Your Top 10K Training Questions, Answered (2024)

The 10K is a popular race distance and for good reason. From beginners looking to push themselves to a new distance to experienced runners seeking a PR, the 10K offers a challenge for every run. Most likely you have some questions about how to train for a 10K and how to run a 10K race to your best – and we’ve got answers to your most common 10K training questions.

How far is a 10K race?

The “K” stands for kilometers–so a 10K is ten kilometers. Ten kilometers is 6.2 miles. A 10K is twice the distance of a 5K race.

How many weeks do I need to train for a 10K?

Your base level of fitness affects how many weeks you should spend training for a 10K. Your goals will also affect the length of your training program.

If you are a beginner and wish to complete a 10K, you will want to spend several months building up to the distance. First, spend six to eight weeks on walk-run training to adapt your body to the impact and motion patterns of running. Then, spend 12 weeks building up to the 5K distance. After that, you will want to spend another 12 weeks increasing your mileage for the 10K race.

A 12-week training plan will prepare you for a 10K race if you have been running for a few months. More experienced runners who can cover the distance and want to run a faster 10K should spend six to ten weeks preparing for their 10K race.

Read more: How much time do I need to train for a race?

How far should my longest run be before a 10K?

How long should you spend training to run 6.2 miles? The answer depends on your current fitness level, how far you can currently run, and whether your goal is to finish the 10K or run faster.

Absolute beginners can cover the 10K distance in training, but they do not have to. If you develop enough endurance, you will prepare your body to cover 6.2 miles. For a beginner, you want to be able to run at least five miles before your 10K race.

More experienced runners will likely run more than 6.2 miles in their training. Intermediate runners will complete long runs of 7-10 miles. Advanced runners will complete long runs of 10-14 miles to optimize their endurance.

How do I prepare for my first 10K?

When you prepare for your first 10K, the primary goal is to develop enough endurance to cover 6.2 miles. For many runners, a 10K means you need to be able to run for an hour or longer.

In order to build your endurance, you will want to increase both your overall weekly mileage and your longest run of the week. You should increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10-15% per week. More importantly, you should not increase it every week; instead, increase it one week, then repeat the same mileage for one to two weeks to allow your body to adapt to it.

Ideally, you will want to complete five or six miles at least once in training. Unlike the marathon or half marathon distance, the 10K distance is manageable enough that you can run it multiple times in training without needing a long time to recover.

If you are training for your first 10K run, you do not want to do speedwork during training. Increasing your mileage will provide enough training stress; too much too soon is a common cause of injury for beginner runners. You should do almost all of your runs at an easy, comfortable pace to improve your endurance.

Still not sure how to train? The ASICS Runkeeper app offers training plans to help you reach the finish line!

How do I train for a 10K PR?

With the ASICS Runkeeper app of course. In all seriousness —once they complete their first 10K, many runners will want to improve their finish time. These runners will want to incorporate speed work into their 10K training. Since a 10K PR requires both speed and endurance, you will want to include various workouts such as intervals and tempo runs.

Depending on how many days per week you run, you may do one to two hard workouts per week. A majority of your runs will still be at an easy pace to build endurance. 10K runners will still want to do a long run once per week.

A sample week for a runner who wants to PR in the 10K could look like:

  • Monday: Easy run
  • Tuesday: Workout with short intervals
  • Wednesday: Rest or cross-train
  • Thursday: Tempo run or race pace workout
  • Friday: Recovery run
  • Saturday: Long run of 10-12 miles
  • Sunday: Rest

Read these five tips to run your best 10K race!

The Runkeeper app has a Guided Workouts plan that helps you train for a 10K race. If you enjoyed Coach Erin’s guidance in the My First 5K plan, you’re in luck! She’s back for My first 10K. This 6-week long plan consists of 18 workouts for about 30-60 minutes each.

If guided workouts aren’t for you, the Runkeeper app will also take care of schedule/training plans depending on your goal, the progress you’re making, and race date to help take the guesswork out of training schedules. Download the app and sign up for a Go subscription to get started.

What should I do on the day of my 10K race?

Once you have completed training, your next question may be: how do I run a 10K race? Whether your goal is to finish or to run a PR, race day is special.

Firstly, remember the most important rule: nothing new on race day. This isn’t the time to experiment with new foods, new sports drinks, or new shoes on race day. Run the race in the outfit and shoes you have trained in. Eat what you normally eat before a long run or hard workout.

Secondly, trust your training. You spent weeks preparing for the 10K race; you are ready for it! The race will be hard, but you are capable of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Finally, follow a smart pacing strategy. Whether you want to finish or you want to PR, the first mile of the race should not be your fastest. If your goal is to finish, aim to run the 10K at an effort that feels comfortable and sustainable for at least the first half. If you have a goal pace, start right at that goal pace or even slightly slower–not as hard as possible. You do not want to crash; you want to be able to stick to your pace and finish with a strong kick.

Do I need to fuel or drink water during a 10K race?

If you complete the 10K in less than an hour, you do not need any fuel. You can take in fluids if you want. However, unless the conditions are very hot and humid, you do not need to stop at the aid stations. That said, you want to hydrate well before the race and eat an energizing pre-race breakfast to help you perform your best.

For runners finishing in an hour or longer, you will want to drink fluids during the race. Most races have aid stations throughout the course. If the 10K will take you longer than 90 minutes, then you will want to consume calories through gels or chews.

Still have questions? Send us a DM on social or tweet us and will add the answer here.

As a seasoned runner and fitness enthusiast with a wealth of experience in both training and participating in various race distances, including the 10K, I can attest to the significance of this popular race distance and offer valuable insights into effective training strategies.

Firstly, let's address the basics. A 10K race covers a distance of 10 kilometers, equivalent to 6.2 miles. It serves as an excellent challenge for runners of all levels, from beginners aiming to extend their distance to seasoned athletes seeking personal records.

The duration of your training plan depends on your current fitness level and goals. Beginners should dedicate several months to gradually build up their mileage. A structured approach involves six to eight weeks of walk-run training, followed by 12 weeks to reach a 5K distance, and another 12 weeks to prepare for the 10K race. More experienced runners may opt for a shorter, six to ten-week training program.

When determining the length of your longest run before the 10K, consider your fitness level. Beginners should aim to run at least five miles, while intermediate and advanced runners may cover 7-10 miles and 10-14 miles, respectively, in their long runs to optimize endurance.

For those preparing for their first 10K, the key focus is on developing endurance. Gradually increase weekly mileage by 10-15%, allowing the body to adapt. Speedwork is generally not recommended for beginners, with the emphasis on easy, comfortable-paced runs to improve endurance.

Now, if your goal is a 10K personal record (PR), incorporating speed work becomes crucial. The ASICS Runkeeper app, for example, offers training plans that include intervals and tempo runs. A sample training week for a PR seeker might involve easy runs, interval workouts, tempo runs, a long run, and adequate rest.

On race day, adhere to the golden rule: nothing new on race day. Stick to the gear and nutrition you've used during training. Trust your preparation, start at a sustainable pace, and avoid going all out in the first mile. For hydration, runners completing the 10K in under an hour may not need fuel, but adequate pre-race hydration and a nourishing breakfast are essential. Those running longer than 90 minutes should consider consuming fluids and, if necessary, energy gels or chews.

In conclusion, whether you're a novice aiming to complete your first 10K or an experienced runner targeting a PR, a well-structured training plan, consistency, and smart race-day strategies are key to success. The ASICS Runkeeper app, with its guided workouts and training plans, can be a valuable tool in achieving your 10K goals. If you have further inquiries, feel free to reach out, and I'll be happy to assist.

Your Top 10K Training Questions, Answered (2024)


Can I train for a 10K in 4 weeks? ›

Our recommendation: Plan on training for at least 4 weeks before the 10K so you can comfortably run and complete the programmed workouts.

How many miles a week to train for 10K? ›

Using our training paces calculator, for our 60-minute 10k runner, easy runs should be done at around 12:00 per mile or about 7:00 per kilometer. At a 12-minute mile, our runner will cover about 20 miles of easy running per week (240 minutes total divided by 12 minutes per mile).

Can I train for a 10K in 3 weeks? ›

If you signed up for a 10K race (6.2 miles) and haven't started training yet, you can still get into racing shape if you put your mind to it. By establishing a roster of rotating programs—with regular training and rest days—it is possible to be race-ready in as little as 4 weeks.

Can you train for a 10K in 4 months? ›

If you cannot yet run for 20-30 minutes continuously, we recommend using our 0-30 minute 8-week beginners training programme first, and continuing with the following 10k training programme once this has been completed. In such a case you should allow 4 months to train from nothing to 10k.

Will I lose weight if I train for a 10K? ›

One of the most common misperceptions about running is that you will lose weight while training for a race. For most runners, that just isn't the case.

What is a good 10K time for a woman? ›

Average pace
8 more rows
Feb 25, 2022

How to eat while training for a 10K? ›

Your 10K nutrition plan should still focus on eating the healthiest options—whole bread and pasta, steamed vegetables instead of fried, low-fat options for spreads and yogurts, and chicken and fish instead of red meat.

Can I run 10KM without training? ›

Your current level of fitness and your athletic background are the main factors in determining whether you could run a 10K without training. If you are exercising regularly, pulling it off shouldn't be a problem.

How many days before a 10K should you stop running? ›

3 days before your 10K race should be your final run. Stick to interval efforts to get your body ready for racing at a faster pace and pushing through discomfort. Your intervals should be 100-200m and significantly faster than your normal running pace. You have 2 full days to rest and recover.

Can I run a 10K if I can run a 5K? ›

10K might be double the distance of a 5K, but it's not all that different. With a few tweaks to your training, you can easily cover 10K and step up to this new race distance. 10K is challenging and rewarding, but the training won't take over your entire weekend.

How long to run 10K beginner for beginners? ›

Therefore a good 10k time for beginner runners is anywhere around 1 hour - 1 hour 20. However, just achieving the distance deserves much celebration alone! For more details on average times depending on age and gender visit Running Level.

How long does it take to go from couch to 10K? ›

Each new runner is different. However, you can expect training for your first 10k to take anywhere from 12 weeks upwards.

How to train for a 10K with no running experience? ›

Beginner runners should build up to that 10k distance over 8 to 10 weeks. So, your first and second week might have a long run of three to four miles. Your third and fourth week can go up to five, and then the rest of the weeks should go up to six or seven miles each to get you comfortable with that 10k distance.

How much should I run to train for a 10K? ›

For a beginner, you want to be able to run at least five miles before your 10K race. More experienced runners will likely run more than 6.2 miles in their training. Intermediate runners will complete long runs of 7-10 miles. Advanced runners will complete long runs of 10-14 miles to optimize their endurance.

How to run 10K faster? ›

  1. Increase your weekly mileage by 10-20 percent.
  2. Spend more time training at threshold pace.
  3. Build your speed and running economy with intervals.
  4. Practise your goal race pace.
  5. Do a long run each week to build stamina.
  6. Pick a racing environment that suits your mindset.
  7. Think about the terrain.
Nov 16, 2021

Can you train for a 10K in 1 month? ›

Some people could be 10K-ready in a little as six weeks, others might take three months. If you've been running consistently, you should be able to get race-ready in eight weeks, says Andrew Simmons, USATF-certified running coach, TrainingPeaks ambassador, and co-founder of Lifelong Endurance.

How quickly can I train for a 10K? ›

Complete your first 10k in just 3 training sessions a week for 10 weeks. When planning your runs and end goal, it will be important to understand that you will need to experience different perceived efforts over different distances.

Can you train for 5K in 4 weeks? ›

According to verywellfit, YES! If you are a beginner runner, or it's been awhile since you ran, focus on running at a conversational pace-can speak in complete sentences while running-you shouldn't be breathing too heavily or gasping for air.

When should I stop training before a 10K? ›

One week before its time to run just 60 minutes easy and enjoy the Sunday papers! Your last key harder session should be about 10 days before race day. For example; o 45-60 minutes with 6 x 5 mins @ threshold off a 60s jog recovery.

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