Why is Silence So Powerful After A Break Up? 6 Tips for Going 'No Contact' (2024)

There’s no doubt about it — breakups are excruciating. Whether you were blindsided, saw it coming, or were the one to end it, the situation isn’t easy on anyone involved. Throw in a society reliant on technology and social media, and it’s almost impossible to move on and heal.

This is why there’s really only one effective solution to a breakup: the power of silence. Think about what typically happens after breaking up with someone. You might post about it on Facebook, drink too much and send an emotional text, or investigate your ex’s Instagram followers to see if there’s anyone new to worry about. It’s exhausting! (Not to mention, unhealthy and emotionally draining.)

Instead of torturing yourself after a breakup, the most important thing you can do is be silent — and we’re talking radio silence! You’ve probably heard the term ghosting, which refers to someone abruptly cutting off all contact with someone they are dating. This is the mindset you need to channel! Think of it as “ex-ghosting.” Instead of ending communication with someone you’re dating, you’re ending it with someone you broke up with. It’s the only way to help yourself in the long run.

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Why The Power of Silence is So Important

When you take a step back after a breakup, you’re able to really reflect on what happened and what went wrong. Instead of continuing to talk with your ex — which is bound to cause even more heartache — you’re giving yourself time to get your head right. This way, if you decide to reopen communication, you’ll have a level head and a better grasp on the situation.

Staying silent can also help you feel empowered. You’re taking charge and showing your ex that you’re capable of and willing to live life without them. Whether you’re the one who was hurt or the one who ended it, cutting off communication after a breakup puts you in control. It sends a clear message that you won’t allow the breakup to take hold of your life, giving you a chance to find perspective and heal.

Lastly, whether you want to get back with your ex or not, the power of silence is guaranteed to make them miss you! As counterintuitive as it sounds, if you want to get back together, you have to act like you don’t. When you’re not texting, pleading, or begging for a reunion, they will wonder what you’re doing and whether you have moved on. Once they start to miss you more than they can bear, they will be the one to reach out.

Bottom line? Staying silent after a breakup, as hard as it can be, is the only way to let yourself reflect and recover from heartache. On the other hand, if you’re the one that ended the relationship, it’s only fair for you to cut off all contact with the person you hurt. If you truly do not want to be with them, continuing contact will only drag out the heartache and cause unnecessary pain.

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Tips for Using the Power of Silence

If you’re going through a breakup and desperately want to embrace the power of silence, we have some tips to help get you through it:

1. Erase Them From Your Phone

It’s so tempting to text or call an ex after a breakup, so the best thing to do is delete them from your phone. Sure, you might have their number memorized, but it makes it that much harder to contact them! (Especially when you’re drinking.) If you’re making the conscious effort of typing in their phone number, it should give you enough time to realize you’re making a mistake.

2. Block Them on Social Media

Easier said than done, but part of going full no-contact means swiping them from your social media. Don’t just unfriend them — block them. The worst thing you can do after a breakup is stalk their posts, friends, or activity online. All it does is worsen your heartache and, quite possibly, expose you to things you don’t want to see (like a new partner). Getting rid of any online trace of your ex helps keep you from fueling the emotional fire.

3. Write Down Your Feelings (Instead of Texting Them)

You’re bound to have a ton of mixed emotions after a breakup, but sending them all to your ex only causes more problems. Journaling is a great way to help process your feelings! When you bottle them up, it’s hard not to let them out in one way or another, so try putting pen to paper instead of further complicating things with your ex.

4. Avoid Places They Hang Out

It’s a play right out of the heartbreak handbook — “accidentally” running into your ex in public. We all know it wasn’t an accident (and your ex does too). Since you used to be a couple, you’re both very familiar with where each other hangs out. As tempting as it can be to “bump into them” when you’re feeling lonely, all it leads to is an uncomfortable encounter for you and everyone around you.

5. Resist the Urge to Reach Out to Their Friends

Let’s be honest — the real reason you reach out to your ex’s friends is so that they will find out you did! There is absolutely no need to contact your ex’s friends for any reason (unless they are mutual, which can be tricky). Your ex’s friends are not going to give you any information, and if anything, they might take your contact as an act of desperation.

6. Be Honest with Yourself

Use the power of silence to really focus inward and realize the truth of the situation. If you were the one who was hurt, do you really want to beg for someone who doesn’t want you in their life? What do you gain from reaching out, aside from personal anguish? If you were the person who broke it off, what is your motivation to keep the communication open? Isn't it only fair to allow them time to move on?

By coming to terms with the gravity of the situation, you can start to heal. A one-sided love affair rarely works out, and you don’t want to force someone to be with you after they end the relationship. By harnessing the power of silence, you’re creating the distance needed to clear your mind, focus on yourself, and come to the realization that you are worthy of so much better.

There is no easy way to deal with a breakup, but remaining silent actually speaks volumes to your ex. After all, actions speak louder than words! By staying silent, you’re telling your ex that you’re strong, resilient, and independent. You’re relying on yourself — and no one else — for your own happiness.

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By Caitlin Killoren on Nov 16, 2021

With a degree in Psychology and over a decade of experience, Caitlin has made improving people's relationships both her career and her passion. Her work has been featured in publications like Bustle, Well + Good, and Goalcast, and she currently resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and giant fluffy dog, Remy.

As someone deeply immersed in the field of psychology, with substantial experience in relationship dynamics and human behavior, I am well-equipped to discuss the concepts elucidated in the article regarding the aftermath of breakups and the efficacy of practicing silence as a means of healing and moving forward.

The strategies outlined in the article about navigating post-breakup emotions align with psychological principles and relationship dynamics. Here's a breakdown of the concepts touched upon:

  1. Breakup Trauma and Emotional Turmoil: Breakups are acknowledged as emotionally distressing experiences, causing anguish regardless of whether one initiated it or was on the receiving end. The article rightly emphasizes the excruciating nature of this experience.

  2. Social Media and Technology’s Impact: The influence of technology and social media on post-breakup behaviors is underscored. The constant access to an ex's life through these platforms can impede the healing process.

  3. Silence as a Healing Mechanism: The power of silence, akin to the concept of 'no-contact' or 'ex-ghosting,' is advocated as an effective means of recuperation. This involves cutting off communication completely after a breakup, allowing individuals space for self-reflection and emotional recovery.

  4. Empowerment and Control: Silence post-breakup is framed as a way to regain control and empowerment. It enables individuals to demonstrate resilience and independence by not letting the breakup dictate their lives.

  5. Rekindling Relationships and Creating Longing: The article explores the counterintuitive aspect of creating longing in a former partner by not actively pursuing them. This tactic is purported to make the ex miss the person who is silent, potentially leading to them initiating contact.

  6. Psychological Closure and Self-Reflection: Taking a step back and maintaining silence is posited as a way to find closure, reflect on the relationship's dynamics, and reassess personal desires.

  7. Strategies for Practicing Silence: Practical tips are provided to implement the strategy of silence effectively, including deleting contacts, refraining from social media stalking, journaling emotions, avoiding mutual hangout spots, and refraining from contacting the ex’s friends.

  8. Self-Reflection and Realization of Self-Worth: The importance of introspection and recognizing one's self-worth is highlighted. Individuals are encouraged to assess their motivations behind seeking contact post-breakup and to prioritize personal well-being.

  9. Communicating Strength and Independence: Silence after a breakup is depicted as a powerful act conveying strength, independence, and a focus on self-happiness rather than relying on others for validation.

  10. Professional Guidance and Relationship Coaching: Lastly, the article suggests seeking help from relationship coaching apps like Relish, indicating the role of professional guidance in navigating post-breakup emotions and fostering healthy relationships.

In conclusion, the article navigates through the intricate emotional landscape of breakups, advocating for the therapeutic impact of silence in promoting healing, self-discovery, and eventual growth. As an enthusiast and expert in psychology and relationships, I affirm the importance of these concepts in the post-breakup recovery process.

Why is Silence So Powerful After A Break Up? 6 Tips for Going 'No Contact' (2024)


What is the power of silence during no contact? ›

While it may seem counterintuitive at first, embracing silence can profoundly impact your healing journey. Silence gives you the space and time you need to process your emotions and move on with your life. The spirit of no contact is not punitive. It's rooted in self-care.

Why is silence best after a breakup? ›

The power of silence after a breakup lies in its ability to facilitate healing, self-reflection, and personal growth. Choosing to remain silent allows individuals to create space for emotional processing and introspection, enabling them to gain clarity and perspective on the failed relationship.

Will silence bring her back after no contact? ›

This may sound too good to be true, but trust me, the intense emotions that your ex will feel when you suddenly vanish from their life can often be enough to make them take you back all by itself. Even if that doesn't happen, silence by itself is a powerful tool that can make your ex desperate to have you back.

Why no contact is so powerful after a breakup? ›

The no-contact rule serves as a vital tool for post-breakup healing by allowing individuals to step back and process their emotions without the interference of ongoing communication. It allows for a shift in perspective, fostering a realistic view of the ex-partner, beyond the romanticized one.

Why is silence the most powerful? ›

Psychological benefits of silence can include enhanced creativity, focus, self control, self awareness, perspective and spirituality. Silence can be used both positively and negatively in communication, and thus can influence our relationships.

What is the psychological power of silence? ›

Kirste found that "trying to hear in silence" stimulates the auditory cortex, accelerating the growth of valuable brain cells. Beyond inducing relaxation, silence can serve as a positive stressor, known as “eustress”, which, unlike everyday stress, can be beneficial for brain growth.

What does silence do to your ex? ›

Silence gives your ex a chance to notice your absence and really miss having you around. If you stay in touch with them during the aftermath of the breakup, they might not get the chance to miss you properly. When you don't call, text, or ask to see them, your ex is more likely to start wondering what you're up to.

Why is silence so healing? ›

The physical health benefits of silence and solitude

Relaxation is a primary mechanism for healing,” says Buttimer. “When you are under stress, your body's natural repair mechanisms are disabled. When you can cultivate silence and stillness, clarity develops in your mind and has a settling effect.

How does a man feel when a woman goes silent? ›

In general, the silent treatment is a manipulation tactic that can leave important issues in a relationship unresolved. It also can leave the partner on the receiving end feeling worthless, unloved, hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, and unimportant.

How to know he's hurting after a breakup? ›

He seems lost or depressed.

You'll hear from mutual friends that he talks about how unhappy he is or that he's pitying himself. If you still see him occasionally, you might notice that he's picked up bad habits that you broke him of—this can mean that he's given up trying to improve things.

Who breaks no contact first? ›

Let your ex be the first one to break the no contact rule, especially if you're following it to try and get them back. It's easy to fall into a pattern of worrying about what other people think, but if reaching out to your ex and breaking the no contact rule is what's best for you, do it.

How to stay strong during no contact? ›

Here are a few tips to help you to maintain your distance.
  1. Write a letter to yourself. ...
  2. Give yourself room to grieve. ...
  3. Make a list of every terrible thing your partner ever did. ...
  4. Start a self-care list. ...
  5. Have a breakup buddy. ...
  6. Work on yourself. ...
  7. Start a new hobby. ...
  8. Give yourself some structure.
Sep 25, 2022

Who heals faster after a breakup? ›

This emotional processing period is one potential reason researchers, such as in one 2015 study, have found that men are actually slower to fully recover from heartbreak than women—and may never truly get over the loss of a partner. Yet the study's authors suggested that our primal biology is to blame, too.

Why is silence the best revenge? ›

That's what we mean by “silence is the best revenge.” When you choose to be silent, you're not giving the person the reaction they want. They might expect you to get angry or upset, but instead, you stay calm and composed. It can make them realize that their actions didn't affect you as much as they thought.

Is silence the best response to an ex? ›

Silence is super important because it gives you a chance to build that confidence back up without having to worry that a random interaction with your ex will bring you back down. When you go radio silent, you're making the choice to cut contact with your ex.

What does silence do to a person? ›

When you practice solitude and silence, you allow your brain to process your emotions, rather than suppressing them and remaining on autopilot. You may feel some uncomfortable emotions through this process, but the sooner you recognize and address your feelings, the sooner you can move forward in health and freedom.

Is silence a powerful response? ›

Staying silent can be just as powerful as the words you mean to say, like when the act of hugging can be more comforting than saying, “I'm sorry for your loss.” Unless you can elevate the conversation by pointing out something interesting, missing, or beneficial, it's best to just observe and learn.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.