Will The IRS Catch a Missing 1099 Form? Let's Find Out (2024)

Whether you've earned dividends, received consultation fees, or worked as an independent contractor, you can expect to receive a 1099 form every January to help you file your returns. But what happens if your form goes missing or you forget to file? Will the IRS catch a missing 1099 form?

The truth is, sometimes 1099 forms get lost or people forget to file. There are several reasons why. Your form can get issued late, go to the wrong address, simply vanish in the mail, or life gets in the way. Whatever the reason, you don’t need to panic -- losing a 1099 form or forgetting to file doesn't mean you’re doomed to remain in the IRS bad books.

Do You Need a 1099 Form to File Taxes?

The IRS requires you to attach a form W-2 when filing your tax return, but with 1099 forms, it’s the opposite. You only need to know how much to report, as the organization only cares about the information contained in the 1099 and not the actual form (even though you should still report cash payments).

The problem arises, however, when you don’t know how much income to report. To get your income information, you can call your client and ask for the missing data. You can then simply key in the amount when filing your tax return.

Another great idea? Requesting duplicate forms to ensure you’re always armed with proper records. Note that the forms you receive from one client don’t have to look exactly like the ones from another. As long as the information contained is correct, you don’t have to worry.

But what if you receive a duplicate and it contains errors?

Once you receive your Form 1099-R, it can be tempting to toss it to your pile of other forms you never seem to care about. But this can cost you. Too often, 1099s contain some errors and report the wrong income amount.

In such cases, you need to let your client know about the error immediately. There’s normally enough time to correct an error before the IRS receives your form.

If your client already sent an incorrect 1099 form to the IRS, then you can request them to resend an up-to-date one. The new form 1099 needs to state that it is correcting a prior mistake. Be sure to do it before the deadline or you'll receive a 1099 late filing penalty.

Will The IRS Catch a Missing 1099 Form? Let's Find Out (1)

It’s Very Likely For The IRS to Catch a Missing 1099 Form

Your client must send a copy of your 1099 to both you and the IRS. Similar to W-2 forms, 1099s are normally submitted by January 31st. If Jan. 31 happens to fall on a holiday or weekend, then the 1099 due date shifts to the upcoming business day.

The 1099 copy that the IRS receives contains your Taxpayer Identification Number -- the exact number you use to file your returns. And since they get the 1099 form very early in the year, they have enough time to determine whether your reported income matches what your client reported.

Filing returns that don’t match the information the IRS records sends a red flag to the organization. What follows next? An IRS employee or agent examines you.

Note that the IRS doesn’t penalize you for reporting higher income than what you earned. What the organization considers a mismatch, though, is reporting lower income, so you can expect to receive a notice from them, as we’ll see later.

What Happens if You Don’t Pay Taxes for Missing 1099s?

If you under-report your income, the IRS will send you a notice through the mail. Your notice may include interest on the amount you owe, and your interest may continue to accrue until you pay your owed amount in full. Depending on your tax situation, you will have to pay penalties. Congress recently increased the penalty for not filing 1099 tax returns.

All of this will be included in your notice.

How To Amend Tax Returns?

Suppose you find an error after you’ve filed your returns, but you haven’t received a notice from the IRS yet. You don’t have to panic. The solution lies in a simple document: the Form 1040-X.

Form 1040X lets you correct tax returns that you’ve previously filed, keeping you safe from the IRS’ hefty fines for underreporting your income.

To amend 1099 tax returns, follow this process:

  • Fill Form 1040-X with all the correct details
  • Include a copy of your 1099 form
  • Ensure you include payment of what you owe the IRS
  • If you’re amending multiple returns, prepare a separate form for each one of them
  • If you’re still expecting a tax refund from your previously filed returns, don’t fill the form immediately -- wait until you get your return

Previously, you’d only amend returns manually on paper, regardless of whether you filed your previous returns electronically. But in recent times, the IRS has allowed taxpayers to amend their returns through PCs or smartphones, so you don’t have to endure the hassle of mailing your Form 1040-X.

Will The IRS Catch a Missing 1099 Form? Let's Find Out (2)

How To Update Form 1099 For Your Tax Return

If you’re self-employed or you’ve worked as an independent contractor, you can expect to receive Form 1099-NEC (formally the form 1099-MISC). The income you receive is referred to as “nonemployee compensation”.

Here are the conditions you and your clients must meet:

  • Your client should submit a Form 1099-NEC if they paid you over $600 in the previous tax year
  • If you’re an independent contractor, you need to report income from self-employment if the sum you earned from all sources is over $400

You'll still need to file a 1099 under $600 if you didn't receive a form. If you’re missing a form 1099 reporting your self-employment income, you’ll need to update Form 1040-ES. The form shows your income and the self-employment tax you’re subject to; it allows you to figure and pay your estimated tax.

Requirements to Pay Quarterly Taxes

You may need to pay estimated taxes if you’ve earned income that’s not subject to withholding, which may include:

  • Rental Income
  • Dividends
  • Capital gains
  • Miscellaneous income
  • Profit from selling stocks
  • Taxable alimony

Typically when you’re an employee, your employer withholds a certain tax amount from every paycheck and pays the IRS and sometimes the state government too. You’re essentially paying your taxes as you earn, or in simple terms, paying ‘’as-you-go”.

You often split your Social Security Tax 50/50 with your employer, meaning half of your taxes are paid through payroll withholding while your employer pays the remaining half.

When you’re an independent contractor, you act as both the employee and the employer. The result? You have to pay both halves. The good news, though, is that you can easily get a deduction for one-half of the taxes you owe.

To determine your estimated tax, you need to get a sum of your tax liability for the year then divide the resulting figure by four. Your tax liability can include self-employment taxes, income taxes, among others. You can easily calculate self-employment tax due by using our free calculator.

It can be a great idea, when estimating taxes to use your earned income and claimed deductions for the previous tax year as a starting point. The Form 1040-ES contains a worksheet that can guide you when making your calculations.

If you estimate your taxes either too high or too low, you’ll need to refill another Form 1040-ES worksheet to get a more accurate figure. If you provide inaccurate income details to the Internal Revenue Service, you might get slapped with costly fines.

in order to avoid a tax underpayment penalty, the IRS requires you to report estimated taxes that are at least 90% of your real tax liability -- or either 100% or 110% of your previous year’s liability, depending on your level of adjusted gross income. If you fail to do so, then the organization will charge you interest on the amount you owe.

Why You Might Receive An Audit Notice From The Internal Revenue Service

Often, you’ll receive a normal CP11 notice if you file returns with missing 1099s. But in more severe cases, the IRS might notify you that they want to “examine” you, which means you’re getting an audit.

The chances of the IRS auditing you are naturally very low if you’ve only lost a 1099 form. There’s a possibility, however, that your unreported income might be too high for the organization to ignore, as it’s raising serious red flags. If the IRS looks further into your filed returns and discovers more errors, you may be more likely to receive an IRSaudit.

The Internal Revenue Service identifies taxpayers to audit generally using 3 methods:

  • Random Method -- An IRS employee selects you either completely randomly or by looking into your returns and discovering that they often contain too many errors.
  • Document-match selection -- If you file returns without submitting required documents, such as W-2s, you may increase your potential for getting an audit.
  • Related examination -- If your returns report transactions with partners, investors, or stakeholders who the IRS have previously audited, then you may be in line for an audit as well.

On top of these methods, the IRS uses a computer program referred to as the Discriminant Inventory Function System (DIF). Whenever you file returns, the program assigns a numeric score that determines whether or not you’re safe from examinations. The higher your score, the more you’re likely to get a visit from an IRS agent.

Civil and Criminal Fraud Investigations

IRS fraud investigations are very rare, especially for taxpayers who have lost their 1099s. If you’re missing a 1099 form because of forgetfulness or poor documentation, then you may be clear of any fraud investigations.

However, if you’re using your missing 1099 form as an excuse to intentionally under-report your income, then you might answer either criminal or civil charges.

Civil charges can attract a penalty of up to 75% of your underpayment. This means that, on top of the taxes and interest you owe, you’ll have to also pay a 75% tax penalty if the IRS determines you're guilty of civil fraud.

For criminal fraud, the penalties are steeper. If you’re convicted of criminal tax fraud, you might face a five-year jail time and a $250,000 fine. But criminal investigations are unheard of for a missing or lost 1099 form.

What can trigger such an investigation is either a taxpayer attempting to defraud the government or evading or avoiding to pay taxes on 1099 income intentionally.

Final Thoughts

Chances are high that the IRS will catch a missing 1099 form. Using their matching system, the IRS can easily detect any errors in your returns. After all, they also receive a copy of your 1099 form, so they know exactly how much you need to pay in taxes.

To be on the safe side, make sure you keep all your records safely. And if you notice any mistakes in your 1099s, try to amend your tax returns immediately.

As a seasoned tax professional with extensive experience in tax regulations and compliance, I have navigated the intricate landscape of income reporting, tax forms, and interactions with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Throughout my career, I have assisted numerous individuals and businesses in understanding and fulfilling their tax obligations, including addressing issues related to missing or incorrect 1099 forms.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

  1. 1099 Forms Overview:

    • Individuals earning dividends, consultation fees, or working as independent contractors receive a 1099 form annually.
    • The article highlights potential issues such as late issuance, misdelivery, or misplacement of 1099 forms.
  2. Importance of 1099 Forms for Taxes:

    • Unlike W-2 forms that need to be attached to tax returns, the IRS only requires the information from 1099 forms, not the physical forms.
    • Reporting the correct income from 1099 forms is crucial, and the article emphasizes the need for accurate reporting.
  3. Dealing with Errors in 1099 Forms:

    • If a received 1099 form contains errors, it's essential to inform the client promptly to rectify the mistake before the IRS processes it.
    • Timely correction is crucial to avoid late filing penalties.
  4. IRS Monitoring and Consequences of Mismatch:

    • The IRS receives a copy of the 1099 form, enabling them to cross-verify reported income.
    • Mismatched information may trigger an examination by the IRS, particularly if reported income is lower than what the client reported.
  5. Penalties for Underreporting Income:

    • The article explains that underreporting income may result in IRS notices, interest on owed amounts, and penalties, with recent increases in penalties for not filing 1099 tax returns.
  6. Amending Tax Returns:

    • Form 1040-X is the solution for correcting errors in filed tax returns, offering a way to avoid hefty fines for underreporting income.
    • Recent changes allow taxpayers to amend returns electronically.
  7. Updating Form 1099 for Self-Employed Individuals:

    • Self-employed individuals receive Form 1099-NEC, and the article outlines conditions for when clients should submit it.
    • If missing a 1099, individuals must update Form 1040-ES to report self-employment income.
  8. Quarterly Tax Payments for Self-Employed Individuals:

    • The necessity of paying quarterly estimated taxes is explained, especially for those with income not subject to withholding.
    • Failure to report accurate estimated taxes may result in penalties and interest charges.
  9. IRS Audit Process and Triggers:

    • The article covers the IRS audit process, mentioning methods like random selection, document-match selection, and related examination.
    • The Discriminant Inventory Function System (DIF) is introduced as a scoring system determining audit likelihood.
  10. Civil and Criminal Fraud Investigations:

    • Differentiating between civil and criminal fraud, the article notes that missing 1099s are unlikely to trigger fraud investigations.
    • Deliberate attempts to under-report income may lead to civil penalties, while intentional fraud could result in criminal charges.
  11. Final Recommendations:

    • Emphasizes the likelihood of the IRS catching missing 1099 forms and advises individuals to keep accurate records and promptly amend tax returns if errors are identified.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the importance of 1099 forms, potential consequences of errors or omissions, and the steps individuals can take to rectify issues and stay compliant with tax regulations.

Will The IRS Catch a Missing 1099 Form? Let's Find Out (2024)


Will The IRS Catch a Missing 1099 Form? Let's Find Out? ›

The IRS employs various methods to detect discrepancies in tax reporting, including the absence of 1099 forms. While the IRS does not catch every missing 1099 immediately, their sophisticated systems and data-matching capabilities make it likely that discrepancies will be identified over time.

Will the IRS know I didn't file a 1099? ›

The IRS knows about any income that gets reported on a 1099, even if you forgot to include it on your tax return. This is because a business that sends you a Form 1099 also reports the information to the IRS.

What if I missed a 1099 on my taxes? ›

Taxpayers may need to file an amended return if they filed with missing or incorrect info. If they receive the missing or corrected Form W-2 or Form 1099-R after filing their return and the information differs from their previous estimate, they must file Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.

What happens if you miss issuing a 1099? ›

If a business intentionally disregards the requirement to provide a correct Form 1099-NEC or Form 1099-MISC, it's subject to a minimum penalty of $630 per form (tax year 2023) or 10% of the income reported on the form, with no maximum.

Does the IRS check every 1099? ›

The IRS gets copies of all the 1099s and W-2s you receive, so be sure you report all required income on your return. IRS computers are pretty good at cross-checking the forms with the income shown on your return.

Will the IRS catch a missing 1099 right away? ›

The IRS employs various methods to detect discrepancies in tax reporting, including the absence of 1099 forms. While the IRS does not catch every missing 1099 immediately, their sophisticated systems and data-matching capabilities make it likely that discrepancies will be identified over time.

Will I get audited if I forgot a 1099? ›

If you're in business–even as a sole proprietor–you also may need to issue them. Each Form 1099 is matched to your Social Security number, so the IRS can easily spew out a tax bill if you fail to report one. In fact, you're almost guaranteed an audit or at least a tax notice if you fail to report a Form 1099.

Will I get in trouble if I don't report 1099? ›

If you under-report your income, the IRS will send you a notice through the mail. Your notice may include interest on the amount you owe, and your interest may continue to accrue until you pay your owed amount in full. Depending on your tax situation, you will have to pay penalties.

Does the IRS catch unreported income? ›

How does the IRS uncover underreported income? Third-Party Reporting: This is perhaps the most common way the IRS discovers underreported income. Various third parties, such as employers, cash apps, and financial institutions, are required by law to report certain types of income to the IRS using forms like 1099s, W2s.

What is the penalty for not filing a 1099 electronically? ›

If you are required to file electronically but fail to do so, and you do not have an approved waiver, you may be subject to a penalty of up to $280 per return for failure to file electronically unless you establish reasonable cause.

What happens if a company forgets to issue a 1099? ›

The penalty for not issuing a required 1099 varies from $60 to $310 per form, depending on how far past the deadline you issue the form. However, if you intentionally disregard the requirement to provide a correct 1099, it's subject to a minimum penalty of $630 per form or 10% of the income reported with no maximum.

Can I look up my 1099 online? ›

Form 1099G tax information is available for up to five years through UI Online.

Can I file my taxes without a 1099? ›

Yes, you can still file taxes without a W-2 or 1099. Usually, if you work and want to file a tax return , you need Form W-2 or Form 1099, provided by your employer. If you did not receive these forms or misplaced them, you can ask your employer for a copy of these documents.

What happens if I forget a 1099 on my taxes? ›

The IRS imposes failure-to-pay penalties of 0.5% for every month you do not pay your tax balance. However, if your unreported 1099 income represents a substantial understatement of your tax liability, the IRS may increase the penalty to a 20% accuracy-related penalty.

Does the IRS catch all mistakes? ›

Does the IRS Check Every Tax Return? The IRS does not check every tax return; in fact, it does not check the majority of them; however, the IRS implements methods that track certain factors that would result in a further examination or audit by them.

What raises red flags with the IRS? ›

Too many deductions taken are the most common self-employed audit red flags. The IRS will examine whether you are running a legitimate business and making a profit or just making a bit of money from your hobby. Be sure to keep receipts and document all expenses as it can make things a bit ore awkward if you don't.

What happens if you didn't send a 1099? ›

You could incur penalties from the IRS

However, if you intentionally disregard the requirement to provide a correct 1099, it's subject to a minimum penalty of $630 per form or 10% of the income reported with no maximum. Yikes!

Does the IRS know if I didn't file taxes? ›

The IRS continues to identify people who have a filing requirement but have failed to file a return. By law the IRS may file a substitute return for you if you do not voluntarily file. A series of letters is first sent explaining the possible action IRS may take as part of the Substitute for Return Program.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.