6 Ways to Gain Experience in Real Estate as a College Student (2024)

Is there any way for me to gain experience as a college student?

This is a terrible question. Seriously, you’re setting yourself up for failure from the get-go with this mentality.

The question needs to be, “How can I gain experience as a college student?”

This simple mindset tweak is one that will serve you well for the rest of your life. I first heard this in Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad. He said that we need to train ourselves to think, “How can I afford this?” rather than saying, “I can’t afford this.”

One of these questions puts up barriers and gives yourself an excuse to not find a solution. The other forces you to get creative and find a solution.

With that said, here’s how you can definitely gain experience in real estate—no matter how young or old you may be.

6 Ways to Gain Experience as a College Student

I often hear people use age as an excuse.

They say things like, “I was going to do X, but I’ve got time.” Or they think, “I’m young. I can plan for retirement later.”

The aged-based excuses take many forms, and I was once (regrettably) of the same mindset.

My friend Jake Volin says that he feels the opposite is true—and I believe he is correct! I wish I had bought into this sooner.

Many like Jake have cracked the code to success at an early age and used this to skyrocket themselves to success. Don’t wait. Start taking action to better your situation today!

Here are a few of the simplest steps I can recommend for you.

1. Save

The very first thing you can do is increase your savings gap. Your savings gap is the percentage of your income that you are able to save.

For instance, if you earn $1,000/month and only spend $600/month, you have $400/month left over. This equals a 40 percent savings gap, also known as the savings rate.

This is important because when you earn $1,000 it is taxed. When you SAVE $1,000 after you already paid taxes on the income, you get to keep it all!

For this reason, slashing your expenses and living frugally is a huge way to start saving more money!

Now, I know this doesn’t sound easy as a “poor college student,” but understand that pennies become dollars.

Stop what you’re doing and complete a personal financial statement. You can find a couple of variations on the internet, but ultimately you just need to be able to track what you spent every dollar on last month. This will allow you to see exactly where your money is going.

Save as much as humanly possible! The more you save now, the more prepared you will be to buy your first property.

2. Earn extra income

With the exceptions of some very demanding programs, like military academies, you have time to earn some extra money at college.

The problem is that we fill this time with partying, chasing tail, and playing video games. Or maybe you don’t waste time with these activities but instead stress too much about grades or social status.

Whatever the excuse, it is beneficial to learn some time management skills and find time for a side hustle.

Some of my favorite side hustles are driving for Uber/Lyft and delivery jobs (pizza, groceries, etc.). Alternatively, you could simply get an hourly job close to school.

Be careful not to overwork though. You’ll need to have time and energy for the rest of these steps, too!

6 Ways to Gain Experience in Real Estate as a College Student (1)

3. Learn

The reason Uber and delivery jobs are my favorites is because you will spend a lot of time in the car. More time in the car equals more time to listen to audiobooks and podcasts!

During this initial learning phase, you want to absorb as much content as possible via books, audiobooks, podcasts, and local meetups. The more you learn, the better!

Read real estate investing books and personal development books, then listen to some real estate and business podcasts, too. I have spent days listening to audiobooks and the BiggerPockets podcast, absorbing as much information as possible!

Take note of any word, phrase, acronym, or concept you don’t understand in order to search Google for an explanation later. By learning as much as you can and taking the time to fill the gaps with search engines, you will build a solid educational base, with very little money out of pocket.

Also, some schools offer real estate programs. I have earned an associate’s degree in real estate studies, which is basically enough information to help you become a real estate agent. I don’t believe this degree is necessary at all for real estate investors, but I’m in the military and it was free, so why not!


4. Network

Building a network is one of (if not THE) most beneficial things you can do as a new investor. It’s also one of the most affordable!

Look up local real estate investor meetups on the BiggerPockets events page, Meetup.com, or Facebook, and then start attending them.

Most meetups are free (or super affordable) to attend and last two to three hours in the evening. Some of these events will have guest speakers; others will be less structured.

The important thing is that you get out and attend as many of these networking events as possible. Don’t pretend you know everything either—nobody wants to help the guy who has it all figured out.

Show up, be honest about where you’re at (a newbie), and be humble. Ask questions to get others talking about themselves, their projects, and their current struggles in business (this will be key later).

One of the best ways to network is to learn as much about the other person as possible, and then follow up with them in a couple of days. If you have a solution to one of their problems, provide it! Even just a simple “thank you for X” will go a long way in them remembering you.

Getting around people who are already doing what you aspire to do is a huge boost to both your educational base and motivation. It also allows you to bounce ideas off them and avoid making the same mistakes they did.

I would be cautious about bombarding them with questions the first time you attend an event though. You don’t want to scare people away.

On that note, DO NOT ask people to be your mentor the first time you meet them (or maybe ever). This may come naturally later, but don’t force it.

6 Ways to Gain Experience in Real Estate as a College Student (2)

5. Add value

Learning to add value is the fastest way to get into somebody’s trusted network. This is why I suggested earlier that you listen to the struggles other investors are having. If you can find a solution to their problem, it will pay dividends for you!

Another great way to add value is offering to work for free. This could be as simple as sealing direct mail envelopes for them or helping with handyman tasks on a fix and flip.

The sky is the limit here, but if you are willing to swallow your pride and work for free, it will allow you to get close to their business, ask questions, gain experience, and also build a relationship with that person.

This can turn into mentoring later on, but again, let that happen naturally. Don’t push the issue.

Elon Musk has a great quote: “You get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems you solve.”

For this reason, you need to be thinking of ways to solve problems and add value to other investors—and in everything you do.

It will pay dividends. I promise!


6. Take action

The final and most important step is to take action. All of your saving, learning, and networking doesn’t matter if you fail to take action.

Your first deal will probably not be your best deal, but it will be the most important. You will learn so much by completing your first real estate investing transaction.

From this deal, you will gain the confidence to invest again. You’ll begin developing a track record to attract private money lenders, too!

Whatever you do, you must avoid the trap of analysis paralysis. This is where would-be investors learn, network, analyze deals, and never pull the trigger.

The perfect deal doesn’t exist. Since that is the case, you can stop looking for it. Find something that makes sense, and go for it!

If you think you’ve found a good investment, I would recommend bouncing the numbers off some of the investors in your network. If they don’t see any major red flags, go for it!


Is there any way to gain experience as a college student? Yes.

Do so the same way most of us get started: saving, earning, learning, networking, adding value, and taking action.

There is no reason why being a college student should hinder you getting started as a real estate investor. Any reason that you come up with is an excuse. So change your mindset, and conquer the world!

What’s stopping you from starting your journey? Do you have any questions I can answer that might help you take action?

Let’s talk in the comment section below!

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.

6 Ways to Gain Experience in Real Estate as a College Student (2024)


6 Ways to Gain Experience in Real Estate as a College Student? ›

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are an excellent starting point for entrepreneurs and college students who want to invest in real estate. These allow you to invest in a variety of profitable properties without having to deal with the hassle of actually owning them.

How can a college student invest in real estate? ›

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are an excellent starting point for entrepreneurs and college students who want to invest in real estate. These allow you to invest in a variety of profitable properties without having to deal with the hassle of actually owning them.

How to build wealth as a college student? ›

  1. How to invest as a college student: Getting started. ...
  2. Consider starting with a high-yield savings account or CDs. ...
  3. Turn to a free or low-cost broker. ...
  4. Invest a little each month. ...
  5. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. ...
  6. Sign up for a robo-advisor. ...
  7. Turn to an investing app. ...
  8. Open an IRA.
Apr 29, 2024

How to learn everything about real estate? ›

What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate?
  1. Read books and blogs.
  2. Listen to podcasts and watch videos.
  3. Join online courses and webinars.
  4. Network with other learners and professionals.
  5. Practice with real data and scenarios.
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Dec 5, 2023

Should college students invest in stocks? ›

Investing as a college student will give you real-world money experience to sharpen your skills. This approach will allow you to become an expert once you graduate. Also, losing money will be less risky since the amount invested is much smaller.

How do I educate myself in real estate investing? ›

Online Sources
  1. Podcasts. The podcast is a digital audio recording of an interview or a narration by a single speaker. ...
  2. Webinars. A webinar is an online event. ...
  3. Online Courses. Another way to gain in-depth knowledge about real estate investing is by taking online real estate courses. ...
  4. Blogs & Articles. ...
  5. Forums.
Sep 27, 2023

Is it smart to buy a house as a college student? ›

But if you plan to live in the area for less than five years, you may be financially better off renting or even living in a dorm. That said if you have good credit, a steady income source, and you expect to stay in the area for a while, buying a home while in school may be a wise decision.

What are some ways to make money as a college student? ›

How to Make Money as a College Student
  • Scholarships. Before you cringe, scholarships are some of the easiest ways to make money. ...
  • Work study (if qualified) ...
  • Local stores or fast food chains. ...
  • Do tasks for others! ...
  • Check your emails. ...
  • Lyft, Uber, and UberEats.
Mar 25, 2024

How should a beginner start investing? ›

  1. 8-Step Guide to Investing in Stocks.
  2. Step 1: Set Clear Investment Goals.
  3. Step 2: Determine How Much You Can Afford To Invest.
  4. Step 3: Determine Your Tolerance for Risk.
  5. Step 4: Determine Your Investing Style.
  6. Choose an Investment Account.
  7. Step 6: Fund Your Stock Account.
  8. Step 7: Pick Your Stocks.
May 20, 2024

How to look like a rich college student? ›

Ways to appear rich on a College budget
  1. Haircare: Regular haircuts and maintaining a clean hairstyle are crucial. ...
  2. Skincare: Healthy skin radiates wealth. ...
  3. Nails: Keep your nails clean and trimmed. ...
  4. Fragrance: A subtle, pleasant fragrance can leave a lasting impression.
Jul 2, 2024

How do beginners start real estate? ›

How to invest in real estate: 5 steps
  1. Buy REITs (real estate investment trusts) REITs allow you to invest in real estate without the physical real estate. ...
  2. Use an online real estate investing platform. ...
  3. Think about investing in rental properties. ...
  4. Consider flipping investment properties. ...
  5. Rent out a room.
Jul 18, 2024

How easy is it to be successful in real estate? ›

Yes, being a successful real estate agent doesn't happen by accident. However, it's possible for anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to improve their skills, bounce back from rejection, and learn what works for their business.

How to start making money in real estate? ›

How To Make Money In Real Estate: A Guide For Beginners
  1. Leverage Appreciating Value. Most real estate appreciates over time. ...
  2. Buy And Hold Real Estate For Rent. ...
  3. Flip A House. ...
  4. Purchase Turnkey Properties. ...
  5. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  6. Make The Most Of Inflation. ...
  7. Refinance Your Mortgage.
Apr 12, 2024

How to build wealth while in college? ›

An often overlooked avenue of building wealth that is often overlooked by the younger generation is investing and trading in stocks and mutual, investing in index funds or mutual funds, or buying fractional shares of companies you support.

What are the best stocks to invest in while in college? ›

Best stock for beginners
  • Broadcom (AVGO).
  • JPMorgan Chase (JPM).
  • UnitedHealth (UNH).
  • Comcast (CMCSA).
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMY).

Is it better to invest or go to college? ›

However, college degree holders earn far more, on average, than those with less education (and those with MAs or PhDs even more). And, if you earn more from your work, you can invest more over time, as you also gain experience and training on the job.

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Investing in Real Estate – Even with Student Loan Debt

If you can muster enough patience to sit back and watch your investment and equity grow over time, chances are you'll find yourself in a solid financial situation. The key here is delayed gratification.

Can I use my college transcript to buy a house? ›

Save your job offer letter and college transcript.

Lenders typically want to see a two-year work history when reviewing a loan application. If your current job is a direct correlation to your major in college, then your college transcripts may be accepted in lieu of work history.

Is buying a house at 18 a good idea? ›

Buying a house at a young age can mean building equity young and getting a home paid off sooner. Purchasing a house in your 20s or earlier can also mean you feel trapped, unable to move at a moment's notice.

Do you need a college degree to invest in real estate? ›

While you may not need a college degree to enter this field, you still need to educate yourself about the real estate market. According to Nicolais, there are two options: learn about investing in the classroom, or you can learn in the marketplace.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.