7 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letters for 2024 (2024)

Snail-mailing real estate prospecting letters is still an effective lead generation strategy.


Because it leverages the power of person-to-person communication. And with that comes trust, which is the key ingredient you need to turn leads into clients.

Now that just about everything can be digitized in some way, the novelty of this kind of personal communication offers a serious advantage over your competitors who send generic emails and texts en masse. For the average consumer, there’s something special about receiving a letter in the mail from an agent who took the time to address you by name and write a message about your specific situation.

Plus, the reach of real estate direct mail tends to be highly focused because it simply has less to compete with than other mediums, such as email. That’s also why print pieces tend to have very impressive open rates.

Ready to incorporate prospecting letters into your marketing strategy? Here’s a how-to guide that includes a handy checklist and several samples you can adapt to fit a variety of common situations.

The Checklist

There’s an endless number of ways you could go about writing your real estate prospecting letters. But keep in mind that the most effective approaches will include all of the following.


The whole concept of sending letters to generate leads is built around this. So if you’re not going to craft your letters to sound highly personal and to convey a sense of genuine care, you might be better off pursuing a different strategy altogether.

A Personal Touch

It’s a good idea to handwrite your letters because “the medium is the message,” as the saying goes. In other words, your dedication to provide excellent customer service is evidenced by the fact that you took the time and effort to write them a letter.

But of course, you don’t have to. You could type them out or make it look like you wrote them by hand – there are some realistic handwriting generators and fonts available if you want to save time.

Regardless of which format and design you decide to go with, veer toward simple. The overproduced look often undermines the personal touch you’re going for. After all, you want it to look like it’s coming from a person, not a company.

Proof of Credibility

Remember – real estate prospecting letters are meant to help you establish trust. So share (brief) points that highlight your expertise, such as how long you’ve been in the industry or how many homes you’ve sold in the last year.

Clear Benefits

Make sure your prospecting letter is mostly about the prospect and their situation and less about you and why they should hire you.

Clearly state the precise benefits they’ll receive from working with you – that they’ll discover their dream home, for example, or that they’ll be able to buy or sell at a great price, or that they won’t have to deal with the hassles of selling on their own.

A Call to Action

What do you want them to do after they’ve read your letter? Tell them plainly. And make it easy for them to know how to contact you.

In other words…

  • Don’t be overly salesy.
  • Don’t make it too long. (Wordiness isn’t worth the hand cramps it’ll cause!)
  • Don’t forget to explain the benefits you’re offering
  • Don’t make it all about you.
  • Don’t leave them wondering what they should do next.

Want help from AI as you write your prospecting letters? Get our “ChatGPT Lead Generation Secrets” guide
to learn some of the best real estate marketing hacks so you can work faster and more efficiently.

7 Templates for Real Estate Prospecting Letters

If any of these sample letters work for you “as is,” great! But they can also function as a source of inspiration or a good starting point to help you craft your own. Feel free to adapt them to fit your brand voice and the situation and prospect you have in mind.

1. The All-purpose Introduction Letter
2. The FSBO Prospecting Letter
3. Prospecting Letter to the Owner of an Expired Listing
4. Prospecting Letter Written to an Open House Attendee
5. The CMA Offer
6. Letter to a Referral Lead Who’s Interested in Buying
7. Reaching Out to a Potential Business Partner

1. The All-purpose Letter of Introduction

Dear [first name],

We haven’t met yet. My name is [your name], and I’m a real estate agent with [brokerage name].

I’ve helped people all around the [neighborhood or city] area buy and sell their homes for [number] years now, and I was curious to know if there’s anything I can do for you. I know how stressful buying and selling can be.

When the time comes to search for your dream home or sell the one you’re in, know that I’m here to help you through the process.

If you have any questions about how I can help or if you’d simply like to get an insider’s perspective on the local market, feel free to give me a call at [your number]. I’d be happy to chat!

Thanks for your time.

[your name, website address, and contact information]

2. The FSBO Prospecting Letter

Hello [first name],

I’m [your name] with [brokerage], and I just wanted to reach out to you to ask how selling the property at [address] is going.

I noticed it’s been listed for a while now, which surprised me because my listings in that area usually don’t last long. I have [number] years of experience in the [neighborhood or city], and I think I may be able to help if you need it.

If you’re open to it, I’d love to share some ideas with you that have worked well for me in the past. My number is [number].

I wish you all the best!


[your name, website address, and contact information]

3. Prospecting Letter to the Owner of an Expired Listing

Hi [first name],

I was sorry to see that your listing for [address] didn’t end up selling. I’ve worked with many people in your situation, and believe me, I know how frustrating that can be.

This isn’t a sales pitch. (That can be frustrating too!) I simply wanted to reach out in case you needed help in any way.

After [number] years of being in this industry, I’ve learned a thing or two about expired listings. If homes don’t sell, it’s often because a) it wasn’t priced to sell and/or b) the marketing was sub-par.

I have solutions to both of those problems, which is how I’ve helped many sellers in [neighborhood or city] get offers after bringing their houses back on the market.

a) My free comparative market analysis will reveal the ideal listing price that ensures you sell at top-dollar value.

b) I always put spectacular aerial shots and top-of-the-line photos in front of the right buyers.

Call now if you’re interested in discussing further.

[your name, website address, and contact information]

4. Prospecting Letter Written to an Open House Attendee

Hi [first name],

I’m so glad you came to my open house at [address] on [day]! I always enjoy helping people discover their dream home.

Whether you have questions or if you’re interested in seeing other listings, I’m here for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

I’m very familiar with this area – I’ve helped [number] people buy their dream homes in the last [number] years working here. I guarantee, you’ll find the home that’s right for you. It’s just a matter of time.

Thanks again!

[your name, website address, and contact information]

5. The CMA Offer

Dear [first name],

Did you know that the median listing price in the [neighborhood or local area] is [dollar amount]? That means the value of [bed/bath] homes like yours have increased by more than [percentage] within the last three years!

I would love to give you a detailed comparative market analysis that will provide an accurate idea of what your home’s current market value is. If for no other reason, it’s just good to know what you’re home is worth, right?

If you’re at all interested in selling, let me know and we can set up a time to grab a quick cup of coffee so we can discuss my research and how much your home could sell for in today’s market.

I look forward to hearing from you!

[your name, website address, and contact information]

6. Letter to a Referral Lead Who’s Interested in Buying

Dear [first name],

I hope you and your family are doing well. My name is [your name] and I was referred to you by [referrer’s name], who I know because we [share the connection].

[She/He] mentioned that you’re interested in purchasing a home. Is that right? I’m curious to know what kind of properties you’re looking for. I’m confident that we can find the right place at the right price.

Right now is a great time to buy. [Explain, using what you know about current interest rates, median listing price changes for the local area, etc.]

I would love to meet you, answer any questions you might have about the buying process, and browse through some listings that I think might interest you.

Please contact me on my cell phone at [your phone number] whenever you’re ready. I’m excited about this!

[your name, website address, and contact information]

7. Reaching Out to a Potential Local Business Partner

Hi [first name],

I’m [your name], an agent with [brokerage], and I wanted to run this idea by you to see what you think because it could help you generate more business.

What I love about [name of the business] is that you [share one or two characteristics about the company that you appreciate].

I’ve noticed that our audiences overlap in significant ways, and our brands are similar in that we both [explain the commonalities/similarities].

Would you be interested in working together to help each other increase exposure and expand our audiences?

If you’re interested, I’d be happy to stop by sometime soon for a quick meeting so we can discuss further. Please call me at [your phone number] so we can set something up.

Thank you!

[your name, website address, and contact information]

Pro Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Real Estate Prospecting Letters

  • Follow up. Haven’t heard back from the recipients for a while after sending your letter? Give them a quick call or send them an email.
  • Track your results. If you don’t monitor the results of each prospecting letter campaign it’ll be very difficult to repeat successes and identify ways to improve. Tracking results allows you to test and iterate so you can turn every letter into a learning opportunity.
  • Use a real estate CRM. The best systems (like the CRM that comes along with Market Leader Pro, for example) allow you to do it all from one place: automate your marketing, text, email, and listing alerts; track website behavior; and leverage advanced filtering options so you can send the right messages to the right segments at the right times.

13 Quick Hits: More Real Estate Prospecting Ideas

1. Partner With Flippers

It may be easier than you think to develop mutually beneficial partnerships with investors who flip homes. By providing them with market insights and handling their sales transactions, you’re simultaneously closing more deals and expanding your network. Find flippers who may be a good fit for your business by networking at home auctions, reaching out to title and escrow companies, and joining relevant and local Facebook groups and online forums.

2. Assist With Relocation Services

By partnering with companies related to relocation, such as movers and storage facilities, or reaching out to HR teams at large employers, you can easily acquire leads who are motivated to buy and sell due to job-related relocations.

3. Get Referrals Through Your CPA

Building a relationship with a certified public accountant (CPA) can lead to high-quality referrals, as they often have clients who discuss real estate matters.

4. Call Expired Listings

Of course, it’s demoralizing for sellers to see their listing expire. But that gives you the perfect opportunity to come in as the hero of second chances. It could be that all they need is an agent like you who can restore their confidence and put their home back on the market—this time with your help! Start by finding recently expired listings using your MLS dashboard. (You can filter by selecting the “expired” status and entering a date range.)

5. Start Farming

Put simply, real estate farming is a business strategy that involves focusing all of your marketing and lead generation efforts on one specific geographic location as a way to become the go-to agent for that area. Check out this handy guide to farming so you can get started today!

6. Warm Up to Cold Calling

If cold calling seems like an old-fashioned strategy, that’s because it is. But like direct mail marketing and door knocking, there’s a reason it’s been a common sales tactic for as long as it has: it works. Learn the eight best practices for cold calling.

7. Get Leads from Your Sphere of Influence (SOI)

Your SOI is composed of your family, circle of friends, connections, social network… everyone you can “influence” because you know them and they know you. The leads you generate from your SOI have an increased likelihood of becoming clients simply because you share a connection. Learn more about SOI marketing.

8. Expand Your Network

If you’re already leveraging your SOI and you’re still unable to generate enough leads to achieve your goals, then it’s time to learn some new networking strategies so you can expand your reach. Here’s everything you need to know about networking as a developing real estate agent.

9. Host Community Events

Organizing community events is an excellent real estate prospecting strategy. You can host neighborhood clean-ups, charity runs, local market days, or even educational seminars. These events allow you to connect with local residents in a casual and friendly environment. By engaging with the community, you build your brand presence and establish yourself as a trustworthy real estate professional. Make sure to collect contact information and follow up with attendees after the event. This personal interaction can lead to valuable leads and referrals, helping you grow your business through meaningful community involvement.

10. Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are powerful tools for real estate prospecting. Consistently posting valuable content, such as market updates, home buying tips, and success stories, can attract and engage potential clients. Use social media to showcase your listings with high-quality photos and videos, and interact with followers by responding to comments and messages promptly. Paid advertisem*nts on these platforms can also target specific demographics, increasing your reach. Real estate social media marketing provides an excellent way to build your brand and connect with potential clients in a more informal setting.

11. Offer Free Workshops

Hosting free workshops on topics like home buying, selling, or real estate investing can be an effective real estate prospecting method. These educational sessions position you as an expert in your field and attract individuals who are actively interested in real estate. During the workshops, provide valuable insights and practical advice, and ensure you collect attendees’ contact information for follow-ups. By offering these sessions, you demonstrate your knowledge and willingness to help, which can convert attendees into clients. Promote your workshops through social media, email marketing, and local community boards to maximize attendance.

12. Network with Local Businesses

Building relationships with local businesses can significantly enhance your real estate prospecting efforts. Partner with coffee shops, gyms, retail stores, and other local businesses for cross-promotional opportunities. For example, you could leave your real estate business cards or flyers in their establishments, or co-host events that draw mutual audiences. This approach not only increases your visibility but also taps into the trust and credibility these businesses have with their customers. Networking with local business owners can also lead to referrals, of course, if they recommend your services to their clients.

13. Post Videos

It almost goes without saying—video marketing is a highly effective real estate prospecting tool. They’re more engaging and can capture the attention of potential clients more effectively than text alone. So you could create videos that showcase your listings, provide market updates, or offer real estate tips and post them on your website and social media platforms and in email campaigns to reach a broader audience. High-quality videos that show off your expertise and personality can build trust and attract leads.

Real Estate Prospecting FAQ

What does prospecting mean in real estate?

Prospecting in real estate refers to the activities and strategies agents use to identify potential clients and generate new business opportunities. It involves finding and building relationships with people who are (or may become) interested in buying or selling property. The most effective way to prospect is to include a mix of activities, including for example, cold calling, sending real estate prospecting letters, hosting open houses, and leveraging social media and digital marketing. The goal is to have a consistent stream of potential clients who trust your expertise and are likely to work with you when the time comes.

What is the most efficient use of prospecting time in real estate?

To maximize the efficiency of your prospecting time, focus on activities that yield the highest return on investment. Start by developing a prioritization system so you can focus only on high-value activities and avoid getting caught up in all of the time-consuming details that don’t come with a worthwhile ROI. It’s best to identify critical tasks that align with your lead-generation and income goals and tackle those first.

Consider using time management techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or Pomodoro to stay organized and maintain focus. Utilize digital calendars and reminder apps to schedule appointments, set reminders for deadlines, and stay on top of your days.

Regularly analyze your prospecting efforts to identify what works best and refine your approach accordingly. Balancing traditional methods like cold calling and direct mail with digital strategies helps ensure you’ll reach a wider audience and convert more leads in the most efficient way possible.

Do real estate prospecting letters work?

Yes, real estate prospecting letters can be highly effective when they’ve crafted and executed in the right way. They offer a personal touch that digital communications often lack, helping to build trust and establish a connection with potential clients.

A successful real estate prospecting letter should be personalized, demonstrate your understanding of the recipient’s situation, and clearly outline the benefits of working with you. Include a compelling call-to-action that encourages the recipient to reach out to you for more information.

Following up with a phone call or email can reinforce your message and increase the chances of converting the lead into a client. When integrated into a comprehensive real estate prospecting strategy, these letters can significantly boost engagement and lead generation.

Research indicates that handwritten letters significantly outperform digital communications in terms of open and response rates. For instance, handwritten direct mail has an open rate of up to 90%, compared to about 20% for email marketing​​.

Also, handwritten direct mail is perceived as more personal by 67% of consumers, and 77% of Millennials pay attention to direct mail ads​​.

Stats like these highlight the effectiveness of handwritten letters in breaking through the digital noise and capturing the recipient’s attention, making them a valuable tool in any real estate prospecting strategy.

7 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letters for 2024 (1)

Discover the ChatGPT Lead Generation Secrets Today!

It’s not just hype – ChatGPT truly is a powerful tool that you can use to grow your real estate business.

This free guide will teach you cutting-edge techniques for getting more leads & clients that your competitors haven’t even considered yet. It covers:

  • 25 helpful ChatGPT prompts for agents
  • Top 5 ways to generate real estate leads with ChatGPT
  • Best practices for writing using ChatGPT
  • Other AI tools that will help your business

Submit your email address below to have this free guide sent to your inbox!

7 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letters for 2024 (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.