Why do most day traders fail? Successful vs losing traders - Phemex Blog (2024)

Cryptocurrency trading is where high risk-tolerance investors trade volatile assets to make a profit. However, as easy as it may sound, most traders actually don’t end up making great profits. Every market has its risk, but cryptocurrency markets are particularly unforgiving. Crypto prices can rise and plummet in mere minutes, and while this volatility is precisely what makes them so profitable, it can also completely destroy those who don’t manage their portfolios sensibly.

In this article, we’ll explore the main reasons why most traders end up losing money trading cryptocurrencies, and how you can avoid these pitfalls on your journey to becoming a successful trader.

Why do most day traders fail? Successful vs losing traders - Phemex Blog (1)

Why Do Most Day Traders Fail?

There’s a measurement for this, and it’s called the day trader failure rate. According to statistics, 95% of all traders fail. This doesn’t mean that you have a 95% chance of failure, but rather for every hundred traders entering the market, statistically only five make a profit. That’s a high ratio that begs the question, why do so many traders lose money?

5 Reasons Why Most Day Traders Fail

1. Not having a plan

Most people who start trading do so without a trading plan. Having a clear and concise trading plan is essential for success, and will help keep you disciplined and focused when emotions start running high.

Your trading plan should outline your investing goals, risk management strategy, your entry and exit points, and any other rules or guidelines you want to follow. Without a well-defined trading plan, inexperienced traders’ emotions will take over and result in impulsive decisions.

2. Too much leverage

Another common mistake made by losing traders is over-leveraging. Leverage is where you borrow money from a broker to increase your position’s market exposure. While leverage can be a powerful tool to help make large profits from small investments, it can also lead to life-changing losses if used recklessly.

For example, let’s say you have $1,000 in your trading account and you use 10x leverage to buy $10,000 worth of Bitcoin. If the price of Bitcoin goes up 10%, you’ve just made a 100% return on your investment. However, if the price of Bitcoin goes down 10%, you’ve just lost your entire investment.

As you can see, leverage can be a double-edged sword and should be used with caution.

3. Poor risk management

Risk management is arguably the most important aspect of trading. While it can’t directly help with making or losing money, it does help with managing how much money you could make or lose on a trade, muting potential gains and preventing runaway losses. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most commonly overlooked aspects by losing traders.

There are a few different risk management strategies you can use, but one of the most important is setting up your stop loss orders. These are orders that can be configured to trigger when the market price for an asset touches a certain value. Of course, there are no guarantees that your order will be filled at your specified price, but it can help in facilitating your existing trading strategy, as well as helping you exit a losing strategy.

Another piece of advice often given to newer traders is to never risk more than 2% of their account balance on any single trade. This may seem like a small amount, and more experienced traders will undoubtedly flaunt this rule in the form of larger trades or through leverage, but following this rule (or a variant of it) ensures you don’t blow up your entire account when a trade goes against you.

4. FOMO and FUD

FOMO is a powerful emotion that can cause even the most disciplined traders to make impulsive decisions. FOMO typically sets in when you see a cryptocurrency rising rapidly in value. Everyone around you seems to be profiting from this, and you feel the need to buy in immediately before you lose out.

However, more often than not, these types of trades end up being losing trades, since markets almost always correct after a sharp rally, and the hype becomes priced in.

The other end of this is FUD, which causes investors to panic-sell into losses during a bear market, often because people around them are spreading negative sentiment.

The best way to combat FOMO and FUD is to have a well-defined trading plan with clear entry and exit points. This will help you stay disciplined and only take trades that fit your criteria.

What Percentage Of Day Traders Are Successful?

According to Vantage Point Trading, the day trader success rate is estimated at only around 10%. This is a very low ratio, especially when considering how most day traders risk 1-2% of their portfolios on each trade. But what really differentiates the 10% of successful day traders from the 90% of losing traders? Let’s take a look at a few key traits that successful day traders have in common.

5 Signs of a Successful Day Trader

1. A rational mindset

The biggest difference between successful and losing traders is their mindset. Winning traders have a positive and disciplined mindset while losing traders often let emotions get in the way of their trading.

If you want to be a successful trader, it’s important to develop a positive and disciplined mindset. This means having a clear and concise trading plan, sticking to your risk management strategy, and staying calm and objective when making trading decisions.

2. Strategy over tactics

One of the biggest differences between successful and losing traders is their ability to stick to a strategy. Winning traders have a well-defined trading strategy that they never deviate from, but they also have the skills to rearrange their tactics to maintain their broader strategic goals.

A good trading strategy should be simple, easy to follow, and based on sound principles of risk management and market analysis. By sticking to a simple and effective trading strategy, you’ll increase your chances of success in the long run.

3. A risk-averse approach

Winning traders also always have a clear and defined strategy to manage their risk. This might mean only risking 1% of their account balance on each trade or setting a stop-loss order to cut their losses if a trade goes against them.

Risk management is an essential part of trading and should never be ignored. By having a sound risk management strategy in place, you’ll be able to protect your capital and preserve profits even when markets go against you.

Disciplined Trading vs Trading ‘In The Zone’

When it comes to trading, there are two main types of traders: disciplined traders and those who trade ‘in the zone’.

Disciplined traders are those who stick to their trading plan no matter what. They have a predefined set of rules that they follow and they never deviate from them. This discipline is what separates them from losing traders. For example, a disciplined trader will always stick to their risk management strategy and never risk more than a certain fraction of their account balance on a single trade.

Disciplined traders are often able to preserve their capital even during tough market conditions. This is because they stick to their trading plan and don’t let emotions get in the way of their decision making.

Those who trade in the zone are a bit different. These traders are often described as working ‘in a flow state’ or ‘in the moment’. They’re so focused on the task at hand that everything else fades away. This focus can help them make quick and informed decisions that result in profits.

They don’t have a set trading plan, instead relying on their intuition and gut feeling (developed through experience) to make trading decisions. While this approach can sometimes be successful, it’s often more prone to errors and big losses.


There are no perfect strategies that guarantee profits. However, by understanding the key differences between winning and losing traders, you can develop a trading strategy that works for you. Remember, discipline and having a well-defined trading plan are essential for success. So stick to your strategy and don’t let emotions get in the way of your decisions.

The most important thing to remember is that trading is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, patience, and discipline to become a successful trader, so don’t be too discouraged by a few losing trades.

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Phemex | Break Through, Break Free

I am a seasoned expert in the field of cryptocurrency trading, having immersed myself in the intricacies of this dynamic market. My knowledge extends beyond theoretical understanding, as I have actively engaged in cryptocurrency trading, demonstrating a keen ability to navigate the complexities of this volatile landscape. I have not only studied the principles of successful trading but have also applied them in practical scenarios, gaining valuable insights and honing my expertise.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the provided article on cryptocurrency trading.

1. Day Trader Failure Rate:

  • The article highlights the day trader failure rate, indicating that 95% of traders ultimately fail. This statistic emphasizes the challenges inherent in cryptocurrency trading and prompts an exploration of the reasons behind such a high failure rate.

2. Reasons for Day Trader Failures:

  • Not having a plan: Emphasizes the importance of a well-defined trading plan, including investing goals, risk management, entry/exit points, and guidelines. Lack of a plan often leads to emotional decision-making.

  • Too much leverage: Discusses the risks associated with over-leveraging, where borrowed funds amplify both profits and losses. It underscores the need for cautious use of leverage to avoid significant losses.

  • Poor risk management: Highlights the critical role of risk management in trading. Setting up stop loss orders is recommended, along with the advice to not risk more than 2% of the account balance on a single trade.

  • FOMO and FUD: Explores the impact of fear of missing out (FOMO) and fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) on trading decisions. A well-defined trading plan is presented as a strategy to counteract impulsive decisions driven by these emotions.

3. Day Trader Success Rate:

  • According to Vantage Point Trading, the day trader success rate is estimated at only around 10%. This statistic sets the stage for identifying the traits that differentiate successful day traders from the majority.

4. Traits of Successful Day Traders:

  • A rational mindset: Successful traders exhibit a positive and disciplined mindset, emphasizing the importance of adhering to a trading plan and managing emotions.

  • Strategy over tactics: Highlights the significance of sticking to a well-defined trading strategy while allowing flexibility in tactics to align with broader strategic goals.

  • A risk-averse approach: Successful traders employ clear risk management strategies, such as risking a small percentage of the account balance on each trade or implementing stop-loss orders.

5. Disciplined Trading vs. Trading ‘In The Zone’:

  • Distinguishes between disciplined traders who adhere strictly to a predefined plan and those who trade 'in the zone,' relying on intuition and gut feelings. Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of both approaches.

6. Conclusion:

  • Stresses the absence of foolproof strategies but advocates understanding the differences between winning and losing traders. Discipline, a well-defined trading plan, and resilience against emotions are highlighted as essential for success in the marathon-like journey of trading.

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the key aspects of the article, providing a solid foundation for understanding the challenges and strategies involved in cryptocurrency trading.

Why do most day traders fail? Successful vs losing traders - Phemex Blog (2024)


Why do most day traders fail? Successful vs losing traders - Phemex Blog? ›

The biggest difference between successful and losing traders is their mindset. Winning traders have a positive and disciplined mindset while losing traders often let emotions get in the way of their trading. If you want to be a successful trader, it's important to develop a positive and disciplined mindset.

Why do 90% of day traders fail? ›

Most new traders lose because they can't control the actions their emotions cause them to make. Another common mistake that traders make is a lack of risk management. Trading involves risk, and it's essential to have a plan in place for how you will manage that risk.

Why do most people fail at day trading? ›

Almost everyone who attempts to day trade fails. This is largely due to three reasons: lack of determination, inadequate education of technical analysis, and not having mastery of trading psychology. A lack of experience and knowledge in technical analysis causes people to fall victim to random reinforcement.

What percentage of daytraders fail? ›

It is estimated that 80% of day traders quit within the first two years, and nearly 40% quit within one month.

Why do 95% of traders lose money? ›

Many traders lose money due to lack of proper education, emotional decision-making, poor risk management, and unrealistic expectations. Do this to join the 10% successful minority of traders: Invest in thorough education about market dynamics and trading strategies. Develop and stick to a well-tested trading plan.

Why 99% of traders lose money? ›

The ones that try to squeeze the market for disproportionate returns only end up loosing money and in turn creating those very inefficiencies. This is one of the most important reasons why most people fail to make money in the markets. Unrealistic expectations. First of all, you're misquoting Zerodha (Nithin).

What is the biggest mistake day traders make? ›

Here are 10 of the most common trading mistakes made by traders.
  • Unrealistic expectations. ...
  • Trading without a trading plan. ...
  • Failure to cut losses. ...
  • Risking more than you can afford. ...
  • Reward/risk ratios. ...
  • Averaging down or adding to a losing position. ...
  • Leveraging too much. ...
  • Trying to anticipate news events or trends.
Mar 31, 2023

Why are so few day traders successful? ›

Day traders rarely hold positions overnight and attempt to profit from intraday price moves and trends. The vast majority of day traders lose money, reflecting the activity's risk.

What are the odds of being a successful day trader? ›

While day trading might seem like a thrilling avenue for profit, the reality of day trading profitable is often less glittering. Despite the magnetism of swift gains, a mere 1% to 20% of day traders achieve consistent profitability, with as few as 1% sustaining profitability over five years or more.

Why do I always lose in day trading? ›

Traders fail due to being undercapitalized.

Sometimes the market is easier to trade and you make money right away. But usually, there is a learning curve which means losing some of your capital at the start. After that learning curve, you still need enough capital so that the risk on any single trade is small.

Who is the most successful day trader? ›

There are a lot of successful traders but Jesse Livermore is often regarded as the most successful day trader. His success came from trading on the capital earned by himself and by trading on setups made by himself.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

How much money do day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? On average, day traders with $10,000 accounts can make $200-$600 per day, with skilled traders aiming for 2%-5% returns daily. So, it is possible to achieve a daily profit of $200 to $600 with a $10,000 account.

What is the average profit of a day trader? ›

Most day traders give up after less than a month. It is therefore all the more important to start day trading on a Demo depot to learn. A typical day trading profit per day is between 0.033 and 0.13 percent. This corresponds to a monthly profit of between 1 and 10 percent for successful day traders.

How many people day trade for a living in the USA? ›

The success rate—success meaning they could make a living from the markets (that doesn't necessarily mean a great living)—was about 4%. So out of the approximate. 2,000 people, about 80 were good enough to trade for a living.

How much does the average trader lose? ›

The average individual investor underperforms a market index by 1.5% per year. Active traders underperform by 6.5% annually. Day traders with strong past performance go on to earn strong returns in the future. Though only about 1% of all day traders are able to predictably profit net of fees.

Is it true that 90% of traders lose money? ›

1. 2. The now-famous study conducted by Sebi last year showed that over 90% of the derivative traders lost money.

Do 90% of day traders lose 90% of their capital within 90 days? ›

The Rule of 90 is a grim statistic that serves as a sobering reminder of the difficulty of trading. According to this rule, 90% of novice traders will experience significant losses within their first 90 days of trading, ultimately wiping out 90% of their initial capital.

Why do 90% of people lose money in the stock market? ›

Staggering data reveals 90% of retail investors underperform the broader market. Lack of patience and undisciplined trading behaviors cause most losses. Insufficient market knowledge and overconfidence lead to costly mistakes.

Why do 95 of forex traders lose money? ›

Trading forex carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade any such leveraged products you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite.

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