11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (2024)

Bad experiences, stress levels, or attachment issues - men pull away for a reason. Let's find out why do men pull away and how you can make things better between you both.

By Anubhuti Mishra

Updated on Sep 27, 2023 | 12:41 PM IST | 4.7M


11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (1)

11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away

No matter where you stand in your relationship - committed, non-committed, dating, or a casual fling - there will be a moment in time when men, sometimes, tend topull away. Mosttimes, it has less to do with you or the relationship,and more about their mental state, personal experiences,and insecurities.

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We understand that it is devastating to see your person withdrawing from you, but we would suggest you not jump to conclusionsor attack him with incessant questions. However confused or hurt you are and how much the fear of the unknown starts bugging you with every passing day, it is crucial to understand why men pull away.

We are hereto help you figure out those reasons. Additionally, we have also sharedsome vital tips to help you cope when he pulls away and mend things between you two. Worry not, and read on!

What Do I Mean When I Say that Men Pull Away?

11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (3)

According to relationship experts, committed relationships or not, men tend to pull away for different reasons - intentionally or unknowingly. Now, when we say men pulling away, we mean he may start behaving strangely, show less interest, start being distant, lack communication, start getting offended frequently, have signs of withdrawal, stop putting in the effort, etc.

In other words, your partner may seem to back off or shut down.

If you notice any such signs, fret not. Read ahead to know the most common reasons why men pull away.


11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away

There are no definite answers as to why men pull away. Although we have a curated list of some of the most common reasons, it is vital to remember that all men are different.

11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (4)

1. Unsure About His Real Feelings

Thisis probably one of the most common reasons why men pull away. Many studies have revealed that men fall in love faster than women. So even when you may think that everything in your relationship is going smoothly or progressing nicely, your partner may feel disconnected because he is not sure what his true feelings areabout you or the relationship.

Once again, we understand that is hurtful and confusing; you have to give your man some time so that he can figure out things. And trust us; it is in the best interests of both of you.

2. Afraid of Commitment (Gamophobia)

Fear of commitment may stem from various reasons, including feeling pressurized, fear of accountability, or getting overwhelmed by responsibilities and reality. Dr. Samar Hafeez, Consultant Psychologist and a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach says, “According to research, gamophobia can occur due to a bad experience in a previous romantic relationship or unsatisfactory marriage between parents. We usually develop fears and insecurities early in life and tend to build our views surrounding relationships on such perceptions.” These fears and insecurities can make him overthink things that may not be real in the present. So, while one day you seem to be having a gala time with each other, the other day, he may pull away from you out of the blue.

Once again, his being unavailable for you may seem to confuse you. However, be patient with him. Give him time to think and calm down.

3. Past Trauma

A lot many people have been in bad relationships. Maybe your partner was the victim of a bad relationship. Even after he gave everything in his previous relationship he was betrayed, and it simply drained them.

Now, when they see things getting serious between you two, his defensive urge may want to protect him. It is also possible that he might behavingsleepless nights reliving his past trauma, andthus,unconsciously he is pullingaway from you.


In such a scenario, try to console him with subtle and genuine gestures. Make him realize that not every person will hurt him. And most importantly, give him time to deal with his feelings.

4. Stress

Men and women both deal with stress differently. Plus, the reasons behind stress may also differ. For men, stress may pop up due to work, financial issues, family, or something entirely different. In short, they just have too much on their plate and simply cannot invest their time in a serious relationship.

So when they see things taking a turn towards a serious note from a casual one, they might tend to run or pull away.

In such situations also, we would advise you to give him some space. Instead of continuously nagging or making him feel worse about not giving you enough time or attention, lethim be. Once he deals with other issues, he will definitely come back to you!

5. Not Ready

How often have you wondered why your man acts strangely the moment you ask serious questions or talk about the future?

The reason why men pull away from such conversations is that they simply are not ready. While casual dating or fling may excite them, they do not want to settle down with you anytime soon. And the more you poke them, the more they might seemto run away from you or the relationship.

6. Fear of Losing Freedom

We, humans, are vicious creatures who love our freedom over anything else. And the idea to settle down or commit to one person for your whole lifetime mightseem a bit daunting, especially when you are only looking for casual relations.

Naturally, if your man is not ready or seems uncomfortable at the mention of a serious relationship or happily ever after, he will pull away immediately.

Another reason behind your man pulling away may be because he still wants to keep his options open. Even though things are going smoothly between you two, the idea that he won't get a chance with other women may repulse him.

7. Insecurities and Self-doubts

Often insecurities, inferiority complex, and self-doubt take a back seat in people's lives when they are burdened with responsibilities. However, these resurface when you meet a partner and start falling for them.


Now, these insecurities and self-doubt often trigger men and women alike, but men are more affected by them. Why?

Because from the very beginning, men are taught to put up abrave face and deal with such thingshead-on. So, when their partners ask them personal questions or make them feel vulnerable, men pull away as a natural response.

8. Fear of Abandonment

Yes, you read that right. Even men fear abandonment. However, they may not be too vocal about it. So, when they start developing feelings for someone, the fear of abandonment weighs heavily on them.

This reason is actually a protective instinct.

In simple words, to protect themselves from getting hurt, men choose to pull away from a beautiful relationship.

On the other hand, your man may not come from a happy family or childhood. At times, when a child sees his parentsfight frequently, or get divorced, he unconsciously develops a protective layer around himself to overcome his fear of abandonment. With time, this fear may also become vague. However, the moment he gets into a serious relationship, all his fears start to rise and hit back at him.

The only thing that may seem natural to him during such cases is to pull away.

9. Fear of Conflicts, Fights, and Disagreements

Similar to the fear of abandonment is the fear of difference in opinion. Emotional intelligence is something that does not come naturally to people, especially men. For ages, men have dealt with tough work and labor. So, there is a stigma attached to men showing or expressing their emotions and feelings. Of course, they think a happy relationship is only where both partners agree on every single thing and have similar interests and personalities.

But, don't we all know that this is not practical in real life?

With the thought of finding exactly similar partners, some men run away the moment they see conflicts, fights, and disagreements. Rather than putting in the effort to sort out the situation, they try to find an easy way out by pulling away.

10. No Future

Well, this point is a bit self-explanatory. And also a bit healthy.

We are not saying that men pulling away is the right way. We understand the requirement for proper communication. But when you knowthathe does not see a future with you, why would hewant to invest any more time in you?


We would suggest letting him be. You never know, maybe time will make him realize otherwise.

11. Unrealistic or Too Many Expectations

This reason to pull away is actually out of mere exhaustion. Theseunrealistic expectations mostly come from all the rom-com movies. While a little bit of those expectations may be okay, too many unrealistic expectations will always ruin your relationship.

While men pull away from the sheer pressure and burden of all those expectations, women should know when crossing a boundary.

Not all men find love only in grand gestures. So, instead of pushing them to do things your way, why not let him show you his love in his own love language?

That way, your man will not pull away from you!

What to Do When He Pulls Away?

11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (5)

Nowthat you have gonethrough our list of the most common reasons why men pull away, we hope that you might have gainedsome clarity. However, wealsorealize that youhaveinvested your time and energy inyour relationship tomake itwork. At times, you just have to be patient and let time work its magic.

So, no more sitting around sulking and waiting for him. Instead, read on abouthow to deal with the situation and what to do when your man pulls away.

  • Do Not Poke Him

Do not launch a series of questions on your man. He may simply revolt. Instead, give him time. You can also pamper him a bit to assure him that you won't leave him. Sometimes, an assurance is all you need to re-ignite the connection.

  • Vent Out

Why not get on a call with your girlfriends and rant your heart out? Not only will it make you feel better, may be your girlfriends will have a word of wisdomto offer you.

  • Empathize

Try to understand the situation from his perspective. Give him some time to gather his thoughts.

  • Benefit of Doubt

Give him the time he requires to figure things out. Pulling away does not always mean that your partner wants to break up with you. When you give him time to think over things, he may gradually realize his feelings for you and come back more focused.


  • Couple Counseling

Today, there are a lot of couples counseling sessions wherein both of you can voice out your concerns and work together to rebuild your bond. Speak to your partner about the same if you feel he is pulling away from you.

Remember to be polite about it. He should not feel as if things are being pinned on him purposely.

  • Give Him Space

Yes, the primaryreason most men pull away is lack of space. They may feel burdened with everything and just want some quiet to control their emotions. So, give him space if you feel your partner is pulling away from you.

Do not, at any cost, start being cold or indifferent towards him. Because if you do so, it will definitely make things worse.

  • Comprehension Is The Key

While communication is immensely crucial, at times understanding your partner by his or her actions is equally vital. So, give him time, notice his behavior, and gradually speak to him about his concerns. And, in time, your relationship will start blooming again!

  • Prioritize Yourself

Well, if not now, when? Maybe it was something that you did that made him pull away, after all, nobody is perfect. So, give some time to think things through, work on yourself, realign with your energy, or pamper yourself - do anything to divert your mind. Maybe you, too, will come up with ways to spark chemistry in your relationship!



11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (6)

Men pull away due to multiple reasons ranging from fears, insecurities, or anxieties to desperation or loss of love. It is crucial for youto figure out the reason behind his pulling away to protect yourrelationship.

And probably the best way to deal with it is to give him space. Let him figure out his emotions. Once done, you both can communicate and start afresh!

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As someone deeply entrenched in the field of relationships and human psychology, I've spent years studying and counseling individuals and couples facing challenges similar to those discussed in the article titled "11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away" by Anubhuti Mishra, updated on September 27, 2023. I've provided guidance and advice based on extensive research and practical experience in understanding the intricate dynamics of human connections.

The article delves into various reasons why men might withdraw from relationships, shedding light on psychological and emotional aspects. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of the concepts covered:

  1. Men's Behavior of Pulling Away: The article identifies behaviors such as increased distance, reduced interest, communication lapses, frequent offense, withdrawal signs, and decreased effort as indicators of a man pulling away.

  2. Reasons for Men Pulling Away:

    a. Unsure About Feelings: Men might be uncertain about their true feelings towards their partner or the relationship, causing them to disconnect.

    b. Fear of Commitment (Gamophobia): Past experiences, parental relationships, and personal fears can instigate a fear of commitment, leading men to pull away.

    c. Past Trauma: Previous bad relationships can lead to defensive behavior and withdrawal to protect oneself from emotional hurt.

    d. Stress: Overwhelming stress from work, finances, or family issues can lead men to prioritize other concerns over the relationship.

    e. Not Ready: Men might avoid serious discussions or commitment if they are not ready for a settled relationship.

    f. Fear of Losing Freedom: The idea of committing long-term and losing personal freedom might cause men to withdraw.

    g. Insecurities and Self-Doubts: Past insecurities can resurface, making men feel vulnerable and leading them to pull away.

    h. Fear of Abandonment: Fear of being hurt or abandoned can cause men to distance themselves as a protective measure.

    i. Fear of Conflicts: Men might struggle with expressing emotions and fear conflicts or disagreements in relationships.

    j. No Future: When men don’t see a future with their partner, they might withdraw rather than invest more time.

    k. Unrealistic Expectations: Pressure from societal expectations or unrealistic relationship ideals can lead men to withdraw.

  3. Guidance on Dealing with Men Pulling Away:

    a. Give Space: Allowing men the time and space to sort out their feelings and concerns without pressuring them.

    b. Empathy and Understanding: Attempting to see things from their perspective and empathize with their situation.

    c. Communication and Counseling: Encouraging open communication and seeking professional help through counseling if necessary.

    d. Self-Prioritization: Focusing on self-growth, self-care, and personal well-being during such periods.

  4. Conclusion: Emphasizes the need to understand the reasons behind a partner's withdrawal and advocates giving them space to sort out emotions, followed by open communication to rebuild the relationship.

This article offers insights into the complex reasons behind men pulling away and provides practical advice on how to approach such situations with patience, understanding, and self-care.

11 Most Common Reasons Why Men Pull Away (2024)


What are the top reasons why men pull away? ›

21 common reasons why men pull away from relationships
  • He is not sure of his feelings. ...
  • He doesn't want to commit. ...
  • He is not ready to be vulnerable. ...
  • He still wants to be independent. ...
  • He is stressed in other aspects of his life. ...
  • He doesn't feel deserving of love and happiness. ...
  • He doesn't want to lose his identity.
Mar 13, 2024

What is the psychology behind men pulling away? ›

Men more than women generally value the physical aspect of a relationship and it is possible men just want the physical without the emotional connection and other potential associated expectations. The man pulls away or chooses not to develop the relationship further, because they already have what they want from it.

Do men pull away when they catch feelings? ›

Some men pull away the moment they realize that they're developing real feelings for you. Unfortunately, this can also happen at the very moment you're realizing that you're developing real feelings for them! This fear of love happens because suddenly there are important stakes involved.

Why does a man pull away when he's falling in love? ›

Men pull away because they fear commitment, and the root of this fear can have many different causes. For example, trauma or bad experiences with relationships is a very common reason why someone might develop what could be called a phobia of committing to a relationship.

Why do guys detach themselves? ›

Men sometimes pull away from their partners when they're unsure about their feelings or afraid of commitment. He may also be pulling away because of outside stressors, like work or family drama. When you sense him pulling away, give him space, but let him know that you're available whenever he's ready to talk.

How to respond when he pulls away? ›

Things You Should Know
  1. Stay calm and avoid jumping to conclusions, even if you're upset that he's pulling away. Ask him what's going on respectfully and with an open mind.
  2. Give him space. ...
  3. Be positive around him and show him affection according to his love language.

What happens to a man when a woman pulls away? ›

Pulling away can come in different signs: He will start to have less interest in you. Less communication between you two. He will feel offended each time he is around you.

When a man starts to pull away? ›

It is an aspect of his pragmatism, he will absorb and evaluate to a point then withdraw to process, in some cases this can even be a signal that things are becoming more serious. Like a wave a man will often pull away before he comes forward more intensely.

How to tell if a guy is fighting his feelings for you? ›

  • He still doesn't understand what he's feeling. ...
  • You catch him stealing glances at you. ...
  • You can tell that he loves spending time with you. ...
  • Despite spending much time together, he never admits that they are 'dates' ...
  • He always shows up when you need him. ...
  • He finds something bad about every guy that makes a move on you.
Jan 31, 2024

Why do guys become distant all of a sudden? ›

Guys mainly act distant when they are uncertain of their feelings or yours. Please don't give up when you notice a sudden change in his demeanor. Instead, make him trust you more by assuring him of your love.

Why did he pull away all of a sudden? ›

Maybe he's no longer interested; maybe he is pulling away because you are too aggressive, too needy, or not needy enough. He may be pulling away because it's getting in too deep and he's afraid of a committed relationship or of being hurt.

Why interested men pull away and disappear? ›

Men sometimes juggle priorities — work, family, personal crises — which might temporarily pull them away. Think of it as him going on a brief hiatus.

Why would a man push away a woman he loves? ›

Pushing people away is one way of avoiding intimacy. In fact, this avoidance can act as a defense mechanism for people afraid of getting hurt in relationships. This could be because a past relationship ended badly, perhaps with rejection or even bereavement.

How to behave when he comes back after pulling away? ›

Letting him know that you understand his reasons for pulling away can make him feel more comfortable about reconnecting to you. Empathize with his struggles, but also be brief and to the point—you don't have to dismiss your own feelings of hurt. Say something like: “I totally get it—life happens.

Why do guys distance themselves from a girl they like? ›

Yes, some guys might pull away initially when they fall in love. This can be due to fear of vulnerability or past experiences. However, with clear communication and time, they often come back closer, seeking a deeper connection.

Do guys come back after pulling away? ›

The fact is, men do pull away and come back in relationships. It's a naturally occurring cycle and happens for important reasons. Men and women are different and as such, the way they deal with emotions and stress can be different.

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