15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (2024)

15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (1)

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Everything can seem perfect until the guy you are interested in starts pulling away. Then you wonder, why is he being distant? What could be happening? Before coming to any conclusions, it’s essential to know why guys act distant when they like you.

So, why do guys go quiet when they like you, or why do men become distant when they fall in love? Although complicated, there are many reasons why a guy acts distant but says he loves you.

Also, you must remember that a guy can withdraw at any relationship stage. That’s why a person is sometimes forced to ask, “Why is my boyfriend acting distant but says he loves me?”

Thankfully, this article has all the answers you are looking for. If you want to learn why guys act distant when they like you, or you wonder why your partner is distant, ensure you read this article to the end.

We will help you understand guys’ intentions for suddenly pulling away from the relationship even when they like you.

15 reasons why guys act distant when they like you

15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (3)

If a guy acts distant, it can lead you into a spiral of negative emotions like frustration, anger, and insecurity. Understanding the reason behind the change in his behavior can give you a chance to assess the situation better.

Below, we list some reasons that might explain why your partner is acting so distant and help you address your fears:

1. He is scared of commitment

Why does he act interested one minute and distant the next? A serious romantic relationship goes beyond the wooing stage, where you are casually going out on dates.

Maybe you feel like you’ve reached this point, yet your guy is suddenly pulling away. Why? Maybe he’s afraid of commitment and other responsibilities attached to a relationship.

Marriage & family therapist Vicki Botnick says:

Online dating has been shown to increase the user’s desire to “swipe” around and see who else is available. The less mature the dater, the more likely they feel compelled to check the apps compulsively.

He may also be scared to lose the freedom he’s always had before a partner came into his life. Besides, some men want to “test the waters” and date as many people as possible before settling down with a particular one. When a man feels like this, don’t be surprised when he starts acting distant.

2. He’s been hurt in his past relationships

Do guys distance themselves when they like a person? Yes, if they have been repeatedly hurt in the past. Again, this is a case of fear of getting hurt again.

Maybe an ex cheated on them, betrayed their trust, or took advantage of them. Regardless of what happened in his previous relationship, if he were hurt, he would be hesitant to take a relationship to the next level.

You may think, “My boyfriend is acting weird and distant.” The answer to the problem may be rooted in the unresolved trauma from his past relationship.

3. He feels you are out of his league

Why do guys go quiet when they like you? Another reason why guys act distant when they like you is because they feel you are above their level. He may feel you are too beautiful or classy for him to date.

He won’t have the courage to ask you out or make his feelings evident in such a situation. His friends or family might suspect he likes you, but he will never express his feelings.

4. He thinks you are in a relationship

Why does he act interested one minute and distant the next? Perhaps he assumed you were in a relationship, so he convinced himself it would be a waste of time to ask you out. This situation is quite close to the feeling that a person is out of your league.

Also, it usually happens with people with extraordinary beauty and charisma. So, when he starts acting distant, know that he does so because he thinks another guy already beat him to the chase.

5. He is shy

Why guys act distant when they like you might be due to their personality. Introverts or shy people generally have trouble meeting other people. When a shy guy likes you, many scenarios may have played out in his head.

Marriage & family therapist Vicki Botnick suggests:

Males are sometimes culturally taught to hide their feelings. It can be difficult for some men to know how to share their interest in you without worrying that they will come across as less masculine.

He has already considered many options and given himself reasons why you would reject him, so he convinces himself not to ask you out.

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6. He is scared of his feelings

Many individuals can attest to the power of love when it engulfs you. It sometimes feels too overwhelming for you to accept. It’s even worse if you have been in awful relationships before but suddenly find yourself in love again. Perhaps you already have goals for your life and are working on them.

When a man falls in love, it may be hard to process those emotions in line with his current situation. That means some important things, like a relationship, might take a secondary position.

Usually, when you are in a serious relationship, the late nights out might decrease. You may also end up putting your solo trip on hold because of your newfound love. If your guy is still enjoying living as if he is single, he might be in denial of how serious his feelings have become.

Realizing the reality of the situation can cause him to take a few steps back and detach from the relationship.


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7. He doesn’t want a serious relationship

Why do guys distance themselves when falling in love? Believe it or not, a guy may like you but not date you because your intentions are different.

Everyone has different aspirations in life. If a man sees that your needs are different, he will become distant even if he knows he likes you. Consider this a favor, as some men will date you only to break your heart later.

Maybe it’s best to tell you, but it can become messy. Therefore, a guy acting distant after a first date can be a good thing if the reason behind this action is that he doesn’t want a serious relationship.

15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (4)

8. He’s already in a relationship

Another reason why guys act distant when they like you is if they are already in a committed relationship. The decent thing for him to do is to give you space. Of course, he looks like the bad guy here, but you wouldn’t want someone to cheat on you if you were in his partner’s shoes.

9. He’s taking it slow

Why is he acting distant all of a sudden? Maybe he’s taking his time or keeping his options open. Guys who want committed relationships don’t always rush into it. They take their time getting to know their partner and learn how to build the relationship.

The risk of falling in love without due diligence appears scary to them. Therefore, they take a break when they see they are falling in love. In this case, you are convinced a guy loves you but keeps his distance.

Meanwhile, he may also have other potential partners. So, when he starts acting distant, know that he is weighing his options before making his final decision. Be sure to give him space and the time he needs while respecting the fact that you have no control over his final choice.

10. He’s waiting for more signs from you

Do guys distance themselves when they like a girl or a guy? Yes, if they are not convinced the person loves them as much as they love that person. Some men might like you but don’t want to look desperate. They believe you might want to take them for granted.

You will agree that it’s weird when someone likes you and they suddenly back out. This guy knows his disinterest in you will make you get close to him. So, he acts like the perfect lover boy today, and the next day, he goes mute on you.

It’s all in his plan to play hard-to-get. This inconsistency will eventually force you to discuss the situation with him and declare your love for him. This isn’t the best way to go, but it happens.

11. He is limited by miscommunication

The impact of miscommunication on a person’s distant behavior when they like someone.

For instance, if a guy sends mixed signals or doesn’t express his feelings clearly, the other person might misinterpret his intentions. This can lead to confusion and emotional distance as both individuals are unsure about each other’s true feelings and may hesitate to take the next step due to these misunderstandings.

According to marriage & family therapist Vicki Botnick:

Because your boyfriend pulling away emotionally could have many causes, the more important question is his ability to communicate about what’s happening with him. When you bring up your concerns, consider whether he seems respectful and empathetic to your fears.

Effective communication is essential to resolve such issues and ensure both parties are on the same page emotionally.

12. He doesn’t want to lose a friend

Some guys may act distant because they fear that pursuing a romantic relationship with someone they’re close friends with could harm that friendship. They worry that if things don’t work out romantically, it could create awkwardness or even lead to the end of the friendship.

For example, a guy might avoid expressing his romantic feelings towards a close female friend because he values their friendship and doesn’t want to risk damaging it by introducing a romantic element that may not be reciprocated.

13. He wants to focus on his personal growth

Certain guys may act distant when they like someone because they feel the need to focus on personal growth and self-improvement before fully committing to a romantic relationship.

For example, a person might want to finish their education, build a stable career, or address emotional issues from their past before pursuing a serious relationship. This distance is not about a lack of interest but rather a desire to be in a better place personally before entering into a romantic partnership.

14. He feels pressured socially

Some guys may distance themselves because of societal expectations or peer pressure. This could be one reason why guys distance themselves from a girl they like.

For example, a guy might be hesitant to openly pursue a romantic interest if his friends or culture emphasize maintaining a certain image of masculinity, which discourages vulnerability.

Alternatively, he may feel pressured to conform to dating norms, like waiting for the other person to make the first move, causing him to appear distant while he waits for the other person’s cues, even if he likes them.

15. He is insecure

Insecurity can lead guys to act distant when they like someone because they doubt their own worthiness.

For instance, a guy might believe he’s not attractive enough or lacks interesting qualities, causing him to withdraw to avoid potential rejection. This insecurity can manifest as hesitancy to initiate conversations, reluctance to make plans, or overthinking their actions in fear of making a wrong move.

Essentially, they distance themselves as a defense mechanism to shield themselves from perceived inadequacies and potential emotional hurt in the budding relationship.

15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (5)

What do you do when a guy starts acting distant: 6 tips

When he starts acting distant, it can be confusing and frustrating. However, don’t rush to make any decision. The following suggestions will guide you further:

1. Talk to him

When you notice the sudden distance between you and your boyfriend, communicate.

Research shows us that communication is key to enhancing all aspects of a relationship.

Tell him you’ve observed the tension recently, and ask that he tell you why things are this way. While he tells you, listen to him without judgment. Whatever his reason for acting distant and weird, be open-minded and understand his perspective.

2. Give him space

If your boyfriend is acting distant, your first reaction might be to force him to talk and act right. However, it’s best to give him space to process his feelings and make a decision. Eventually, he’ll come around.

3. Make him trust you

Guys mainly act distant when they are uncertain of their feelings or yours. Please don’t give up when you notice a sudden change in his demeanor. Instead, make him trust you more by assuring him of your love.

Studies highlight that a lack of trust can be detrimental to a relationship, eroding the positive feelings that exist between a couple.

Let him know you value the relationship and hope you build it together. Make him feel comfortable and safe around you. If he has the chance to get to know you better and sees that he can trust you in time, he may also open his heart to you.

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4. Assess your behavior

Sometimes, you might not notice you act cold around him or give the wrong signals to a potential love interest. When he starts acting distant, check if you have done anything wrong. No one likes to be at the receiving end of cold behavior.

If a man feels you aren’t reciprocating his love, he’ll back out. Thankfully, there is a way to show you are as interested in the relationship as he is.

5. Take it slow

Taking it slow at the beginning of a relationship is crucial. You probably want to get down to business as soon as possible. So, you wonder why he is wasting time.

Use this slow period as an opportunity to check your personal goals in the relationship and observe him as well. It is better to take your time now than rush into a premature partnership riddled with uncertainty.

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6. Move on

If you’ve tried to get your partner back without any luck, the best decision sometimes is to move on. Though hard at first, moving on saves you from unnecessary heartache.

Moving on can give you a chance to be with someone kind with whom you can share mutual intimacy and love.

Watch this video to learn how to forget someone you love and move on:

15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (6)

Commonly asked questions

It’s common for relationships to encounter moments of uncertainty and distance. Here are brief answers to some pressing questions that you might have:

  • Do guys pull away when they fall in love?

Yes, some guys might pull away initially when they fall in love. This can be due to fear of vulnerability or past experiences. However, with clear communication and time, they often come back closer, seeking a deeper connection.

  • How long should you give a guy to show interest?

Give a guy some time to show interest, but there’s no fixed duration. It depends on individual circ*mstances. Patience is key, but if you feel the lack of interest is persistent, it’s essential to have an open conversation about your expectations.

  • Is it a good idea to give a guy space when he’s being distant?

Giving a guy space when he’s distant can be beneficial. It allows him to process his feelings and reduces potential pressure. However, maintain communication, express your concerns, and ensure both parties are comfortable with the level of space provided.

  • What’s the best way to make a guy who’s acting distant miss you?

The best way to make a distant guy miss you is to focus on your own well-being. Engage in activities you enjoy, cultivate your interests, and maintain your independence. This can make you more appealing and remind him of the connection you share. Avoid trying to force his emotions; let them develop naturally.

Final thoughts

Many partners want to know why guys act distant when they like you. The reasons highlighted in this article might explain your partner’s sudden behavior change.

Ultimately, you can salvage your relationship by taking steps like communicating with him, giving him space, making him trust you, and taking it slow. If you need professional advice, relationship counselors can help. They provide you with insight into your relationship and can help you get back on track.

15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You (2024)


15 Reasons Why Guys Act Distant When They Like You? ›

He needs some time to be sure of his feelings

By keeping a distance from you, he is trying to see the relationship differently and understand if he really wants to keep this going. Also, he may want to see how he feels away from you and know if he misses you enough to have you in his life.

Why is he acting distant if he likes me? ›

He needs some time to be sure of his feelings

By keeping a distance from you, he is trying to see the relationship differently and understand if he really wants to keep this going. Also, he may want to see how he feels away from you and know if he misses you enough to have you in his life.

Why do guys disappear when they like you? ›

There are several answers to why do guys disappear when they like you. It could be that he is scared of letting someone in, unsure of his feelings towards you, or doesn't think you are good enough for him. If you are in such a situation, you must prioritize yourself above everything else.

Do men get distant when they catch feelings? ›

In simple terms, 95% of the time when a man becomes distant it is not because he is falling in love or because he is "scared of his feelings". But there are rare and quite specific circ*mstances where this may be the case...

Why do guys pull away when they like you? ›

Men pull away because they fear commitment, and the root of this fear can have many different causes. For example, trauma or bad experiences with relationships is a very common reason why someone might develop what could be called a phobia of committing to a relationship.

Why do guys go quiet when they like you? ›

Insecurity can lead guys to act distant when they like someone because they doubt their own worthiness. For instance, a guy might believe he's not attractive enough or lacks interesting qualities, causing him to withdraw to avoid potential rejection.

Why does a man suddenly go cold? ›

He may believe somehow that you no longer care about him. Maybe it was something you did or did not say? If you mean “cold and distant” in that he doesn't start conversations like he use to it could mean he is just waiting for you to initiate for once. It could also mean that he is now interested in another girl.

How do you know if a guy has lost feelings for you? ›

  • He doesn't call and can never takes your calls.
  • Makes excuses not to see you (or he doesn't make an effort to do it)
  • Takes hours to reply to texts.
  • He is acting distant, there's never a caring word and he doesn't ask you about what's going on in your life.
  • You just know it in your gut.
Oct 30, 2023

Why do guys act interested then stop? ›

He may like you but find it too overwhelming to pursue a relationship—or maybe he's just emotionally unavailable. It's possible past experiences have colored his current outlook. He may just need time to overcome those experiences—but don't cross your fingers. He might be afraid to let someone in.

How do guys act when they lose interest? ›

Look out for body language cues that signal that he is uncomfortable or disinterested in your interactions. He may try to move away from you, cross his arms in front of him, or turn away from you while you are talking. He may also try to avoid physical contact, like a hug or you touching his arm, he is not interested.

How to tell if a guy is fighting his feelings for you? ›

  • He still doesn't understand what he's feeling. ...
  • You catch him stealing glances at you. ...
  • You can tell that he loves spending time with you. ...
  • Despite spending much time together, he never admits that they are 'dates' ...
  • He always shows up when you need him. ...
  • He finds something bad about every guy that makes a move on you.
Jan 31, 2024

How would a guy act if he catches feelings for you? ›

A guy who really likes you will act like you're his favorite person. He'll share personal details and open up to you, he'll want to always be around you or talking to you, and he'll go out of his way to do nice things for you.

What causes men to be emotionally distant? ›

Some men are emotionally distant because of past trauma, how they were brought up to suppress their feelings growing up, or how they were parented as kids. Regardless of the cause, emotional withdrawal can be devastating to a relationship, especially when it means your emotional needs aren't being met.

Is he being distant or am I overthinking? ›

Things You Should Know

If he's affectionate, pays attention to you, and puts effort into the relationship, you might be overthinking the situation. If he frequently cancels plans with no explanation or apology, ignores you, and doesn't initiate conversations, he might be losing interest.

Why do guys push away the girl they like? ›

Pushing people away is one way of avoiding intimacy. In fact, this avoidance can act as a defense mechanism for people afraid of getting hurt in relationships. This could be because a past relationship ended badly, perhaps with rejection or even bereavement.

Will a guy avoid you if he has feelings for you? ›

Here are some common reasons why a guy might choose to ignore a girl he likes: Shyness or Nervousness: Some guys might feel so nervous or shy around someone they have feelings for that they find it difficult to engage in conversation. They might worry about saying or doing something wrong.

Why does he act like he likes me then ignores me? ›

Another reason is that sometimes liking someone can cause feelings of shyness or embarrassment. The person may also be afraid of rejection so they ignore you. Also sometimes people do not want to be clingy so they try to act as if they like you but not so much that they need to pay much attention to you.

How does a guy act if he really likes you? ›

When a guy likes you, his body language might be writing it out in neon lights. Leaning in when you speak, mirroring your movements, and finding excuses to touch you are all green lights. If he's making sustained eye contact, or if you catch him frequently throwing a glance your way, chances are he's interested.

Will a guy show off if he likes you? ›

If he likes you, he might try to show off to catch your eye. Does he tell stories that make him look strong, funny, or adventurous? People who like you will try to make themselves seem admirable by highlighting their strengths and sharing exciting stories.

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