Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope (2024)

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope (1)

Renters insurance is a safety netthat offers protection against property loss and liabilities, depending on the level of coverage. In other words,renters insuranceis an affordable way to protect your belongings against damage or theft, which areincreasing in frequency.

Close to one-third of households in Missouri are renters— 32.88%, to be exact. The stats match the number of questions we receive concerning renters insurance. This article provides a comprehensive guide for renters and landlords who need to learn more. Let’s get started.

Can Landlords Require Renters Insurance?

For your convenience, this section will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about renters insurance:

  • Can a landlord force you to get renters insurance?
  • Is renters insurance mandatory?
  • Can you be evicted for not having renters insurance?

First, no state or federal laws compel renters and landlords to secure renters insurance. However, your landlord may make it a prerequisite in the lease, rental or tenancy contract. The agreement could specify which type of coverage you must secure.

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope (2)

You could also risk eviction if your landlord requires renters insurance and you don’t have a policy. When renters insurance is contractually binding, any breach of the agreement may entitle the landlord to seek legal remedies, including eviction. In any case, renters insurance benefits renters and landlords, even when it isn’t mandatory.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover, and Is It Worth Having?

Primarily, renters insurance protects your property while you are a renter. It covers various losses, including those that result from:

  • Theft
  • Fire
  • Smoke
  • Lightning
  • Wind
  • Snow
  • Ice
  • Sleet
  • Explosions
  • Vandalism

Renters insurance does not cover every loss or damage. For example, floods and earthquakes are generally not part of the agreement.

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope (3)

Here are the specific belongings you can protect with renters insurance:

  • Furniture
  • Appliances
  • Clothing
  • Kitchen utensils

You may negotiate with your insurer for additional coverage, including personal liability, loss of use and medical expenses. Personal liability takes care of legal expenses when someone sues you for bodily injury or property damage in or out of your home. Loss of use takes care of additional expenses reasonably incurred when your apartment is not fit to live in at any time. The coverage may also take care of medical expenses directly related to a fault from the property. Additionally, you may include items generally excluded from the list.

Why Do Renters Need Insurance?

Renters insurance policies offer many benefits. A policy covers you against property loss and liability, even when you are out of town. Let’s break down these advantages in more detail.

1. Protects You From Property Losses

Renters insurance primarily aims to safeguard your belongings against damage and theft. When you lose your property, the insurance company compensates you or pays for the loss. For example, you may recover the monetary value of stolen items if you insure your property against theft.

2. Covers Liability

Renters insurance may cover liability when someone gets injured on your premises, primarily if the injury occurs due to your negligence. The coverage could include medical and legal expenses that would otherwise fall squarely on your shoulders.

3. Secures Your Property When You Travel

Worrying about your home’s safety when you’re away on a trip can dampen your excitement. With renters insurance, there’s less to stress about. The insurance company will take care of any losses that may happen while you’re out of town.

4. Gives You Peace of Mind

Thieves who break into homes are usually after big-ticket items like TVs, laptops, video game consoles and jewelry. Paying out of pocket to replace all these items can cost thousands of dollars — a heavy burden on top of the emotional impact of being a robbery victim. Though it’s impossible to put a price tag on your peace of mind, a renters insurance policy is much more affordable than recovering stolen belongings on your own.

5. Pays for Additional Living Expenses

If your apartment requires an extensive renovation that forces you to move out, renters insurance may cover the reasonable expenses you incur while you need temporary housing, including necessities such as meals and a hotel stay.

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance?

Requiring renters insurance in a lease benefits landlords by reducing their liability and preventing them from paying for damages. Renters insurance also takes care of relocation costs, helps landlords determine which tenant is reliable and makes it easier to accommodate tenants with pets. Let’s explain these further.

1. Reduces Liability

Some tenants may attempt to strategically sue their landlords. Possible outcomes of this situation include:

  • A judge may rule the landlord is innocent.
  • A court could hold the tenant and the landlord jointly responsible for the loss.
  • A judge might decide the landlord is fully liable for the loss.

Renters insurance may mitigate or completely relieve legal liability. For example, if a visitor is injured on premises you own, they may institute legal action against you. If the lawsuit is successful, you can rely on your insurance to cover the visitor’s losses, which may include medical bills and pain incurred.

2. Prevents You From Paying for Damages

Tenants may strive to hold their landlords responsible for losses, and they can succeed sometimes. When your tenant has renters insurance, it reduces your daily worries in the event of damage.

3. Takes Care of Relocation Cost

A contract governs the landlord-tenant relationship. This contract requires the landlord to provide accommodation for the tenant for a defined period subject to specific conditions, such as rent payment. If the landlord cannot fulfill their side of the deal, the tenant might require compensation — renters insurance may take care of that.

4. Helps You Identify Reliable Tenants

By requiring tenants to obtain renters insurance, you can determine which potential renters are likely to be the most responsible. Typically, a willingness to follow all the terms of a rental agreement indicates someone who will also pay their rent on time and be a good neighbor who respects your property.

5. Makes It Easier to Accommodate Pets

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope (4)

Many landlords are unwilling to allow pets on their properties, but dedicated pet parents know caring for an animal canimprove their quality of life. A renters insurance policy may cover any damages or injuries pets like dogs might cause on your premises. By requiring tenants to have insurance, you can feel more comfortable allowing them to have pets, making your property more attractive.

How Much Coverage Do I Need?

The worth of renters insurance coverage depends on several factors, including the type of coverage you require, your deductibles, your location and the exposure to damages or loss, the property’s physical state and your financial history. We’ll consider each type of coverage and what you need to keep in mind.

1. Personal Property Coverage

Determining your property’s value is an ideal starting point for personal property coverage. Next, check whether the policy reimburses thereplacement or the actual cash value. The amount you receive for the actual value may be lower than the replacement value. Also, remember that property depreciates over time.

When inventorying your belongings, note how much it would cost to replace each item. Then, choose coverage that meets or exceeds your total property value. So, for instance, if the total value of your possessions is $20,000, the coverage must be at least that amount. The risk of choosing a policy that covers less is that in the rare case where you lose everything, you may not recover 100% of your items.

You may need additional coverage for things a standard policy does not cover, such as expensive jewelry, watches and artwork. Protecting these properties shifts the expense onto the insurer in case of damage or loss.

2. Personal Liability Coverage

Having personal liability coverage as part of your renters insurance policy is essential to protect you financially in case of injury or property damage you are legally responsible for. For example, if someone trips and falls inside your home and breaks their arm, they may expect you to pay their medical bills.

The amount of coverage you select will determine how much your insurance company will pay in case of a lawsuit.The average award for personal liability on properties is $90,000, but judges usually consider several factors before awarding damages. If a personal liability claim exceeds your coverage, you’ll have to pay the extra costs out of pocket.

You may also want to buy an excess liability orumbrella policy, which provides broader coverage and higher limits.

3. Additional Living Expenses

If something makes your home temporarily uninhabitable, you’ll have to look for temporary lodging.Additional living expenses coverage takes care of reasonable costs you incur in this case. For instance, you may need to stay at a hotel after your home floods and you have a repair crew in to fix the damage. How much you pay as a premium depends primarily on your location. For example, you may opt for extra coverage if your city’s average short-term rent or hotel bills are high.

4. Pet Liability

Pet liability is coverage you may secure in addition to your renters insurance. It’s a straightforward way of protecting your wallet when your pet injures someone or damages their property.

Depending on the nature and extent of bodily injury or damage to property, pet liability may cost you thousands of dollars. Select coverage that is likely to cater to every expense. For instance, if your coverage is $35,000 and someone files a claim worth $60,000, you’ll need to pay the difference of $25,000. The premium may also depend on your pet’s breed and susceptibility to causing personal injuries or damages.

To paint a clearer picture, let’s consider some stats.

According to statisticsfrom the American Veterinary Medical Association, U.S. households have nearly 85 million dogs, and about4.5 million people experience dog bites annually.In 2020, insurance companies paid $853.7 million for dog bites and injury claims. The average claim payment in 2020 was $50,245, a 12.3% increase over the previous year, despite fewer claims.

Are There Discounts Available for Renters Insurance?

Renters insurance is generally affordable, but you may still look for ways to save a couple of dollars. Most insurance companies provide various discounts for renters insurance. For example, you might qualify for a reduced rate if you set up automatic monthly payments from your checking account or pay for your entire year’s premium upfront. Insurers may also offer exclusive discounts for people such as active-duty or retired first responders or military service members.

Combining multiple policies is another savvy way to save money. For example, if you already have auto and life insurance with the same insurer, you may negotiate for lower premiums on your renters insurance. Other ways to pay less are by improving your credit score or increasing your deductible.

Additionally, remember that your location also determines your premiums. Some areas have high crime rates or experience frequent natural disasters. People who live in these places can generally expect to pay more for insurance because they are more likely to file a claim. However, your insurer may offer lower premiums if you have implemented specific safety precautions such as installing a home security system. In doing so, you can show your insurance company that you’ve taken a proactive step to reduce your chances of loss or damage from a home break-in.

How to Give Your Landlord Proof of Renters Insurance

Landlords generally require proof of renters insurance coverage to satisfy the terms of a rental contract. Mostly, you only have to send a copy of the policy hard copy or by email. The insurance policy’s declarations pages set out the details for your coverage, including your name, the insurance provider, the amount of coverage and the policy’s number. Also, you can ask your insurer to contact your landlord directly and inform them of the policy.

Alternatively, you may request the insurance company to add your landlord as an interested party. In that case, the insurer will reach out to your landlord when your policy ends. For some landlords, verbal confirmation is sufficient.

Additional Information About Renters Insurance Policies

There’s more to learn about renters insurance, including what an interested party is and how to secure renters insurance. This information is to help you prepare adequately before taking the next steps.

What Is an Interested Party on a Renters Insurance Policy?

An interested party is someone you can add to your insurance policy to notify them when you buy the policy or when it lapses or terminates unexpectedly. In renters insurance, the interested party is likely to be your landlord. Making your landlord an interested party — also called a “third-party designee” or an “additional interested” — helps them confirm that you have obtained the policy according to their recommendations.

By making your landlord an interested party, you are not giving them permission to change your insurance policy. It only confirms you have secure renters insurance. Insurance companies have different ways of adding interested parties to renters insurance. Generally, you may inform your insurer verbally, send an email request or add the interested party directly to your account online.

How to Buy Renters Insurance

Securing renters insurance is generally not challenging if you have all the correct information. First, inventory your property to get an accurate estimate of its total replacement value. Consider whether you need to purchase additional coverage for high-end, luxury items that are usually excluded from renters insurance. It’s wise to take photographs or video recordings of belongings such as appliances, and you should also write down their serial numbers and keep that information somewhere secure.

Second, do your research to know which insurance company is best for you. Besides reading online reviews, you can ask family and friends for their recommendations. Third, make further inquiries with the insurer and begin the process. Finally, choose a payment plan and secure the necessary documents to complete the process.

Contact David Pope Insurance for Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is one of the best ways to protect your belongings and reduce personal liability. It may also cater to additional expenses and injuries or damages caused by your pets. Though no state or federal laws mandate you to secure renters insurance, your landlord may require you to purchase a policy in the rental contract. To reduce your insurance premium, find out if your insurer offers discounts. Also, increase your deductibles and improve your credit score to pay less.

David Pope Insurance Services, LLC is a local, family-owned insurance provider offering our Missouri customers affordable premiums. We have locations in Union and St. Clair. Our priority is to understand your needs and help you plan adequately.Contact usto learn more andrequest a quotetoday!

Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope (2024)


Why Do Landlords Require Renters Insurance? | David Pope? ›

Requiring renters insurance in a lease benefits landlords by reducing their liability and preventing them from paying for damages. Renters insurance also takes care of relocation costs, helps landlords determine which tenant is reliable and makes it easier to accommodate tenants with pets.

Why do landlords want you to have renters insurance? ›

Without a renters policy in place, damage or injury from a gathering gone wrong could be your responsibility. Renters insurance can help protect a landlord against tenant negligence. Tenant negligence can take many forms, ranging from a kitchen fire while cooking to water damage from an overflowing tub.

Why do people need renters insurance? ›

Renters insurance protects your belongings from loss, damage, or destruction following things like burglaries, fires, tornadoes and other covered events. Plus, renters insurance also protects your liability (and your money) if someone is injured at your rental home or apartment.

Do most landlords require renters insurance, true or false? ›

Is Renters Insurance A Requirement In California? It is not required by California law, however, many landlords can enforce a policy that requires renters insurance as a term of the lease.

Why would someone want to have renters insurance if their building owner has insurance Quizlet? ›

Why would someone want to have renters' insurance if their building owner has insurance? The building owner's insurance only covers the building structure. Renter's insurance covers your personal property.

What does renters insurance actually cover? ›

What damages to my property does renters insurance protect against in California? Renters insurance protects your stuff against several potential damages (or 'perils' in insurance speak), including theft, fire, vandalism, and water damage from things like burst pipes.

What are reasons people typically do not get renters insurance? ›

Some Renters Feel Their Property is Insured by the Landlord

Your landlord may have property insurance to protect the building structure and common areas, but this insurance offers no protection for your furniture and other belongings inside your rented property.

What are the negatives of renters insurance? ›

Additional Expense. One of the main cons of getting renters insurance is that it can be an added expense for tenants already paying rent and other living expenses. This can be a deterrent for some tenants who may feel that they cannot afford the additional cost of a renters insurance policy.

How much renters insurance should a landlord require in California? ›

So, how much renters insurance should a landlord require a tenant to have? The best practice is to require a renters policy that covers the replacement cost of the tenant's belongings and provides at least $100,000 in liability coverage. This protects both parties' interests in the event of an unforeseen circ*mstance.

What is the purpose of homeowners insurance? ›

Homeowner's insurance pays for losses and damage to your property if something unexpected happens, like a fire or burglary. When you have a mortgage, your lender wants to make sure your property is protected by insurance. That's why lenders generally require proof that you have homeowner's insurance.

What will you most likely need to insure as a landlord? ›

The core coverages of landlord insurance include property damage, liability protection, and rental income lost due to a tenant's inability to rent. Additional riders—or add-ons to policies—can be purchased to cover income lost when a tenant misses a rent payment and flood damage.

Should you name your landlord as an additional insured? ›

Your landlord shouldn't be listed on your renters insurance policy as an additional insured. Having an additional insured on your renters insurance means that you would be paying to cover them and their personal property too.

Will cover you if someone steals your personal information? ›

Final answer: Identity theft protection is the type of insurance that covers the risk of someone stealing your personal information. It provides services to monitor for fraudulent activities and alert individuals to potential theft.

What is the main reason someone would want to have renters insurance? ›

Renters insurance can help you repair or replace property after loss due to many types of damage or theft. It can also provide coverage for an accident at your residence. Policies usually have very affordable annual premiums.

Why would a landlord care about whether or not their tenant has an HO-4? ›

While your landlord likely insures the physical structure of the building you live in, an HO-4 policy provides coverage for your personal possessions if they were to be damaged by a covered peril. On top of that, HO-4 policies provide liability insurance.

Which of the following should be covered by renter's insurance? ›

Renters insurance covers personal property, personal liability, medical payments and additional living expenses or loss of use, up to the limits of your policy.

Can a landlord require renters insurance in CA? ›

While renters insurance is not required by law in California, some landlords may require it for you to live in their building. It's generally a good idea to have at least some form of coverage as your landlord's insurance is not liable for any damage to your personal property.

What does proof of renters insurance mean? ›

Proof of renters insurance is a physical or digital copy of your policy detailing what's included and who's protected. Sharing it with your landlord provides peace of mind for both parties, meeting rental agreement terms. By Mark Fitzpatrick.

Can a landlord require renters insurance in PA? ›

Your landlord may require you to have renters' insurance, but not all do, and just because your landlord insures the space you rent does not mean that you are covered. Having a policy protects you and your property from damages, theft, and liability, based on the type of policy you have.

Can a landlord require renters insurance in New York? ›

To be clear, renters insurance isn't legally required in New York — and most tenants won't purchase renters insurance unless a landlord requires it. As a landlord in New York, you can legally enforce the following requirements for renters insurance: Tenants must have renters insurance.

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