You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (2024)

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Use a dedicated software


Verify your contacts regularly


Ask for feedback and referrals


Monitor the media landscape


Add value and personalize


Update your database regularly


Here’s what else to consider

Keeping your media contacts up-to-date is crucial for effective public relations. You want to make sure you reach out to the right journalists, bloggers, influencers, and editors who can amplify your message and boost your reputation. But how do you manage your media database without wasting time, money, and resources? Here are some tips to help you maintain and update your media contacts with ease.

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  • Pravin Shiriyannavar Chief Operating Officer at brand-comm, A Madison World Unit

    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (3) 6

  • You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (5) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (6) 5

  • Janani Ganesh Associate Account Manager - Encomium PR

    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (8) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (9) 5

You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (10) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (11) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (12)

1 Use a dedicated software

The first step to keep your media contacts up-to-date is to use a dedicated software that can help you create, organize, and manage your media lists. A good software should allow you to import and export contacts, segment them by category, location, outlet, or topic, track their engagement and response rate, and update their information automatically. You can also use a software that integrates with your email, social media, and CRM platforms to streamline your communication and outreach.

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  • Pravin Shiriyannavar Chief Operating Officer at brand-comm, A Madison World Unit
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    If you can't use the new age tools, use a simple technique call the chief of bureau and tell him/her that these are the journalists in your list, request him/her to let you know if there is any change in their team. They would be happy to let you know. Share this list on media and PR groups it will save everyone's time and effort. The community will thank you👍


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (21) 6

  • Lovemore Meya Corporate Communications practitioner, Public Relations practitioner, Development Practitioner, M and E Officer, Journalist, photographer, content creator.
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    Keeping media contacts up-to-date can be done in several ways, such as Google contacts, and creating a WhatsApp group where you invite them to join and that will be the platform you also use even for communicating your diaries.


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  • Inna Kutsak PR | Employer Brand and Communications | SMM | Writing | Tech | AI | iGaming/Betting
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    In my daily routine, I rely on Muck Rack and Cision. Muck Rack is the best for earned media. And Cision complements this by offering PR placement opportunities.Regularly, I review and update my contacts, removing outdated information and adding new details. I also make it a habit to note any personal preferences or previous interactions, as this personal touch can make a big difference in how I tailor my communication.In essence, Muck Rack and Cision are not just tools; they're my allies in maintaining meaningful and up-to-date connections with the media with no-spam guarantee. Their robust features save time and enhance the accuracy of my outreach, ensuring my PR efforts are as effective and targeted as possible.

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    Start by picking a dedicated software that really gets the job done. It should make organizing, segmenting by category or location, tracking engagements, and updating contact info almost effortless. Integrating this with your email, social media, and CRM platforms? That's a game-changer for seamless communication.

  • Pedro Prochno Public Relations Executive, Communicator (ex-Uber, Meta and iFood)
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    Com as legislações de proteção de dados (LGPD e outras), organizar e manter os contatos e informações dos jornalistas seguras, ainda é um desafio grande na indústria. Ferramentas de CRM podem ser um bom ponto de partida, com permissionamento por membros da equipe, por exemplo. Manter a ferramenta atualizada, com os contatos dos jornalistas é uma parte complexa, entretanto, ferramentas assim podem trazer ganhos valiosos no acompanhamento dos pontos de contato com cada veículo e jornalista, agregando inteligência para a empresa. O bom e velho mailling, segue sendo o ponto de partida de tudo, ma é preciso torná-lo estratégico.



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2 Verify your contacts regularly

The second step to keep your media contacts up-to-date is to verify them regularly. Media contacts can change frequently, as journalists move to different outlets, switch beats, or change their email addresses or phone numbers. You don't want to send your pitches or press releases to outdated or irrelevant contacts, as that can damage your credibility and reputation. You can use tools like Hunter, Voila Norbert, or Clearbit to verify the email addresses of your contacts, and check their social media profiles or websites to see if they are still active and covering your industry or niche.

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  • Megha Vishnu Assistant Manager - Public Relations | Strategic Communications | B2B Technology


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    Use multiple sources to verify information, as certain platforms may still contain outdated data. 1) Keep a a regular check on LinkedIn pages and Whatsapp groups that post updates on media movements. 2) Use media management tools like Skribe or Muckrack 3) Check the journalist’s LinkedIn page4) Navigate to their author page on the publication website, and check when their last story was Also, a journalist may not always be covering the same beat when they shift publications. Verify the same by directly checking with the journalist (if you share a relationship) or tracking their stories.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (63) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (64) 4

  • Corina Leslie PR Manager at ZeroBounce
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    I never send a pitch without verifying the email address first, even when I'm confident that it's valid. Bounces tarnish your sender reputation, and your emails may land in spam because of that. The competition in journalists' inboxes is already intense, so the last thing you want is for your emails to land in spam. The ZeroBounce email verification service has great accuracy, so I run every contact through it before I reach out. I also check my entire media list a few times a year and update it as soon as I learn about a journalist leaving a publication.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (73) 3

  • Jeremy Tunis "Urgent Care" for Public Affairs, PR, Media, Policy. Deep experience with BH/acute hospitals, MedTech, other scrutinized sectors. Jewish nonprofit leader. Alum: UHS, Amazon, Burson, Edelman. Former LinkedIn Top Voice.
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    There are umpteenth ways to do this, highly dependent on your clients, target audience, stakeholder, specific, media platforms, podcasts, traditional, social influencers, it really runs the gamut. There are many proprietary, PR and media focused CRMs, @propel is a good one. Honestly, for many of my clients, I create specific spreadsheets based on deep research about what particular reporters are covering, with examples of articles within the last two years that they’ve written, along with record of communications I’ve had with them to understand how they best consume information. It’s less about the specific database more about doing your homework, keeping your word and telling interesting stories.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (82) 3

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    In my role managing media contacts, maintaining an updated database is crucial. Regular verification is the first step, ensuring accuracy by cross-referencing information. Journalists frequently shift outlets or modify contact details, necessitating vigilance in this regard. To streamline this process, I leverage tools such as Hunter, Voila Norbert, and Clearbit. These tools authenticate email addresses, mitigating the risk of reaching obsolete contacts. Additionally, I monitor social media profiles and websites to confirm ongoing relevance within their respective beats. This proactive approach safeguards against credibility erosion, maintaining a robust and current network for effective communication.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (91) 2

  • Joshua Brett Strategic Communications | Public Relations | Media Relations | Issues and Reputation Management | Manager @ AmeriHealth Caritas
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    I completely you need to do your own manual research to really find the outlets and reporters you really should be targeting. No database will do the job by itself. That said, a good database should be able to give you a good starting point.


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3 Ask for feedback and referrals

The third step to keep your media contacts up-to-date is to ask for feedback and referrals. Feedback can help you improve your pitches, tailor your messages, and build rapport with your contacts. You can ask your contacts for feedback after you send them a pitch or a press release, or after they publish a story about your company or product. You can also ask them for referrals to other media contacts who might be interested in your story or angle. This can help you expand your network and reach new audiences.

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    Keep the conversation going with your contacts. After sending out a pitch or when they publish your story, ask how you did. This feedback is golden. And while you're at it, why not ask if they know anyone else who'd be into your story? It's a fantastic way to grow your network organically.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (109) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (110) 5

  • Inna Kutsak PR | Employer Brand and Communications | SMM | Writing | Tech | AI | iGaming/Betting
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    When managing media contacts, keeping your database fresh isn't just about updating details; it's also about nurturing relationships. One strategy I use is to actively seek feedback and referrals from my current contacts. After a press release or a successful pitch, I reach out with a polite follow-up email, asking for their thoughts on the material and if they need any more information.I also see each interaction as an opportunity to expand my network to open doors to new contacts, ensuring my database is a living, growing entity.The media landscape is all about relationships, not only "updating a database".Show your genuine interest in their opinions and value their network, build a community who trust you and value your collaboration.

  • Consider it as seeking recommendations for a good book or a favorite restaurant. Asking for feedback and referrals is like getting suggestions from friends. It's about reaching out to people you trust and hearing about their experiences. Like asking a friend for a movie recommendation, seeking feedback and referrals helps you gather insights and recommendations, ensuring you make informed decisions and connect with valuable contacts.

  • Bader Alawadhi Strategic Communications Expert
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    Seeking feedback and referrals from your media contacts is a strategic approach to refine your communication and expand your network. Feedback enhances your pitch effectiveness and strengthens relationships. Referrals allow access to new contacts and audiences, broadening your media outreach. This method fosters collaboration and opens new opportunities for coverage.


4 Monitor the media landscape

The fourth step to keep your media contacts up-to-date is to monitor the media landscape. You want to stay on top of the trends, topics, and issues that are relevant to your industry or niche, and see how your contacts are covering them. You can use tools like Google Alerts, Feedly, or BuzzSumo to monitor the news, blogs, podcasts, and social media posts of your contacts, and see what they are writing or talking about. You can also use tools like HARO, Qwoted, or JournoRequests to find out what queries or requests your contacts are posting, and offer them your expertise or insights.

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  • Niki Goddard Marketing Communications Leader
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    You should be aware of your core media set, and daily reading of digital and print should help you familiarise yourself with who is writing stories that align to your brand / client and what sort of information resonates with them.Google alerts can help you to stay on top of individual writers and there are some great AI tools to help you filter newsletters that come directly frm media outlets, such as That will leave you with some great curated content from different sources and save you from having to sift through irrelevant stories


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (143) 1

  • Caio Olliveira Relações Públicas na Giusti/FSB Holding | Public Relations/PR | Comunicação Corporativa | Marca Pessoal | Personal Branding
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    Sem dúvidas, é fundamental acompanhá-los, seja pela leitura constante dos veículos ou pelas mídias sociais, sobretudo LinkedIn. Elabore um mailing com os contatos mais estratégicos. Isso facilitará o seu monitoramento.Essas são as melhores formas de manter o seu banco de dados atualizado. Ao adotar essas práticas, você estará bem equipado para monitorar efetivamente o cenário de mídia e tomar decisões assertivas.


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    Think of it like keeping an eye on the weather forecast. Monitoring the media landscape is similar to staying updated on what's happening around you. It's about regularly checking in to see the current conditions, understanding trends, and being aware of any changes. Just as you stay informed about the weather to plan your day, monitoring the media landscape helps you adapt your strategies and stay prepared in the ever-changing world of information.


5 Add value and personalize

The fifth step to keep your media contacts up-to-date is to add value and personalize. You don't want to spam your contacts with generic or irrelevant pitches or press releases, as that can annoy them and make them ignore you. You want to add value and personalize your communication, by showing that you understand their needs, preferences, and interests, and that you can offer them something useful, relevant, and compelling. You can add value and personalize by sharing valuable information, resources, or tips, by addressing them by name, by referencing their previous work, or by customizing your subject line or salutation.

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  • Nichola Petts PR pro, media relations, communications consultant
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    If you put the time and effort into your outreach efforts to personalize your pitches, you're more likely to hear back. Getting that response is a good way to not only build and maintain relationships but to get valuable feedback and stay up to date on what each person is doing (this can change quite regularly). Make sure you make note so you can continue sending info and ideas that truly work for them.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (168) 1

  • Pedro Prochno Public Relations Executive, Communicator (ex-Uber, Meta and iFood)
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    Sair de um ambiente onde se tem uma agenda de contatos, para um ambiente onde se tem um mailling com inteligência e estratégia de Comunicação ainda é raro na industria. Ao passo que confiamos em profissioanis com uma boa agenda de telefones, já é possível para organizações e profissionais independentes adotarem ferramentas (como as de CRM) para agregar inteligência à agenda, tornando contatos mais estratégicos, valiosos, duradouros e certeiros. E note: não acho que o contato deva ser feito pela ferramenta de CRM, ela é apenas uma agenda de contatos, muito mais avançada.


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    Think of it as cooking a meal for a friend. Adding value and personalizing is like tailoring the dish to their taste. It's about making it unique and enjoyable just for them. Similarly, in communication, adding value is like sharing information that matters to the person, and personalizing is like adjusting the recipe to suit their preferences. For instance, sending a personalized message with relevant details is like serving a dish with their favorite flavors – making the experience more meaningful and enjoyable.

  • Bader Alawadhi Strategic Communications Expert
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    Enhancing your outreach with personalization and value is key to maintaining effective media contacts. Avoid generic communications by tailoring your messages to the individual needs, preferences, and interests of your contacts. Demonstrating an understanding of their work through personalized subject lines, referencing past articles, and offering valuable insights or resources distinguishes your pitches. This approach not only captivates their attention but also fosters a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship, ensuring your communications are well-received and impactful.


6 Update your database regularly

The sixth and final step to keep your media contacts up-to-date is to update your database regularly. You want to make sure that your database reflects the current status and information of your contacts, and that you remove any duplicates, errors, or inactive contacts. You can update your database regularly by using a software that syncs with your email, social media, and CRM platforms, by deleting or archiving any bounced or unsubscribed contacts, by adding or editing any new or changed contacts, and by reviewing and cleaning your database periodically.

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  • Janani Ganesh Associate Account Manager - Encomium PR
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    - Regularly update the media contact database, identifying and addressing inactive contacts or bounced emails. Conduct thorough research on journalists' beats and current stories before adding new contacts.- Constant communication is key; aim to build a rapport where journalists inform you of their upcoming moves directly.- Stay informed about trending industry stories and identify journalists covering those topics. Tailor your pitch mail by referencing their latest stories for relevance.- Monitor movements through WhatsApp groups, LinkedIn pages, and other social media platforms to stay updated on journalist activities.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (201) You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (202) 5

  • Mia Nicholson East Communications Manager at Google | Driving Product Awareness with Strategic Communications
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    Although it can feel like a pain to update contacts, your pitch is only as good as your lists! Updating your media lists will not only save you time, it will also increase your success rate.I would suggest keeping a “bouncebacks” folder in your email. Then, spend time each week to research where journalists have moved to,what they are currently writing about and update your database accordingly. Set a reminder on your calendar to update emails, phone numbers and notes of your media friends so you don’t forget! As you establish strong media relationships, they usually will update you of their whereabouts on their own. 💡


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Maintaining an updated media contacts database is crucial for effective communication and successful outreach. Regular updates ensure accuracy, preventing wasted efforts on outdated information. Utilize tools like CRM software to organize and manage contacts efficiently. Regularly verify details through direct outreach, monitor industry changes, and leverage automated systems for real-time updates. Establish a system for feedback and corrections, encouraging journalists to update their information. Keeping the database current enhances credibility, fosters positive relationships with the media, and increases the likelihood of successful media coverage and partnerships.


    You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (220) 1

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You’re in charge of managing media contacts. How do you keep your database up-to-date? (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.