may do so.
Change the primary listing’s rulesCo-hosts are expected to follow the primary host’s rules and guidelines for the property.
Manage insurance-related claimsCo-hosts cannot open or react to damage or insurance-related claims at the Airbnb Resolution Center. Only the primary host may initiate a claim.
Transactions reviewCo-hosts can’t see the payment method details. They can only check the payout status.
Get taxpayer informationCo-hosts cannot view the payout or taxation information for the listing owner.
Use a personal Airbnb account to manage the listingCo-hosts must be invited to the listing by the primary host and manage the listing using a different co-hosting account.

How to make Airbnb co-hosting more effective

Having to constantly micro-manage a co-host can be annoying. Therefore, it is best to set up a system that allows them to work more independently and without constant supervision. There are three easy ways to accomplish this:

  • Walk your co-host through their duties to ensure they can complete them independently. You can back off and let them take charge after you’re confident they can handle everything alone, and you’ve seen them do it more than once.
  • Clarify the co-host’s duties so they can refer to and fulfill them. These duties will serve as a checklist for them and directly indicate what they must do.
  • Create a framework of accountability to help you ensure the co-host is fulfilling all their obligations. You can set up a system where you randomly inspect the Airbnb once or twice a month.

If you’re looking for short-term rental management, CHM Inc. can help with everything from cleaning to fully managing your Airbnb. Therefore, it is a fantastic option if you require a competent co-host.

Fees for an Airbnb co-hosting service

Co-hosts normally establish their own prices. A charge of between 10 to 30% of your Airbnb listing price is typical. For instance, here are our Airbnb co-host packages you can choose (our actual packages are on this page):

There are 4 packages (for short-term rentals),
based on the % of the revenue:

How much do we charge for property management
for short-term rentals

Our company offers different packages for our services. Those are always charged only from the revenue. What does it mean? Math is quite simple, you make money = we make money. Therefore, we need to make sales, generate income and manage the properties up to the highest expectations. We must make profits and deliver results.

There are 4 main packages for short-term rentals,
that are based on the % of the revenue:


Airbnb Co-Host

The package includes:

  • Managing Airbnb account (regular photo and description reviews and updates)
  • All communication with guests
  • Reviews for the guests and responses to such from the guests
  • Managing quick replies


All OTA channels + Marketing

The package includes:

  • Managing 35+ OTA channels (communication with guests, processing reservations, descriptions, and so on)
  • Direct bookings (from our website)
  • Marketing campaigns: Google ad campaigns, Instagram and Facebook marketing, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Twitter ads, etc.


Marketing + Check-in/Check-out

The package includes:

  • All that is included in the 15% package.
  • Check-in procedure - our trained manager meets the guests at the designated time and does check-in, answers all the questions and does a tour of the apartment.
  • Check-out procedure - the manager will check out the guests according to the rules, and review the property for any damage.
  • Reports of any damage/repair works needed to the owner.


Full Management

The package includes:

  • All that is included in the 20% package
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • Resolving issues with the clients
  • Peace of mind of the owner

Villas with pool and in premium locations ($800K+) are charged at a special rate – only 20% from the revenue!

Important. We do a thorough analysis of properties before we take them on for management. Not all properties can be profitable for short term rentals. In such cases, we recommend long-term rental management.But even if we have determined that your property is not favorable for short-term rental management due to objective reasons, you can still take advantage of our short-term rental management services by paying an additional setup fee of $499. This way you can try the short term rental scheme and we can cover our initial setup and marketing costs for your property.

If you are interested in finding a perfect Airbnb co-host who will not only be responsible and trustworthy but additionally multiply the number of reservations and your revenue, look at our unique proposal for you!

Advantages of working with
an Airbnb co-host

There are many reasons why an owner might want to leave their vacation rental in the hands of a co-host: maybe they don’t have the time to do it themselves, or perhaps they don’t like it.

Airbnb Co-Host - Pros & Cons, Fees and Tips 2024 (3)

5 benefits of having an Airbnb co-host

One thing is clear: Airbnb co-hosting can be very superior. Some of the best aspects of working with them are:

1. Airbnb co-hosts complement your skills

Vacation rental owners tend to know a little about everything because the profession really requires it. However, there are always things we’re better at than others, and that’s where co-hosts shine.

Are you a financial genius but don’t have great taste in decoration? Love dealing with guests, but creating effective ads isn’t your thing? It’s okay: let your Airbnb co-host take care of these tasks.

2. Additional pair of local hands

Ideally, a good co-host should know the area where your accommodation is located and be able to advise guests on places of interest, entertainment areas and typical gastronomy.

Having a trusted co-host is almost mandatory if you manage your accommodation remotely. Think that certain things, such as assisting guests in an emergency or cultivating relationships with neighbors, can only be done well in person.

3. More free time for a rental owner

Getting a vacation rental to work optimally requires effort and dedication, but not everyone wants to spend 24 hours a day pending their business. Having the support of a co-host will allow you to reduce your workload and have more time.

4. Complete dedication of Airbnb co-hosts

If you hire a professional, they will most likely be dedicated full-time to the business. Logically, not only will they manage yours, but they will always dedicate more hours to it than you (otherwise, you wouldn’t look for an Airbnb co-hosting?).

As a conclusion

Having an Airbnb co-host has several advantages, such as reducing your burden or taking on duties you can no longer perform alone. It’s a good option for owners who don’t use property management software and prefer to leave the day-to-day operations of their business in the hands of a third party.

One of the best ways to find a qualified co-host is through a professional Airbnb property management company such as Complete Hospitality Management.

Frequently asked questions related
to an Airbnb co-host

1. What can a co-host not do on Airbnb?

As a co-host on Airbnb, there are certain limitations to what you can and cannot do. Here are a few things that a co-host should not do on Airbnb:

  • Use the platform to make off-platform agreements;
  • Accept payments outside of the Airbnb platform;
  • Discriminate against guests;
  • Misrepresent listings;
  • Violate local laws and regulations;
  • Use personal information of guests.

It’s important for co-hosts to familiarize themselves with the Airbnb Community Standards and Host Responsibilities to ensure they are following the guidelines set forth by the platform.

2. What questions can you ask an Airbnb host?

To make sure the listing satisfies your requirements and expectations, ask a host any questions you may have prior to making a reservation for an Airbnb. Here are few instances:

  • Is the listing available for my desired dates?
  • What is the check-in and check-out time?
  • Are there additional fees, such as cleaning or security deposits?
  • How do I check-in and receive the keys to the listing?
  • How far is the listing from public transportation?
  • Are there any restrictions for the listing, such as smoking or pets?
  • Are there any local attractions or restaurants you would recommend?
  • Is the listing located in a safe neighborhood?
  • How can I contact you if I have issues during my stay?

These are just a few questions you can ask an Airbnb host. Feel free to ask any additional ones that are crucial to you and your stay.

3. How do I ask Airbnb to be a co-host?

To become a co-host on Airbnb, you must first create an Airbnb account if you don’t already have one. Once you have an account, follow these steps:

  • Go to and log in to your account.
  • Navigate to your profile by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Click on “Become a Host” in the dropdown menu.
  • Scroll down and click on “Get Started” under the “Co-hosts” section.
  • Fill out the form and a brief message explaining why you would be a good co-host.
  • Submit the form and wait for Airbnb to review your application.

Airbnb will notify you via email if your application is accepted, and you can begin co-hosting for other Airbnb hosts.

4. What makes a good Airbnb co-host?

A good Airbnb co-host is someone who is reliable, responsible, and communicative. Here are some specific qualities and skills that can make a great co-host:

  • Responsiveness;
  • Organization;
  • Attention to detail;
  • Communication skills;
  • Problem-solving skills;
  • Flexibility;
  • Local knowledge;
  • Honesty;
  • Trustworthiness.

Overall, a good co-host is someone who is reliable, proactive, and committed to providing a great experience for guests.

5. Does co hosting affect Superhost?

Co-hosting on Airbnb does not directly affect the Superhost status of the primary host, but having a reliable co-host can help maintain Superhost status by delegating tasks and ensuring a great guest experience.

6. What are the risks of shared hosting?

Shared hosting on Airbnb, where a host rents out a room or shared space in their home to guests, comes with some risks:

  • Privacy concerns. Sharing your home with guests means you may have to sacrifice some privacy, as guests will have access to common areas like the kitchen and living room.
  • Safety concerns. Hosting strangers can pose some safety risks, particularly if you share a space with them. Take precautions to protect your belongings and ensure your home is secure.
  • Property damage. Guests may accidentally or intentionally damage your property, leading to costly repairs or replacements.
  • Noise complaints. Sharing a space with guests can lead to noise disturbances that can disrupt your daily routine and annoy neighbors.
  • Liability concerns. As a host, you may be held liable for any injuries or accidents on your property, mainly if they are caused by negligence.
  • Legal issues. Depending on local laws and regulations, there may be restrictions on hosting guests in your home, such as zoning laws or homeowner association rules.

Carefully consider these risks before deciding to share your home with guests, and take steps to minimize them, such as setting clear house rules, screening guests, and having proper insurance coverage.

7. What are limitations of shared hosting?

Here are some shorter limitations of shared hosting:

  • Limited resources and control over the server.
  • Security risks as multiple websites are hosted on the same server.
  • Limited scalability, making it difficult to upgrade resources as the website grows.
  • Server downtime can affect all websites hosted on the server.

8. Can a cohost become a superhost on Airbnb?

No, only the primary host of an Airbnb listing can become a Superhost based on their performance. However, being a co-host on a Superhost’s listing can still be beneficial.

9. What is the difference between hosting and co hosting Airbnb?

Hosting on Airbnb refers to the primary responsibility of managing a rental property, while co-hosting involves assisting the primary host with managing the listing and providing a guest experience.

10. How can I be an effective co-host?

To be an effective co-host on Airbnb, you can follow these tips:

  • Communicate effectively;
  • Track bookings;
  • Be organized;
  • Be hospitable;
  • Keep the space clean and tidy;
  • Respect the primary host’s rules.

By following these tips, you can be a valuable asset to the primary host and ensure a positive guest experience for everyone involved.

11. Can co hosts invite guests?

No, as a co-host on Airbnb, you cannot invite guests on your own. Only the primary host can send booking requests and invite guests to stay at the property. Co-hosts should coordinate with the primary host and follow their guest communication and management instructions.

Updated on: . Author: Karina

Tags: Airbnb management

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Airbnb Co-Host - Pros & Cons, Fees and Tips 2024 (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.