Why is Angular so less popular than React? (2024)

Why is Angular so less popular than React?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (1)

kroltan on Feb 7, 2020 | next [–]

I am in no way the whole crowd, but having used both legacy AngularJS, React, and Angular 4+ in production for medium-sized apps, this is my main takeaway:

The mental model for React is much simpler than Angular's.

In React, There are two concepts one needs to understand: Components, and Hooks. JSX too, but as a web dev the HTML-like syntax was already familiar.

In Angular, you need to understand: the binding syntax; Components; Templates; Factories; Modules and Services. And learning bindings also means learning RxJS (which I love as a standalone lib, but is a big cognitive load when coupled with the rest of ng).

Even just comparing the "Fundamentals" page of Angular versus the "Main Concepts" of React (which, isn't exactly the best measure of complexity, of course, but it's A measure), you can see Angular spends 8 of its 10 sub-sections explaining essentially-required concepts, while in React it uses 6 out of 12 sub-sections.

React is much more concise in terms of concepts, and instead just has a bunch of common patterns that are sufficiently approachable and memorable, but most importantly can be "rediscovered"/"derived" on your own, rather than relying on framework-provided "black box" concepts.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (2)

brailsafe on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

I think that's pretty well correct, but my preference has been the opposite in terms of more concepts vs cognitive complexity. I find that to do the same stuff with react and redux and so on, you end up decoupling and abstracting in such a way that the 5 or concepts in something like Angular or Vue end up being a more manageable mental model. In the sense that the main purpose of React is lost in the weeds of trying to managing the modularity of your app.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (3)

kroltan on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

I have found good success with React + RxJS, in fact. They have some overlap, but with the benefit of interop outside React, and Rx is excellent at both message-passing-style events, as well as general-purpose "data binding".

And the total load is still in my perspective smaller than Angular. I have never even casually used Vue (I've since switched to gamedev as a profession), so I cannot comment on it, but from a cursory on its docs, it seems like a leaner Angular, which is good.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (4)

brailsafe on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

That's a curious suggestion. I've never taken a serious look at RxJs, but I've used obsevables in android so might do that. Vue is like React but just enough separation to get all the benefits that I find in composition as well as the templating and stuff from Angular. How did you make the switch to game dev?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (5)

kroltan on Feb 8, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

> How did you make the switch to game dev?

I've always had gamedev as a goal, and since 2012 participated in "game jams", which are basically make-a-game hackathons; as well as making free web games/prototypes. The industry is very portfolio-focused.

Mostly did webdev as a way of supporting myself until I got a gamedev job (but I like doing webdev too). I currently work at a company that makes corporate/educational games, but am collecting more experience to be more competitive on the actual entertainment industry. Which is a bit more challenging given I'm based in Brazil.

That being said, it's much easier to "switch careers" when you're 22 and it barely started!

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (6)

IggleSniggle on Feb 8, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

My favorite things about Angular were it's choice to use TypeScript, RxJS for state, CSS-in-JS-like, and Dependency Injection. I'm glad I learned Angular to be exposed to all those choices.

My favorite things about React were JSX and FP.

Seems like you've found a good way to have it all.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (7)

ggregoire on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

You don't need to understand hooks to use react.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (8)

mgechev on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

This is true for Angular as well. To use the framework you don't need to understand everything it provides. In https://angular.io/start we're aiming to reduce the initial conceptual overhead.

We understand that we can work on simplifying the mental model of Angular. This is something we're working towards. We're careful with in process though because we want to provide a consistent, backwards compatible development experience.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (9)

kroltan on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

You have a looser definition of "to use" than me. Let's agree to disagree.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (10)

a_wild_dandan on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

If your definition of usage excludes the hordes of feature-rich production React codebases with no hooks (hooks being a relatively recent React addition), I'd call that definition...counter intuitive.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (11)

kabes on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

I've used both for non-trivial apps. I find angular heavily over-engineered. The problem is not just the learning curve, but the fact it becomes almost impossible to do anything the framework authors didn't envisage. React is just plain functions so you can do whatever you want, it never got in my way.

Now, if angular would prove substantially better in terms of performance or maintainability or so, that might've been ok. But they're not. Performance is on par, I find refactorings actually harder because of the heaps of boilerplate angular requires, etc. They invented way too complex solutions to solve problems that either don't exist, or other frameworks solved better.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (12)

zaphirplane on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

That is an unfair comparison a fairer one is react + redux + hooks + middleware thunk + routing vs angular. You are still probably right in what is simpler. Just angular is kind of the kitchen sink option

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (13)

kabes on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

I'm comparing my experience from rather big real world apps. So the react app had all of that (didn't use redux though).

To give just one example. If you want to dynamically import components, in react you just use a dynamic import, since it's just like importing any other js function. Compare this to the angular way and draw your own conclusions: https://angular.io/guide/dynamic-component-loader . Granted, angular may have things that are easier to achieve than react as well. And I don't like the looks of jsx and so on. But my generic experience was that angular was always working against me. It reminded me of my java EE days.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (14)

kumarvvr on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

I am curious. I have never used Angular or React seriously. But I have an upcoming project where I have to use an external HTML Canvas library.

Would you suggest I go with Angular or React?

It's a fairly complex project, involving user based label designs, data manipulation, etc.

I am API based server and a heavyweight front-end.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (15)

jb300 on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Have used Angular2 since alpha for a big project.Switched to React + Typescript for the next project.In my opinion React + Typescript is the way to go, especially if you'll use external libraries.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (16)

kabes on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

React and angular basically both do the same thing: render a component tree to (usually) the DOM. You use a framework to make this easier for you and I think react does that way better. But if it's all about raw data manipulation and using that canvas lib, you may not need either?

Never used it myself, but the guys from Flipboard made this react canvas renderer which might be useful for you: https://github.com/Flipboard/react-canvas

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (17)

fallensatan on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

I think learning curve for Angular is steep compared to React. For React, all I need to know is javascript and I can start writing components but for Angular, I must go through some documentation to get basic idea of jargon it preaches before I can do anything substantial.

Not saying one is better than other but in my opinion, entry barrier for React is lower than Angular which may be an important factor for React's popularity.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (18)

drspacemonkey on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

My guess is that the whole AngularJS/Angular2 fiasco really soured a lot of people on going anywhere near anything named Angular for a long time.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (19)

turbostyler on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Because of the whole debacle between Angular 1 and 2. During that time, React gained a huge foothold, and the momentum has continued to today.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (20)

ng12 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

That's part of it but to be honest if they hadn't Angular would have died completely.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (21)

ChicagoDave on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Opinionated (professionally engineered structure) vs. Simple template system.

There’s no good or bad. As in any architectural adoption, it should’ve based on your team’s capabilities and support capabilities.

Experience matters too. There are good reasons to use either platform.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (22)

qwerty456127 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

Doesn't opinionated and professionally engineered structure mean "better"? Clearly most of the JS coders don't have expertise sufficient to engineer their structures professionally on their own - isn't it better to embrace a professionally engineered structure done for you for free?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (23)

mateuszf on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

> Doesn't opinionated and professionally engineered structure mean "better"?

No, if it's overengineered.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (24)

ChicagoDave on Feb 8, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

If you have a corporate web app the connects to dozens of secure services, an opinionated framework specifically designed to manage that well is not “over engineered”.

Conversely, if your web app has one api to call, you may find an opinionated framework to be a rocket engine where only a lawn mower engine is required.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (25)

ChicagoDave on Feb 8, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

No. It means suitable to larger complex systems. Possibly unnecessary for smaller projects.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (26)

pjmlp on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Depends on which circles you move on.

Enterprise Java and .NET shops usually reach out for Angular first.

And I have no intentions to ever advise React with its FP approach with a myriad of endless libraries, to devs that just want to get stuff done.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (27)

mattlondon on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

I have not done much react apart from a "hello world", but I have been using Angular2+ for years, having previously used AngularJS. Here are a few thoughts:

The learning curve is steep I agree. There does feel like there is a lot of ceremony and boilerplate required for even the more basic "hello world". Also if you are not familiar with RxJS before learning Angular then that is a second learning curve that you need to know too and it is a challenge.

The docs are also very frustrating:

- the API reference is usually just auto-generated with perhaps a single sentence saying "The FooBarDooDad does foo to bar" with zero other content, e.g. https://angular.io/api/core/Query

- the tutorial guides are absolutely huge epic documents, scrolling screen after screen after screen after screen and are far too long and far too convoluted to be useful in my opinion. It feels like they are several entire chapters lifted from a printed book or something, rather than something useful for a developer trying to implement something. E.g. https://angular.io/tutorial/toh-pt6 (and that is just part 6!) I've been doing this for years and I still hate having to go back to those docs.

- the tutorials are all talking about some "Heros" app that I have no idea what it is or what it is doing. I wish they just had examples for the simplest-possible case in stackblitz-widgets that does not need me to know the ins-and-outs of their sample app.

That said, once you are up and running with Angular I have found it is very easy to use, and RxJS is really nice once you get your head around it. Everything works largely as expected, and you can more or less forget about Angular and concentrate on the logic. As far as boilerplate goes, I have found that once you have done the boilerplate once, you just copy-paste from one file to another then do a search-replace for the name etc - takes perhaps 10 seconds etc before you are writing logic.

I would like the Angular team to add some sort of "official" state management feature though in the future. In my view, it is the biggest missing gap in the library and you either have to use NgRX as a separate library, or have to botch a global app state by using either a Service or a convoluted @Input/@Output chain

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (28)

qwerty456127 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

> Also if you are not familiar with RxJS before learning Angular then that is a second learning curve that you need to know too and it is a challenge.

You are not the only one mentioning this here. Do you believe it's wise to start with learning RxJS before you even approach Angular if you are a VanillaJS/JQuery "dinosaur" looking forward to learn Angular?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (29)

DonHopkins on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

RxJS is very cool and well designed, and stands on its own. Worth learning about even if you don't use Angular, but definitely if you do! The basics are easy to understand, but there are a whole lot of deep profound operators that it will take a long time to master, although you don't need them all at first.


Reading the guide and pondering the following table helped me understand how other mechanisms in JavaScript work together and relate to each other, and the corner that Observable occupies:


>Observables are lazy Push collections of multiple values. They fill the missing spot in the following table:

 SINGLE MULTIPLE Pull: Function Iterator Push: Promise Observable
Why is Angular so less popular than React? (30)

WA on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

RxJS is not made for normal people. You have to be some brainy CS wizard to get it. If you're used to more traditional "linear" coding (no matter if functional or procedural), RxJS is a brainf*ck with its time/stream component. I hated it when I tried to use it.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (31)

DonHopkins on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

That's what I meant by "very cool"! ;)

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (32)

mattlondon on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Yep it might help to learn some RxJS "in isolation" before encountering it for potentially the first time in Angular.

No need to master it - probably spend an hour or two on RxJS tutorials & samples to get to know it before jumping in with Angular so you know where the join is between Angular + RxJS.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (33)

waylandsmithers on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

For me, I was first getting into web development before Angular 2 was out. I thought it was super cool that I could make an incrementing counter and a to do list but just couldn't figure it all out.

I then tried React and it just kind of made sense. Since then from the sidelines I've heard Angular has gotten much better but personally don't see any reason to use anything other than React at this point in time.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (34)

city41 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

I’m also starting to feel like if anything will dethrone React, it’ll probably be Vue or Svelte.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (35)

plopz on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

I think Vue's reactivity system just fundamentally doesn't work which is why Vue 3 is basically an entirely new paradigm/framework trying to masquerade as an update. I have a feeling its going to split the community and end the way angular did.

I haven't used Svelte at all but it looks very interesting.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (36)

vips7L on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Probably because its a larger learning curve and its a lot more "framework".

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (37)

treeman79 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

Saw a 2 man team that got features done in a couple of weeks on jquery move to angular and turn into a 15 man team that took months on each feature.

Management was very happy with how modern the stack felt

Sales came to a halt for 2 years since features came to a halt.

Turns out Angular is freaky hard to do right.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (38)

blahyawnblah on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

My old company did the jquery to angular conversion when angular was still alpha. Initial curve was steep because no one was used to doing things that way. After that we were just as quick if not a little quicker. I did a pretty big angular 2 e-commerce site from scratch by myself in 6 months shortly after angular 2 came out. Just use the framework how it's supposed to be used and it all works fine.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (39)

rtpg on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

on the other side, we went from jquery messes with a bunch of state machine issues to being able to comfortably add client-side interactivity with a lot less worries when moving to Angular 1.x

There were definitely Angular-related issues, but they were replacing a lot of "my state machine is out of sync" issues that just scopes and watching mostly solve (except for the prototype inheritence gotcha)

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (40)

fxtentacle on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I rebuilt my company's homepage and SaaS customer area from scratch in half a year, after the old 20 people jQuery team had been stuck for months implementing framework-like features with no useful progress.

I guess whether or not you'll be productive with Angular depends a lot on your experience and expectations. I come from the C++ world and Angular felt like MFC, so oddly familiar.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (41)

1123581321 on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

A family member works at a software company that’s worth ~100MM less than it should be right now because they let Angular get into too much of their app before they settled on Vue.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (42)

vips7L on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

My company is in the process of jQuery to React transition. It feels like it's taking a little longer as well.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (43)

jcheng on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Was this AngularJS (i.e. Angular 1) or Angular 2+? I could believe it either way, just curious.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (44)

treeman79 on Feb 16, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Angular 5-7

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (45)

runawaybottle on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I can believe this

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (46)

tablethnuser on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Because a bunch of college kids and bootcampers only learned React and are afraid of the job market spotlight moving on from where they're standing.

Popularity is not a useful metric when evaluating frameworks. Community engagement and core team motivation are, and some people may use popularity as a proxy for those measurements.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (47)

grok22 on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

I am working on creating a web app now and for some reason decided to learn Dart and AngularDart at the same and do it with these technologies and it's close to being nightmarish. There are way too many concepts and things that tie together sort-of magically -- all to get a few form fields on a screen. I wonder how people come back to fix issues or add features in their Angular app after a few months away from it.

That said, I think, for bigger groups/companies working on a complex product, I can see that Angular ensures a certain level of "architecture" and code organized correctly instead of being coded to each dev's personal style.

But way too complex for single-person apps or for simple SPAs.

All that to say Angular is less popular because it is too complex to learn and use quickly.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (48)

qwerty456127 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

> decided to learn Dart and AngularDart

Why use anything but Flutter if you choose Dart?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (49)

grok22 on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Flutter is not yet approved for web application development, isn't it? In any case, just experimenting and learning new things.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (50)

strangescript on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Its just a lot more complicated and opinionated than it needs to be when there are plenty of alternatives that do the same thing much easier.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (51)

pacala on Feb 7, 2020 | prev | next [–]

Angular: Learn about property binding, event binding, pipes, templates, views, metadata, attribute directives, structural directives, services, modules, components, injectors.

React: Write a function that generates a piece of HTML. Use standard event handlers to manage user interactions. Update state via setState methods. Ship it.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (52)

ng12 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | next [–]

The first time I saw this in Angular's material implementation I was completely floored: https://material.angular.io/components/dialog/overview#shari...

The method for passing data to a dialog component is to import a magic constant and inject a data field into it's constructor? It's a completely over-engineered, nonsensical solution for a problem that doesn't even exist in React. There's so much stuff you have to be familiar with in Angular just to build the simplest features.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (53)

EugeneOZ on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Don't use this library as an example of Angular code. I've written dozens of Angular apps and none of them were so over-engineered. AngularMaterial is a good example how to not design API. I'm sorry if it insults some people - we all make mistakes, it's ok, I'm sure you'll next library will be better and I understand it's too late to change API in a project, when some huge Google apps are using it.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (54)

ng12 on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Not only is @angular/material the most popular component library by a huge margin but it's maintained by the Angular team itself. If it's as bad as you say it is that really doesn't inspire confidence.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (55)

chvid on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]


Take a look at what you have to go through if you want to create a custom component in angular material (that can sit inside a form):


Something has gone completely wrong here.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (56)

squeaky-clean on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Agreed, I've had to use angular material in the past and never would again. I generally enjoy Angular though.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (57)

IggleSniggle on Feb 8, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

The last time I looked at Angular Material was quite some time ago, but at the time I was really surprised because it didn't follow the conventions established in the docs, and the conventions it did use seemed nonsensical given the design of the Angular framework.

I can only guess that "same team" was a design-centric subteam for Angular while the engineering-centric team worked on the framework/documentation itself, or that Angular Material was under pressure to get implemented before all the best practices were established and by then they were stuck with the API.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (58)

fmakunbound on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

Having suffered on a large Angular code based on Angular 7 and then Angular 8 for a couple of years, I just wish Angular would f*cking die. Every small thing is a giant sh*t-pile of services, components and HTML templates that are all accidental complexity.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (59)

ENGNR on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

It reminds me of the whole .NET ecosystem. All of these custom magical special ways to do everything, compared to ‘dumb’ setups like node/ruby/go where the actual logic is just right there in front of you

And every release .NET just keeps moving closer to the dumb systems. Simple and raw is good, keep the magic away

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (60)

kumarvvr on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

I am really glad there are other people who think this way. I am experienced with Python/JS/Ruby web app development models and recently had a look at ASP.NET Core web api projects.

The amount of complexity is mind boggling.

I mean, look at Flask in Python. Or even Expressjs in Node, why can't Microsoft come up with a simple framework that can run well on the .NET runtime?

I am a huge fan of C#, having used it for Desktop app development.

I would love to have a framework like flask in the .NET ecosystem.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (61)

IggleSniggle on Feb 8, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Ah, yes, expressjs, or as I like to call it, "the mutation ecosystem," where who knows what middleware has mutated which object in which way, and whether any state has leaked or whether any assumptions about control flow will actually hold true. Where it's common to see callbacks, streams, Promises, generators, and async/await patterns all thrown together in a mishmash that requires continuous syntactical context-switching.

Honestly I'd rather develop in vanilla NodeJS where the approach is at least consistent, than in the Express ecosystem where sure your problems may have been solved 1000 different ways already but where none of them really fit what you want to do, and where there are many layers of hidden incompatibility that are going to require you to make adapters for each library anyway.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (62)

nchie on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

What's so complex about ASP.NET Core web api, other than having to learn to use a DI framework?

I found it very simple and minimal (again, other than the DI) when learning it.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (63)

taway123411 on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Can you elaborate on the "mind boggling" complexity?

Flask is self-described as a "micro framework", which makes it simple to start with, but IMHO difficult to grow into something bigger.

I like the balance the ASP.NET Core 3.0 strikes.

 dotnet new webapp -o HelloWorld

Yields a fully functional site with* HTTPS* Logging* HTML templating* CSS/JS bundling & minification

And all of this is easy to customize and change.

"Web API" projects are even simpler-- it's just a small handful of files.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (64)

UglyToad on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Is something like Nancy [0] close to what you're after? I've not used it myself because I prefer the structure of the full approach but from my extremely brief interaction with Express in Node it seems similar?

[0]: https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (65)

_the_inflator on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

Angular really shines in Enterprise context. 13+ teams and all use the same stack. Enter React and you are in maintenance hell, is my experience.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (66)

dragonwriter on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

If you have enough governance in an enterprise org to standardize on Angular, you should also have enough to standardize on a particular React stack, and not just "React".

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (67)

_the_inflator on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Yes, same goes for Vue etc. You can hardly govern the freedom React provides. If you do, you can use Angular in the first place, because it has solutions out of the box. This is not to discredit React or Vue.

I am judging from my experience developing applications with 200+ developers across continents. You can write crappy code in Angular as well, but it helps you govern your architecture and your app. If you want modular components that can be reused, go for Angular. For smaller things or landing pages use Vue, React.

My experience.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (68)

tvphan on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

Most popular re-usable component libraries and websites are written in React.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (69)

vvpan on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I haven't used the more recent version of Angular so not sure what their "stack" is, but doesn't `create-react-app` take care of much of that?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (70)

pjmlp on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

React: discover that function alone doesn't do all that is expected from an UI Framework, go hunting for a myriad of libraries to handle state, communications across components, tune performance 'cause FP approach makes GC do overtime, endless hours explaining to fellow devs what is this FP stuff all about,....

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (71)

hokumguru on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

And honestly, if misused you can really tank performance quite easily. The learning curve can make it incredibly difficult to introduce to a team of developers with variable skillsets.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (72)

rawoke083600 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

But then all your colleagues also have to learn(read do it that way) versus each coming up with their own nonsense...

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (73)

Keverw on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

Yep, when I was studying Angular I kinda felt it was trying to reinvent everything, so personally I can wrap my head around React a little bit more. However I know people consider React more of a library, maybe Angular is more of a full on framework?

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (74)

aabbcc1241 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent | prev | next [–]

Stencil provides similar experience to React, plus Stencil compiles every component into typed web component, so it works with other frameworks as well.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (75)

flukus on Feb 7, 2020 | prev [–]

9 major versions in ~7 years indicates that it's not remotely stable enough to be taken seriously, particularly for corporate stuff that will likely never get an upgrade. Even the "LTS" releases are only supported for 18 months.

React seems a bit better, but they don't seem to support older releases at all.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (76)

hmcdona1 on Feb 7, 2020 | parent [–]

This couldn't be more wrong. The team does a great job handling upgrade paths post 2.0.

First off, Angular versions post 2.0 are nothing like AngularJS/1.x -> Angular/2.0. They are much more incremental and even the two times the entire renderer has been re-written it was an incredibly gradual process over multiple major versions with seemingly few changes to component and template APIs.

Second, upgrading between Angular versions couldn't be easier thanks to angular schematics. The process takes seconds and for specific rarer exceptions the team maintains this fantastic guide here: https://update.angular.io/

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (77)

flukus on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent [–]

> This couldn't be more wrong. The team does a great job handling upgrade paths post 2.0.

The problem isn't how it's handled or how incremental it is, it's that there are so many upgrades with breaking changes, at least that's what they're communicating to me with their version numbers. There's also the lack of any real LTS versions I mentioned, 18 months doesn't cut it.

> They are much more incremental and even the two times the entire renderer has been re-written

Telling me that they've rewritten major components that frequently isn't exactly convincing me of the stability, its validates my previous belief that it isn't stable enough.

When they've got versions that are supported for 5+ years post release I'd consider it stable. It doesn't matter how good your upgrade guide is when you run into a bug or limitation with the current version and realize that you have to upgrade the entire framework and deal with all the breaking changes to get around it.

Compare that to react where you've got at least 3 years (assuming they follow semver) between breaking changes.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (78)

Bahamut on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | next [–]

React has some really painful breaking changes over the last 3 years - Angular did breaking changes in a far more user friendly way. The last breaking change that happened from 16.8 to 16.9 partially ended up resulting in us calling bankruptcy on our main app and helped make the decision easier to rewrite it from scratch on a team where the core members who worked on the app have over 70 years of experience amongst 4 devs.

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (79)

hmcdona1 on Feb 7, 2020 | root | parent | prev [–]

Fair enough, but I'm not sure you understand how nice schematics are. You can use them for a lot of things, but one nice use case is essentially update migrations. You literally just run `ng update @angular/cli @angular/core` and a majority of the time you're good to go...

Why is Angular so less popular than React? (2024)
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