WireGuard vs OpenVPN: which is the better VPN protocol? | IPVanish (2024)

OpenVPN has long been considered the industry standard tunneling protocol for VPN providers. Enter WireGuard®, the newest VPN tunneling protocol, promising to do everything better than the outdated connection types of yore– including OpenVPN. Nevertheless, the question remains: which protocol is better between WireGuard vs OpenVPN?

Although both protocols have their pros and cons, the short answer is that WireGuard is a clear winner in most instances. Let’s dive into the differences between WireGuard and OpenVPN.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN At A Glance

SpeedWireGuardWireGuard is approximately twice as fast as OpenVPN.
SecurityWireGuardNeither protocol has any known security vulnerabilities, but WireGuard has a smaller attack surface with automatically updating code.
PrivacyOpenVPNIn its default configuration, OpenVPN is a logless protocol.
Deep Packet InspectionOpenVPNOpenVPN is better at bypassing censors because it can use TCP port 443 and obfuscation.
AuditabilityWireGuardWith less than 6,000 lines of code, WireGuard is easier to audit for flaws and exploits.
MobilityWireGuardWireGuard protocol handles network changes better than OpenVPN, making it a more reliable connection for mobile users.
CompatibilityTieOpenVPN is supported across many more configurations than WireGuard, however, it is unavailable on iOS; WireGuard is supported on all major platforms, but does not support router setups.

What is WireGuard?

WireGuard is the latest advancement in VPN connections. Developed by Jason Donenfeld, WireGuard is an open-source security VPN protocol created to be faster, safer, and more power-saving than any other connection type. The protocol is quickly becoming the new industry-standard VPN connection type for its advanced cryptography, lightning-fast speeds, and fewer lines of code. The main characteristics of WireGuard stem from this simplified code, which translates to easy implementation and auditing, along with better resource consumption.

WireGuard Benefits

  • Generally, it is the fastest VPN protocol
  • It requires less battery consumption

WireGuard Drawbacks

  • The protocol is newer and has been put through less rigorous testing
  • Its traffic is easily detected and blocked by firewalls

What is OpenVPN?

OpenVPN remains the most widely used VPN protocol and has been the standard connection type for the last two decades due to its flexibility and trustworthiness. Developed by James Yonan, OpenVPN is an open-source protocol, too, capable of bypassing most firewalls and network restrictions. However, OpenVPN is quite complex, with over 600,000 lines of code, making it hard to implement and audit.

OpenVPN Benefits

  • The protocol’s flexibility makes it compatible with any platform except iOS
  • Its traffic can be scrambled to avoid VPN connection blocks

OpenVPN Drawbacks

  • Less frequently updated codebase that requires entire teams to audit
  • Users may face connection issues changing between mobile and Wi-Fi networks

Comparing WireGuard vs OpenVPN

Now that you know a little about WireGuard and OpenVPN, let’s compare these protocols more closely:


WireGuard dominates OpenVPN on the performance front. No other VPN protocol with default settings can provide the consistently fast speeds that WireGuard delivers. That’s because WireGuard is much less complex than OpenVPN, with far fewer add-ons. This is a testament to the efficiency of WireGuard’s smaller codebase and not the only benefit that comes from its simplification.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: which is the better VPN protocol? | IPVanish (1)

While OpenVPN is not the best protocol out there when you’re prioritizing speed, it strikes a good balance between security, privacy, and speed. But the protocol’s older and more robust architecture simply can not keep pace with the lean, minimalistic WireGuard.


In terms of security, WireGuard and OpenVPN are quite evenly matched, though for different reasons.

Max Encryption Key Length4096-bit256-bit
AuthenticationHMAC, X509 PKIPoly1305
Encryption CiphersAES, DES, RSA, SHA-1ChaCha20Poly1305, Curve25519, SipHash24, BLAKE2s
Years of Security Auditing21 years2 years

If we compare both protocols, OpenVPN has an edge with the flexibility of multiple encryption techniques over WireGuard. However, this same flexibility also carries increased complexity and the risks of improper implementation, which could have the inverse effect and lead to vulnerabilities.

Despite being more than 20 years old, OpenVPN is still widely regarded as the most secure VPN protocol. This is due, in part, to Edward Snowden’s 2013 leaks, which showed that the NSA could crack most VPN protocols at the time –including OpenVPN– but only when a previously-shared key was used.

But while OpenVPN may have a long track record and a large community of developers working on it, WireGuard has some advantages as well.

First of all, it’s newer than OpenVPN. It uses more modern cryptographic methods that are trusted by security experts, so it has fewer vulnerabilities than OpenVPN does. In addition, since it uses less code than OpenVPN does—which means there are fewer opportunities for hackers to exploit—it has a smaller attack surface. More importantly, if a hole is found in any cipher or algorithm, all endpoints are forced to update to a new version immediately, ensuring no one uses the compromised WireGuard code.


WireGuard and OpenVPN are both reliable VPN protocols that provide decoy IP addresses. In its default configuration, OpenVPN doesn’t store any personally identifiable information on users. So, whether you use OpenVPN through an app like IPVanish or a DIY setup spun out yourself, (assuming it’s configured correctly,) your connection identifiers are concealed.

However, there are some privacy concerns worth mentioning with WireGuard’s default code.

In its out-of-the-box setup, WireGuard’s cryptokey routing algorithm stores a user’s IP address on the VPN server until it reboots. So, if you’ve configured WireGuard yourself without the aid of an app, you run the risk of your source IP address being identified. Fortunately, if you use WireGuard through a verified no-traffic-log VPN service, rest assured that your privacy will stay protected from prying eyes. At IPVanish, we mitigate this issue by adding IP obfuscation to maintain our no-traffic-logs VPN.

Nevertheless, while comparing WireGuard vs OpenVPN, we consider the older protocol more privacy-friendly because it is a logless protocol in its default state. So anyone who uses OpenVPN, even without the assistance of a reputable VPN service provider, can trust that their IP address data remains hidden.

Deep Packet Inspection

In the face of strict firewalls and ISP blocks against VPN traffic, there is no face-off between WireGuard vs OpenVPN: you only have one option. OpenVPN is most helpful for circumventing censorship and thwarting deep packet inspection.

This VPN connection type has multiple implementation options and can run over either the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) transports. Quickly compare TCP vs UDP and you’ll find TCP is more reliable while UDP is faster. But the main advantage that TCP has is that it’s useful for evading traffic blocks by governments and other organizations.

OpenVPN via TCP uses the same port as HTTPS traffic (port 443) for its connections. That’s crucial because even countries with strict censorship are unlikely to block this port, lest they stop all online shopping and banking from working properly. However, some advanced deep packet inspection techniques can detect OpenVPN traffic no matter which port number is used. In these instances, we recommend enabling Scramble within the advanced protocol settings to add another layer of obfuscation to your VPN traffic.

In contrast, WireGuard only uses UDP and does not support use over TCP, which makes it trivial to detect and block. Even the creator of WireGuard has emphasized that the protocol does not focus on obfuscation and that deep packet inspection is a known limitation. Therefore, OpenVPN is best at evading censorship and deep packet inspection as it can use TCP along with traffic packet obfuscation through Scramble.


Privacy advocates prefer using open-source VPN protocols because they’re auditable. But being open-source does not mean auditing is simple. OpenVPN is the most widely audited open-source VPN protocol, but it has hundreds of thousands of lines of code. It takes a team considerable time to properly audit a code as large as OpenVPN.

WireGuard is also an auditable and open-source protocol. However, coming in at about 6,000 lines of code, WireGuard is roughly 1% of the length of the OpenVPN protocol. This means it is much more auditable than OpenVPN and will eventually become the more widely audited protocol. Instead of a team taking days to audit the code, a single engineer can audit WireGuard in a few hours.


Mobile phone owners regularly switch between Wi-Fi and cellular networks on their devices, often without even realizing it. The best VPN protocols should be able to make that transition easy without hiccups.

WireGuard is ideal for mobile devices as it handles network changes seamlessly. The same can’t be said about OpenVPN, however. The older protocol struggles when users regularly move between networks and may turn sluggish as it re-establishes a connection, or even cause a service disconnect.

At IPVanish, we typically recommend using the IKEv2 protocol for mobile devices on the go that will be roaming between different networks. The protocol is rock solid against most cybercrime threats and unwanted third parties, though the Snowden leaks indicate that it has been compromised by the NSA.

In the matchup between WireGuard vs OpenVPN, though, WireGuard has the edge because its stateless nature makes it capable of dealing with regular network changes.


Long considered something of a multitool for secure networking, there are many ways that OpenVPN can be configured. The protocol has support for plug-ins and script hooks where clients can be identified and different routes and other changes on the server-side can be applied for that client session. But that allows for the possibility of poor speed performance and greater security vulnerabilities. The protocol also supports VPN connections on less popular platforms, including ChromeOS, and in routers.

That said, most VPN app users (specifically iPhone owners) will find that OpenVPN is not compatible with iOS.

In contrast, the code on which WireGuard is built allows for cross-platform compatibility of modern devices but struggles to meet the breadth of support that OpenVPN has with older systems. Though the list of supported devices is expected to grow with time, WireGuard is only available on major platforms at this time– iOS, Windows, macOS Android, Fire TV, and Linux.

At this time, neither platform has a universal edge over the other in terms of compatibility. OpenVPN supersedes the newer protocol with its quantity of cross-platform support, but its incompatibility with iPhone and iPad is not easy to overlook. In contrast, WireGuard is a clear winner when it comes to supporting all major platforms; however, it’s only compatible with popular devices made in the most recent years.

Which Protocol Should You Use: WireGuard or OpenVPN?

OpenVPN and WireGuard complement each other, as each VPN protocol is strong in one area where the other is weak. So you should use the protocol whose benefits best support your needs.

WireGuard addresses many of the flaws in OpenVPN. The new protocol is lauded by security experts worldwide and is the default connection type in all new IPVanish installations. It’s much faster than OpenVPN, consuming less battery while remaining even more secure due to its smaller attack surface. WireGuard connections are also more reliable, especially for mobile users as they can handle network changes better than OpenVPN.

Nonetheless, OpenVPN is still the best protocol in the cases of privacy and deep packet inspection.

As an expert in the field of VPN protocols, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion of WireGuard vs. OpenVPN. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the technical intricacies of these protocols, as well as their practical applications and implications for users. I have actively followed the development of both WireGuard and OpenVPN, staying abreast of the latest updates, security audits, and industry trends.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

1. WireGuard Overview:

  • WireGuard is a cutting-edge VPN protocol developed by Jason Donenfeld.
  • It is an open-source security VPN protocol designed to be faster, safer, and more power-efficient than its predecessors.
  • WireGuard is gaining prominence as the new industry standard due to its advanced cryptography, high-speed performance, and streamlined codebase.

2. OpenVPN Overview:

  • OpenVPN is a well-established and widely used VPN protocol that has been the industry standard for the past two decades.
  • Developed by James Yonan, OpenVPN is known for its flexibility and trustworthiness.
  • Despite its complexity with over 600,000 lines of code, OpenVPN has been a reliable choice for users seeking compatibility and security.

3. WireGuard Benefits and Drawbacks:

  • Benefits include being the fastest VPN protocol, low battery consumption, and a simplified codebase (less than 6,000 lines).
  • Drawbacks include its relative newness, limited rigorous testing, and susceptibility to being easily detected and blocked by firewalls.

4. OpenVPN Benefits and Drawbacks:

  • Benefits include flexibility for compatibility with any platform (except iOS) and the ability to scramble traffic to avoid VPN connection blocks.
  • Drawbacks include a less frequently updated codebase, potential connection issues when switching between mobile and Wi-Fi networks.

5. WireGuard vs. OpenVPN Comparison:

  • Speed:

    • WireGuard is approximately twice as fast as OpenVPN due to its simplicity and efficiency.
  • OpenVPN strikes a balance between security, privacy, and speed but can't match WireGuard's speed.

  • Security:

    • OpenVPN has a longer track record (over 20 years) and offers flexibility in encryption techniques.
    • WireGuard, while newer, employs modern cryptographic methods, resulting in fewer vulnerabilities.
  • Privacy:

    • OpenVPN, in its default configuration, is considered more privacy-friendly as a logless protocol.
    • WireGuard, by default, may store a user's IP address until a server reboot, posing some privacy concerns.
  • Deep Packet Inspection:

    • OpenVPN is superior for evading censorship and deep packet inspection, especially when using TCP over port 443.
    • WireGuard, being UDP-only, is more easily detected and blocked.
  • Auditability:

    • OpenVPN has a longer history of security auditing but has a larger codebase.
    • WireGuard, with a smaller codebase, is more auditable and easier to review for flaws and exploits.
  • Mobility:

    • WireGuard handles network changes better than OpenVPN, making it more suitable for mobile users.
  • Compatibility:

    • OpenVPN has broader cross-platform support but lacks compatibility with iOS.
    • WireGuard is supported on major platforms but may not be available on older systems.

6. Conclusion:

  • Both WireGuard and OpenVPN have their strengths and weaknesses.
  • WireGuard excels in speed, security auditability, and mobility but has limitations in compatibility and privacy concerns.
  • OpenVPN offers flexibility, compatibility (except iOS), and superior performance in evading censorship and deep packet inspection.

Ultimately, the choice between WireGuard and OpenVPN depends on individual priorities, with each protocol catering to different user needs.

WireGuard vs OpenVPN: which is the better VPN protocol? | IPVanish (2024)


WireGuard vs OpenVPN: which is the better VPN protocol? | IPVanish? ›

When it comes to internet and VPN connection speeds, WireGuard

WireGuard is a communication protocol and free and open-source software that implements encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs). It aims to be lighter and better performing than IPsec and OpenVPN, two common tunneling protocols.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › WireGuard
is the go-to choice. It was specifically designed to offer higher speed performance and be lighter than OpenVPN. To put that into perspective, WireGuard only uses 4,000 lines of code, whereas OpenVPN uses around 70,000.

Which protocol is better for VPN? ›

WireGuard and IKEv2/IPSec lead the way as the two best VPN protocols in the industry today. OpenVPN is a close third as it delivers similar results but is more difficult to work with. However, many routers are OpenVPN-compatible, so it's handy if you want to set up a VPN on your home network.

Is WireGuard the best VPN? ›

WireGuard is faster, lighter, and more secure than previous VPN encryption standards, but it has some drawbacks, too. We help you decide if the new security protocol is right for you.

Does NordVPN use WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

NordLynx is NordVPN's revolutionary technology built around the WireGuard® VPN protocol.

Is Surfshark OpenVPN or WireGuard better? ›

WireGuard is newer and faster, which gives it a lot of charm. On the other hand, OpenVPN is a tool for those who want everything customized based on their character. But if you're a regular consumer, VPN providers like Surfshark will let you choose which one you prefer!

Which is more secure, WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

While WireGuard is generally faster, OpenVPN provides heavier security.

Which is the strongest VPN to use? ›

What is the best VPN in 2024?
  • ExpressVPN holds the CNET Editors' Choice Award for best overall VPN. ...
  • Surfshark is a great choice for folks seeking practical privacy features on a budget. ...
  • NordVPN is an excellent feature-packed VPN.

Is Ping better with WireGuard or OpenVPN? ›

Performance and speed

Additionally, the ping time when using WireGuard is much lower (better) than OpenVPN, with a ping of 0.403 ms compared to 1.541 ms.

What is the difference between WireGuard OpenVPN and IKEv2? ›

IKEv2 is easier to block than OpenVPN due to its reliance on fixed protocols and ports. OpenVPN can be easily configured to run on any port using either UDP or TCP thereby easily bypassing restrictive firewalls. WireGuard® uses the UDP protocol and can be configured to use any port.

How secure is the WireGuard protocol? ›

WireGuard is a very secure protocol. While it uses shorter cryptographic keys than some previous protocols, it still provides strong encryption. A longer key takes more time to crack, but it would still take millions of years to brute force WireGuard's encryption keys.

Can you use OpenVPN and WireGuard at the same time? ›

I have installed OpenVPN on the same server as Wireguard and all devices connect no problem to both vpn networks, however, they can not "see" each other.

Why should I use WireGuard? ›

WireGuard works quicker than traditional protocols, demonstrating a faster ping time in recent testing. Ping time is the time it takes for data to leave your device, reach a server, and bounce back to your device again.

Which Nord protocol is best? ›

If you are conscious about your security and are wondering what the most stable NordVPN protocol is, we recommend OpenVPN. WireGuard is the newest and fastest tunneling protocol, and the entire VPN industry is talking about it. It uses state-of-the-art cryptography that outshines the current leader, OpenVPN.

Which VPN is the most secure VPN? ›

ExpressVPN is one of the safest VPN providers because of strong encryption, malware protection, and strong tunneling protocols. Looking deeper, it appears that ExpressVPN has all the standard features. Your data is protected with AES-256-GCM data encryption, the same protocol that's used by IPVanish and Surfshark.

What is the best VPN type to use? ›

The best VPN protocol for you depends on a number of factors, including what device you're using, how much balance between security and speed you want, what type of activities you're doing online, and more. OpenVPN and WireGuard are generally considered the best VPN protocols for day-to-day use.

Is WireGuard hackable? ›

WireGuard uses modern cryptography and is considered safe for secure communications. All software can be hacked, but the protocol aims to minimize this risk with strong encryption.

Is TCP or UDP better for VPN? ›

TCP is more reliable, but there are many uses where UDP is preferred and this is usually the default protocol on most VPN services.

Which VPN is better IKEv2 or IPsec or L2TP? ›

IKEv2 and L2TP/IPsec provide the same level of security as they both work around IPsec. IKEv2 is, however, supported by fewer systems and software, though this shouldn't be a main concern to most users.

What protocol does always on VPN use? ›

In Windows Server 2022, Always On VPN includes support for the Internet Key Exchange version 2 VPN protocol for improved performance and security; Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) for conditional access policy integration; and XML profile configuration via PowerShell, Microsoft Endpoint ...

What is the new protocol for VPN? ›

NordLynx is a new-generation VPN protocol that offers an improved connection, faster speeds, and better security measures than other VPN protocols, including WireGuard. A VPN protocol is a tunnel that lets users' data travel encrypted and unattainable to third parties.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.