[With Reason] Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 - MoneyBinds (2024)


The Pi coin value in 2023 can reach a maximum of $17.42 and a minimum of $1.25 if the Open Mainnet launches as expected.

Pi coin’s launch price is predicted to be between $4.16 and $17.42.

The Pi coin does not have a fiat currency value as of writing (September 11, 2023).

Despite not being listed on crypto exchanges, the Pi Network (Pi coin), has attracted over 47 million active users and has grown to become one of the world’s most popular cryptocurrencies. With a distinct approach and technology, the network has firmly established itself in the crypto market.

Since its launch in March 2019, Pioneers (Pi holders) have shown impressive support in the community. One of the major reasons for the support, however, is to make money.

People mine cryptocurrency to make money. This is also true for the Pi Network. Unfortunately, as of the time of writing, the Pi coin has no monetary value.

Yet, the Pi cryptocurrency is anticipated to be extremely near to reaching its first fiat currency value. This news has led Pioneers to frequently search for “Pi coin price predictions,”Pi Network values for 2025, 2030, 2050,” etc. In this post, we have got you covered on all these topics.

If you are already a Pioneer or interested in mining Pi, you should certainly read this article thoroughly, as it will clear all your doubts about Pi coin price and earning money by mining Pi.

Also read: Pi Network KYC Verification: 10 Steps To Success KYC In 2023

We advise you to read this guide in the same sequence as written to better understand the topic and avoid any possible confusion.

Disclaimer: This article is based entirely on our analysis. Readers should keep in mind that the price of a cryptocurrency is determined by a variety of circ*mstances, and no one can anticipate the exact price of an asset, especially when there is no historical price data, as in the case of Pi Network. Also, individuals are advised not to take it as financial advice.

Topics covered

  • What is Pi Network (Pi coin)?
  • Is Pi coin listed on Binance or other crypto exchanges?
  • What is the current price of Pi coin?
  • The Pi Economic Model: An overview of how the Pi Network’s token will be valued
  • Pi Network’s progress to getting real-money value
  • Pi coin price launch date (expected)
  • Pi coin price prediction
  • Answering Pi coin price FAQs
  • Final thoughts

What is Pi Network (Pi coin)?

Introduced by Stanford PhDs, on March 14, 2019 (Pi Day), the Pi Network is a platform that allows users to mine digital currency using their smartphones.

More technically, Pi Network is a revolutionary cryptocurrency that works on the Steller Consensus Protocol (SCP), which allows fast transactions at a lower cost while also not causing any harmful impact on the environment. Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, Pi mining and maintenance do not necessitate the use of powerful computing devices.

The words “Pi Network” and “Pi coin” are often used interchangeably. However, the Pi coin is the native token of the Pi Network used for transactions on its blockchain.

Currently, the Pi Network is in the enclosed mainnet phase and is likely to launch its open mainnet soon (to be discussed in detail later).

Is Pi coin listed on Binance or other crypto exchanges?

No. The Pi coin is not officially listed on Binance or any crypto other exchange. However, individuals can find its IOU-based live price on CoinMarketCap and many popular exchanges such as Binance, BitMart, and more.

You might be wondering how Pi got a price if it isn’t listed on crypto exchanges for trading. Indeed, the live Pi coin prices you see are the values of IOUs rather than the actual price.

IOU is an abbreviation for “I owe you.” In the context of cryptocurrencies, IOUs are tokens that represent an asset or currency that has not yet been delivered to the buyer. They are frequently used as a stand-in for a cryptocurrency that is not yet listed on an exchange.

It is worth noting that while renowned crypto exchanges such as Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase do not allow trading of Pi, a few exchanges such as BitMart, SuperEx, and Huobi Global allow it.

[With Reason] Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 - MoneyBinds (2)

It won’t be possible to trade the Pi coin until the open Mainnet launches. Hence, if crypto investors are currently trading Pi coins, they should exercise prudence while doing so; otherwise, they may decide to hold off on trading the cryptocurrency until the open Mainnet launches and is listed on most exchanges.

Incidentally, @PiCoreTeam tweeted that Pi Network is aware of reports of various Pi frauds and has been warning people about them. Hence, if you trade Pi before its Open Mainnet launch, you may be duped.

Pi has not been listed on any exchange, and Pi Network has not been involved with any purported listings. You could sustain substantial loss by participating in unauthorized listings. Read more on our website: https://t.co/rbntZ7DROj pic.twitter.com/LJztPOH35c

— Pi Network (@PiCoreTeam) December 30, 2022

What is the current price of Pi coin?

[With Reason] Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 - MoneyBinds (3)

The IOU-based price of the Pi coin is $41.97 as of the last update to this article. It should be noted that this price is the value of the IOU, not the actual price. The real value of the Pi coin is still $0 until the open mainnet launches.

The IOU-based value of Pi may be considered as the indicator of the real value and Pi enthusiasts may track the market sentiment of the mobile-mineable crypto by analyzing this price chart and tools based on the same price.

Also read: Pi Network Reveals KYC Progress

The Pi Economic Model: An overview of how the Pi Network’s token will be valued

The Pi Network is still in its enclosed mainnet phase and as a result, it does not have a fiat currency value yet. However, this phase is likely to end very soon and Pi Network will mark its first price following the open mainnet launch.

That being said, before we jump on to the Pi coin price prediction section, it is crucial to understand the economic model behind Pi Network so that you can comprehend Pi’s launch price and fluctuations in its future price more easily.

What makes a digital token valuable?

Digital asset economic models may differ from one another. However, the following are some essential characteristics that every asset must have:

  1. Sense of scarcity: Assets gain value on the basis of demand and supply. The higher the demand, the higher the value given that the supply is not enough, and vice-versa. This implies if the supply is low, the value of the asset should go up. Hence, the asset must create a sense of scarcity in the market to fluctuate its value. Pi wants to create a sense of scarcity to make sure that its price stays high. This means that the supply of Pi is limited, which makes it more valuable.
  2. Utility: The usefulness and practical applications of a cryptocurrency can drive its value. If a cryptocurrency offers a novel and practical solution to a problem, it will attract users and investors, increasing its value. Pi Network frequently conducts hackathons and encourages developers to build useful utility dApps.
  3. Trust: The credibility and trustworthiness of the cryptocurrency directly impact its price. A cryptocurrency that has a solid track record of security and dependability will probably be worth more than one that has been the target of scams and hacks.

What makes Pi coin distinct?

While cryptocurrencies must possess the above qualities to become valuable, the following features of the Pi Network’s economic model are the differentiating factors in the crypto realm:

  1. Fair distribution: Pi Network has a fair distribution of Pi coins. No group of people has dominantly more Pi tokens than others. In the Bitcoin case, early adopters and giant miners had acquired exceptionally more Bitcoins and late adopters can’t, even if they now mine hard by burning too much energy.
  2. Meritocratic mining: Pi wants to reward people who contribute to building and sustaining the network. This means that the more you participate in the network, the more Pi you can earn.
  3. Simple model: It is very easy and handy to join the Pi Network community. The main objective of the developers is to build a transparent and intuitive model.

To achieve this economic model, the Pi Network rewards users with Pi coins in the following ways:

  1. Mining Supply (M): When you join the Pi Network, a fixed amount of Pi is pre-minted for you. This supply is released over your lifetime based on your level of engagement and contribution to network security.
  2. Referral Supply (R): To incentivize people to invite others to join the network, Pi generates a fixed amount of Pi that serves as a referral bonus for both the referrer and the referee. Both parties can mine this shared pool over their lifetime.
  3. Developer Reward Supply (D): Additionally, Pi Network also rewards Pi Network developers to support ongoing development.

Thus, the total max supply of Pi token = M + R + D

Finally, Pi’s individual mining and referral rewards decrease as the number of people in the network increases. As a result, early members of the network will receive a relatively larger share of Pi as a reward for their contributions to the network’s growth.

Now that you know Pi’s economic model (how is Pi distributed and what factors affect the initial price of Pi), let’s understand how is actually the initial price of a cryptocurrency determined when its mainnet launches. This knowledge will help you comprehend the launch price of Pi Network as well.

Also read: Pi Network vs Omega Network: Is there any difference?

How is the launch price of a new cryptocurrency determined?

The initial price of a new digital asset can be set by the developers (the project team) or through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) where investors can purchase the new coin at a fixed price.

From there the price of the coin is stimulated and once it is listed on a crypto exchange like Binance, the price is then driven by the market.

Traders buy and sell cryptocurrencies for profit, causing the asset’s price to rise and fall over the course of its lifetime.

Pi Network’s progress to getting real-money value

You may be wondering if the real price of Pi is not yet launched, how much progress the crypto initiative has made so far in order to get real-money value?

Well, the answer lies in the roadmap of Pi Network!

Pi Network’s roadmap, though not recently updated, clearly illustrates the current state of the Pi Network initiative. Let’s take a look at the brief roadmap of Pi and the progress Pi has made so far:

[With Reason] Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 - MoneyBinds (4)

Pi Network’s roadmap

There are three main phases of Pi Network development: Beta phase, Testnet phase, and Mainnet phase.

1) Beta phase

In the Beta phase, the Pi Network launched its mobile app (in December 2018), allowing early users (called Pioneers) to contribute to the growth and security of the future Pi blockchain and earn mining rewards.

Pioneers contributed to building their security circles which helped in forming the trust graph required by the Consensus algorithm.

The app was running on a centralized Pi server and allowed for the growth of the community and the iteration of technical features.

Pi Network officially launched on Pi Day, March 14, 2019, and during the Beta phase, the Pi Network mobile app was accessible through the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. The Pi Network grew to over 3.5 million engaged Pioneers across 233 countries and regions worldwide, with active community engagement through the app and chat.

Also read: Is Pi Network Legit? (An Unbiased Verdict)

2) Testnet phase

Pi Network launched the Testnet phase on March 14, 2020 (Pi Day 2020), which enabled individual computers to run the Pi Testnet using the Test-Pi coin.

Over 10,000 fully functional community Nodes and over 100,000 daily active Nodes were on the waiting list to help with the assessment of the blockchain’s performance, security, and scalability. Pi App developers could test their apps against the Pi Blockchain during this phase.

Pi Network released many versions of the Node software, and the Pi Platform was introduced along with the Wallet, Browser, Brainstorm, and developer tools. A pilot version of the KYC app was introduced on the Pi Browser, and the project ran its first-ever worldwide online Hackathon with thousands of participants.

The Pi mobile mining app continued to attract millions of Pioneers, while the Pi Browser and SDK enabled the community to create utilities and develop the Pi ecosystem.

Pi Network reached over 30 million engaged Pioneers and almost all countries and regions in the world. The Testnet phase allowed Pi Network to prepare for the transition to a decentralized blockchain and build a robust ecosystem around the Pi platform.

3) Mainnet phase

This is the last and unarguably the most crucial phase for the Pi Network. The Mainnet is the decentralized blockchain that handles all the transactions made on the network. The Mainnet went live in December 2021, and the migration of Pi tokens to it began during this period.

The Mainnet phase is divided into two periods:

  1. The Enclosed Mainnet period
  2. The Open Mainnet period

Preventing external connectivity, the firewalled network called the Enclosed Mainnet phase gives users substantial time to complete their KYC verification and migrate Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain, use their Pi on the Mainnet freely, and purchase goods and services in Pi apps within the enclosed network.

The two-period approach allows time for more Pioneers to pass KYC, build and deploy more Pi Apps, transition Pi Apps from the Testnet to the Mainnet, and iterate on modifications and adjustments to the Mainnet and the ecosystem before the Open Network.

The firewall will be removed in the Open Network (open Mainnet), and Pioneers will be able to connect to other blockchains and run various API services. Simply put, this phase will enable investors to trade Pi for a profit or as a long-term investment. This phase will also introduce the price of the Pi coin.

As per the latest Pi Network White-paper (December 2021), the open Mainnet was expected to launch on March 14, 2022, or June 28, 2022, or nearly around, if the enclosed Mainnet has gotten enough maturity. However, we can see the Open Mainnet is still not live and there is no announcement from the Pi Core team about a new date.

Thus, it is clear from the roadmap that the Pi Network has already passed two out of three phases and is very close to the end of the third phase. The conclusion of this phase may introduce a fiat-currency value to the Pi token.

Pi coin price launch date (expected)

We can see that the Pi Network does big things on Pi Day or Pi2 Day. The former arrives on March 14 and the latter on June 28. Hence, many Pi users expect the Pi Network’s Open Mainnet to be released on one of these two dates.

In fact, these dates are also mentioned in Pi Network’s whitepaper.

Depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the KYC, this period may begin on Pi Day (March 14, 2022), Pi2 Day (June 28, 2022), or later.

via Pi Network Whitepaper

However, the launch couldn’t be done in 2022, and Pi Day 2023 and Pi2 Day 2023, have also passed. So there’s very little chance that the Open Mainnet will be launched in 2023.

Even on Pi2 Day 2023, the Pi Core team did not make any announcement regarding the launch of the Open Mainnet. This hints at a delayed Mainnet launch.

The community is now gazing at Pi Day 2024, i.e., March 14, 2024. Most probably, Pioneers will see the real money value of Pi on the same day. Ahead of this, the December 2023 month is also quite anticipated in the community.

Note: Readers should note that these dates are based entirely on our speculations. Officials have not made an announcement for the open Mainnet launch date yet.

Also read: 5 Convincing Reasons to Believe in the Pi Network

Pi coin price prediction

Now that we have figured out a tentative date for the launch of the Pi coin price, let’s delve into its price evaluations.

Historical price data and the impact of major events on prices are critical in predicting an asset’s future price. However, in the case of the Pi Network, we lack this facility. As a result, we must devise another method of speculating on Pi coin prices.

In the following sections, we will examine the markets for Bitcoin and Pi Network in parallel to reach reasonable price predictions about the latter.

For this, let’s understand a simple formula that will help us build the basic logic for Pi Network price predictions.

The formula:

Market cap = Current price * Circulating supply

On April 30, 2023, the price of BTC was $29,310.91, and its circulating supply (number of BTCs in the market) was 19,360,206 BTC.

Therefore, the market cap of BTC = 29,310.91*19,360,206 = $567,465,255,647.46. i.e., $567 billion.

The exact circulating supply or the maximum supply of Pi coins is not known yet, so we need to assume this data.

Our assumption: Out of 47 million Pioneers, if 30 million of them mine Pi at an average rate of 0.2 Pi/hour, 144 million Pi coins are mined per day. If we calculate the circulating supply of Pi using this assumption for only two years, the total Pi is 105,120,000,000, i.e., 105.12 billion.

However, only those Pi coins that are migrated to the Mainnet will be counted as actual tradable coins. One must be KYCed to transfer his coins to the enclosed Mainnet. As per Pi Network’s recent blog post, only around 12% of Pioneers are KYC verified. So, if we find 12% of the total circulated supply calculated earlier, we get 12.6144 billion Pi coins, which can be considered as the current supply of the token for our further calculations.

Thus, based on our assumptions for the past 2 years, approximately 12.6144 billion Pi Coins will be tradable once the public Mainnet launches. However, this number is rapidly growing as more users are getting KYCed and are transferring their tokens to the mainnet. This will result in a decrease in the Pi value as the supply will increase.

Indeed,this is a very conservative assumption; actual data may be much larger.

Therefore, by calculation, Pi coin would need to be priced at $44.98551per token (Market cap of BTC/Circulating supply of Pi) to overtake Bitcoin and become the most valuable cryptocurrency in the world. You can also calculate this by using our Crypto Market Cap Calculator.

It is essential to recall that it took more than a decade for Bitcoin to reach its current value, and since it is a much more reliable and stable digital asset for investors to invest in, it is unlikely that Pi Coin will surpass this gigantic cryptowithin a couple of years of its release.

Without a doubt, Pi has the potential for mainstream adoption and if it happens in the near future, it is likely that Pi will overcome the current crypto giant, Bitcoin.

Fact: Even Ethereum (ETH), the second most valuable digital currency, was 61.28% less valuable than BTC (as of September 8, 2023).

This calculation illustrates that our Pi Network price prediction should not exceed the $44.985 mark, at least for two to three years. However, if Pi does something exceptional, no doubt it can beat BTC and become the number one digital currency.

Also read: Pi Network Mainnet Countdown: How Many Days Left For The Launch?

Because the Pi coin lacks historical price data, we are unable to use price-based forecasting techniques, limiting our price predictions. As a result, the following Pi coin price predictions are completely based on our own logic and speculations. Nevertheless, it will give you an idea of how Pi’s price will change over a long period of time.

Pi coin price prediction 2023

We predict that the Pi coin will mark a price between $4.16 and $17.42 in the first week of its launch. After a few weeks, its price could fall by 70% and hover between $1.248 and $5.226.

Thus, based on our predictions, the launch price of the Pi coin can range between $1.248 and $5.226 in 2023.

Reason for our prediction

In late December 2022, several exchanges like BitMart, Huobi Global, etc., listed synthetic versions of Pi coin, and people began trading the digital currency. Within a couple of days of listing, the Pi coin reached an all-time-high value of $330.65 (IOU-based), on December 30, 2022.

However, the price then fell rapidly, as owners began selling their coins to make an early profit. This happens with every new cryptocurrency launch. This hints at market sentiment for Pi Network in its early days.

If a similar pattern is observed when the Pi coin officially enters the Open Mainnet and is listed by exchanges, our Pi coin’s price forecasts for 2023 will most likely be correct.

[With Reason] Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 - MoneyBinds (5)

After 5-6 months of the launch, the Pi coin price may drop and hover around $2.61 for a notable period of time.

Make sure you have done your KYC verification and migrated your Pi balance to the Mainnet so that you start utilizing Pi in the open Mainnet immediately after the launch.

Pi coin price prediction 2024

We predict the price of Pi coin in early 2024 to be around $3.48 and in late 2024 to be around $7.83.

Reason for our prediction

While the majority of the new digital currencies get exceptional hikes in the beginning and then gradually reach a very low followed by steady price movements, this situation can be a little different in the case of the Pi coin.

Pi Network is already a very popular cryptocurrency and Pioneers are eagerly waiting for the open Mainnet launch so that they can utilize their balance. Notably, Pi Network has been quite consistent in building dApps and several utilities by organizing hackathons and other events.

Moreover, Pi Network boasts of providing an extremely fast transaction speed, which is a key factor in attracting more users. This mobile mineable currency is easily accessible.

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Altogether, it seems clear that the Pi Network has great potential to attract users, notably crypto investors, and hold them for longer. This implies that the Pi coin price will not go very down and will be able to stay at an average price of around $3.48$7.83 in 2024.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2025

We predict the Pi coin price in 2025 to be a minimum of $7.8 and a maximum of $14.04.

The reason for this prediction is the same as discussed earlier in the price prediction for 2024.

As long as the Pi Network serves as an ideal solution to problems in the Web 3.0 and decentralization system, it will be a dominating player in the market and undoubtedly have an impressive price.

Pi coin price prediction 2030

Our predicted range for Pi Network price in 2030 is $11.7 – $23.4.

If Pi Network starts in 2023 or 2024, it will be 5-6 years old in the blockchain market in 2030 and may have gained sufficient maturity. Even after such a long time, if Pi performs well and meets people’s expectations, its price can rise to a maximum of $23.4.

Pi coin price prediction 2040

Pi Network’s price in 2040 may range from $2.34 – $46.8.

This prediction may look surprising as the minimum price is $2.34. Pi Network will be a very old player in the crypto sphere by 2040, and being in the market for so long will only be possible if it is capable of competing with other cryptos.

Also read: Weird: 6 Most Trending Rumors About Pi Network

If the Pi coin still remains a recognizable digital currency then it may rise to a maximum of $46 or beyond; otherwise, it may drop to an unexpected price of $2.34 or below.

However, the circulating supply of Pi would have changed dramatically during this time, rendering our prediction illogical.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2050 and Beyond

Pi coin’s price may range from $2.34 to $62.4 in 2050.

To be honest, predicting the price of the Pi coin for 2050 or beyond makes no sense. The digital currency which we are talking about is even not on the open mainnet and does not have historical price data to take as our base for making such a long-term forecast.

However, we make an arbitrary prediction that Pi will cost no more than $63 in 2050.

Pi Network price prediction summary

YearMinimum priceMaximum price

Here is a graph showing the trend of our prediction:

The value of a digital currency is determined by various factors considering a large population, as opposed to being determined by a small group of individuals. If some people buy or use 1 Pi coin for $314… price then it does not mean that everyone in this market will evaluate it the same.

A considerable number of members in the Pi community believe that Pi will be priced at the actual value of the Pi symbol (3.14) or 100 times this value ($314) as many individuals and businesses have reportedly used Pi at the same price. However, it is highly unlikely that this evaluation will still work when the Pi Network officially enters the public market.

In conclusion, what individuals should note is that the Pi Network hasn’t yet launched its open Mainnet and is not listed by exchanges for trading with real money. As a result, there is no historical price data to serve as a base for statistical and well-calculated forecasting of Pi coin price. Indeed, no one can forecast 100% accurate prices of a token.

However, estimations for Pi Network price predictions can still be made by deriving a convincing logic as in this article. We do not claim that this logic is a very mature one or will be accurate.

Our Pi Network price predictions will be valid up to some extent if Pi Network initially does not overtake Bitcoin.

Disclaimer: The price predictions are entirely based on analytical estimates. This article should not be taken as financial advice.

Greetings, fellow enthusiasts! As a seasoned expert in the cryptocurrency domain, I've delved into the intricacies of numerous blockchain projects and closely monitored market trends. My comprehensive knowledge extends from the foundational principles of blockchain technology to the nuanced dynamics of various cryptocurrencies.

Now, let's navigate through the detailed concepts presented in the article:

Pi Network (Pi coin)

Pi Network, introduced by Stanford PhDs on March 14, 2019, enables users to mine digital currency using smartphones. It operates on the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), offering fast transactions at lower costs without environmental harm. The Pi coin serves as the native token for transactions within the Pi Network blockchain.

Pi Coin Listing and Value

As of the article's writing (September 11, 2023), the Pi coin is not officially listed on major exchanges like Binance. Instead, IOU-based prices are available on platforms like CoinMarketCap. These IOUs represent promises of future delivery and are not the actual market price.

Pi Economic Model

The Pi Network's economic model emphasizes fairness, meritocratic mining, and simplicity. Pi coins are distributed through mining supply, referral supply, and developer reward supply. The total max supply is determined by the sum of these components.

Progress of Pi Network

The Pi Network has undergone three main phases: Beta, Testnet, and Mainnet. It has garnered millions of engaged Pioneers and demonstrated progress in technological development, hackathons, and community engagement. The Mainnet, launched in December 2021, is transitioning to an open phase, which is expected to bring real-money value to the Pi token.

Pi Coin Price Prediction

The article speculates on the Pi coin's future prices based on certain assumptions and logical reasoning. The launch price is anticipated to range between $1.25 and $17.42 in 2023. Predictions extend to 2050, with prices ranging from $2.34 to $62.4, though acknowledging the speculative nature of long-term forecasts.


It's crucial to recognize the speculative nature of cryptocurrency price predictions, especially for a project like Pi Network without historical price data. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the Pi Network's economic model, development phases, and potential impact on its future value.

As with any investment, readers are reminded that cryptocurrency prices are influenced by various factors, and caution is advised. The article concludes by highlighting the absence of financial advice and the need for individuals to conduct thorough research before making investment decisions.

In summary, the Pi Network article provides a comprehensive overview of the project, its economic model, development progress, and speculative price predictions, catering to both existing Pioneers and those considering involvement in Pi mining.

[With Reason] Pi Coin Price Prediction 2023, 2025, 2030, 2040, 2050 - MoneyBinds (2024)


How much will Pi Coin cost in 2040? ›

Pi Network (Pi) Price Prediction 2040

Pi might experience an increase in adoption in 2040. By this period, the price of cryptocurrency is expected to surpass its all-time high. Thus, Pi's price could hit $375 in 2040.

Could pi Coin reach $100? ›

Pi coin has the potential to reach $100 in the future, but there is also the possibility that it may hold no value at all. The value of Pi coin will be influenced by various factors such as user adoption, demand, and the state of the cryptocurrency market. As always, do your research before you decide to invest.

What will be the value of pi Coin in 2050? ›

Pi Coin can reach $2,623.18 in 2050. Pi Network is one of the most popular crypto projects in the market. If you're finding the Pi Network price prediction or looking at the potential of the Pi Token, this analysis can be helpful.

Will pi Coin be worth anything? ›

Pi Coin price prediction for 2024

The PI price will likely hold steady, even rising until late 2024. This is because market sentiment supports bullish trends, PI's mainnet launch, and Bitcoin's halving event. At 2024's end, PI's minimum price could be around $30. Its maximum potential value is $60.

Is pi coin real or fake? ›

While Pi Coin holds potential value within the Pi Network ecosystem, its real value in fiat currency is not yet established as the project has yet to fully launch on the open market. Pi Coin holders and enthusiasts have begun issuing IOUs to give the coin an implied value and exchange it for goods and services.

Will the Pi network reach 500 dollars? ›

The maximum price of Pi Coin can be around $194.31 in 2024. Pi Coin can reach the maximum price level of $253.16 in 2025. The average price of Pi Coin can reach around $539.88 in 2030. Pi Coin can hit the target of $1000 in 2040.

Will Pi ever become a currency? ›

The coin was designed to transfer value, enabling payments for a wide range of products and services. Currently, Pi Network users can only trade and transfer tokens with each other. However, after the release of the open Mainnet, vendors and merchants will likely begin accepting the currency too.

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Bitcoin (BTC) Prediction for 2040 and 2050

If we draw a line connecting Bitcoin's historical lows, we get a prediction of $1.3 million by 2030 and a staggering $200+ million by 2040 and 2050, which would put its market cap at an unreasonable $4 quadrillion. By this time, this asset class will likely be matured.

How much will pi be worth in 2030? ›

The maximum price of Pi Coin can be around $194.31 in 2024. Pi Coin can reach the maximum price level of $253.16 in 2025. The average price of Pi Coin can reach around $539.88 in 2030. Pi Coin can hit the target of $1000 in 2040.

What is pi price all time high? ›

The highest price paid for Pi Network (PI) is $307.49, which was recorded on Dec 30, 2022 (over 1 year). Comparatively, the current price is 86.53% lower than the all-time high price.

Why did the Pi Coin crash? ›

Why Did Pi Network Coin Price Drop? Such drops in a token's price action are abnormal and usually occur due to malicious outside forces. The sudden drop in prices could also spread rumors of a rug pull. The Pi Network remains a testnet despite multiple promises of the open mainnet launch.

What will Bitcoin be worth in 2050? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Prediction for 2040 and 2050

If we draw a line connecting Bitcoin's historical lows, we get a prediction of $1.3 million by 2030 and a staggering $200+ million by 2040 and 2050, which would put its market cap at an unreasonable $4 quadrillion. By this time, this asset class will likely be matured.

What is the prediction for Cryptocurrency in 2040? ›

Fidelity Predicts: $1B per 1 BTC by 2038 — 2040

Jurrien Timmer, Director of Global Macro at Fidelity Investments, thinks the value of a single Bitcoin could reach $1 billion by the year 2038 — 2040.

How much will Pi Coin be worth in 3 years? ›

Pi Coin Price Prediction Summary

The project launched its pre-Mainnet in 2019. It is currently in its closed-Mainnet, meaning it cannot interact with other blockchains. Our Pi coin forecast estimates a price of $0.4 by the end of 2024. Our 2030 Pi coin price prediction estimates a price of $1.05.

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Article information

Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 6677

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.