Working Capital: Formula, Components, and Limitations (2024)

What Is Working Capital?

Working capital, also known as net working capital (NWC), is the difference between a company’s current assets—such as cash, accounts receivable/customers’ unpaid bills, and inventories of raw materials and finished goods—anditscurrent liabilities, such as accounts payable and debts. It's a commonly used measurement to gauge the short-term health of an organization.

Key Takeaways

  • Working capital, also called net working capital, represents the difference between a company’scurrent assetsand current liabilities.
  • Working capital is a measure of a company’s liquidity and short-term financial health.
  • A company has negative working capital if its ratio of current assets to liabilities is less than one (or if it has more current liabilities than current assets).
  • Positive working capital indicates that a company can fund its current operations and invest in future activities and growth.
  • High working capital isn’t always a good thing. It might indicate that the business has too much inventory, not investing its excess cash, or not capitalizing on low-expense debt opportunities.

Working Capital: Formula, Components, and Limitations (1)

Understanding Working Capital

Working capital estimates are derived from the array of assets and liabilities on a corporatebalance sheet. By only looking at immediate debts and offsetting them with the most liquid of assets, a company can better understand what sort of liquidity it has in the near future.

Working capital is also a measure of a company’s operational efficiency and short-term financial health. If a company has substantial positive NWC, then it could have the potential to invest in expansion and grow the company. If a company’s current assets do not exceed its current liabilities, then it may have trouble growing or paying back creditors. It might even go bankrupt.

In the corporate finance world, “current” refers to a time period of one year or less. Current assets are available within 12 months; current liabilities are due within 12 months.

The amount of working capital a company has will typically depend on its industry. Some sectors that have longer production cycles may require higher working capital needs as they don't have the quick inventory turnover to generate cash on demand. Alternatively, retail companies that interact with thousands of customers a day can often raise short-term funds much faster and require lower working capital requirements.

Working Capital Formula

To calculate working capital, subtract a company's current liabilities from its current assets. Both figures can be found in the publicly disclosed financial statements for public companies, though this information may not be readily available for private companies.

Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities

Working capital is often stated as a dollar figure. For example, say a company has $100,000 of current assets and $30,000 of current liabilities. The company is therefore said to have $70,000 of working capital. This means the company has $70,000 at its disposal in the short term if it needs to raise money for a specific reason.

When a working capital calculation is positive, this means the company's current assets are greater than its current liabilities. The company has more than enough resources to cover its short-term debt, and there is residual cash should all current assets be liquidated to pay this debt.

When a working capital calculation is negative, this means the company's current assets are not enough to pay for all of its current liabilities. The company has more short-term debt than it has short-term resources. Negative working capital is an indicator of poor short-term health, low liquidity, and potential problems paying its debt obligations as they become due.

It is worth noting that negative working capital is not always a bad thing; it can be good or bad, depending on the specific business and its stage in its lifecycle; however, prolonged negative working capital can be problematic.

Components of Working Capital

All components of working capital can be found on a company's balance sheet, though a company may not have use for all elements of working capital discussed below. For example, a service company that does not carry inventory will simply not factor inventory into its working capital calculation.

Current assets listed include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and other assets such as prepaid expenses, that are expected to be liquidated or turned into cash in less than one year. Current liabilities include accounts payable, wages, taxes payable, and the current portion of long-term debt that’s due within one year.

Current Assets

Current assets are economic benefits that the company expects to receive within the next 12 months. The company has a claim or right to receive the financial benefit, and calculating working capital poses the hypothetical situation of the company liquidating all items below into cash.

  • Cash and Cash Equivalents: All of the money the company has on hand. This includes foreign currency and certain types of investments such as money market accounts with very low risk and very low investment term periods.
  • Inventory: All of the unsold goods being stored. This includes raw materials purchased to manufacture, partially assembled inventory that is in process, and finished goods that have not yet been sold.
  • Accounts Receivable: All of the claims to cash for inventory items sold on credit. This should be included net of any allowance for doubtful payments.
  • Notes Receivable: All of the claims to cash for other agreements, often agreed to through a physically signed agreement.
  • Prepaid Expenses: All of the value for expenses paid in advance. Though it may be difficult to liquidate these in the event of needing cash, they still carry short-term value and are included.
  • Others: Any other short-term asset. An example is some companies may recognize a short-term deferred tax asset that reduces a future liability.

Current Liabilities

Current liabilities are simply all debts a company owes or will owe within the next twelve months. The overarching goal of working capital is to understand whether a company will be able to cover all of these debts with the short-term assets it already has on hand.

  • Accounts Payable: All unpaid invoices to vendors for supplies, raw materials, utilities, property taxes, rent, or any other operating expense owed to an outside third party. Credit terms on invoices are often net 30 days, so essentially all invoices are captured here.
  • Wages Payable: All unpaid accrued salary and wages for staff members. Depending on the timing of the company's payroll, this may only accrue up to one month's worth of wages (if the company only issues one paycheck per month). Otherwise, these liabilities are very short-term in nature.
  • Current Portion of Long-Term Debt: All short-term payments related to long-term debt. Imagine a company finances its warehouse and owes monthly debt payments on the 10-year debt. The next 12 months of payments are considered short-term debt, while the remaining 9 years of payments are long-term debt. Only 12 months are included when calculating working capital.
  • Accrued Tax Payable: All obligations to government bodies. These may be accruals for tax obligations for filings not due for months; however, these accruals are usually always short-term (due within the next 12 months) in nature.
  • Dividend Payable: All authorized payments to shareholders. A company may decide to decline future dividend payments but must fulfill obligations on already authorized dividends.
  • Unearned Revenue: All capital received in advance of having completed work. Should the company fail to complete the job, it may be forced to return capital back to the client.

Working Capital: Formula, Components, and Limitations (2)

Limitations of Working Capital

Working capital can be very insightful to determine a company's short-term health. However, there are some downsides to the calculation that make the metric sometimes misleading.

First, working capital is always changing. If a company is fully operating, it's likely that several—if not most—current asset and current liability accounts will change. Therefore, by the time financial information is accumulated, it's likely that the working capital position of the company has already changed.

Working capital fails to consider the specific types of underlying accounts. For example, imagine a company whose current assets are 100% in accounts receivable. Though the company may have positive working capital, its financial health depends on whether its customers will pay and whether the business can come up with short-term cash.

On a similar note, assets can quickly become devalued. Accounts receivable balances may lose value if a top customer files for bankruptcy. Inventory is at-risk of obsolescence or theft. Physical cash is also at risk of theft. Therefore, a company's working capital may change simply based on forces outside of its control.

Last, working capital assumes all debt obligations are known. In mergers or very fast-paced companies, agreements can be missed or invoices can be processed incorrectly. Working capital relies heavily on correct accounting practices, especially surrounding internal control and safeguarding of assets.

Special Considerations

Most major new projects, such as an expansion in production or into new markets, require an upfront investment. This reduces immediate cash flow. Therefore, companies that are using working capital inefficiently or need extra capital upfront can boost cash flow by squeezing suppliers and customers.

Companies can forecast what their working capital will look like in the future. By forecasting sales, manufacturing, and operations, a company can guess how each of those three elements will impact current assets and liabilities.

On the other hand, high working capital isn’t always a good thing. It might indicate that the business has too much inventory or is not investing its excess cash. Alternatively, it could mean a company is failing to take advantage of low-interest or no-interest loans; instead of borrowing money at a low cost of capital, the company is burning its own resources.

A similar financial metric called the quick ratio measures the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. In addition to using different accounts in its formula, it reports the relationship as a percentage as opposed to a dollar amount.

Example of Working Capital

At the end of 2021, Microsoft (MSFT) reported $174.2 billion of current assets. This included cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments, accounts receivable, inventory, and other current assets.

The company also reported $77.5 billion of current liabilities comprised of accounts payable, current portions of long-term debts, accrued compensation, short-term income taxes, short-term unearned revenue, and other current liabilities.

Therefore, at the end of 2021, Microsoft's working capital metric was $96.7 billion. If Microsoft were to liquidate all short-term assets and extinguish all short-term debts, it would have almost $100 billion of cash remaining on hand.

Another way to review this example is by comparing working capital to current assets or current liabilities. For example, Microsoft's working capital of $96.7 billion is greater than its current liabilities. Therefore, the company would be able to pay every single current debt twice and still have money left over.

How Do You Calculate Working Capital?

Working capital is calculated by taking a company’s current assets and deducting current liabilities. For instance, if a company has current assets of $100,000 and current liabilities of $80,000, then its working capital would be $20,000. Common examples of current assets include cash, accounts receivable, and inventory. Examples of current liabilities include accounts payable, short-term debt payments, or the current portion of deferred revenue.

Why Is Working Capital Important?

Working capital is important because it is necessary for businesses to remain solvent. In theory, a business could become bankrupt even if it is profitable. After all, a business cannot rely on paper profits to pay its bills—those bills need to be paid in cash readily in hand. Say a company has accumulated $1 million in cash due to its previous years’ retained earnings. If the company were to invest all $1 million at once, it could find itself with insufficient current assets to pay for its current liabilities.

Is Negative Working Capital Bad?

It depends. Generally, it is bad if a company's current liabilities balance exceeds its current asset balance. This means the company does not have enough resources in the short-term to pay off its debts, and it must get creative in finding a way to make sure it can pay its short-term bills on time. A short-period of negative working capital may not be an issue depending on a company's place in its business life cycle and if it is able to generate cash quickly to pay off debts.

How Can a Company Improve Its Working Capital?

A company can improve its working capital by increasing its current assets. This includes saving cash, building higher inventory reserves, prepaying expenses especially if it results in a cash discount, or closely considering which customers to extend credit to (in an attempt to reduce its bad debt write-offs).

A company can also improve working capital by reducing its short-term debts. The company can avoid taking on debt when unnecessary or expensive, and the company can strive to get the best credit terms available. The company can be mindful of spending both externally to vendors and internally with what staff they have on hand.

The Bottom Line

Working capital is used to gauge the short-term health of a company by measuring its current assets to its current liabilities, reflecting how well it can pay off debts and fund its current operations without taking on external funding.

Working Capital: Formula, Components, and Limitations (2024)


Working Capital: Formula, Components, and Limitations? ›

Working capital is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets, as listed on the company's balance sheet. Current assets include cash, accounts receivable and inventory. Current liabilities include accounts payable, taxes, wages and interest owed.

What are the components of working capital? ›

By understanding the components of working capital—cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory, and accounts payable—companies can make informed decisions to optimize their working capital management.

What are the limitations of working capital analysis? ›

Limitations of Working Capital Management

However, there are downsides to the approach. Working capital management only focuses on short-term assets and liabilities. It does not address the long-term financial health of the company and may sacrifice the best long-term solution in favor of short-term benefits.

What is the formula for working capital limit? ›

Working capital = current assets – current liabilities. Net working capital = current assets (minus cash) - current liabilities (minus debt). Operating working capital = current assets – non-operating current assets. Non-cash working capital = (current assets – cash) – current liabilities.

What are the 8 factors determining working capital? ›

Answer: Working capital, or networking capital, has several determinants, including nature and size of business, production policy, the position of the business cycle, seasonal business, dividend policy, credit policy, tax level, market conditions and the volume of businesses.

What is included in working capital formula? ›

Working capital is calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets, as listed on the company's balance sheet. Current assets include cash, accounts receivable and inventory.

What are the four main aspects of working capital? ›

These include:
  • Cash and cash equivalents (assets that can be liquidated quickly without a substantial loss in value)
  • Accounts receivable (money owed to your business)
  • Inventory.
  • Marketable securities (short-term investments that can be quickly sold)

What should not be included in working capital? ›

Unlike inventory, accounts receivable and other current assets, cash then earns a fair return and should not be included in measures of working capital.

What should be excluded from working capital? ›

While it is often appropriate to exclude non-cash working capital items, such as deferred tax assets and liabilities or depreciation, from the definition of working capital, cash is one item that we believe should rarely be excluded from the definition.

How do you assess working capital limits? ›

  1. Working capital gap : Current assets – current liabilities (other than bank borrowings)
  2. Minimum stipulated net working capital= 25% of current assets (excluding exports receivables)
  3. Actual projected NWC.

How to analyze working capital? ›

How to Analyze Your Short-Term Working Capital
  1. Determine When Current Liabilities Are Due for Payment.
  2. Use Your AR Aging Report to Determine Incoming Cash Flows.
  3. Regularly Calculate Your Working Capital Ratios.
  4. Regularly Calculate Your Liquidity Ratios.
  5. Track Period-to-Period Changes to Your Ratios.
May 13, 2024

What are the working capital rules? ›

A working capital ratio greater than 1.0 means the company's assets are kept ahead of its short-term debts. A working capital ratio somewhere between 1.2 and 2.0 is generally considered good. However, this varies depending on the industry.

What is a good working capital ratio? ›

Determining a Good Working Capital Ratio

Generally, a working capital ratio of less than one is taken as indicative of potential future liquidity problems, while a ratio of 1.5 to two is interpreted as indicating a company is on the solid financial ground in terms of liquidity.

What are the three main components of working capital? ›

The elements of working capital are money coming in, money going out, and the management of inventory. Companies must also prepare reliable cash forecasts and maintain accurate data on transactions and bank balances.

How to calculate working capital requirements? ›

Working capital formula

To calculate working capital requirements, you can use the formula mentioned below: Working capital (WC) = current assets (CA) – current liabilities (CL). If the value of total current assets is Rs. 3,00,000 and current liabilities is Rs.

What are the five factors affecting working capital? ›

The credit period offered to customers plays a crucial role in working capital dynamics. If the credit period is not synchronized with the production cycle, businesses may face heightened working capital demands. Strategic management of credit terms ensures optimal cash flow alignment with business operations.

What are the five sources of working capital? ›

Sources of working capital

Long-term working capital sources include long-term loans, provision for depreciation, retained profits, debentures, and share capital.

What are the five working capital? ›

Working capital management involves balancing movements related to five main items – cash, trade receivables, trade payables, short-term financing, and inventory – to make sure a business possesses adequate resources to operate efficiently.

What are the components of working capital quizlet? ›

  • Working Capital. ...
  • Classification of short term obligations expected to be refinanced. ...
  • Cash and cash equivalents. ...
  • Simple bank reconciliation. ...
  • Account receivable. ...
  • Sales or cash discounts. ...
  • Estimating uncollectible accounts receivable. ...
  • Factoring accounts receivable.

What are the three components of capital? ›

When budgeting, businesses of all kinds typically focus on three types of capital: working capital, equity capital, and debt capital. A business in the financial industry identifies trading capital as a fourth component.

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