Will AI (Like ChatGPT) Take Over Jobs? What Jobs Are Safe? · Polymer (2024)

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance, there is growing concern about its potential impact on the labor market in 2024 and beyond.

The Negative Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment

AI has the potential to automate various tasks, which can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings for businesses. However, this technological progress also raises concerns about job displacement. As AI becomes more sophisticated, it could potentially replace human labor in a range of sectors, leading to job losses and increased economic inequality.

How Many Jobs Will AI Replace By 2030?

The number of jobs replaced by AI by 2030 largely depends on the industry. Some sectors, such as manufacturing, retail, and transportation, are more susceptible to automation than others. According to studies by PwC, up to 30% of jobs could be at risk of automation by the early 2030s. However, this figure varies across industries, with some sectors facing a higher risk of job displacement than others.

What Jobs Will AI Replace? Examples of AI Taking Over Jobs

AI has already begun to replace jobs in various industries. For example, self-checkout kiosks have reduced the need for cashiers in retail stores, while autonomous AIin vehicles have the potential to displace truck drivers and taxi drivers.

In the manufacturing industry, robots are increasingly being used for tasks such as assembly, packaging, and quality control, leading to a decline in human labor.

1. Translation Industry

The translation industry is a prime example of how AI has significantly altered the employment landscape. The advent of AI-driven tools and technological advancements has reshaped the job market for translators, affecting both their income and job responsibilities.

The transformation of the translation industry began with the introduction of computer-aided translation (CAT) tools in the early 1990s. CAT tools increased productivity by dissecting texts into smaller segments and automatically suggesting translations based on previous work. As a result, translators could work more efficiently and potentially increase their earnings. However, large translation agencies leveraged this productivity boost to lower their prices and outbid competitors, thereby setting off a downward spiral in rates for translators.

Arrival of DeepL and Google Translate

The arrival of neural networks and translation tools like DeepL further disrupted the industry. With machine translation quality improving significantly, the income for translators, even in countries like Germany where the profession was once highly regarded, dropped to low levels. Nowadays, to make a decent living in the translation industry, professionals need to either offer additional services that are not easily automated or start their own translation agencies and pay other translators minimal rates.

The role of employed translators has also shifted, with many now working as low-paid project managers. These individuals coordinate the translation process between clients and freelancers instead of translating texts themselves. Those who do work on translations often have to pre-translate texts using AI-based tools like DeepL and then attempt to refine the results.

Technological advancements in the translation industry, rather than increasing prosperity for translators, have eroded it. The experience of translators serves as a cautionary tale for other industries facing the proliferation of AI-based tools. However, it is also worth noting that the impact on the translation industry might have been less severe if translators had sought the support of unions and collectively fought for better working conditions.

2. Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry is another prominent example of how AI and automation have drastically changed the job market. The introduction of AI-driven tools, robotics, and other technological advancements has led to a significant shift in the type and number of jobs available in manufacturing.

The impact of AI and automation on the manufacturing industry can be traced back to the early days of computer numerical control (CNC) machines and robotics. These machines enabled manufacturers to automate repetitive tasks, increasing efficiency, and reducing the need for human labor in certain roles. As a result, many assembly line and manual labor jobs were replaced by machines that could perform the same tasks faster and more accurately.

With the advent of smart factories and Industry 4.0, the demand for human labor in the manufacturing sector has continued to decline. AI-driven systems are now capable of overseeing and optimizing production processes, resulting in even fewer jobs for human workers in manufacturing.

There is now a higher demand for skilled professionals who can maintain, program, and manage the AI-driven systems and robotics used in manufacturing. However, this often requires specialized training and education, which may be inaccessible to workers who previously held manual labor jobs in the industry.

In the manufacturing industry, AI and automation have led to increased efficiency and cost savings for companies, but at the expense of many traditional jobs. The experience of the manufacturing sector highlights the need for workforce adaptation and retraining initiatives to help workers transition into new roles that leverage their skills and experience in an increasingly automated world.

How to Prevent AI From Taking Over Jobs

To minimize the negative impact of AI on employment, it is crucial to focus on reskilling and upskilling workers, as well as fostering a culture of lifelong learning. This will help individuals adapt to the changing job market and equip them with the necessary skills to thrive in the age of AI.

Governments, educational institutions, and businesses all have a role to play in developing policies and programs that encourage continuous learning and support those whose jobs may be at risk.

What Jobs Are Safe From AI?

Despite the concerns, there are certain jobs that AI is unlikely to replace entirely. These typically involve complex decision-making, creativity, empathy, or physical dexterity.

1. Surgeons

Would you ever let an AI operate on you? Of course not.

Surgeons perform intricate and delicate procedures, requiring exceptional hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and decision-making under pressure.

While AI may be used to assist in surgical planning or robotic surgery, the fine motor skills and adaptability needed in the operating room make it unlikely for AI to replace human surgeons entirely.

2. Nurses

Nurses play a vital role in healthcare, providing patient care, education, and emotional support. Their job requires a blend of clinical knowledge, empathy, and communication skills that is difficult for AI to replicate.

Additionally, nurses must adapt to individual patient needs and respond to changes in their condition, tasks that require human intuition and judgement.

3. Therapists

Although AI can be used as a cheap option for those who can’t afford therapy, it won’t replace the human touch provided by a real therapist.

Therapists and counselors need to build trust and rapport with their clients, understand their emotions, and provide personalized guidance.

The nuanced nature of human emotions and experiences makes it challenging for AI to replicate the empathetic and insightful support that mental health professionals offer.

4. Social workers

Social workers engage with individuals, families, and communities experiencing a variety of challenges. They need to navigate complex social situations, advocate for their clients, and provide empathetic support. AI would struggle to replace the human touch and understanding needed for such a complex and emotionally demanding role.

5. Elementary School Teachers

Teaching young children goes beyond imparting knowledge. It involves fostering social skills, emotional development, and creativity.

Elementary school teachers must adapt their teaching methods to individual learning styles and needs, making it challenging for AI to provide the same level of personalized attention and care.

6. Research Scientists

Research scientists develop novel ideas, design experiments, and analyze data to advance knowledge in their field.

The creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and innovation required in this role are not easily replicated by AI.

While AI can assist with data analysis or simulations, human researchers are crucial for driving scientific progress.

7. Physical Therapists

Physical therapists design and implement personalized treatment plans for patients with injuries or chronic conditions. Their work involves hands-on care, keen observation, and the ability to adapt treatments based on patient progress.

The tactile and intuitive nature of physical therapy makes it challenging for AI to replace the individualized attention provided by human therapists.

8. Chefs

The art of cooking involves a combination of creativity, skill, and taste that is difficult for AI to replicate. Chefs must balance flavors, textures, and presentation while adapting to the unique preferences and dietary needs of their customers.

While AI may be used for recipe generation or automation of some tasks, the personal touch and culinary expertise of human chefs remain essential in the culinary world.

9. Emergency Responders

Emergency responders must react quickly and effectively in high-pressure, unpredictable situations. Firefighters, paramedics, and other emergency personnel make split-second decisions, perform physically demanding tasks, and provide emotional support to those in crisis. The adaptability, physical abilities, and human touch required in these roles make it difficult for AI to replace emergency responders.

However, AI may still play a supporting role in these professions, augmenting human capabilities and improving overall efficiency.

10. Architects

Architects are responsible for designing functional, aesthetically pleasing, and structurally sound buildings and spaces. Their work involves creativity, an understanding of complex engineering principles, and the ability to adapt designs to meet client needs, local regulations, and environmental constraints.

While AI can assist in generating design options and performing calculations, the artistic vision, problem-solving abilities, and human touch required in architecture make it unlikely for AI to replace architects entirely.

11. Physical Jobs

We're still a long way from robotics being able to automate physical jobs. Plumbers, construction workers, janitors, barbers, and most physical jobs are safe from AI for now.

Will I Lose My Job Because of AI?

The impact of AI on various job sectors is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it is crucial to break down this question into different sectors and tasks:

Programming Jobs

Although demand for skilled programmers might persist, AI-driven tools could automate lower-level coding tasks, leading to a reduction in entry-level programming positions.

This may make it increasingly difficult for new programmers to enter the field and gain experience.

AI is already currently a lot better than a large portion of programmers and this will only continue to become worse.

Finance Jobs

AI has already shown its capabilities in handling data analysis and basic financial tasks, but more strategic and complex roles are less likely to be fully automated.

AI's capabilities in data analysis and basic financial tasks could lead to job losses in roles that involve repetitive and routine tasks.

But financial professionals who can assess risks, develop investment strategies, and build relationships with clients will remain valuable in the industry.

Additionally, AI may create new opportunities in financial technology and risk management.

Accounting Jobs

Although AI can automate routine tasks like bookkeeping, accountants who can offer expertise in tax planning, auditing, and financial analysis will continue to be in demand.

By automating repetitive tasks, AI could potentially free up accountants to focus on higher-value work and strategic decision-making.

Engineering Jobs

AI can assist engineers in design, simulations, and data analysis, but the creative problem-solving and hands-on aspects of engineering are difficult to automate.

Engineers who can develop innovative solutions and adapt to new technologies will continue to be sought after in the workforce whilst engineers who cannot keep up with the rapid pace of technological change or fail to develop innovative solutions may struggle to find or maintain employment in their field.

Art Jobs

The rise of AI-generated art could potentially devalue human-created art, as AI algorithms can produce vast quantities of artwork at a rapid pace. This may make it more challenging for artists to stand out and earn a living through their creative endeavors.

Pilot Jobs

Advances in autonomous aircraft technology may lead to a reduction in the number of pilots needed, as AI-controlled systems begin to take over flight operations. While human expertise will still be required for unforeseen circ*mstances and emergencies, the overall demand for pilots could decline.

The Rise of Hybrid Roles: Combining Human Skills with AI

As AI continues to evolve, a new category of jobs is emerging that blends human expertise with AI capabilities. These are jobs that aren't just safe from AI; they actually require a deep understanding of AI to execute. Here's why these hybrid roles are on the rise.

Business Intelligence Analysts

Business Intelligence Analysts who can interpret complex data patterns aided by AI algorithms are increasingly in demand. While AI can process data rapidly, human oversight is necessary to ask the right questions, identify biases in the data, and make strategic decisions.

AI Ethics Consultants

With increasing concerns about the ethical implications of AI, specialists in this field are becoming indispensable. These professionals assess the ethical dimensions of AI applications, ensuring they align with societal values and legal standards.

By embracing roles that integrate AI rather than oppose it, you can secure a career that's not just safe from automation but also at the forefront of technological innovation.

AI as a Job Creator: New Careers Emerge

Contrary to the notion that AI solely replaces jobs, it's important to recognize how AI is also creating new career paths that didn't exist a few years ago. These jobs are inherently safe from AI because they revolve around the human oversight, management, or augmentation of AI systems.

AI Trainer

These professionals train AI models to perform specific tasks or make them more accurate. This job requires a nuanced understanding of both the specific task at hand and how machine learning algorithms learn.

Data Storyteller

As AI systems generate more and more data, there's a growing need for experts who can interpret this data and communicate it effectively to stakeholders. These aren't just data scientists; they're communicators who can translate complex AI outputs into actionable business insights.

By understanding how AI is not just a job-taker but also a job-maker, you can better navigate the evolving career landscape.

Will AI (Like ChatGPT) Take Over Jobs? What Jobs Are Safe? · Polymer (1)

The Industrial Revolution - a Similar Event

The Industrial Revolution led to a significant shift in labor dynamics, with factories replacing many traditional human jobs while also creating new ones. Although exact statistics from the period are not readily available, various historical accounts and studies provide insights into the employment changes during the Industrial Revolution.

Workers Were Getting Replaced in the Early Stages

In the early stages of the Industrial Revolution, factories began to replace traditional cottage industries and artisanal crafts. Handloom weavers, for example, were gradually replaced by mechanized looms in textile factories. In Britain, the number of handloom weavers declined from around 250,000 in the early 1800s to just 2,655 by 1901, representing a 98.9% decrease.

Number of New Jobs Were Created

However, the mechanization of production processes also led to a surge in demand for factory workers.

Between 1750 and 1850, the British textile industry alone saw its workforce grow from 7,900 to over 320,000 workers.

This represents an increase of more than 4,000%.

Additionally, the overall population working in factories in Britain increased from approximately 350,000 in 1830 to over 1,000,000 in 1850, a nearly 186% increase.

The Industrial Revolution also created new job opportunities in sectors such as transportation, construction, and mining. For example, the development of the railway system in Britain led to a rapid increase in railway employment.

Between 1841 and 1911, the number of railway workers in Britain increased from about 20,000 to over 600,000, a 2,900% increase.

What we Can Learn From the Industrial Revolution

While the Industrial Revolution led to the displacement of some traditional jobs, it also created a wealth of new employment opportunities in factories and related industries.

1. Embrace Change and Adaptability: The Industrial Revolution introduced new technologies and processes, which disrupted traditional industries and ways of life. Workers and businesses had to adapt to these changes to thrive. Similarly, in the face of AI and automation, embracing change and being adaptable are essential for both individuals and organizations to succeed.

2. Invest in Education and Retraining: The Industrial Revolution led to a shift in labor demand from agricultural to industrial jobs. Workers had to acquire new skills to find employment in these emerging industries. Today, as AI and automation change the job landscape, it is crucial to invest in education and retraining initiatives that prepare workers for the jobs of the future.

3. Address Income Inequality: The Industrial Revolution created significant wealth for some, but it also led to income inequality and harsh working conditions for many laborers. As AI and automation reshape the economy, policymakers and businesses must ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are equitably distributed and that workers' rights are protected.

4. Encourage Innovation: The Industrial Revolution was driven by a wave of inventions and technological advancements. To thrive in the era of AI and automation, fostering a culture of innovation and supporting research and development in emerging technologies is crucial.

5. Consider the Environmental Impact: The Industrial Revolution contributed to rapid urbanization and industrial growth, which also led to environmental degradation and pollution. As we develop and implement AI and automation technologies, it is essential to consider their environmental impact and strive for sustainable solutions.

6. Prepare for Social and Cultural Shifts: The Industrial Revolution brought about significant social and cultural changes, including urbanization, shifts in family structures, and the rise of consumer culture. As AI and automation continue to reshape our world, we must be prepared for the accompanying social and cultural shifts and develop strategies to address them.

By learning from the Industrial Revolution, we can better understand the potential implications of AI and automation on our society and economy. This historical perspective can help guide our decisions and policies as we work to create a future that maximizes the benefits of technological advancements while minimizing their potential negative impacts.


AI will continue to impact the job market, but it is up to us to ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are equitably distributed and that workers' rights are protected.

By embracing change and innovation, investing in education and retraining initiatives, addressing income inequality, considering the environmental impact, and preparing for social and cultural shifts, we can create a future that maximizes the benefits of AI while minimizing its potential negative impacts.

Will AI (Like ChatGPT) Take Over Jobs? What Jobs Are Safe? · Polymer (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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