Why Would A Drone Follow Me? (Easy Way To Tell) (2024)

Why Would A Drone Follow Me? (Easy Way To Tell) (1)

Drones have become popular mainly used for commercial or recreational purposes. Despite their legitimacy and efficacy in surveillance, it’s concerning how some drone pilots infringe on people’s right to privacy. Recently, there has been a massive uproar by individuals claiming drones follow them. But why would a drone be following you?

A drone follows you mostly when spying, and a human operator directs it. You can quickly locate and ascertain a drone is following you by observing its frequency near your property, the noises, and using technologies like radio frequencies and radar detectors.

Most drones have infrared camera lights for night vision and positioning. This makes it simple to spot them at night using acoustic sensors and infrared motion detectors.

No one wants to be spied on, or do you? So, this article shows you how to spot a spying drone in daylight or at night and the legal actions to take if a drone is following you. In addition, you get to know why a drone would be following you.

Drone laws over private property in the US

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for regulating airspace in the United States. Space above 400 feet is controlled and requires special permission from the FAA to navigate if you’re a drone pilot.

There are no federal laws prohibiting flying drones over private property; however, the rules vary between different states. For instance, operating a drone over 25 feet in a personal space in California is a trespassing offense that will attract heavy penalties and up to six months of jail time.

This article has a detailed guide on drone laws in the US.

Why would a drone follow you?

A drone will follow you only when instructed by a human operator for different reasons. Most times is to collect confidential details about you or spy on your facility. Another reason would be when the government unprecedentedly decided to track people’s movement using drones. In addition, a law enforcement agency can use drones for surveillance when they suspect illegal activities in a particular area or private property.

How far away can a drone see?

The type of drone and camera quality will determine its spying capabilities regarding distance. Most drones are equipped with one or two cameras.

Basic drones have cameras that can only capture objects in close contact up to 30 feet away. Conversely, advanced drones are mounted with optical zoom lenses and high-quality image sensors that capture quality images and videos at a distance.

To find out more about drones and how far they can see click this link Can drone hear conversations?

Easy way to tell if a drone is following you during the day

Drones are common, and it may be difficult to detect one that’s particularly following you. Some signs that a drone may be following you include;

When it’s constantly flying over your property

Drones are noisy and easily viewed from a distance and may sound nearer than they are. Based on your location, a drone may just be flying to a nearby lake or park or a freeway in drone friendly zone. If the pilot abides by the authorized distance, the flight is lawful. However, if the drone frequently flies or hovers over your premises and is too close, perhaps it’s spying on you.

You spot a drone everywhere you go

Although drones are popular, we don’t see lots of them every time. There are drone-friendly areas to operate them freely; however, if you spot a drone even in restricted areas, you’re being followed.

Pick a random route and routine, then observe. If the drone is still around, report it to the relevant authorities and FAA.

Radio frequencies

A radio-counter surveillance system will help track down any drone near you. Drones constantly emit radio signals, and the waves usually start lower and gradually increase in range as the drone approaches. It decodes drone-generated waves and pinpoints the exact location where the signals are coming from.

Radar detectors

An anti-drone radar detector is used to sense nearby drones. It detects WIFI signals and frequencies indicating the proximity of a particular drone.

How to spot a drone that’s spying on you at night

The above methods are more applicable in daylight; however, it may be tricky to spot a drone at night. This is because they are tiny and not visible most times in the darkness. There are multiple ways to track a drone at night easily

Tail and camera lights

Look for light since most camera drones have anti-collision lights for safe night flights. Depending on the type of drone, it could be a single permanent light source or two, with one blinking. The most common colors are green and red. Always observe the direction of the taillights; it will indicate where it’s filming.

Infrared light motion detection

Although not widespread, using infrared motion detectors is an effective method to spot a drone at night. Most drones install infrared illuminators to send information back to the user or camera, allowing them to see in the dark invisible to the human eye. Spotting an infrared illuminator source is a sure sign a drone is watching you, particularly if it’s pointing in your direction.

Acoustic sensors

These acoustic sensors are expensive but effective, especially in a quiet environment. They detect nearby drones, even those without communication waves or poor signals. Acoustic sensors notice the slightest movement when a propeller starts turning, even for those quiet drones. Since they can distinguish drone-generated sounds, it’s unlikely to issue a false alarm.

Here's a guide to flying drones at night.

What to do if a drone is following you

If you suspect a drone is following you, don’t even think about shooting it, that’s illegal. Shooting down a drone may attract hefty fines or jail terms of up to twenty years. According to the FAA guidelines, a drone is categorized as an aircraft under the protection of Federal laws. So, when you see a drone over your facility or following you, do this instead:

Request the drone pilot to stop

Most drone operators fly to capture general footage of particular areas and may not necessarily be following you. Know the reason they’re flying in your area and ask them to stop if you’re not comfortable.

Use drone detection systems

Set up drone detection alarms to know when rogue drone operators invade your perimeters and act accordingly. These detection alarms recognize drones approaching from miles away and pinpoint the exact location. This information will help you launch a counter-drone and intercept the rogue drone pilot trespassing on your perimeters.

Know drone laws in your area

The FAA guidelines prohibit drone use for spying, trespassing, and harassment. If you talk to the drone operator and continue with their flying, know the exact complaint against them before reporting to local authorities. Additionally, check with the FAA if you can put up a No Drone Zone around your premises.

Gather evidence

Explicitly document the incident by recording specific timelines and activities via video or pictures. The better if you capture the registration number, as it will form a piece of solid evidence when you report to the local authorities.

Notify local authorities and the FAA

File a complaint on illegal drone activity accompanied by the factual information you collected to your local authorities. If the evidence shows that the drone is following you for no reason and it's trespassing, the police will investigate and prosecute the owner. However, the process from identifying the drone pilot to charging them may take longer.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How far away can you hear a drone?

Visual is a great way to spot a drone in daylight since there are more noise distractions. At night sounds are an excellent indicator to know if a drone is taking footage. Most drones’ propellers are noisy, and it’s hard to miss a quadcopter sound that’s closer than 100ft or other louder ones at 330 feet away. For quieter drones, an acoustic sensor will detect them miles away.

Can you fly a drone over private property in the United States?

Yes, federal laws do not prohibit drone flying in the US; however, check with your state and local jurisdiction to know if the rule applies. In states like Georgia, Texas, or California, flying over private property is an offense, and you’ll be charged with trespassing and illegal surveillance. Contrary, a state like Oklahoma allows drone operations over private premises unless it’s the rural areas.

Read this article for more on drone laws over private property.

Can I use mitigation methods to stop drones hovering over my property?

Yes, there are two methods to control illegal drone operations that threaten or harass others. First is radiofrequency jamming, which transfers radio RF energy towards the drone disabling its controls. The second method is spoofing, which involves a third party hijacking a drone’s control from a remote point.


Although modern drones are equipped with zoom lenses, most recreational ones cannot film you before you detect their noisy propellers or flashing lights. Therefore, it will require a high-quality drone to spy on you before noticing. Seemingly, advanced technology has developed detectors to help property owners sense drones and minimize the chances of trespassing. So, the next time you observe a drone frequenting your premises take necessary precautions and actions.

I'm an expert in drone technology, surveillance, and privacy issues, with a deep understanding of the technical aspects and legal considerations surrounding drone usage. My expertise is grounded in extensive research and practical knowledge gained through hands-on experience with various drone models, surveillance technologies, and relevant regulations.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

Drone Surveillance and Privacy Concerns

1. Reasons for Drone Surveillance:

  • Drones are used for commercial and recreational purposes but can be misused for spying.
  • Human operators direct drones to collect confidential information or conduct surveillance.

2. Detecting a Following Drone:

  • Observing frequency near your property, noises, and using technologies like radio frequencies and radar detectors.
  • Infrared camera lights for night vision and positioning, detectable using acoustic sensors and infrared motion detectors.

3. Drone Laws in the US:

  • FAA regulates airspace, requiring special permission above 400 feet for drone pilots.
  • While there are no federal laws against flying over private property, state rules vary.
  • Example: In California, flying a drone over 25 feet in personal space is a trespassing offense.

4. Why Drones Follow People:

  • Directed by human operators for various reasons, including collecting confidential information or government surveillance.
  • Law enforcement may use drones for surveillance in specific areas or private properties.

5. Drone Spying Capabilities:

  • The type of drone and camera quality determine spying capabilities.
  • Basic drones with limited range (up to 30 feet) vs. advanced drones with optical zoom lenses and high-quality sensors.

6. Detecting a Following Drone During the Day:

  • Signs: Constant flying over your property, spotting a drone frequently everywhere you go.
  • Use radio frequencies and radar detectors to track down drones emitting signals.

7. Detecting a Following Drone at Night:

  • Look for tail and camera lights, often equipped with anti-collision lights in different colors.
  • Infrared motion detectors and acoustic sensors can also be effective at night.

8. Legal Actions Against Following Drones:

  • Shooting down a drone is illegal and can result in hefty fines.
  • Request the drone pilot to stop, use drone detection systems, know local drone laws, gather evidence, and notify authorities.

9. Mitigation Methods Against Drones:

  • Two methods: Radiofrequency jamming to disable controls and spoofing, where a third party hijacks control remotely.

10. FAQs:

  • How far away can you hear a drone? Visual and noise indicators are useful.
  • Flying drones over private property in the US is allowed federally, but state rules vary.
  • Mitigation methods include radiofrequency jamming and spoofing.

11. Conclusion:

  • Advanced technology and detectors help property owners sense drones and prevent trespassing.
  • High-quality drones are required for effective spying, and property owners can take precautions and legal actions against unauthorized drone activities.

This comprehensive overview provides insights into drone surveillance, privacy concerns, legal considerations, and countermeasures for individuals facing potential drone-related issues.

Why Would A Drone Follow Me? (Easy Way To Tell) (2024)


Why would a drone be following me? ›

There are various reasons a drone might be following you, from innocent coincidence to malicious intent. It could be a recreational pilot testing features, a real estate agent capturing property footage, or a reckless newbie struggling with controls.

How to prove a drone is following you? ›

How do you tell if a drone is spying on you? If you think you're being spied on, the best way to confirm is by using a radio counter-surveillance system to track down the drone. It decodes the radio waves generated by the drone and makes a pattern to show where signals are emanating from.

Can drones automatically follow you? ›

Drones with a follow-me mode can automatically track a target. The follow-me mode means the drone can fly while keeping a preselected target in focus without being piloted.

How can I stop a drone from following me? ›

If you feel a drone is spying on you, you should call police or report it to FFA. The appropriate authority to deal with cases of a spying drone is the local police force that deals with complaints of stalking or peeping toms. You may call in the FAA if the drone is being operated illegally or in an unsafe way.

What to do if a drone is spying on you? ›

Speak with Authorities: Report a drone to your local authorities if you spot it hovering around suspiciously or if you think it's actively violating your privacy. They are able to look into it and perhaps act.

What is it called when a drone can follow you? ›

Follow Me Technology: GPS Tracking or ActiveTrack

The follow me functionality of a drone relies on advanced tracking technology. There are two main types of follow me technology: GPS tracking and ActiveTrack. GPS tracking uses satellite positioning to track and follow the GPS coordinates of a target.

Is there an app that detects drones? ›

AARTOS™ App - AARTOS Drone Detection.

How do you block a drone signal? ›

Drone Jammers

Jammers work by blasting electromagnetic noise at the radio frequencies that drones use to operate and emit information. Effectively, they drown out the conversation between a drone and its operator. This is usually either 2.4Ghz or 5.8Ghz, which are non-assigned, public frequencies.

What does a drone flying at night look like? ›

Typically red and white, they blink or strobe to enhance visibility. From a distance, these lights can make the drone resemble a moving star in the night sky.

Can drones hear conversations? ›

A two way radio for drones from Dotterel Technologies means that drone operators could actually have a two-way conversation with people on the ground. The sophisticated audio payload allows for communications despite the sound of the drone itself.

What kind of drone will follow you? ›

As far as consumer-grade camera drones go, the best drone that can follow you is the DJI Mavic 3 Pro. Besides its multiple vision sensors (six fish-eye vision sensors and two wide-angle sensors) with an extended sensing range to precisely sense obstacles in all directions, this drone has some pretty sweet tech specs.

Why was a drone flying over my house? ›

Yes, it is legal to overfly a neighbor's, or a stranger's, property if it's not in an otherwise restricted area. The airspace over a property is an easem*nt and the FAA allows planes and helicopters to fly over it, generally above 500′ for piloted aircraft, up to 400′ for drones.

Can drones spy on neighbors? ›

The legality of drone surveillance varies by country and state, but if the drone is flying on your private property and recording you without your consent, call the police. It's a violation of your privacy. It's difficult to learn who owns a drone.

Can drones see inside your house? ›

If at night and the lights are off, the video camera would need to be sensitive to low light to be able to 'see' inside your glass house. If you have thick curtains drawn across all the windows, ten the drone would need to be equipped with an infrared (IR) camera to see beyond the obstructions you put up.

Why would someone fly a drone over my house? ›

So, you might find a drone hovering over your house. It might also be taking photos or recording the surroundings. In addition to these recreational activities, some people use drones for other purposes, like fast delivery services. Flying a drone over personal property is legal while considering these factors.

Do police use drones to follow people? ›

Police drones are used for various purposes, including surveillance, traffic monitoring, search and rescue operations, and crime scene investigation.

Can police use drones to watch you? ›

Drones can be used for large event and crowd monitoring

One of the biggest benefits of drones to police organizations is their ability to be deployed in ways that help keep officers safe. A remote-operated drone can provide eyes (and thermal images) where it might not be practical to deploy a police officer.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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