You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 21, 2024

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Here’s what else to consider

Venture capitalists (VCs) are investors who provide funding and guidance to startups and early-stage companies in exchange for equity or ownership. VCs play a crucial role in the innovation ecosystem, as they help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality and scale their businesses. But how do you become a VC yourself? What are the skills, qualifications, and experiences you need to succeed in this competitive and rewarding field? Here are some steps you can follow to pursue your dream of becoming a VC.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Leverage your network:

    Networking is vital; connect with industry pros and attend events to build relationships. Your network can offer insights and open doors to opportunities that align with your VC aspirations.

  • Tailor your approach:

    When applying to venture capital firms, customize your applications to reflect how your experience uniquely positions you for success. Every touchpoint is a chance to showcase your skills and learn.

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1 Build your network

One of the most important assets for a VC is a strong and diverse network of contacts, including entrepreneurs, founders, co-investors, mentors, advisors, and experts. You need to build and maintain relationships with these people, as they can provide you with valuable insights, referrals, opportunities, and feedback. You can network by attending events, joining communities, reaching out to people online, offering your help, and sharing your insights. Networking is not only about getting, but also about giving. You need to show genuine interest, curiosity, and respect for others, and provide value and support whenever you can.

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    An effective strategy is to actively participate in industry events such as conferences and workshops, where entrepreneurs, founders, and other investors can be met. Additionally, engaging in online communities, such as discussion forums and investor groups on LinkedIn, can be valuable for establishing connections and gaining insights. Another approach is to offer assistance and share knowledge with other community members, demonstrating genuine interest and willingness to contribute. These actions not only help build strong relationships but also provide valuable support and guidance as one progresses on the venture capital journey.


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (11) 3

  • Lisheng Wang empowering innovations and impact
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    Building a great network is a given. The questions is how you build it. Real meaningful value goes a long way. Think about what value you can bring to various players in the network.For founders and VCs, domain expertise means a lot. Are you a technical or growth expert? Do you have a large social following to help them gain exposure? Or do you know people who can bring these values if you can't?Do you have some good contacts to fund them - I mean for both startups and venture funds. If today you have a good rolodex of family offices that fund VCs, that might really help break into VC, especially on the emerging VC funds side. :)


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (20) You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (21) 7

  • Aditya Gaur Partnerships @ Mindflow • ESSEC Business School • Venture Scout
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    VC is a very close and connected industry. You must build your network.This is especially true for people trying to break into VC —if you have an engaged network in VC, you're already bringing value to the firm.The network is not just with other people working in VC but equally with founders in your niche. Going to startup events is a good practice for building your network. If you're a university student, contact your school's incubator (if they have one) and ask them to introduce you to founders and startups. Connecting with people in the VC community through LinkedIn is a good first step. You can also try out communities like InnovatorsRoom.


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (30) You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (31) 3

  • Yannick Elhag We Enable Mid-Market Investors to Secure 1:1 Deals in Germany | Partner at EM² Consulting
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    Generally, having a great network can help you open a lot of doors. Be it to get industry insights, to find the right advisors or to access great deals before everyone else.If you want to build your network, an often overlooked tool is LinkedIn. Building an online audience first can be a great start to providing value to your target group. in return you might be invited to join events you otherwise wouldn't have, you potentially get access to pre-existing networks (i. e. business angel clubs) and you give people (i. e. future deals) the opportunity to notice you


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (40) 2

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    Start by engaging with the startup ecosystem through events, conferences, and online platforms. Foster relationships with both emerging talents and established figures. Share insights and contribute to discussions to establish your thought leadership. Leverage social media to connect with industry leaders, and don't overlook the power of warm introductions. Actively seek mentorship from seasoned VCs and offer your expertise to startups, possibly as an advisor. Remember, genuine, value-driven interactions are key to forming lasting connections. This network will not only provide investment opportunities but also invaluable insights and support as you navigate the venture capital landscape.


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (49) 1

2 Gain relevant experience

Another key factor for becoming a VC is having relevant experience in the industries, sectors, or domains you want to invest in. You need to demonstrate that you have the knowledge, skills, and judgment to identify, evaluate, and support promising ventures. You can gain experience by working in startups, consulting firms, corporates, or other VC firms, either as an employee, a founder, a consultant, or an intern. You can also gain experience by investing your own money or time in startups, either as an angel investor, a mentor, or an advisor. You need to show that you have a track record of success, impact, and learning in your field.

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  • Helene Guillaume Pabis Founder + CEO Wild.AI | Keynote speaker | Follow for posts about my founder journey, provocative raw thoughts on how to shake the industry, and AI.
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    Operators (people who built or worked in startups before) are so needed in VC. From a founder's perspective, it's extremely valuable to talk to someone who's been on the ground. Joining or creating a startup - even if it doesn't go very far - is a big advantage, especially in Europe


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (58) You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (59) 2

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    Start by immersing yourself in the startup ecosystem. Work with startups in operational roles or advisory capacities to understand the challenges and dynamics of early-stage companies. Consider joining a venture-backed startup to experience firsthand how venture capital firms interact with their portfolio companies. Additionally, engaging in entrepreneurial projects or investment clubs can provide practical insights into evaluating businesses and making investment decisions. Education also plays a role; consider courses or certifications in finance, venture capital, and entrepreneurship to deepen your understanding. A mix of direct startup involvement and continuous learning will equip you with the necessary skills and insights to succeed.


3 Learn the fundamentals

While experience is important, you also need to learn the fundamentals of venture capital, such as how to source, screen, conduct due diligence, structure, negotiate, close, and manage deals. You also need to learn how to analyze markets, trends, business models, financials, and metrics, and how to evaluate the potential and risks of startups. You can learn by reading books, blogs, podcasts, newsletters, and reports on venture capital, by taking courses, workshops, or programs on VC, and by talking to other VCs and experts. You need to show that you have the analytical, critical, and creative thinking skills required for VC.

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    Don't follow the title or position but your passion. If you do it because everyone does, then slow down. After the double-check, build the foundations. Start from a macro level, what is VC about, and what is something you are good at and you need to learn? From a micro level, what stage of VC you can fit in: an analyst working with entrepreneurs, investor relations, portfolio management or after investment, etc?


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (76) 1

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    Start with a solid foundation in finance and economics to understand how markets operate and investments are valued. Dive into the specifics of venture capital by studying term sheets, cap tables, and the mechanics of fundraising. Books, online courses, and podcasts by leading venture capitalists can offer deep insights into the industry’s best practices and emerging trends. Additionally, familiarize yourself with different sectors and technologies to identify promising investment areas. Engaging with the startup community through events and forums can also provide practical learning opportunities. Remember, a continuous commitment to education will keep you informed and adaptable in the fast-paced world of venture capital.

  • Aditya Gaur Partnerships @ Mindflow • ESSEC Business School • Venture Scout
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    What most people get wrong about VC is that it focuses on financial skills. VC is as much a people and industry knowledge business as a money business.It's important for anyone trying to break into VC or trying to build a career in VC to find what they're passionate about and get into the trenches about that niche. For example, if you say that you're interested in FinTech. You should be aware of various verticals, the latest trends, key scaleups, early-stage startups, and opportunities in the different segments.The more you know about your niche the more specific you can be in communicating your interests.


4 Showcase your brand

To stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of VC firms, you need to showcase your personal brand as a VC. You need to show that you have a unique perspective, vision, and value proposition as an investor, and that you can communicate it effectively. You can showcase your brand by creating and sharing content, such as blogs, podcasts, videos, or newsletters, on topics related to VC, startups, or your areas of interest. You can also showcase your brand by speaking at events, hosting webinars, or joining panels or podcasts as a guest. You need to show that you have a voice, a reputation, and a following in the VC community.

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  • Helene Guillaume Pabis Founder + CEO Wild.AI | Keynote speaker | Follow for posts about my founder journey, provocative raw thoughts on how to shake the industry, and AI.
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    One thing I would always think for myself - and recommend for others - is that creating is always valuable.Creating content on a topic I'm interested in, collating articles or interviewing people and showcasing those: anyone can start with that, and over time it compounds and become really valuable asset, easy to share and visible, as digital and online


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (101) You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (102) 7

  • Connie Kwan I transform managers into STORY-LED Leaders 🎤 | Chief Product Officer | Product Top 50 | Investor | Board Member | ex-Atlassian | ex-Microsoft
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    The majority of speakers at any startup event are VCs. The reason is personal brand is uber important for VCs. Startups take strategic money. VCs that show up as great partners and advisors in addition to having deep pockets is going to win the deal. That's why VCs put themselves out there and up there on stage, so that more founders can see how they think, work and that's how they attract deals. The VC firm will look for VCs to join that firm that already has this aspect nailed.


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (111) 1

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    Establish a strong online presence through social media, blogging, or podcasting, focusing on your unique insights and investment philosophy. Share your experiences and lessons learned from entrepreneurship and investing, highlighting your successes and how you’ve navigated challenges. Engage with the community by speaking at industry events, participating in panel discussions, and offering mentorship. Your brand should reflect your expertise, interests, and the value you bring to startups and the venture capital ecosystem. Being active and visible helps attract opportunities and partnerships, setting you apart in the competitive field of venture capital. Remember, consistency and authenticity are key to building credibility and trust.


5 Apply for opportunities

Finally, you need to apply for opportunities to join VC firms, either as an associate, an analyst, a partner, or a principal, depending on your level of experience and seniority. You need to research and target the VC firms that match your interests, values, and goals, and that have openings or are looking for new talent. You need to prepare and polish your resume, portfolio, and pitch, and highlight your achievements, skills, and fit for the role. You also need to prepare and practice for the interviews, case studies, and tests that VC firms may use to assess your suitability. You need to show that you have the passion, drive, and potential to be a great VC.

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    Start by identifying venture capital firms whose investment philosophy and portfolio align with your expertise and interests. Tailor your applications to highlight how your background as an entrepreneur and investor provides you with a unique perspective on identifying and nurturing startups. Utilize your network for introductions, as personal referrals can significantly enhance your visibility among decision-makers. Attend industry events and engage in relevant online communities to stay informed about openings. When applying, emphasize your analytical skills, your ability to work with entrepreneurs, and your understanding of market trends. Remember, persistence is key. Each interaction is an opportunity to learn, iterate, and improve.


    You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (128) 3

6 Here’s what else to consider

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    Becoming a venture capitalist involves a combination of education, experience, and networking. Start by gaining a solid foundation in finance or business through formal education. Then, build experience in startups, finance, or consulting to understand the intricacies of business operations and investment strategies. Networking is crucial; connect with professionals in the VC industry through events and professional associations. Consider working for a VC firm to gain direct experience. Remember, persistence and a keen eye for innovation are key.

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    To venture into Venture Capital, immerse yourself in the startup world. Attend startup events, meetups, and pitch sessions to expand your network. Seek mentorship from experienced investors for guidance. Gain experience by working in roles that involve financial analysis or business development. Develop a deep understanding of industries and emerging trends. Stay updated on market dynamics and investment strategies. Continuously learn and adapt to the ever-evolving venture capital landscape. With dedication and a proactive approach, you can carve your path in this competitive field.


Venture Capital You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (145)

Venture Capital

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You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? (2024)


You want to become a Venture Capitalist. What are the steps you need to take? ›

Becoming a venture capitalist involves a combination of education, experience, and networking. Start by gaining a solid foundation in finance or business through formal education. Then, build experience in startups, finance, or consulting to understand the intricacies of business operations and investment strategies.

What are the steps to becoming a venture capitalist? ›

Becoming a venture capitalist involves a combination of education, experience, and networking. Start by gaining a solid foundation in finance or business through formal education. Then, build experience in startups, finance, or consulting to understand the intricacies of business operations and investment strategies.

What does it take to get into venture capital? ›

Education and Experience. The educational background of those working in venture capital often includes undergraduate degrees in business, finance, economics, or engineering. A Master's in Business Administration (MBA) is also highly regarded, with many VC professionals holding degrees from top-tier business schools.

What major do you need to be a venture capitalist? ›

Postsecondary Education

Many venture capital associates have master's degrees in business, finance, or a related major—typically from Ivy League schools or other prestigious colleges. Some are able to enter the field with just a bachelor's degree in one of these majors.

How do people start venture capital? ›

Start Small before your start a Venture Capital Firm

Start as an angel investor, make some good investments, and then, after proving yourself as an angel, raise a small fund. Perhaps $5m, $10m, $20m to start — mainly from Very Rich Individuals. This used to be very hard, but now it's merely hard.

How do people become VC? ›

Venture capitalists invest in companies because the potential return on investment (ROI) can be significant if the company is successful. The two primary career paths to becoming a venture capitalist are being a true entrepreneur or a highly skilled investment banker; though these are not the only options.

How to get into venture capital without experience? ›

5 Ways to Get Started in VC If You Don't Have Any Experience
  1. Learn the business. Okay, maybe this may not jump off the page of your resume. ...
  2. Join a startup. Venture capital is the business of investing in startups. ...
  3. Try Your Hand at Investing. ...
  4. Start networking. ...
  5. Try to lock in an internship.
Sep 15, 2022

How to join venture capitalist? ›

You can start a career in venture capital by following these steps:
  1. Assess and develop your skills. As a venture capitalist, certain skills and qualities are indispensable. ...
  2. Select your entry point. ...
  3. Earn a degree. ...
  4. Get an internship or a relevant job. ...
  5. Start your own company.
Jun 20, 2024

Does venture capital pay well? ›

Venture Capital Associate Salary and Bonus Levels

At the large VC firms, Pre-MBA Associates earn $150K to $200K USD in base salary + bonus, while Post-MBA Senior Associates might earn closer to $200K to $250K. If you're at a smaller/newer firm or outside major financial centers, expect lower compensation.

Do I need an MBA for venture capital? ›

A: While an MBA is not a prerequisite for a career in venture capital, it can significantly enhance your knowledge, skills, and network, providing a competitive advantage in this demanding field.

Is it hard to get into VC? ›

Many try, and many fail. It can take over a year to find a VC job, even if you have good banking experience, says the ex-Goldman associate.

What is venture capital for beginners? ›

For beginners, the first step is to gain a thorough understanding of the VC ecosystem. This means familiarizing oneself with the different stages of funding (seed, early-stage, late-stage), and the roles of the various players involved, such as venture capitalists, angel investors, and entrepreneurs.

How much money do you need to become a venture capitalist? ›

To start a career as a junior in VC, you don't need any money, you just need to get hired by a VC firm. To start at the partner level, as a rule partners invest 1% or more of the fund size. So if you're raising a $100 million fund, you as brand-new VC firm partner would need to invest $1 million or more.

How do you qualify for venture capital? ›

Most venture capital firms are going to expect a reasonable four-year projection of the income and expenses of the business. They'll want to know how quickly you'll be able to get the business to break even. They'll want to know what you intend to use their money for.

How much money do you need to start a venture capital firm? ›

Setting up a fund may vary depending on the stage your fund wants to invest in, the sector or industry, and the performance objectives for its portfolio companies. Full-time GPs typically require between $20 MM and $40 MM per head in fund size to cover salaries and expenses, assuming a 2% management fee.

How hard is it to break into VC? ›

Truly tiny. There are only a few hundred VC firms, and each may only need 1-3 more junior investors. That means a handful of positions, really. There just aren't that many VC firms, and they don't have that many employees.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.