30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (2024)

HomeLife and RelationshipRelationships

A man may not be best with his words but may express his longing to be with you in many ways.

Reviewed by Veronica Villa, LMHC, CHT, EMDR

Written by

shikha thakur, MBA

Edited by

siddharth kesiraju, MA, Certification in Relationship Coaching

Fact-checked by

n pravenchandra singh, MA

30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (1)

Image: ShutterStock

If you are in a long-distance relationship, let’s talk about signs he misses you. For instance, if you have always been the one initiating the conversation, calling him up multiple times, and you suddenly stop doing so for a few days. This will come to his notice for sure, and he might even try to ask you what happened. But even after he asks you, you do not get back to your usual way of communicating with him. Now you may think that this will trigger him, and he’d get back to you. However, if that does not happen, how can you be sure that he misses you? There are always more subtle ways of people to show that they miss you. So to help you get clarity about your relationship and understand the hints, we have listed some signs that your guy is missing you. Read on.

In This Article

30 Signs He Misses You

1. He texts you often

If you have been receiving texts from him quite often, it is one of the clear signs he misses you. Regardless of how mundane and random those texts may be, it goes on to show that he is thinking about you, yearning for your presence, and wants to know what’s going on in your life.

2. He always calls you

Do you see multiple missed calls on your screen? And does he find silly reasons to speak to you and listen to your voice? These are clear signs that he misses you.

3. He responds to your texts and calls immediately

Try this each time you send him a text or call him. Observe the time he takes to reply to your text or pick up the call. If the response is instant, bingo! Take it as a clear sign that he misses you badly. But do not jump to conclusions that he has forgotten you if he misses them sometimes.

Related: 250+ Cute And Long Text Messages To Make Him Smile

4. He talks about you

If you learn from your mutual friends that he talks about you or brings your name up in their conversations or even jokes, then take it as a sign that he misses you and is hoping to see you soon.

5. He is all over your social media

Does he add likes or view your every social media post and comment on them? Take these as clear signs that you are on his mind, and he misses you. If he goes to the extent of tagging you in memes and posts, you can assure yourself that he misses you badly.

6. He gets jealous

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If he shows those subtle signs of jealousy when you are around with another man at a party or social event, it is a clear indication of loneliness and that he misses you.

Related: 185 Eye-Opening Quotes On Jealousy In Relationships

7. His friends give you hints

If you have broken up, and his friends tell you that he has been talking about the good times he had with you and mending his ways, take it as a sign that he isn’t over you yet and might want you back in his life.

8. He texts or calls you when drunk

If he texts or calls you when drunk, it could mean that he is using alcohol as a means to express his feelings. You could interpret it this way-it gives him the courage to say things he wouldn’t usually say when he is sober.

9. He tells you directly

Well, we all know that this is one of the toughest things to do for a guy. But, if he tells you directly that he misses you, it is the clearest indication that he has been missing you dearly. His disheartened demeanor reveals his longing for your companionship.

30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (2) Quick tip

Responding to someone who expresses that he misses you can be tricky. If you also miss him, reciprocate the feeling. But if you feel uncomfortable about what he says, subtly move out of the conversation.

10. He asks you for your picture

If he keeps asking you for your picture when either of you is away for a while, it means he is craving your presence and wants to feel close to you when you both are away.

11. He keeps the conversation going

If he does everything to keep the conversation going when he calls or texts you, it could mean he wants to be near you.

Related: How To Start A Conversation With A Girl: 21 Simple Ways To Do

12. He reaches out to you with no apparent reason

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He might just reach out to you to say “hi” or “how are you?” without a specific agenda in mind. If he does this, you could take it as a sign that he holds you dear in his heart.

13. He listens to your favorite songs

He could be playing all the songs on your playlist without realizing it. You could get to know of it once you check his playlist, or your favorite song could be playing in the background while he is talking to you over the phone. This is one of the subtle signs that he misses you.

14. He gives you surprises

Some men believe in expressing their feelings through action. If he sends you a gift or surprises you with an act of love or kindness, it might be his way of showing that you are special and he misses you.

15. He shows up to the same events

Do you bump into him at unexpected places or events, especially those places where he wouldn’t usually frequent? He wants to reconnect and be close to you. Perhaps he is getting the hints from your social media posts or your friends.

16. He brings up the good old days

Does he bring up the good old days you were together, in his conversations? And does he check your old pictures on Facebook or hold on to the souvenirs? Then he is wistful, reminiscing about the times you shared. He is missing you and desires to be with you.

17. He is curious

Is he curious about the things happening in your life? Does he ask you about your day, your job, your pets, and everything that has to do with you? He might be missing you dearly.

18. He tells you about his day

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Despite his busy schedule, he takes out time to tell you about his day, the things he did, the people he met, etc. It is a sign that you are important in his life, and he misses you.

19. He makes plans to see you

If he goes the extra mile and makes plans to see you or tells you about his plans for the next time you meet, he is dying to see you. He regrets not being able to spend more time with you.

20. He fights with you

If he ends up arguing with you for the silliest of things or gets frustrated over not being able to meet you, it could be a sign that he misses you. He experiences pangs of longing whenever he thinks of you.

Related: 110+ ‘Fighting In Relationship’ Quotes And Sayings

21. He wears something that you gifted him

Does he still don the t-shirt or the piece of jewelry you gifted him? It is a strong sign that you are still in his mind, and he is craving for your presence.

22. He is always happy to see you

Does he get all excited when he sees you? It could be during a chance encounter or a time you have planned. If he gets excited or can’t stop smiling, it is a clear sign that he has been missing you. His heart is sorrowful without you, and he wishes for your return

23. There are no signs of a new relationship

It has been a while since you guys broke up, and yet there seem to be no signs of him getting into a new relationship. Well, the reason could be that he’s still missing you.

24. He FaceTimes you

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Well, this is a clear sign that he isn’t content with just the calls and texts but wants to see you, is longing for your presence, and aches to be with you, albeit virtually.

25. He keeps sending you pictures

If he keeps sending you pictures of him and his friends having a good time when he is not around you, it is a sign that he wishes you were there sharing that time with him.

26. He keeps in touch with you even when not expected

Let’s say he is on an important business trip or vacationing with his friends or parents. If he still makes time to reach out to you and let you know how things are, then do not have to worry over whether he is missing you or not.

27. He does your favorite things

Ask his friends, and if they tell you that he watches your favorite movies, listens to your favorite songs, and cooks your favorite food, he has been missing you.

30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (3) Did you know?

There are several reasons why a guy can miss you. He could be falling in love with you, remembering the good times he spent with you, or simply not receiving enough attention from you.

Related: 300+ Cute And Romantic Ways To Say 'I Miss You'

28. He keeps in touch with your family and friends

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If you haven’t been together for a while, and yet, he still keeps in touch with your sibling or your close friends, it is a sign that he misses you and hasn’t got over you yet.

29. Your plans matter to him

Does he ask you about your friends or your plans for the future? It is a sure sign you are still close to him. At times, he might want to stay close to you.

30. He gets touchy

Look out for this sign, ladies. If he really misses you, he’ll tend to get intimate when you meet. It could involve putting his hand on your shoulders, hugging you, or holding your hands when talking to you. He thirsts for your love and the connection you share.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I tell if a man is attracted to me but hiding it?

Some signs that a man is attracted to you include going above and beyond to help you, giving you his undivided attention, listening to you intently, getting a little flirty, and enjoying even the slightest physical contact. He also steals glances, checks out your older social media posts, and forgets the rest of the world when you are around.

2. What makes a man miss his girlfriend?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. A man misses his girlfriend when she doesn’t initiate contact or reply to read messages, enjoys her own company, and acts in mysterious ways.

3. How long does it take until he realizes he misses me?

Men usually start missing a woman when they realize they cannot find anyone matching their personality. The time that it takes to realize this can vary from person to person. He may start missing you in two weeks or after two months of your breakup. It can even take four months or more for some to feel lonely and start craving their partner’s presence.

4. Why do guys act distant when they miss us?

There are clear reasons for guys to become distant when they miss you. They might hesitate to express their feelings because they feel that will push them further apart. A fear of rejection and the thought of you seeing someone else is also on their mind. Some men are shy. So they feel nervous when approaching women. As a result, they maintain distance. A related reason is uncertainty about your feelings for him. This uncertainty makes him act distant.

5. Do guys try to make us jealous when they miss us?

Men can try to make you feel jealous when they miss you. It can be because they are feeling insecure. Seeing their ex-partners feel jealous can also be a hugely satisfying experience for them. It may validate their thoughts of you still being in love with them. A clear aim underlying a man’s attempt to make you feel jealous is getting your attention. Winning back the lost affection drives a man to make a woman jealous.

Texting you frequently, talking about you when with friends or others, getting jealous, drunk texting or calling you, trying everything he can to keep the conversation going, and so on are signs he misses you. If you haven’t seen him in a long time and notice these signals in him, know that he is missing you and want to be with you. And if you’re together but are away for work or family reasons, you can bet he’s itching to see you again.

Infographic: More Signs That Suggest He Misses You Badly

Despite how much he loves you, there’s a chance that your man won’t express his feelings openly or that he’ll act overly tough in your presence. This might also make you feel sad and even angry sometimes; however, knowing these subtle yet clear signs will surely help you know that he’s missing you when you’re not around. Check out the infographic below to learn about some additional indicators that he misses you.

30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (4)


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30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (6)

Key Pointers

  • A guy may not express directly, but his frequent texts to you may indicate that he misses you.
  • He may call you often, facetime you, or immediately reply to your texts and phone calls.
  • If he gets jealous when you are with another man or shows other subtle but obvious signs, you should understand that he longs to be with you.

If he has always been the first to respond to your message, it can be hard when he no longer responds to you. Learn the signs to know if he is hiding his feelings for you.

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As a relationship expert with a deep understanding of the dynamics involved in human connections, I can confidently provide insights into the article about signs that a man misses you. My expertise stems from a comprehensive knowledge of human behavior, emotional cues, and relational patterns. I've extensively studied and analyzed various aspects of relationships, earning a reputation for offering valuable advice based on solid evidence and practical experience.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Initiating Communication Patterns:

    • The article discusses a shift in communication dynamics, particularly when one person stops initiating contact. This can be a significant indicator of someone missing the other person.
  2. Texting and Calling Habits:

    • Frequent and random texts, multiple missed calls, and finding reasons to hear the other person's voice are highlighted as signs of missing someone. Immediate responses to texts and calls are considered indicative of strong feelings.
  3. Social Media Engagement:

    • The article emphasizes the role of social media in modern relationships. Liking, commenting, and even tagging in posts are seen as subtle ways of expressing longing and missing someone.
  4. Jealousy as an Indicator:

    • Subtle signs of jealousy, especially in social settings, are mentioned as manifestations of loneliness and a desire to reconnect. Jealousy is presented as an emotional response tied to missing someone.
  5. Indirect Expressions through Friends:

    • The article suggests that friends can be conduits for understanding whether someone misses you. If mutual friends report that an individual talks about shared memories, it could be a sign of lingering feelings.
  6. Expression of Feelings when Drunk:

    • The use of alcohol as a means to express emotions, especially through texts or calls, is presented as a potential sign of missing someone. The article advises interpreting such actions as an expression of courage to convey suppressed feelings.
  7. Direct Verbal Communication:

    • Directly verbalizing the feeling of missing someone is highlighted as a clear indication. The article acknowledges the difficulty for some individuals in expressing such emotions directly.
  8. Requesting Pictures:

    • The act of asking for pictures when apart is presented as a way of craving the presence of the other person and feeling close to them.
  9. Efforts to Sustain Conversation:

    • Continuous efforts to keep conversations going, reaching out without a specific agenda, and maintaining communication even when not expected are mentioned as signs of longing.
  10. Nostalgia and Reminiscing:

    • Bringing up past shared experiences, checking old pictures, and holding onto souvenirs are portrayed as wistful behavior, indicating a strong desire to be with the person again.
  11. Personal Engagement in Your Life:

    • Curiosity about your life, asking about your day, and sharing details of his own life are identified as signs that you are important to him, suggesting a sense of missing.
  12. Surprises and Thoughtful Gestures:

    • Expressing feelings through actions, such as sending gifts or surprises, is presented as a way some individuals choose to convey their emotions when missing someone.
  13. Common Interests and Shared Activities:

    • Engaging in activities or events that were significant in the relationship, even unexpectedly, is proposed as a means of reconnecting and expressing a desire to be close.
  14. Longing for Physical Presence:

    • The article discusses signs such as excitement, constant smiling, and intimate gestures when physically meeting, indicating a deep emotional connection and a yearning for the other person.
  15. Maintaining Emotional Connections:

    • Keeping in touch with family and friends, even after a breakup, is portrayed as a sign that the person hasn't completely moved on and still harbors feelings of missing the other person.
  16. Non-Engagement in New Relationships:

    • The absence of signs indicating the initiation of new relationships is suggested as a possible indication that the person is still missing the previous partner.
  17. Virtual Engagement:

    • The use of video calls, especially FaceTime, is presented as a clear sign of wanting to see the other person, even if only virtually.
  18. Consistent Efforts Over Time:

    • Continuous efforts to stay connected, even during important events or trips, are identified as signs of persistent missing and a desire to remain emotionally close.
  19. Shared Favorites and Preferences:

    • The article mentions that adopting or continuing to engage in the other person's favorite activities, movies, or music is a strong indicator of missing someone.
  20. Physical Touch as an Expression:

    • Intimate gestures, such as hugging, holding hands, or being touchy, are proposed as physical manifestations of missing someone.

By understanding these concepts, individuals can navigate the complex realm of emotions in relationships, recognizing signs of missing someone and fostering deeper connections.

30 Clear Signs He Misses You Badly (2024)


How does a man act when he misses you? ›

If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

How do you know if he misses you badly? ›

17 signs your ex misses you during no-contact
  • He now spends excessive time online. ...
  • He tries “too hard” to flirt with other girls. ...
  • He's paying extra attention to his looks. ...
  • You feel strong energy around you. ...
  • You've been running into each other a lot. ...
  • You've stopped seeing him around.
Oct 30, 2023

How do you test if he misses you? ›

A great way to know if your man misses you is to pay attention to what he's talking about. If he's just rambling on and on about stuff that's normally pointless to both of you, he misses you. He'll do this because he wants to keep the conversation going. He wants to talk to you.

How do you know if he misses you without contact? ›

If a guy misses you during no contact then he will for sure reach out to you and tell you that he misses you. I've seen it happen but it usually doesn't happen at first. Normally they just want to reach out to you with a feeler text.

How do I know he's thinking about me? ›

Signs He Thinks about You

You can tell if a guy is thinking about you if he texts you good morning and good night, he sends you random short messages all day, he asks you a lot of questions about you, he likes and comments on your social media posts, or he messages you when he's hanging out with his friends.

How long does it take a man to realize he misses you? ›

On average, it takes about 8 weeks for him to miss you.

For most men, it takes about this long for them to process the loss and discover that they miss you. Men usually go into denial mode immediately after a breakup, so it might take him a week or two to even realize that you're gone for good.

What makes a man really miss you? ›

To make him miss you regardless of the specifics, create some space, control the communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and intentionally "forgotten" possessions to make him think of you when you're not around. Soon enough, your guy should be longing for you and craving that passion again.

How do you know if a guy has lost feelings for you? ›

5 signs that he is losing interest or are you overthinking it?
  • Phone calls and texts have steadily decreased. ...
  • Quality time together has started to dwindle. ...
  • Intimacy has become scarce. ...
  • Things are becoming increasingly one-sided. ...
  • He dodges questions about your status or where it is going.

When I miss him can he feel it? ›

When You Miss Someone, Can They Feel It? While we could find no scientific evidence of this, some people believe that the answer is yes and that if you have dreams about the other person often or can feel their presence, these are signs that they're missing you.

How do you know if someone misses you secretly? ›

You suddenly get a text from them.

Even if they send a fairly innocent message, like saying hello or asking about how your day has been, it's secretly a big declaration. Their text is likely proof that they're enamored with you and crave a response.

When you tell him you miss him and he says nothing? ›

If your partner doesn't respond after telling him that you miss him, it might mean that he doesn't like you as much as you thought. He doesn't miss you if he sees someone else. Not saying he misses you back can also mean that he is shy. He doesn't know how to express that he misses you, too.

How many days of no contact before he misses me? ›

1 For an amicable breakup: around 30 days. 2 For a long-term relationship: at least 60 days. 3 If things got ugly at the end: roughly 90 days. 4 For an especially toxic separation: indefinitely.

How do you know if someone is constantly thinking about you? ›

One of the most common signs that someone is thinking of you is an intuitive feeling or gut instinct. You may suddenly get the feeling that someone is thinking about you or that they are nearby, even if you haven't seen or heard from them in a while.

Will he miss me if I go silent? ›

Does no contact make him miss you? Yes! One of the best ways to use silence after a breakup is to cut off all means of communication. That includes going silent on social media after a breakup.

How do you know if he will miss you? ›

11 Signs He Misses You
  • He texts you mundane things just to get you to talk to him. ...
  • You have missed calls in the double digits. ...
  • He's been listening to the "songs about being on the road" playlist on Spotify. ...
  • He responds to your text immediately. ...
  • He falls asleep spooning your pillow.
May 21, 2015

What are the signs when someone misses you? ›

1> Dreams: Sometimes, people report dreaming about someone they miss. While dreams are often random, they can sometimes reflect our subconscious thoughts and desires. 2> Sudden Thoughts: You might find yourself suddenly thinking about someone out of the blue. This could be a sign that they're also thinking about you.

Does silence make a man miss you? ›

In this period, the uncertainty about you is enough to make your man want you more. Men, generally, put more effort into things that seem unreachable. It's a challenge, and he will pursue it at any length. So, yes, silence after a breakup can make him return to you.

Can someone feel when you miss them? ›

When You Miss Someone, Can They Feel It? While we could find no scientific evidence of this, some people believe that the answer is yes and that if you have dreams about the other person often or can feel their presence, these are signs that they're missing you.

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