Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (2024)

Breakups are tough. Especially if you're looking for a second chance. Most relationships end in huge fights and it always seems unlikely that things could be fixed.

But breakups aren't inherently bad. Yes, they result in a lot of pain and hurt, but the real culprit is what led to the breakup. If anything, breakups are the universe's way of telling us to get our life in order.

And if you truly want to get back with your ex, you have to first fix what led to the breakup. If you don't do that, it won't matter whether your ex decides to come back or not. You guys would just end up breaking up again.

At some point though, you have to start looking out for actual signs that your ex wants to get back with you.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (1)

  • Your ex hasn't blocked your phone number.

  • You're not blocked on apps like WhatsApp or Snapchat.

  • Your ex didn't wipe you off her social media.

  • You're both still friends or following each other on social media.

  • There are still photos of you together on their account/profile.

  • Left-over stuff.

  • They still have some of your stuff at their place or vice versa.

    • Maybe you've already discussed returning the stuff but they've made excuses, etc.

Oftentimes after a breakup, a person will try to get rid of anything that might remind them of their ex. They may remove their ex from their social media, delete all the photos and memories they have, block them, etc.

Conversely, if your ex is not trying to cut you out of their life and memories, they're probably not ready to let go of you completely. And that's a good sign that they're still open to the idea of getting back with you.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (2)

  • They're "stalking" you on social media.

  • Most social media platforms won't let us know when someone is just viewing our profile, but they may still leave likes and/or comments.

  • If you're leaving stories on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, then you can check who viewed them.

  • They send you DMs on social media occasionally.

  • They call/text you when something important happens.

  • Maybe they got a new promotion, etc.

  • They make sure to reach out on important occasions, like your birthday.

  • They "accidentally" call/text you and then apologize for bothering you.

  • They ask (mutual) friends to check on you.

  • Their social media updates and posts have been related to you or reminiscing about the time you two dated.

They might have told you they don't want to be with you anymore. But if their actions imply that they're still thinking about you or checking up on you, you probably still have a chance.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (3)

No one is happy after a breakup, but if it's been a while and your ex is still struggling, then they're probably still stuck up on you. Sometimes you can fool yourself into seeing something that isn't there, but if their loved ones are actually approaching you to let you know your ex misses you or to ask you to reach out to them, then it's a good chance they're considering getting back with you.

#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (4)

  • You text each other frequently.

  • And their replies are generally longer than yours.

  • They initiate calls and texts as much as you, if not more.

  • If you call, they answer immediately or call back ASAP.

  • They call you whenever they get drunk, especially if they're alone.

  • Your conversations have been gradually getting more intense and longer.

  • They've been discussing their dreams, goals, and future with you.

  • They've opened up about something important to them.

  • They talk about you with their friends.

  • You might find out from the friends, or they might just mention it themselves.

  • They ask you for favors or advice.

  • Maybe you guys share things, like Netflix account, online documents, etc.

The majority of people don't stay in touch after a breakup. And getting back in proper contact is a crucial step towards winning an ex back. If you're both in regular contact and often talk with each other, you're doing very well! Especially if you guys had no contact or very little contact after the breakup at first.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (5)

  • You still make plans to hang out with each other.

  • They invite you to hang out with them.

  • They're available when you try to make plans.

  • You guys end up spending weekends together.

  • Your ex is making an effort to stay close to you.

  • They often make excuses to see you.

  • They suddenly want to return your things or take something they left with you.

  • There's also a chance they want closure so they can move on.

    • It's crucial to see how they act during the actual exchange. If your ex is in a hurry and not really engaging with you, they probably weren't looking for an excuse to meet you.
  • You see them hanging out around your usual spots.

  • You've been bumping into them more often lately.

If your ex wants to spend time with you, it's a very good sign. Especially if they weren't up for it right after the breakup. They probably miss you and think about you often, and might already be ready to get back with you, too. But just worried about rejection.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (6)

  • Your ex treats you really nicely and special. Almost like you guys are still together.

  • Your ex isn't uncomfortable getting physical with you. They're touchy and give you long hugs and grab your arm, etc.

  • Temper your expectations if they're like this with everyone.

  • You guys flirt with each other.

  • Maybe they admit to you that they're having dreams about you.

  • You guys still get physically intimate, or they tried to.

  • Maybe they reached out for a booty call.

  • They may be looking for sex only, so if the intimacy is just extending to physical relations, you have to be careful.

Sometimes a couple will break up and decide to just be friends, but the actual relationship still feels like more than friendship. It usually means that your ex is not completely committed to the idea of breaking up, which makes it quite likely that you guys will get back together. However, if you guys are just having sex and nothing else, then they may not be looking for anything more.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (7)

  • Your ex is in touch with your friends.

  • They ask your friends about you.

  • They don't necessarily have to be mutual friends, could be people they met through you.

    • If your (mutual) friends happen to be their only friends, then this isn't as significant.
  • Your ex is in touch with your family.

  • This is a pretty big one since most people wouldn't want to stay in touch with their ex's family after a breakup.

    • It could also be that they're just really close to your family and it isn't about getting back with you.
  • Their friends or family reach out to you regularly.

  • If their parents are still in touch with you, that's a very good sign.

If you guys have a lot of mutual friends, then it's probably not that important. Especially if you guys work or study together. But as far as contact with the family goes, that's a very good sign that your ex might consider getting back with you.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (8)

  • They're showing signs of regret.

  • Maybe you heard this from their friends.

  • Their friends or family have told you to hang in there, or support you both getting back together.

  • It probably means your ex has mentioned they're still considering getting back with you.

  • They bring up the past with you.

  • They talk about it fondly, telling old inside jokes and discussing memories.

  • They mention how good you both were together.

    • Or maybe they just indicate that the relationship "wasn't that bad".
  • They ask to discuss what happened.

    • They tell you that the breakup helped them learn more about themselves.

    • They mention how things could've been better/different.

    • They take responsibility.

    • They take the blame for the breakup happening or talk about their part in the relationship failing.

  • They vocalize it themselves, that the breakup was a mistake.

Sometimes, breaking up just makes us realize how much we want to be with our ex instead. It can take a while, but if it feels like your ex is second-guessing your breakup, then it's a good chance you're close to winning them back.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (9)

  • Your breakup was never "official".

  • It's been a couple of weeks and your friends or family don't know you've broken up.

  • They literally tell you that they miss you or never stopped loving you.

  • This doesn't mean you can just get back together. The love or sense of longing isn't necessarily enough to change their mind about the reasons for breaking up.

  • When your ex sees you, there's a visible change in their behavior.

  • Maybe their eyes light up and they're unable to keep their attention off you.

  • Maybe they become really sad and quiet.

  • They ask or talk about how things would've been if you guys were still together.

  • Your ex hasn't been trying to date anyone new, even though it's been a while.

  • They voluntarily tell you that they're single.

  • Conversely, maybe they've been with a couple of new people since the breakup but no commitments, or they're just going on casual dates.

The reason here is pretty obvious - if your ex isn't over you, they're more likely to come back. That said, this is a stage that almost all people go through after a breakup. And depending on how the breakup went, it might be best to wait this stage out.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (10)

  • You guys had a mutual breakup and ended things on good terms.
  • You broke up because of long-distance or pressure from work.
  • Maybe their family is against your relationship.
  • One or both of you had been really stressed leading up to the breakup.

A mutual breakup or one that happened amicably indicates that you and your ex have a strong respect for each other and probably still consider that someone else would be lucky to be with either of you. And that makes it a lot easier to reconnect down the line. Especially if the breakup was because of reasons not directly under either of your control.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (11)

  • You guys are no longer in a relationship, but you feel like they still get jealous.

  • They are curious about your dating life and often ask you if you're dating someone new.

  • They try to make you jealous.

  • Maybe they've been posting a lot on social media after the breakup.

If it feels like they're becoming jealous of who you spend time with, or they're trying to make you jealous, they're likely considering getting back with you. If they're trying to make you jealous, it could also mean they're trying to "win the breakup". That's why it's important to see if you can spot any other signs as well.


#Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (12)

  • Your ex compliments you about something.
  • They congratulate you on a recent professional achievement.
  • They tell you they recognize that you've changed.
  • They mention how much they respect you.

Compliments aren't easy to come by. And if your ex is giving you compliments or expressing happiness about your achievements, then it's a sign that they're thinking positively about you. If they're not already considering getting back with you a little bit, it at least lays the foundation for you to walk upon.


Want guaranteed results? Click here to chat with a Relationship Coach who will help you figure out exactly what's going on through your ex's mind and how you can win them back.


Will My Ex Come Back? 12 Signs Your Ex Will Eventually Come Back - Relationship Hero (2024)


How do you know if your ex will eventually come back? ›

Things You Should Know

An ex will likely come back if they're in a rebound relationship, if the breakup was an impulsive decision, or if the breakup was mutual. Your ex might return if they unblock your number and keep an eye on you with social media. They may also try to contact you again.

How do you know if your ex is considering getting back together? ›

Your ex may try to reconnect with you, establishing contact and catching you up to speed on their life since the breakup. They may even ask you to hang out. They may tell you they want to be friends once more and even turn to you for help and personal advice to show you that you're important to them.

How do you know your ex is coming back spiritually? ›

Your ex may be manifesting you if they appear in your dreams. Their spiritual message may have slipped into your subconscious to remind you of them and how much you love them. Or, you may be dreaming of your ex because you miss them.

What are the real chances of an ex coming back? ›

Exes may return in some cases. Since couples break up for various reasons, the circ*mstances of a breakup may impact the potential for reconnection. A recent study showed that 44% of Americans have gotten back together with one of their exes after breaking up with them.

How to know if a breakup is permanent? ›

You're not pining for them and are not bitter over your breakup. You're at peace with your past and have accepted that it's over. There's nothing left to rekindle or reminisce about because you know it's already a closed book, and you're preoccupied with your new life.

How do you know he will never come back? ›

Cutting off in-person and online contact is a sign that they're trying to make space for themselves by reducing opportunities to communicate. Moving away or starting a new lifestyle means they're making their best effort to move on, and you should, too, for your own sake.

What are the stages of getting back together? ›

7 stages of getting back together with an ex
  • Bubble space. This is the kindergarten teacher term for “no contact.” No talking, no touching, no texting. ...
  • Defining yourself without them. ...
  • Dip a toe in the water. ...
  • The reboot date. ...
  • No news is good news. ...
  • A whole new you two. ...
  • Redefining love.
May 27, 2022

How do you tell if your ex is starting to like you again? ›

24 clear signs your ex is waiting for you
  • They contact you again. ...
  • They tell you about their present life events. ...
  • They ask to be friends again. ...
  • They ask to meet up. ...
  • They flirt with you. ...
  • They text you on essential days. ...
  • They ask about your relationship status. ...
  • They ask your friends about you.
Dec 22, 2023

What are the signs that you're still attached to an ex? ›

Talking negatively and often about an ex may indicate someone's still attached to them. Online stalking of a former partner reinforces an emotional attachment to them. Intense emotional arousal when the topic of an ex comes up signals a lack of closure.

How do you know your ex is manifesting you? ›

If your ex keeps popping up in random places or keeps coming up in conversation, they could be manifesting you. Suddenly wanting to contact your ex is considered a surefire sign that they're trying to manifest you back into their life.

How do you know if your ex is thinking about you? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

How do you know if your ex still has feelings? ›

Pay attention to how often your ex contacts you or likes your posts on social media. If your ex keeps calling and texting you or starts showing up at your favorite places, they may still like you. When you see your ex, take note of any open body language like touching your arm while talking.

What makes exes come back? ›

Evidence suggests some people reunite not because they want to but because they feel guilty or indebted to their ex. They might feel bad for their ex and see getting together as a way to manage their ex's distress.

How do you know your ex isn't coming back? ›

Your ex may not be coming back if they show signs of complete avoidance. Blocking you on social media platforms, enjoying life without you, and not showing interest in your current relationship are a few signs. Focus on yourself and move on instead of holding on to them.

How do you know if your ex wants you back but won't admit it? ›

When an ex wants you back but won't admit it, they will constantly seek your attention and validation. If they have a greater ego, they might be holding on to past pain. If your ex wants you back, they will ask for your advice and attention, and will try to give you their attention in return.

How long until an ex usually comes back? ›

That on average it takes 5.2 months for an ex to come back after a breakup. Today, we're going to look at why it tends to take so long for an ex to come back around after a breakup. We believe it has something to do with these concepts, Avoidants on average take longer reconnect with.

How long before an ex reaches back out? ›

Based on a survey of 4534 people, aged 18 to 55, I conducted between January 2023 and April 2024, it takes an average of 2.56 months for an ex to come back after a breakup. If you just came here for a straight answer, there you have it. You may click away now.

At what point is your ex not coming back? ›

Your ex may not be coming back if they show signs of complete avoidance. Blocking you on social media platforms, enjoying life without you, and not showing interest in your current relationship are a few signs. Focus on yourself and move on instead of holding on to them.

How long should you wait for your ex to come back? ›

In general the assumption of a 5.2 months average is still your best bet. But this brings up an interesting question. You see, if I'm being brutally honest about our program and successes the big issue is that most of the men and women coming through it have no intention of ever breaking up with their exes ever again.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.