7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (2024)

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Welcome to our latest blog post, where we explore the world of React frameworks! In this blog, we’ll be exploring the top React frameworks that developers can use to build their projects in 2024. These frameworks offers myriad of features to suit every development need from enhanced performance to streamlined development. Join us as we uncover the innovative tools that are shaping the future of React development!

Here are five top 7 react frameworks to enhance your React.js development and unlock its full potential in building interactive UIs.

FrameworkGitHub StarsBest Suited ForLicense
Next.js119kMaking apps discoverable by web crawlersMIT license
React Native115kBuilding native mobile appsMIT license
Material UI (MUI)91.1kBuilding modern UIs with ReactMIT license
Ant Design89.7kCreating consistent and accessible UIsMIT license
React Router51.7kHandling routing in React appsMIT license
React Bootstrap22.2kAccessing reusable web app templatesMIT license
Blueprint UI20.3kStreamlining complex UI developmentMIT license

1. Next.js

Next.js is one of the most popular React framework that provide comprehensive solutions for building server side rendered (SSR) and statically generated React applications. It stands out as a versatile React frameworks which offers developers as powerful set of features to streamline the development process.

One of the primary advantages of Next.js is its ability to provide server-side-rendering. It enhance both performance and SEO of web applications. Developers can easily render React components on server before sending them to client. It result in faster initial page loads and improved search engine discoverability. You can use Headless CMS for seamless content management in your React frameworks.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (1)

Additionally, Next.js supports static site generation which allow developers to pre-render pages at build time. This approach further improves performance by serving static HTML files to client which reduce server load and enhance scalability. Furthermore, Next.js provides incremental static generation which enable developers to update static content without rebuilding the entire application, thereby striking a balance between performance and flexibility.

Another key feature of Next.js is its built-in routing system which simplifies navigation within React applications. Developers can define routes using file-based routing where each page component corresponds to route make it intuitive to organize and manage application structure. Moreover, Next.js offer dynamic routing capabilities which allows developers to create dynamic routes based on data fetched from external sources.

Furthermore, Next.js includes built-in support for CSS and Sass modules which enable developers to encapsulate styles within individual components. This approach promotes modularity and maintainability make it easier to manage complex styling requirements in React applications.

Overall, Next.js serves as a robust React framework that empower developers to build high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications with ease.

2. React Native

React Native is renowned open-source framework developed by Facebook for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. But it is not traditionally categories as “React Framework”. React Native is fundamentally built upon React principles making it a highly relevant in the context of React Frameworks.

React Native has ability to build cross-platform mobile applications with single code base. This means that developers can write code once and deploy it both iOS and Android platforms. It saves time and resources. React Native achieve this through use of its native components. It allows developers to create truly native user experience while still leveraging the power of React.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (2)

Developer can build cross-platform mobile applications with single codebase with React Native. It means that developers can write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platform which save times & resources. React Native achieve this through its use of native components which allows developers to create truly native user experience while still leveraging the power of React.

React Native is super fast for its performance, You can utilize native components, React Native applications can achieve near-native performance which allows smooth and responsive user experience. Additionally, React Native prove features like hot reloading which allows developers to see changes in real-time as they code which enhance the overall developers experience.

React Native stands out as powerful framework within the list of react UI framework available in the market. It is due to its ability to build high-performance, cross-platform mobile applications efficiently. Its seamless integration with React principles, focus on performance & robust ecosystem make it a compelling choice for developers looking to create mobile apps with React.

Also Read: React Native vs React – What’s the Difference?

3. Material UI (MUI)

Material UI, also known as MUI, is a leading React UI framework. It uses Google’s Material Design principles to provide developers with a robust set of pre-designed React components. This component help to build user interfaces easily. As one of the most popular React frameworks in the ecosystem, Material UI offers a comprehensive suite of components that follow Material Design guidelines. This make it simple for developers to create visually appealing and responsive web applications with ease.

Material UI has lots of customizable components like buttons, card, menus and form elements. These components are designed to be highly modular and reusable. This helps developers to build complex layouts quickly. This modularity accelerates developments but also promotes consistency and maintainability across the application.

Material UI has a rich theming system for customizing app appearance. Developers can easily match their brand identity with custom themes and styles. It integrates smoothly with design tools like Sketch and Figma, making the design-to-development process seamless.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (3)

Material UI prioritizes accessibility and responsiveness, making apps inclusive and compatible with various devices. It follows responsive design principles, like flexible grid layouts and media query breakpoints, for seamless adaptation to different screen sizes.

In addition to its core set of components, Material UI provides extensive documentation and a supportive community for developers. They can access resources, tutorials, and community-driven extensions to improve their development process. Additionally, Material UI is regularly updated with the latest React and Material Design. It features to provide developers with cutting-edge tools.

Overall, Material UI is a versatile and powerful React UI framework that empowers developers to create beautiful, accessible and responsive user interfaces for their web applications. It has extensive collection of components, customize theme system, follow best practices and vibrant community support to make it valuable asset within the ecosystem of React frameworks. It servers to diverse needs of modern web development.

4. Ant Design

Ant Design is a comprehensive react js ui framework that offers a rich set of UI components and design resources. It help in simplifying the development of high-quality web applications. It is developed by Alibaba Group, Ant Design follow the principles of design language known as “Ant Design System” which focus on consistency, usability and accessibility.

At its core, Ant Design is built upon React which make it a powerful choice for developers. Its highly useful for those prefer using React as their front-end library. It provides wide range of pre-designed React components which includes buttons, forms, navigation menus, layouts and more. These components are carefully designed to follow the principles of the Ant Design System. It make sure that the user interface remains consistent and visually appealing across different applications.

Ant Design main strength is its modular and customizable nature. The framework offers a highly modular architecture that allows developers to selectively import and use only components need in their projects. Additionally, each components comes with a rich set of customization options which allows developers to adjust appearance, behaviours and style to match their projects requirements.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (4)

Moreover, Ant Design provides a comprehensive set of design resources which includes icons, illustrations and typography. It helps developers to create visually appealing and cohesive user interfaces. These design resources are integrated seamlessly with framework’s components. It make sure consistent and polished look and feel throughout the application. You can upgrade your React frameworks with smooth animations using our premier ReactJS Animation Library.

Ant Design provide great accessibility to their users. The frameworks follows best practices for accessibility which make sure that its components are usable by all users which include those with disabilities also. Developers can create more inclusive and socially responsible application with great accessibility which improves overall user experience.

Ant Design offers great comprehensive documentation & support resources to get developers started with framework. The documentation includes details explanation of each components, along with usage examples and code snippets, It make easy for developers to understand and implement Ant Design in their projects. Ant Design also have community of active developers who contribute to developers and provide support to fellow users

Overall, Ant Design is a powerful react js ui framework that offers a comprehensive solutions for building high-quality web applications with React. It has modular architecture, customizable components, design resources, accessibility features and community support. That make it really valuable assets for developer working on React Projects. Ant Design provide you tools & resources to create visually appealing and user-friendly interface with ease.

5. React Router

React Router is one of the most popular React framework known for handling routing in React applications. It provide comprehensive solution for managing navigation and rendering components based on URL. It qualified it as a most essential tool for building Single Page Applications (SPAs) and multi-page applications (MAPs) with React.

React Router’s main advantage is its simplicity and ease of use. The framework offers a declarative approach to define routes using JSX syntax which allows developers to define routes as components and nest them within their application’s hierarchy. This intuitive approach make it easy for developers to understand and manage their application’s routing logic, even in complex applications with multiple nested routes.

React Router provides a flexible and powerful routing API. It support a wide range of features including nested routes, route parameters, query parameters and more. Developers can create dynamic and interactive user experience by defining routes that responds to changes in the URL and render components accordingly due to its flexibility.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (5)

Additionally, React Router offers built-in support for browser history manipulation. It allows developers to programmatically navigate between different pages within their application. Developers can create seamless and intuitive navigation experience such as implementing back and forward navigation buttons or handling redirect based on user actions.

Furthermore, React Router is has vibrant active community of developers who contribute to development and provide support to fellow users. The framework provide comprehensive documentation which include detailed explanation of its features and usage example. Now, Its easy for developers to get started with React Router and leverages its full potential in their projects.

In conclusion, React Router is powerful React framework that provides a robust solution for handing routing in React applications. Developers can build SPAs and MPAs with react due to its simplicity and flexibility & comprehensive feature set. React Router offers tools and resources needed to create seamless navigation experiences and build better React applications. You can easily build simple website and complex web applications.

6. React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap is a popular React UI framework that combines React with Bootstrap. It is a widely use CSS framework. It provides collections of pre-designed React components. They’re built on top of Bootstrap’s responsive grid system. This allows developers to create modern and responsive user interfaces with minimal effort.

React Bootstrap integrates seamlessly with React. It also allows developers to leverage component-based architecture of React with extensive UI components library. Integration streamlines development process, as developers can easily incorporate Bootstrap component into theri React applications without having to write custom CSS or JavaScript Code.

React Bootstrap provides a variety of customizable components like buttons, forms, navigation bars and modals. These components are highly modular and can be extended as needed. Developer can customize their appearance and behaviour to fit specific design requirements. Additionally, React Bootstrap components work seamlessly with Bootstrap’s responsive and grid system. It make sure that applications are mobile-friendly and accessible on various devices and screen sizes.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (6)

React Bootstrap also provide comprehensive documentation for developers to get started with framework. It include all guideline with code samples for developers to follow. And it helps developers to quickly start with their project. it has active community to support and provide assistance to developers.

In addition to its core set of components, React Bootstrap also offers support for Bootstrap’s utility classes and custom themes. Developer can customize appearance behaviour of their applications through it. It help developers to create unique and visually appealing user interfaces that align with brand identity and design preferences.

Overall, React Bootstrap is powerful React framework that combines React and Bootstrap features to streamline modern development and responsive web applications. Its seamless integration, extensive collection of components, comprehensive documentation, active community make it valuable asset within community of React frameworks ecosystem.

7. Blueprint UI

Blueprint UI is a react js ui framework designed to streamline the development of complex user interfaces by providing a comprehensive set of reusable components and utilities. It is built on top of React, leveraging its component-based architecture to offer a seamless and efficient development experience.

Blueprint UI’s main key strength focuses on its modularity and extensibility. It provide wide range of UI components, including buttons, input fields, navigation bars and more. all designed to work seamlessly together. Developers can easily easily create custom UI components according to their need due to its high modularity. This approach accelerated development and also promotes consistency and maintainability in projects.

Blueprint UI mainly focuses on performance. It provide best performance by using lazy loading of components, efficient rendering and minimal re-renders. It make sure that application built using Blueprint UI are fast and responsive even when dealing with large datasets or complex UI structures.

One more key feature is that Blueprint UI has comprehensive documentation and support resources. The framework’s documentation has detailed explanations of each component along with usage examples and code snippets. Additionally, Blueprint UI provides thriving community of developers. Community regularly contribute to framework’s development and offer support to all users. This active community make sure that developers have access to resources and they got assistance to build successful projects.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (7)

Blueprint UI focuses on accessibility. The framework follow best practices for accessibility. It make sure that applications built using Blueprint UI are usable for all users include those with disabilities. This commitment to accessibility improve user experience and also help developers to create more inclusive and socially responsible applications.

Blueprint UI is powerful react js ui framework that offers comprehensive set of UI components. It also offer utilities to streamline the development of complex user interfaces. It having modular architecture which focus on performance, comprehensive documentation & commitment accessibility. This make it valuable assets for developer who are working on react projects. Blueprint UI provides tools and resources need to create beautiful and functional user interfaces with ease. Whether you’re building simple website or web application, it provide full support for your needs.

Partner with Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd

Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd is a leading ReactJS Development Company with over 14 years of experience in providing advanced technical solutions. Our in-house team specializes in single-page application development, web app development, website development, and other ReactJS Development Services. We offer custom development, plug-ins development, web application development, UI integration, enterprise development, and more in ReactJS. Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking expertise in ReactJS development, ensuring excellence and reliability in our services. With a focus on delivering high-quality solutions, Artoon Solutions Pvt Ltd has become a top choice for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and drive growth through innovative ReactJS development.

Wrapping Up!

Exploring the vast array of React frameworks reveals a wealth of options for developers seeking to streamline their projects. From Material UI to React Bootstrap, and from Blueprint UI to Ant Design, each framework offers unique advantages tailored to diverse development needs. By carefully considering factors like performance, accessibility, and community support, developers can confidently select the ideal React framework to elevate their projects and deliver exceptional user experiences. As the React ecosystem continues to evolve, these frameworks serve as invaluable tools, empowering developers to create innovative and user-centric applications efficiently. Hire ReactJS Developers from Artoon Solutions for your next React Project.

Also Read:

  • Top 10 React Development IDE in 2024
  • Top 15 ReactJS Alternatives


1. What is the React framework?

The React framework is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, focusing on component-based development and efficient rendering.

2. What is the best React framework to use?

The best React framework to use depends on project requirements and developer preferences, with popular options including Material UI, Ant Design, and React Bootstrap.

3. What frameworks support JSX?

Frameworks like React, Next.js, and Vue.js support JSX, a syntax extension that allows embedding HTML code within JavaScript.

4. Is React a UI framework?

React itself is a library for building user interfaces, but frameworks like Material UI, Ant Design, and React Bootstrap provide pre-designed components and styling options, often referred to as UI frameworks.

5. Is Next Better than React?

Next.js is not a direct competitor to React but rather a framework built on top of React, offering additional features like server-side rendering and static site generation. The choice between Next.js and React depends on project requirements and desired functionality.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (8)

Artoon Solutions

Artoon Solutions is a technology company that specializes in providing a wide range of IT services, including web and mobile app development, game development, and web application development. They offer custom software solutions to clients across various industries and are known for their expertise in technologies such as React.js, Angular, Node.js, and others. The company focuses on delivering high-quality, innovative solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of their clients.

7 React Frameworks for Developers to Use in 2024 (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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