What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (2024)

Last updated on May 21, 2024

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Read books and blogs


Listen to podcasts and watch videos


Join online courses and webinars


Network with other learners and professionals


Practice with real data and scenarios


Here’s what else to consider

Real estate is one of the most dynamic and lucrative fields to work in, but also one of the most challenging and competitive. Whether you want to become a realtor, an investor, a developer, or a manager, you need to acquire the right knowledge and skills to succeed. But how can you learn about real estate without spending a fortune on courses or mentors? Here are some of the best ways to learn about real estate on your own.

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  • What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (3) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (4) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (5) 61

  • Thomas Valkenet Co-Founder at Valkenet Brokerage, LLC

    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (7) 6

  • Idalia Lopez Company Owner | Entrepreneur with expertise in BTB sales and real estate sales and leasing agent.

    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (9) 6

What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (10) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (11) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (12)

1 Read books and blogs

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to learn about real estate is to read books and blogs written by experts and practitioners. You can find books on various topics, such as market analysis, financing, negotiation, contracts, property management, and more. You can also follow blogs that offer tips, insights, trends, and case studies on real estate. Reading books and blogs can help you gain a solid foundation and a broad perspective on real estate.

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    Forget expensive courses and seminars. You don't need to spend a fortune to learn about real estate. Books and blogs by experts are the underrated gems that hold the key to your success.Reading books and blogs written by real estate experts is one of the most accessible and affordable ways to gain knowledge and insights. It's like having a personal mentor guiding you through the intricacies of the real estate world.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (21) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (22) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (23) 61

  • Thomas Valkenet Co-Founder at Valkenet Brokerage, LLC
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    There is no "easy" way, like any complex subject. First, can you read a deed and understand its component parts? What is required of a valid deed? How about the difference between a deed of trust or mortgage? And what interests in property will you sell, lease, encumber, rent? My strong suggestion is that you either take a basic real property course AND get to know a property lawyer. Like the buildings you hope to build, rent or flip, you need to build from the ground up.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (32) 6

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    Dive deep into real estate basics using reputable books, then stay updated with diverse blog perspectives and market insights. Don't just read, join online discussions and network with other learners to build a comprehensive and engaging learning journey!


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (41) 5

  • Reekie T. Edmonton Area Residential, Commercial, Project Sales and Real Property Consulting since 1988. Associate at RE/MAX River City
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    Aligning yourself with experts who will advise on contract law, property surveys, Land title registrations, and negotiations, etc. will give you the insight to be confident. Most important is learning from your clients as they are the ones who will teach you the most. They have the questions and give us our tasks. Any question you may not be able to answer will make you seek and there is great knowledge to be found once you actively search. In a nutshell, your career in Real Estate will be a lifelong learning experience, stay flexible and open-minded willing to learn, and not afraid to ask others for advice.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (50) 5

  • Eileen Burns Real Estate Broker Connecting Buyers/Sellers/ with Hotel Multi Family PROBATE Luxury Residential
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    Find a mentor who has been or is successful in business. Attend educational events at your local Board of Realtors. Network with other professionals and pick a niche, write a business plan and learn more. Everday is a learning experience in our profession no matter how many years you hold your license.


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2 Listen to podcasts and watch videos

Another way to learn about real estate is to listen to podcasts and watch videos that feature interviews, stories, advice, and analysis from real estate professionals and influencers. You can find podcasts and videos on different platforms, such as Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, and more. You can listen to podcasts and watch videos while commuting, working out, or relaxing. Listening to podcasts and watching videos can help you learn from the experiences and opinions of others and stay updated on the latest news and developments in real estate.

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  • Lou Boemia
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    The experience gained from working for a successful professional, an expert in the specific field in which you aspire to excel, is invaluable. The concepts, strategies and solutions you learn by participating in their implementation is worth much more than whatever salary they're might be willing to pay you.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (68) What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (69) 4

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    For comprehensive real estate learning, blend audio and visual! Podcasts and Youtube keep you updated with market trends and expert insights, while videos bring properties and strategies to life. Choose quality content, actively engage, and mix formats to find your winning learning combo. Dive in, listen up, and watch smart for real estate success!


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (78) 3

  • Jessica Wilkes Strata Community Manager at Realmark Strata
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    When it comes to learning, my go-to strategy is to immerse myself in valuable content. Podcasts and videos have been absolute game-changers in my journey.Tune in to industry leaders sharing insights, trends, and success stories. My favourites on Spotify include Your Strata Property With Amanda Farmer and Strata Studios. It's like having a mentor in your pocket, guiding you through the nuances of strata management. For others visual learning is key! Platforms like YouTube offer a treasure trove of tutorials, property walkthroughs, and expert advice.


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    As a real estate agent you will be (should be) driving a lot. Using drive time as learning time with real estate podcasts is a great use of time!


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (96) 1

  • Julie Eccleston Executive Loan Officer 🚀 I help homeowners and realtors enjoy the 𝘾𝙀𝙇𝙀𝘽𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉🍾, 𝙉𝙊𝙏 𝙁𝙍𝙐𝙎𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉 of the mortgage process. 🏡🏡 NMLS #32465
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    Real estate is such a wide category - I would first narrow down what type of real estate you are looking to learn more about to find the right books, podcasts, influencers to follow. Once you find your area of interest, ask for recommendations from others in the industry.Looking to learn about real estate investing? I recommend Bigger Pockets. Trying to stay up to date with latest happenings? I find HousingWire Daily to give compelling information. Are you an agent / mortgage professional looking to grow your confidence, skill and system? I have learned great nuggets of wisdom from Ninja Selling, Tom Ferry and know others who rave about Hustle Humbly.


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3 Join online courses and webinars

If you want to learn about real estate in a more structured and interactive way, you can join online courses and webinars that cover various aspects and levels of real estate. You can find online courses and webinars on websites, such as Udemy, Coursera, edX, and more. You can also find online courses and webinars offered by real estate associations, organizations, and companies. Joining online courses and webinars can help you learn from the experts and instructors and get feedback and support from the peers and mentors.

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  • Jim Sanderson, CCIM Unsure of your property's value? FREE Consultation! Solver of Challenges
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    I can't say enough good things about #CCIM courses, instructors, mentoring and networking. You can get 10x back for whatever you out into this program.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (114) 3

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    Curious about the best way to dive into real estate investing? 🏠**Webinars**: Live webinars offer direct interaction with industry experts. You can ask questions in real-time and network with like-minded individuals. Look for webinars that cover the latest market trends and investment strategies.**Online Courses**: Structured courses provide a comprehensive understanding of real estate principles. Our course at NoteInvestingCourse.com is designed to equip you with the skills needed to succeed, from finding profitable investments to mastering seller financing.Continuous learning is key in this ever-evolving field.


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    Online courses and webinars provide a more comprehensive and immersive learning experience. They offer structured content, expert instructors, and opportunities for interaction with peers and mentors.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (132) 1

  • Richard Saling CMO. Affiliate Marketer. Real Estate Investor. Passionate about assisting American Families, Entrepreneurs, and Businesses achieve more cash flow.
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    From personal experience, after searching through free videos, and blogs, and buying books and attending the famous "Fake Gurus" that we all have heard of, I found a training program that resonated with me. It poured gasoline on the engine I already had, filled the gaps that were left from other sources, and I haven't looked back. I have used the training since 2016 and believe in it so much that I am also an affiliate for the program of 90 courses and 40 vetted, industry expert instructors. It's great for people getting started as well as experienced investors who want to scale their business. If you want to learn more about it, feel free to reach out to learn how to attend an introduction webinar.


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  • Wanderlei Silveira Camargo Corretor de Imóveis
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    Participação em cursos on-line, com certeza é um bom aprendizado, onde você consegue adquirir com os especialistas sua vivência, experiência e resultados, frente as dificuldades e condições diversas.



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4 Network with other learners and professionals

One of the best ways to learn about real estate is to network with other learners and professionals who share your interest and passion. You can network with other learners and professionals by joining online communities, forums, groups, and social media platforms, such as Reddit, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. You can also network with other learners and professionals by attending events, meetups, conferences, and workshops, either online or offline. Networking with other learners and professionals can help you exchange ideas, information, resources, and opportunities in real estate.

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  • Idalia Lopez Company Owner | Entrepreneur with expertise in BTB sales and real estate sales and leasing agent.
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    Real time action! Ask a top producer to take you along to their listings appointments, to their meetings with buyers and investors. Ask him to take you to sheriffs sales with their investors. Take notes ask questions when their client or customer isn’t around. Be respectful. Remember you’re there to learn practical on hand Real Estate, like a crash course; not to be slick and take their clients or customers. You must develop a sense of self assurance and trustworthiness with all your peers newbies and seasoned from the get go. That has been my preferred way to learn.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (158) 6

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    Find a mentor and bring them value by doing the "busy-work" that they may be too busy to do. Remember that mentoring is a two-way street. Why would someone mentor you if you aren't contributing value?


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  • Carlos Trindade de Albuquerque "Advogado, Professor e Consultor Jurídico de Escolas particulares c/mais de 23 anos de experiência. Também ajudo você na regularização de seu imóvel, bem como em inventários ou divórcios."
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    O aprendizado nesta área envolve uma séria de situaões,pois é uma área abrangente e muito dinâmica, de modo que exige uma série de habilidades. Sendo assim, interação com outros profissionais é apenas uma das formas que pode auxiliar o advogado nessa empreitada.Muitas vezes já precisei do auxilio de profissionais como tabeliães ou mesmo engenheiros para me auxiliar em tarefas relacionada á regularização de imóveis é foi muito útil, além de ter servido de aprendizado.



    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (176) 2

  • Stephanie Kroll Real Estate Broker at Compass - Aspen + Denver
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    Finding a mentor is one of the best ways to learn about real estate. Whether said mentor is sharing their 1:1 guidance with you, you are on their team, or you join the podcasts, webinars, luncheons, etc that they host to share their knowledge, having a mentor and someone to learn from is the best way to learn everything you might want to know about real estate in a specific area.


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  • Wanderlei Silveira Camargo Corretor de Imóveis
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    A troca de informações, experiência vivenciadas é melhor forma para o desenvolvimento dos profissionais do mercado imobiliário.



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5 Practice with real data and scenarios

Finally, one of the best ways to learn about real estate is to practice with real data and scenarios that challenge your knowledge and skills. You can practice with real data and scenarios by using online tools, calculators, simulators, and games that allow you to analyze, evaluate, compare, and manage real estate properties and deals. You can also practice with real data and scenarios by participating in competitions, projects, and case studies that test your ability to solve real estate problems and create value. Practicing with real data and scenarios can help you apply what you learn and improve your performance and confidence in real estate.

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    Don't believe the misconception that learning about real estate is limited to theory. The real growth comes from practicing with real data and scenarios.Challenge yourself by using online tools, calculators, and simulators to analyze, evaluate, compare, and manage real estate properties. Participate in competitions, projects, and case studies to test your problem-solving skills and create value.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (203) 2

  • Beth Ellyn Rosenthal Investor, author, property manager, Realtor at eXp Realty, dog lover, yogi and CEO of the most meaningful job in the world, mother
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    Sorry kids. "Real estating" is like learning to drive a car. You have to get behind the wheel and actually do it. There's no way to learn what to do when a driver cuts you off unless it actually happens to you!Sadly, investing in real estate takes money. And becoming a Realtor takes money and requires education and a license.My advice: Buy the most inexpensive condo and make mistake after mistake. Each one is a valuable lesson which may cost a bit now, but will save a lot later.And don't forget investing in real estate is gambling. You can beat the house if you hold the property at least 10 years (see the Case-Shiller charts going back to 1987), but you have to have the money to hold on during an apocalypse like 2008. Fun!


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  • Wanderlei Silveira Camargo Corretor de Imóveis
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    Com certeza por melhor que seja o aprendizado, seja on-line, material didático, cenários simulados, somente a vivência e aplicação no dia a dia para o seu desenvolvimento pleno.


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    Analyze case studies, review property listings, and practice conducting market analyses to understand valuation methods and investment potential.

  • Kathy Portley President at Tulsa Real Estate Investor Association - Tulsa REIA | Real Estate Expertise of 19+ Years | Innovative Executive Leader | Mentor | Community Growth Developer | Content Creator | Strategic Planner
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    Interacting with calculators, tools, simulators, and practice scenarios is great, but having a mentor guide you through an actual deal is extremely valuable.


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Carlos Silguero Commercial Real Estate Asset Manager
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    Holy Grail - Experience The only way to realistically learn transactions is through experience.The more experiences you have, the more you know.A book can’t simulate a real life experience in front of you. Learn by doing.


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (245) 6

  • Lauryn Dempsey Real Estate Insights from the Front Line of the U.S. Economy | Denver Metro Realtor | U.S. Navy Veteran
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    Follow me on LinkedIn! Every day, I post real estate insight and guidance for buyers, sellers, investors, and agents alike right here on LinkedIn.


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    Be mentored by an experienced professional who is already successful in the area of real estate you are passionate about. Also, enrol in industry training courses and attend industry conferences, where you can learn, but also meet those who can become a mentor, and network. It can all happen in the one place!


    What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (263) 2

  • Wendy Gibson Advisor for First-Time Buyers | Property Transaction Expert | I help First Time Buyers get on the Property Ladder | An expert at Home Buying | I’ve completed 100s of transactions.
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    Emersion, that is the best way to learn about Real Estate. Because it isn't actually one subject, it comprises finance, economics, law, construction, psychology, just to name a few. The more you learn about all these other aspects of real estate, the more depth your knowledge will have.


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    Hands-On Experience:Consider working in a real estate-related job, like a real estate brokerage, property management company, or a real estate investment firm.Engaging in an internship or part-time position can provide practical experience.


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What are the best ways to learn about Real Estate? (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.