7 Investing Strategies to Prepare for Bear Markets (2024)

Market Volatility

May 19, 2022

Bear markets occur with some regularity. Is your portfolio ready? Get prepared with these seven investing tips.

7 Investing Strategies to Prepare for Bear Markets (1)

Bull markets can run for a long time—but they can't run forever. And when a bull stops running, it's better to be prepared than surprised. So how do you prepare? Here are seven things to do:

1. Know that you have the resources to weather a crisis

"Some people panic in a bear market because they don't know whether they have enough cash to handle near-term goals," says Mark Riepe, managing director of the Schwab Center for Financial Research. Ideally, you won't have to face this question in a crisis—because you should know the answer.

If you're retired, knowing that you have the next 12 months of living expenses in a bank account or money market fund—and a few more years' worth in bonds that mature when you need the money—can help keep you calm and clear-headed, Mark says.

"You're going to react a lot differently than someone who gets blindsided and has never laid that groundwork. It's not just about your risk tolerance, which is your ability to emotionally handle big price swings and losses," he adds. "It's about your financial capacity to handle risk. In other words, can you afford to take a loss?"

You might feel risk tolerant, but if you haven't structured your investments to handle a sharp drop, you may have to make painful adjustments to your lifestyle when the crisis happens.

2. Match your money to your goals

Map out a plan that takes into account what you're saving for, whether near-term expenses or future financial goals like college tuition or retirement. Structure your portfolio to match those goals. Money that you'll need in the short term or that you can't afford to lose—the down payment on a home, for example—is best invested in relatively stable assets, such as money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), or Treasury bills. Goals that need funding in three to five years should be addressed with a mixture of investment-grade bonds and CDs. For money you won't need for five or more years, consider assets with the potential to grow, such as stocks, which are more volatile.

3. Remember: Downturns don't last

The Schwab Center for Financial Research looked at both bull and bear markets for the S&P 500® Index going back to the late '60s and found that the average bull ran for about six years, delivering an average cumulative return of over 200%. The average bear market lasted roughly 15 months, delivering an average cumulative loss of 38.4%. The longest of the bears was a little more than two years—and was followed by a nearly five-year bull run. The shortest was the pandemic-fueled bear market in early 2020, which lasted a mere 33 days.

Past bear markets have tended to be shorter than bull markets

7 Investing Strategies to Prepare for Bear Markets (2)

Source: Schwab Center for Financial Research with data provided by Bloomberg as of 12/31/2021.

The market is represented by daily price returns of the S&P 500 index. Bear markets are defined as periods with cumulative declines of at least 20% from the previous peak close. Its duration is measured as the number of days from the previous peak close to the lowest close reached after it has fallen at least 20%, and includes weekends and holidays. Periods between bear markets are designated as bull markets. Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees or expenses, and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

How does this impact your bear market kit? Even if you find yourself headed into the second year of a bear market, remember that it won't last. No bull market endures forever; neither does a bear. And historically, the market's upward movement has tended to prevail over the declines long term.

4. Keep your portfolio diversified

Let's say there is a slump—is there a remedy to help your portfolio get back on its feet?

Being well diversified can help cushion against losses. In every bear market there are likely certain segments of the markets that get hit much harder than others. It's extremely difficult to forecast these ahead of time, so a preventive measure you can take now is to diversify within the equity market as well as across asset classes. Consider the assets you've set aside for medium-term needs or goals. Being diversified means you have a wide variety of investment-grade bonds—corporate, municipals, Treasuries, and possibly foreign issues. And they should have varying maturity dates, from short-term to mid-term, so you always have some bonds maturing and providing you with either income or money to reinvest.

Your long-term assets should be divvied up among a wide array of domestic stocks—big and small, fast-growing and dividend-paying—as well as international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and commodities, says Mark. That mix gives you exposure to asset classes that tend to move at different times and speeds, he says.

5. Don't miss out on market rebounds

"It's easy to say that risk doesn't bother you when the markets are near all-time highs," says Mark. "A better indicator is how you behaved in the last downturn."

Many investors sold at the bottom of the market in March 2009, turning temporary paper losses into real, wealth-crushing losses. Mutual fund outflows were about $21.6 billion that month, according to the Investment Company Institute. Investors who failed to get back in the market in a timely fashion would have missed the beginning of one of the strongest bull markets in history.

To get a sense of what's at stake when you pull out of the market, even temporarily, during the average bear market, the Schwab Center for Financial Research compared the returns from four hypothetical portfolios:

  • One that remained 100% invested in stocks as the market touched its bear-market low and then rebounded. (While we recommend diversifying your portfolio with a mix of assets appropriate for your goals and risk tolerance, we're focusing on stocks here to illustrate the impact of market timing.)
  • One that was diverted to short-term T-bills for a month after the market bottomed before returning to a 100% stock allocation.
  • One that was diverted to T-bills for three months after the market bottomed before returning to a 100% stock allocation.
  • One that was diverted to T-bills for six months after the market bottomed before returning to a 100% stock allocation.

As you can see in the table below, the all-stock portfolio was the best performer and was still delivering higher returns than the other portfolios three years after the market bottomed. But investors in that all-stock portfolio had to stay invested at literally the lowest point of the market cycle. Those who waited until the skies were clearer (e.g., a month after the low point of the cycle, or three months, or even six months) still participated in the recovery, but at a far smaller rate.

Bear market recoveries are often front-loaded

7 Investing Strategies to Prepare for Bear Markets (3)

Source: Schwab Center for Financial Research with data from Morningstar, Inc.

"Fully invested" in the market is represented by the S&P 500® Total Return Index, using data from January 1970 – March 2021. T-bills are represented by the total returns of the Ibbotson U.S. 30-day Treasury Bill Index. Since 1970, there have been a total of six periods where the market dropped by 20% or more. The cumulative return for each period and scenario is calculated as the simple average of the cumulative returns from each period and scenario. Indices are unmanaged, do not incur fees or expenses, and cannot be invested in directly. Past performance is no indication of future results.

Timing the market is very difficult—no one knows for sure when the bottom will come—so if you can tolerate it, riding out a bear market may be worth it.

6. Include cash in your kit

Cash is one of the lowest-returning asset classes, but don't let that blind you to its long-term potential as an agent of diversification in your portfolio. Cash has a very low correlation to other asset classes, so it can offer protection against volatility. Another advantage: Cash reserves can come in handy in down markets. With cash you can buy in when prices are attractively low—without having to sell securities at a loss, if they are also at a low point. So cash can provide your portfolio with some stability (low correlation, low volatility) and flexibility (to buy new investments without selling old ones cheap).

7. Find a financial professional you can count on

Finally, your bear market kit could benefit from having a built-in buddy system, so to speak. Meaning, if you're not sure how to structure your portfolio correctly, or you think you'd be tempted to do something rash in a market slide, you should find a financial professional you trust to collaborate with you. That person can walk you through a complete portfolio review and help prepare you and your portfolio for times when the market gets tough.

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The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The investment strategies mentioned here may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision.

All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market conditions. Data contained herein from third-party providers is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. However, its accuracy, completeness or reliability cannot be guaranteed.

Examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to be reflective of results you can expect to achieve.

Diversification strategies do not ensure a profit and do not protect against losses in declining markets.

Fixed income securities are subject to increased loss of principal during periods of rising interest rates. Fixed income investments are subject to various other risks, including changes in credit quality, market valuations, liquidity, prepayments, early redemption, corporate events, tax ramifications and other factors.

International investments involve additional risks, which include differences in financial accounting standards, currency fluctuations, political instability, foreign taxes and regulations, and the potential for illiquid markets.

Investing in REITs may pose additional risks such as real estate industry risk, interest rate risk and liquidity risk.

Indexes are unmanaged, do not incur management fees, costs and expenses and cannot be invested in directly. For more information on indexes please see schwab.com/indexdefinitions.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results and the opinions presented cannot be viewed as an indicator of future performance.

The Schwab Center for Financial Research is a division of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

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  3. **Bear Markets and Portfolio Preparation:field of finance.

  4. Bear Markets and Portfolio Preparation: nance.

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  6. **mple resources, such as cash and bonds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  7. **Mappingresources, such as cash and bonds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  8. **Mapping Money, such as cash and bonds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  9. **Mapping Money to Goalsas cash and bonds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  10. **Mapping Money to Goals andsh and bonds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  11. **Mapping Money to Goals and Assetbonds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  12. **Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocationds, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  13. **Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation:s, to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  14. Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: , to weather a crisis and cover near-term goals.

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  16. Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: Theher a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  17. Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: The article suggestsr a crisis and cover near-term goals.

  18. Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: The article suggests align:** Historicalr near-term goals.

  19. Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: The article suggests aligning from theals.

  20. Mapping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: The article suggests aligning investmentab Centerping Money to Goals and Asset Allocation: The article suggests aligning investment portfolios Financial Research indicatesocation: The article suggests aligning investment portfolios with both bullhe article suggests aligning investment portfolios with specific beare suggests aligning investment portfolios with specific financial goals. Short-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium areligning investment portfolios with specific financial goals. Short-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goalsing investment portfolios with specific financial goals. Short-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals requirenvestment portfolios with specific financial goals. Short-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix ofvestment portfolios with specific financial goals. Short-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds average,tfolios with specific financial goals. Short-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, markets last about six years withShort-term needs are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, whileeeds are best served by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit returnsd by stable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from whileable assets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposureassets like money market funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to last aroundrket funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth15t funds, CDs, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets with, or Treasury bills. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like lossess. Medium-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like stocks Knowing-term goals require a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like stocks, can informire a mix of investment-grade bonds, while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like stocks, real strategy.

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while long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like stocks, real estate, and commodities.

3le long-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like stocks, real estate, and commodities.

3.ivers-term goals benefit from exposure to growth assets like stocks, real estate, and commodities.

  1. ** your portfolio is a shield against losses.s like stocks, real estate, and commodities.

  2. **Understanding segments of the market react differently in astanding Market. A mixTrends investmentment-grade bondsbonds,: domestic andmestic and internationalstic and international stocks and international stocks,abternational stocks, realonal stocks, real estate stocks, real estate,eal estate, ande, and commoditiesmmodities canan provideovide ade a wellwell-roundedrounded portfolio bearortfolio.

  3. Market Timing and Rebounds focusing onRebounds:unds: Timing&P: Timing the** Timing the marketTiming the market isiming the market is challengingthe market is challenging.he market is challenging. Thehallenging. The article averageThe article demonstrates howe demonstrates how staying returns ofhow staying invested market trends caningfluence investmentuence investment strategies investment strategies andment strategies and bear marketent strategies and bear market preparedtrategies and bear market preparednesstegies and bear market preparedness.

es and bear market preparedness.

4bear market preparedness.

4.arket preparedness.

  1. **rket preparedness.

  2. **Dreparedness.

  3. **Diversness.

  4. Diversification4. Diversification asersification as aication as a Risk Mit to a Risk Mitigationsk Mitigation Strategyitigation Strategy:on Strategy: Strategy: . Missing outiversification is highlighted marketis highlighted asghted as ad as a keya key strategykey strategy to to cushion against losses duringhion against losses during marketn against losses during market downturninst losses during market downturnsses during market downturns. Theng market downturns. The articlemarket downturns. The article recommends diversarket downturns. The article recommends diversifyingrket downturns. The article recommends diversifying withint downturns. The article recommends diversifying within thewnturns. The article recommends diversifying within the equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, ans. The article recommends diversifying within the equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real. The article recommends diversifying within the equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estateificationrecommends diversifying within the equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment:** Despite itsing within the equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trustswithin the equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (he equity market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (RE cash*ty market and across asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REIT highlightedacross asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITsoss asset classes, including various types of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), effective diversification tool due tos of bonds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and commodities.

    lowds, domestic and international stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and commodities.

5 withinternational stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and commodities.

  1. asset classes, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and commodities.

  2. ** real estate investment trusts (REITs), and commodities.

  3. **Market provides stabilityt trusts (REITs), and commodities.

  4. **Market Re flexibility, and commodities.

  5. Market Rebounds market downturnMarket Rebounds and.

rket Rebounds and the. Financialand the Impactt of Timing:ng: The article** The article underscores article underscores thenderscores the importance financialhe importance of not of not missing yourmissing out on strategy, especially especially during challenging marketly during challenging market conditionsy during challenging market conditions. discusses theing market conditions. Having of timing the market and provides insights into the impact of different strategies on portfolio performance during bear market recoveries.

6 trustedovides insights into the impact of different strategies on portfolio performance during bear market recoveries.

  1. ** canhts into the impact of different strategies on portfolio performance during bear market recoveries.

  2. **Rolento the impact of different strategies on portfolio performance during bear market recoveries.

  3. **Role of Cash in navigate uncertainties andategies on portfolio performance during bear market recoveries.

  4. Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for informedtfolio performance during bear market recoveries.

  5. Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for itsformance during bear market recoveries.

  6. Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potentialThise during bear market recoveries.

  7. Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as is a market recoveries.

  8. Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a guide

  9. Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification Role of Cash in the Portfolio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tooling market volatilitylio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. Itio: Cash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It'sash is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlightedh is recognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted thatognized as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cashzed as a low-returning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, seasonedeturning asset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, withsset class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its class but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low but is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation is advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to advocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to otherocated for its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets its potential as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets,tial as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, canial as a diversification tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide, knowledgetion tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility duringn tool. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturn. It's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturnst's highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

highlighted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

7ghted that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

7.ed that cash, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

  1. **The, with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

  2. **The Importance with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

  3. **The Importance of with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

  4. **The Importance of Financial with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

  5. **The Importance of Financial Professionals with its low correlation to other assets, can provide stability and flexibility during market downturns.

  6. The Importance of Financial Professionals: The article suggests having a trusted financial professional as part of one's "bear market kit." Collaborating with a financial advisor can help investors structure their portfolios correctly and navigate challenging market conditions.

In summary, the article provides comprehensive insights and practical tips for investors to navigate market volatility, prepare for bear markets, and build resilient portfolios aligned with their financial goals. These concepts are crucial for anyone seeking to make informed investment decisions in a dynamic financial landscape.

7 Investing Strategies to Prepare for Bear Markets (2024)


7 Investing Strategies to Prepare for Bear Markets? ›

Buffett's philosophy has been identifying fundamental value in a company's long-run competitive advantage, along with several more specific criteria. As a result, a bear market can be seen as an opportunity to acquire valuable companies' stock when their stock is on sale.

How to prepare for the bear market? ›

  1. Wait it out. When stocks begin to plummet during a bear market, you may be tempted to try and cut losses by selling. ...
  2. Hedge your bets with dollar cost averaging. ...
  3. Diversify your funds. ...
  4. Invest in defensive industries. ...
  5. Look for bargains. ...
  6. Buy dividend stocks. ...
  7. Use short strategies. ...
  8. Bet on the “lipstick effect”
Feb 23, 2024

What does Warren Buffett say about bear market? ›

Buffett's philosophy has been identifying fundamental value in a company's long-run competitive advantage, along with several more specific criteria. As a result, a bear market can be seen as an opportunity to acquire valuable companies' stock when their stock is on sale.

Which of the following strategies would one use in a bear market? ›

Buy-and-hold investors can often take advantage of lower prices during a bear market to add valuable stocks to their portfolios. Day traders and other short-term investors, though, may need to use strategies such as short selling, put options, and inverse ETFs to make a profit during a bear market.

Where to put money before market crash? ›

If you are a short-term investor, bank CDs and Treasury securities are a good bet. If you are investing for a longer time period, fixed or indexed annuities or even indexed universal life insurance products can provide better returns than Treasury bonds.

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Investing in bonds is also a common strategy to protect oneself during a bear market. Bond prices often move inversely to stock prices, and if stocks decline, a bond investor could stand to benefit. Short-term bonds in a bear market could help investors weather the (hopefully) short-term downturn.

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Think about the things consumers will need no matter what – those are the sectors that tend to perform well during market downturns. Even amid high inflation, people still need gas, groceries and health care, so things such as consumer staples and utilities usually weather bear markets better than others.

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Money that you'll need in the short term or that you can't afford to lose—the down payment on a home, for example—is best invested in relatively stable assets, such as money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), or Treasury bills.

Should you stay invested in a bear market? ›

That depends on how soon you'll need the money you've invested. Government bonds and defensive stocks historically perform better during a bear market. However, most people investing for the long term shouldn't be aggressively tweaking portfolios every time there is a sell-off.

How to dollar-cost average in a bear market? ›

When dollar-cost averaging, you invest the same amount at regular intervals and by doing so, hopefully lower your average purchase price. You will already be in the market when prices drop and when they rise. For instance, you'll have exposure to dips when they happen and don't have to try to time them.

What not to do in a bear market? ›

Selling off all your stocks after seeing red in your portfolio during a bear market is the last thing you want to do. Volatility is scary, especially if you are risk averse, but running with the volatility wave is key and beneficial to the success of your long-term portfolio.

What is the best indicator of the bear market? ›

Weak Corporate EarningsAre stock market earnings degrading or falling for multiple successive quarters?
Inverted Yield CurveAre overnight interest rates higher than long-term, 10-year bond yield rates?
Faltering Revenue GrowthEarnings can be affected by outside factors; sales, less so.
2 more rows

How to thrive in a bear market? ›

By diversifying your portfolio more broadly — with a mix of bonds and cash in addition to stocks — you may not experience the same degree of loss, says McGregor. At the same time, she adds, you might not see as great a gain when the market heads back upward. Keep investing consistently.

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What Happens to My 401(k) If the Stock Market Crashes? If you are invested in stocks, those holdings will likely see their value fall. But if you have several years until you need your retirement account money, keep contributing, as you may be able to buy many stocks on sale.

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Key Takeaways:

The 100-minus-your-age long-term savings rule is designed to guard against investment risk in retirement. If you're 60, you should only have 40% of your retirement portfolio in stocks, with the rest in bonds, money market accounts and cash.

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Experts: 4 Safest Places To Keep Your Investments
  • US Treasuries. U.S. Treasuries are often one of the leading candidates for a “safe” portfolio, primarily because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. ...
  • Municipal Bonds. ...
  • Stock Market Index Funds. ...
  • Long-Term Equities.
Jun 25, 2024

What is good to buy in a bear market? ›

Essential goods, such as consumer staples, healthcare and utilities, fall into this category, as people continue to need these products regardless of the state of the economy. Consistent earnings growth: The best stocks to buy during a bear market are those with a history of consistent earnings growth.

How do you make money in the bear market? ›

But you can maximise your chances of a profit in a bear market by following bearish-friendly strategies. These include diversifying your holdings, focusing on the long-term, taking a short-selling position, trading in 'safe haven' assets and buying at the bottom.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.