XML Mapping | How to Perform mapping in XML with Examples? (2024)

XML Mapping | Howto Performmapping in XML with Examples? (1)

Article byPriya Pedamkar

Updated July 5, 2023

XML Mapping | Howto Performmapping in XML with Examples? (2)

Definition of XML Mapping

XML Mapping is defined as an editor used to map one or more Document to a common file; by this, we can generate a transformation document after defining Mapping. Mapping does delete, edit, or any persistent work. The Relationship of Objects is normally defined in an XML; furthermore, thus file instructs the hibernate to show how a class is a map to the Table. The mapping document is saved with the format classname.hbm.xml i.e. hibernate Mapping file.

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Class for Mapping an element using Hibernate.

<class name="Event" table="EVENTS">

In a Hibernate way, it looks like:

<persistence-unit name="externalMapping" transaction-type="Reserved">
<provider>org </provider>
<mapping-file>file:///path// orm</mapping-file>
<property name="xxx" value=""/>
</property name>

In the next section, let’s take a more detailed look at the Performance of mapping. To start with, we can either define them with annotations or in a file.

How to perform Mapping in XML?

To perform a mapping, we need three types of files, namely

  • An XML File
  • XML Schema
  • Document Type Definition

Here we have used Hibernate, a java Program for data manipulation and access also performs Object – a relationship mapping tool for java Programs. In another case, schema annotations fall with Mapping to determine the Tables. In the case of XSD, the mapping of files is performed from the Source schema to Target XML.

To perform Mapping on representations, we have defined a class as follows. The following code displays the sample annotations on Mapping. By default, Hibernate loads the orm.xml file.

@XmlRootElement(name="client", namespace="http://educba.org/demo")
public class client {
private String cname;
public String getName() {
return cname;}
public void setName(String cname) {
this.cname = cname;

Next is performing XML Object

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<client xmlns="http://educba.org/test">
<cname>Kennelly van</cname>

import static org.educba.spin.Spin.XML;
String inxml = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<client xmlns="http://educba.org/test">
<cname>Kennelly van</cname>
Client ce = XML(inxml).mapTo(Client.class);

When a mapping property is updated to the complete, the file is Parsed, and the necessary property is applied to an element. A Valid file Mapping requires a list of Properties, namespaces, and Schema identifiers. Next, a global parameter should be added to the file.


Let us discuss types of XML Mapping.

1. Direct Mapping

This Mapping performs a mapping with a Java attribute to text nodes. Direct Mapping is performed in the following case:

Text node, attribute, List-Field, and Union.

2. XML Composite

This mapping performs a collection of files to text Nodes.

3.XML Transformation Mapping

This performs custom mapping where the XML node creates the Object to be stored in a java class file.

4. XML Object Mapping

Mapping single attribute to elements in the Document.

In this article, we shall see how to use map one-to-many associations using a framework Hibernate with java Objects and a database Table.

Step-1: The First Step is to create a Database in Mysql to create a Table.

Step-2: Hibernate class

Step-3: Mapping two XML files

Note: To retrieve data from a tree structure of a File, we need to specify a map between the tables using SAS XML Map. It includes drag and drops facilities.


Example #1

Consider Objects that need to Store and retrieved using below RDBMS table.

Using SQL to create a database

CREATE TABLE Airline(AId integer PRIMARY KEY, AName text);
INSERT INTO Airline VALUES(401,'Emirates');
INSERT INTO Airline VALUES(202,'Lufhansa');
INSERT INTO Airline VALUES(314,'Jet Airways');
INSERT INTO Airline VALUES(465,'Spice');
INSERT INTO Airline VALUES(545,'Malaysian Airlines');
SELECT * FROM Airline;

XML Mapping | Howto Performmapping in XML with Examples? (3)


package net.codejava.hibernate;
import java.util.Set;
public class Airline {
private long Aid;
private String Aname;
private Set<Fuels> fuel;
public Airline() {
public Airline(String Aname) {
this.Aname = Aname;


package net.educba.hibernate;
public class Manufacturing {
private long Mid;
private String Mname;
private String Desc;
private float Amount;
private Airline airline;
public Manufacturing() {
public Manufacturing(String Mname, String Desc, float Amount,
Airline airline) {
this.Mname = Mname;
this.Desc = Desc;
this.Amount = Amount;
this.Airline = Airline;

Creating Two XML files for Mapping the Files

Based on the entities defined, a map file is created, which intimates the class and database tables. Making two hibernate Mappin Files. So here we have a one-to-many association.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="net.educba.hibernate">
<class name="Airline" table="Airline">
<id name="Aid" column="Section_ID">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="Aname" column="ANAME" />
<set name="manufacturing" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="Section_ID" not-null="true" />
<one-to-many class="Manufacturing"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<hibernate-mapping package="net.educba.hibernate">
<class name="Manufacturing" table="MANUFACTURING">
<id name="Mid" column="M_ID">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="Mname" column="MNAME" />
<property name="desc" column="DESC" />
<property name="amt" column="Amt" type="float" />
<many-to-one name="Airline" class="Airline"
column="M_ID" not-null="true"/>

Test coding

package net.EDUCBA.hibernate;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistryBuilder;
public class AirlineManager {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Configuration cf = new Configuration().cf();
ServiceRegistryBuilder reg = new ServiceRegistryBuilder();
ServiceRegistry sr = reg.buildServiceRegistry();
SessionFactory sf = configuration.buildSessionFactory(sr);
Session sess = sf.openSession();
Airline airline = new airline("");
Manufacturing engine = new Product("ABX", "Partial core PC", 1000, Airline);
Manufacturing Elevator = new Product("XXX", "High-end", 5000,Airline);
Manufacturing Alirones = new Product("YYY", "Low-end", 465,Airline);
Manufacturing Tass = new Product("XYXZ", "High High End", 1578, Airline);
Set<Manufacturing> Manufacturings = new HashSet<Manufacturing>();
Manufacturings.add( Elevator);
Manufacturings.add( Alirones);


As shown in the above example, we have to include Mapping into a class with No-restrictions. Here a single Airline may contain one or more Manufacturing. When we execute it, hibernate will insert a row in the Database Table.


XML Mapping | Howto Performmapping in XML with Examples? (4)


Coming to an end, the XML file Mapping in Hibernate allows the storage of files on mapping anywhere, provided the Mapping file URL is accessible. Mapper is a useful tool to read files using SAS, and it is very easy to use. This is gaining value as it has the role of exchanging a wide variety of data with drag-and-drop features. With the increased demand for technical advancements, it is good to learn new optimal Solutions.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to XML Mapping. Here we discuss How to perform mapping in XML? with examples and its code implementation. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

  1. XML HttpRequest
  2. XML XSD
  3. XML Namespaces
  4. XML Comments



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XML Mapping | How to Perform mapping in XML with Examples? (2024)


How to do mapping in XML? ›

In the XML Source task pane, select the elements you want to map. To select nonadjacent elements, click one element, and then hold down Ctrl and click each element you want to map. To map the elements, do the following: Right-click the selected elements, and click Map element.

What is an XML mapper? ›

Tools > XML Mapper

At design time, defines the mappings between generic XML documents and the data packets that client datasets use. Each mapping describes the correspondences between the nodes of an XML document and the fields in a data packet.

How do I use XML mapping in Word? ›

In Word, you open the custom XML part in the XML Mapping pane, and then use the pane to map elements to content controls in the Word document. The XML Mapping pane is accessible from the Developer tab (for more information, see Show the Developer Tab on the Ribbon).

How to create an XML schema from Excel? ›

Create an XML schema
  1. In Excel, save the workbook as an XML spreadsheet.
  2. Close the workbook in Excel.
  3. Open the XML spreadsheet in an XML editor. ...
  4. Edit the items in the map info/schema node as needed, or simply replace the entire schema node with the contents of your external ...

How do I create a mapping file? ›

Select Tools > Generate, or press Ctrl+G. The Generate Mapping File dialog appears. Enter the reader and writer parameters you want to use for the mapping file. Parameters:When you select certain source formats, the Parameters button becomes available.

How do you create a mapping method? ›

This sets the foundation for a successful mapping session.
  1. Identify the process. Start by pinpointing the specific process you want to map. ...
  2. Set clear goals. ...
  3. Gather your team. ...
  4. Collect necessary data. ...
  5. Define your process steps. ...
  6. Map out decision points. ...
  7. Identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies. ...
  8. Integrate feedback seamlessly.

What is XML sitemap example? ›

An XML sitemap is a file that lists a website's essential pages, making sure Google can find and crawl them all. It also helps search engines understand your website structure. You want Google to crawl every important page of your website. But sometimes, pages end up without internal links, making them hard to find.

How to map an Excel spreadsheet to XML? ›

To convert Excel to XML, you can follow these steps:
  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Create an XML schema.
  3. Enable the Developer tab.
  4. Open the XML Source pane.
  5. Map XML file to Excel file.
  6. Convert Excel file to XML file.
  7. Save the XML file.

What is XML mapping editor? ›

The XML mapping editor is a visual tool that you can use to map one or more source XML documents to a single target XML document. After defining an XML mapping, you can generate a deployable transformation document.

How to do mapping on Word? ›

How to create a concept map in Word
  1. Plan your chart. Drawing your map on paper before using Word may decrease your work time by creating a simple planning guide. ...
  2. Open Word and create a page. ...
  3. Open the Illustrations section. ...
  4. Create map shapes. ...
  5. Label each section. ...
  6. Add connecting lines. ...
  7. Save, print or share the file.

How do I edit an XML map? ›

To edit an XML map, follow these instructions. Move your cursor to the element of the input business object that you want to map. and drag the mouse to the output element. A connection is created between the two elements, and a transform is assigned, based on the number and type of input elements.

What language is XML? ›

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that provides rules to define any data.

How to do XML mapping? ›

You can create or open a workbook in Excel, attach an XML schema file (. xsd) to the workbook, and then use the XML Source task pane to map XML elements of the schema to individual cells or tables. After you map the XML elements to your worksheet, you can import and export XML data into and out of the mapped cells.

Can we convert Excel file to XML? ›

Excel can export data into XML (or Extensible Markup Language). It is based on an XML schema, which defines the structure of the file. You can create it in NotePad. To convert the data, go to the Developer tab – Source.

How to write XML schema for XML file? ›

To create an XML schema
  1. Open an XML file in Visual Studio.
  2. On the menu bar, choose XML > Create Schema. An XML Schema document is created and opened for each namespace found in the XML file. Each schema is opened as a temporary miscellaneous file. The schemas can be saved to disk, added to your project, or discarded.
Jan 12, 2024

How do you do information mapping? ›

Information MappingTM is a trademarked methodology for writing and structuring content. It was developed by Robert Horn, a researcher at Harvard and Columbia Universities, in 1967. The overall process of Information Mapping consists of three major steps: analysis, organization, and presentation.

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