Your Money And Your Life (2024)

Your Money And Your Life NPR explores how to save and invest for retirement and helps listeners and readers plan ahead.

Your Money And Your Life (1)

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Rissa Sawyer receives $486 per month from Social Security — it's low because for most of her adult life she didn't have jobs that paid into the system. Chris Arnold/NPR hide caption

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Politics In Real Life

Politics In Real Life: Should Americans Be Auto-Enrolled In Retirement Plans?

May 12, 2016 • The United Kingdom and a majority of states in this country have advanced an idea to get more people saving on their own for retirement, without even thinking about it.

Politics In Real Life: Should Americans Be Auto-Enrolled In Retirement Plans?

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How To Buy A Car: Start With Some Patience

May 5, 2016 • A car is one of the larger purchases most people make. How can you make sure that purchase isn't a mistake? Don't "buy it today." Do your research. Don't panic. Easy, right?

How To Buy A Car: Start With Some Patience

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Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images

How To Not Run Out Of Money In Retirement

April 27, 2016 • You've saved up enough to quit working. Congrats! But here's a new puzzle: figuring out how to enjoy retirement without blowing your savings too soon, when you don't know if you'll live 5 years or 25.

How To Not Run Out Of Money In Retirement

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Kent Smetters, economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. Courtesy of Kent Smetters hide caption

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Courtesy of Kent Smetters

Planning For Your Retirement: Understanding Annuities

April 27, 2016 • An annuity can be a smart retirement investment for many people, providing a steady income for the rest of your life. But they can be overpriced, opaque and hard to understand. Here's the 411.

Yami Chavarria with her infant daughter, Ayla Kimberley. Andrea Seabrook for NPR hide caption

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Andrea Seabrook for NPR

We're Having a Baby!? How To Feel The Joy, Without The Financial Fears

April 21, 2016 • With each baby comes a set of scary questions: how to pay for strollers, day care, even (gasp!) college? We joined a talk between a young couple and a financial adviser. Here's what we learned.

We're Having a Baby!? How To Feel The Joy, Without The Financial Fears

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Robin Bunevich and Alex Rivas in the Astoria, Queens, apartment they own. The unmarried couple set an agreement for how to handle the sale of their apartment if they break up. Courtesy of Robin Bunevich and Alex Rivas hide caption

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Courtesy of Robin Bunevich and Alex Rivas

For Couples Skipping The Ring, It Pays To Plot Out Finances

April 17, 2016 • As couples live together in greater numbers, old rules about how to divide finances and plan for the future don't quite fit the modern family. Experts offer financial tips for unmarried couples.

Not all financial education classes help us make better financial decisions. But some do. LA Johnson/NPR hide caption

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Not All Financial Education Is Effective. Here Are 4 Ideas That Work

April 13, 2016 • Credit scores. Car loans. Mortgages. It's stuff we all need to know. Yet not all financial education classes help us make better financial decisions. But some do.

Not All Financial Education Is Effective. Here Are 4 Ideas That Work

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Luciano Lozano/Getty Images

Millennials Make Up Biggest Share Of Homebuyers

March 24, 2016 • The kids of the housing crisis — those 35 and under — are among the most eager to buy today. Here are some tips, for everyone, on how to weigh whether renting or buying makes the most sense for you.

Millennials Make Up Biggest Share Of Homebuyers

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Bjorn Rune Lie/Ikon Images/Getty Images

Want To Escape The Cubicle? Here's How To Be Your Own Boss

March 18, 2016 • To start a small business, you'll need lots of time and a passion for what you do. From turning a hobby into cash to running a franchise, we share tips from people who've found success.

Want To Escape The Cubicle? Here's How To Be Your Own Boss

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Bull's Eye/Getty Images/Imagezoo

How To Keep Money From Messing Up Your Marriage

March 8, 2016 • Finances are among the things most likely to cause discord in a relationship, whether you're just starting out or have been together for years. Here are some ways to avoid common conflicts.

How To Keep Money From Messing Up Your Marriage

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Greg Deckard with his two sons, Julian (left) and Andrew. Courtesy of Gina Deckard hide caption

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Courtesy of Gina Deckard

Strategies For When You're Starting Out Saddled With Student Debt

March 1, 2016 • More people have more student loan debt than ever; last year, the average for a college graduate was more than $35,000. Here are some ways to set priorities for attacking that debt.

Strategies For When You're Starting Out Saddled With Student Debt

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Live Long And Prosper: Reviving An Idea For Income In Old Age

November 27, 2015 • Some financial experts want to bring back tontines, a retirement planning tool. People pool their cash to buy a bond that makes regular payments. The catch: You have to be alive to collect the payout.

Live Long And Prosper: Reviving An Idea For Income In Old Age

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Do you know if you paid any fees when rolling over a 401(k)? Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images hide caption

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Gary Waters/Getty Images/Ikon Images

When Fees Attack: Rolling Over A 401(k) Can Trigger Big-Time Charges

November 20, 2015 • One of the moments our retirement nest eggs are most vulnerable is when we change jobs. That's when some financial advisers charge fees to roll them over — and those fees can be hard to see.

When Fees Attack: Rolling Over A 401(k) Can Trigger Big-Time Charges

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Alex Browning works at a farm in Hamilton, Mass. The 26-year-old says that unlike some of her friends who work at places with retirement plans, she knows she has to figure out how to save for herself. Chris Arnold/NPR hide caption

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Chris Arnold/NPR

How Do You Start Saving? Your Tax Refund May Be The Answer

November 13, 2015 • Participating in a 401(k) with automatic deductions makes it fairly easy to put away money. But what can you do if your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan? Experts share tips on going it alone.

How Do You Start Saving? Your Tax Refund May Be The Answer

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To pay for college, experts say it's impossible for most parents to save all the money they'll need. They say it's reasonable to tap a mix of resources: a 529 plan, some home equity and some student loans. ImageZoo/Corbis hide caption

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Confused Over How To Save For College? Here Are Answers

November 6, 2015 • For the vast majority of people, says one expert, it's good to save in a 529 plan. And no, saving money in one of those plans doesn't mean you'll pay a lot more for college tuition.

Confused Over How To Save For College? Here Are Answers

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Many Americans with 401(k) plans don't know if they're paying any fees. Pay too much, and it could take a chunk out of your nest egg. Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR hide caption

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Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR

When High Fees Stink Up Your 401(k), What Can You Do?

October 30, 2015 • Many Americans with 401(k) plans don't know if they're paying any fees. Pay too much, and it could take a chunk out of your nest egg. If your plan's too costly, complain to your employer, experts say.

When High Fees Stink Up Your 401(k), What Can You Do?

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Automatically enrolling workers into a savings plan and then deducting their pre-tax contribution from their paycheck means workers don't see or feel any loss. It sort of tricks our brains into doing the right thing. Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR hide caption

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Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR

Why Is It So Hard To Save? U.K. Shows It Doesn't Have To Be

October 23, 2015 • Millions of workers in the U.K. who thought they couldn't afford it are saving thanks to a law that automatically enrolls them in a retirement plan. It tricks their brains into doing the right thing.

Why Is It So Hard To Save? U.K. Shows It Doesn't Have To Be

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Picking someone to help you plan for retirement can be challenging. The fees can add up quickly. But a good adviser can help protect you from your instincts when markets turn volatile. Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR hide caption

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Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR

Want A Financial Adviser? Here Are Some Things To Look For

October 22, 2015 • Picking someone to help you plan for retirement can be challenging. The fees can add up quickly. But a good adviser can help protect you from your instincts when markets turn volatile.

Want A Financial Adviser? Here Are Some Things To Look For

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Jack Bogle wants Americans to make more money in the stock market and give less away to financial firms. Courtesy of Vanguard hide caption

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Courtesy of Vanguard

The George Washington Of Investing Wants You For The Revolution

October 21, 2015 • Investor Jack Bogle is leading a populist revolution on Wall Street. He wants everyday Americans to make a lot more money in the stock market and give less of their returns away to financial firms.

The George Washington Of Investing Wants You For The Revolution

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More than half of working people in this country have saved less than $25,000 for retirement and many pay crippling investment fees that eat away at gains. Automated financial advisers called roboadvisers offer a low-fee alternative. Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR hide caption

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Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR

Would You Let A Robot Manage Your Retirement Savings?

October 20, 2015 • Roboadvisers are online financial managers that are guided by an algorithm, not a broker. Increasingly, millennials are shunning the human touch in favor of these low-cost alternatives.

Would You Let A Robot Manage Your Retirement Savings?

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High fees are eroding the retirement savings of millions of Americans, but employers who shop around can often find much better options for their employees' 401(k) plans. Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR hide caption

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Annette Elizabeth Allen/NPR

Is Wall Street Eating Your 401(k) Nest Egg?

October 19, 2015 • High fees are eroding the retirement savings of millions of Americans, but employers who shop around can find better options for their 401(k) plans. A small Minnesota firm offers a dramatic example.

Is Wall Street Eating Your 401(k) Nest Egg?

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Opinion: Finding A Good Financial Adviser Without Paying Too Much

October 19, 2015 • Finding a good financial adviser can be tricky. Their investing strategy, fees and how they charge them come into play. Wharton economics professor Kent Smetters offers tips on selecting an adviser.

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Your Money And Your Life (2024)


What is the summary of your money and your life? ›

Your Money or Your Life (1992) is a nine-step guide to taking control of your finances – so you can enjoy your life rather than just make a living. You'll learn how to adjust your attitude toward your money and time, get out of debt, start saving, and ultimately reach Financial Independence.

What is the lesson of your money or your life? ›

The book introduces a nine-step program that encourages readers to examine their money habits, reduce waste, and align their spending with their values and life goals. It emphasizes mindfulness in finance, the importance of saving, and finding fulfillment beyond consumerism.

What does your money or your life mean? ›

Phrase. your money or your life. A stereotypical threat used by robbers, implying that the victim should value their life more than any valuables they may be carrying. Stand and deliver! Your money or your life!

Who said your money or your life? ›

Your Money or Your Life, a demand made of comedian Jack Benny in one of his most famous sketches.

What are the three main purposes of money in your answer? ›

To summarize, money has taken many forms through the ages, but money consistently has three functions: store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange. Modern economies use fiat money-money that is neither a commodity nor represented or "backed" by a commodity.

Is your money or your life worth reading? ›

In the end, the book is more about your values and aligning your lifestyle with those values, than it is about wealth. It's more about our relationship with money than it is about money. Needless to say, I give this book my highest rating, with a very strong buy recommendation.

Does money improve your life? ›

In contrast to happiness, Kahneman and Deaton found that life satisfaction increased steadily with income with no plateau. In other words, the more money people make, the more satisfied they are with their lives.

What are your money or your life topics? ›

Finance: Pages about investing, taxes, banking, etc. Shopping: Pages about shopping, including pages that allow people to make purchases online. Health and safety: Pages about one's health or safety, including medical issues, drugs, hospitals, etc.

Why is money so important in life? ›

Money provides a safety net, shielding us from the uncertainties of life. It allows us to cover our basic needs—food, shelter, and healthcare—and grants us peace of mind. Knowing that we have the resources to weather unexpected expenses or emergencies contributes significantly to our overall well-being.

Does money affect your life? ›

Money problems can affect your social life and relationships. You might feel lonely or isolated, or like you can't afford to do the things you want to.

What does money mean to you in your life? ›

For many people, money and what one can do with money, is a measure of their identity and self-worth. "I am successful if I have a good paying job and can buy a new car every 5 years. The more money available, the better I feel about myself." On the other hand, limited money makes me feel powerless.

What is more important in life money or success? ›

Success is Not Measured by Money

The secret to success is not money. The secret to success is living a life congruent with your own values. The secret to success is defining what is important to you and appreciating what you have.

What God says about your money? ›

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”

What is a real quote about money? ›

A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart. A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. Never confuse the size of your paycheck with the size of your talent. A good reputation is more valuable than money.

What did Einstein say about money? ›

According to Einstein, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.” At first this quote might seem like a bit of an exaggeration but the math behind it shows that it is not.

What is the summary of the money? ›

In Junot Diaz's short story 'The Money', the protagonist Yunior reflects on his childhood experiences with money and the impact it had on his family. The story begins with Yunior's father winning the lottery, which initially brings excitement and hope to their household.

What is the way to wealth by Benjamin Franklin short summary? ›

The Way to Wealth, written in 1757, is a summary of Benjamin Franklin's advice from Poor Richard's Almanac published from 1733-1758. It's a compilation of proverbs woven into a systematic ethical code advocating industry and frugality as a “way to wealth”, thereby securing personal virtue.

What is the summary of theory of money? ›

The quantity theory of money (often abbreviated QTM) is a hypothesis within monetary economics which states that the general price level of goods and services is directly proportional to the amount of money in circulation (i.e., the money supply), and that the causality runs from money to prices.

What is the summary of the book Philosophy of money? ›

The Philosophy of Money (1900; German: Philosophie des Geldes) is a book on economic sociology by German sociologist and social philosopher Georg Simmel. Considered to be the theorist's greatest work, Simmel's book views money as a structuring agent that helps people understand the totality of life.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.