Why bank transfers might be delayed (2024)

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The GoCardless content team comprises a group of subject-matter experts in multiple fields from across GoCardless.The authors and reviewers work in the sales, marketing, legal, and finance departments. All have in-depth knowledge and experience in various aspects of payment scheme technology and the operating rules applicable to each.The team holds expertise in the well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US ACH scheme, as well as in schemes operating in Scandinavia, Australia, and New Zealand.

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Last editedMar 20222 min read

In most cases, domestic bank transfers using the ACH system clear within three business days. For international wire transfers, the window of normality might extend to five working days. However, sometimes there is a bank transfer delay. This can have a negative knock-on effect to your business, delaying your own bill payments and potentially impacting cash flow. What causes this payment delay, and what should you do when a bank payment is not received?

1. Weekends and holidays

One of the most common reasons for a bank transfer delay is a weekend or holiday. Transfers are typically processed during working days and hours, so if your sender has made a payment on Friday afternoon, it won’t be processed until Monday morning. This automatically tacks on two days to the processing time. If you’re expecting a wire transfer during holidays, plan for it and factor in the extra processing time needed so that it won’t impact your cash flow.

It’s even more important to keep the holiday aspect in mind when sending and receiving an international bank payment. Delays in international wire transfers are often due to holidays in the country of their origin. Did you know that the weekend doesn’t carry the same definition in every country? For example, if you’re waiting for a payment originating in the United Arab Emirates it’s important to know that the country’s definition of the working week runs from Sunday to Thursday.

2. Paperwork errors

Like other types of payment processing issues, another root cause of bank transfer delays is manual error. If even a single digit of your bank account or routing number is incorrect, this can impact the payment transfer time while the bank sorts it out. Delays in international wire transfers might also be chalked up to a paperwork issue, particularly when additional documentation is required. Large cross-border transactions might require extra paperwork due to anti-fraud and tax regulations – and unfortunately, sometimes it goes missing.

3. Differences in time zones

Delayed wire transfer during holidays are common, but differences in time zones can also be a weekday culprit. For example, a NYC-based business waiting for payment coming from Tokyo should factor in the 14-hour time difference. If a payment is processed at noon on Friday in Japan, this is the equivalent of 10:00 pm on Thursday evening back in New York. Keep these differences in mind when working out business days for processing.

4. Missed bank cut-off times

Individual bank cut-off times go hand in hand with differences in time zones to muddy the waters. Normally, banks will process transfers until the end of the working day. However, some will have an earlier cut-off time. After this set time, transfer requests placed that day won’t go out until the following business day. This can be frustrating, but it’s often a reason for your payment delay.

What to do when a bank payment is not received?

Whether you’re waiting for a domestic or international bank payment, when the average processing time of 3-5 business days has passed it’s best to act and prevent further delay. Contact your payer to verify that they have sent payment and ask for proof of submission if needed. You should also contact your bank provider to find out if there are any issues related to your payment. This gives you a chance to correct any missing details while giving you an idea of when you will receive the transfer.

GoCardless helps cut down on late and missing payments by using pull-based Direct Debit. This puts the merchant in charge of the amount and timing of the payment, so you can avoid chasing up on missing transfers.

We can help

GoCardless helps you automate payment collection, cutting down on the amount of admin your team needs to deal with when chasing invoices. Find out how GoCardless can help you with ad hoc payments or recurring payments.

Over 70,000 businesses use GoCardless to get paid on time. Learn more about how you can improve payment processing at your business today.

As an expertAs an expert ins an expert in the an expert in payment scheme technology and the operational rules governing various payment systems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the scheme technology and the operational rules governing various payment systems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the USheme technology and the operational rules governing various payment systems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US A schemes andthe operational rules governing various payment systems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US ACH,nal rules governing various payment systems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US ACH scheme ining various payment systems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US ACH scheme, context of banksystems. My expertise extends to well-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US ACH scheme, as and subscriptions, I bringl-established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPA scheme, and the US ACH scheme, as well wealth of firsthand knowledge and experience to the tableuropean SEPA scheme, and the US ACH scheme, as well as My expertise encompasses a deep understanding of established payment schemes such as UK Direct Debitchemes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEmes such as UK Direct Debit, the European SEPAavia, Australia, and New Zealand. My knowledge is grounded in a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, del, is grounded in a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delvinggrounded in a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving intonded in a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into thed in a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the contentin a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, a deep understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the understanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the articleunderstanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusseserstanding of the intricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

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Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons fortricacies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delayscies of bank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays inbank payments, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank in, international wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfersavianal wire transfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfers and Australiaansfers, and the factors influencing payment delays.

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Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfers and provides insights on stay up-toncing payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfers and provides insights on what payment delays.

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfers and provides insights on what to the latest

Now, delving into the content provided, the article discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfers and provides insights on what to do when and industry trends, ensuring thatticle discusses common reasons for payment delays in bank transfers and provides insights on what to do when a insights are always relevantor payment delays in bank transfers and provides insights on what to do when a bank informed.

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A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reasonrstanding the Causes

A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reason for bankthe Causes

A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reason for bank transfer Causes

A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reason for bank transfer delaysCauses

A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reason for bank transfer delays isauses

A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekendses

A. Weekends and Holidays

One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Del Weekends and Holidays One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers Factorsnd Holidays One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers ared Holidays One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typicallyolidays One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed duringidays One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during workingays One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days One common reason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days,ends andeason for bank transfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days, so: nsfer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days, so payments madefer delays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days, so payments made on Fridayelays is weekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons mayeekends or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may notnds or holidays. Transfers are typically processed during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processednsfers are typically processed during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed working days processed during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Mondaycessed during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, during working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding working days, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days Paymentsys, so payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days too payments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to theayments made on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing may on Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time.Friday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionallyday afternoons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionally, internationaloons may not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfersay not be processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfers maybe processed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfers may be affected addingssed until Monday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfers may be affected by days toonday morning, adding two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfers may be affected by holidays processingadding two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfers may be affected by holidays in. two days to the processing time. Additionally, international transfers may be affected by holidays in the - International transfers. Additionally, international transfers may be affected by holidays in the countryditionally, international transfers may be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and international transfers may be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekendsational transfers may be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends maynal transfers may be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not transfers may be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not haves may be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not have theay be affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not have the samee affected by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not have the same definitionted by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not have the same definition worldwided by holidays in the country of origin, and weekends may not have the same definition worldwide.

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B. Paper n the country of origin, and weekends may not have the same definition worldwide.

B. Paperworkthe country of origin, and weekends may not have the same definition worldwide.

B. Paperwork Errors

of origin, and weekends may not have the same definition worldwide.

B. Paperwork Errors

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B. Paperwork Errors

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B. Paperwork Errors

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B. Paperwork Errors

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B. Paperwork Errors

Manual errors, especially in bank worldwide.

B. Paperwork Errors

Manual errors, especially in bank accountwide.

B. Paperwork Errors

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B. Paperwork Errors

Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing

B. Paperwork Errors

Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers#### B. Paperwork Errors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers,### B. Paperwork Errors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can B. Paperwork Errors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can leadaperwork Errors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can lead towork Errors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can lead to delaysrors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can lead to delays inors Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can lead to delays in payment Manual errors, especially in bank account or routing numbers, can lead to delays in payment transfer - Manual errors,ally in bank account or routing numbers, can lead to delays in payment transfer. asbank account or routing numbers, can lead to delays in payment transfer. Innt or routing numbers, can lead to delays in payment transfer. In the routing numbers, can lead to delays in payment transfer. In the case ormbers, can lead to delays in payment transfer. In the case of international numbers,o delays in payment transfer. In the case of international wire lead topayment transfer. In the case of international wire transfers delays. In the case of international wire transfers, - case of international wire transfers, additional documentationternational wire transfers, additional documentation mayre transfers, additional documentation may beransfers, additional documentation may be requiredsfers, additional documentation may be required forditional documentation may be required for largeonal documentation may be required for large transactionsocumentation may be required for large transactions duetation may be required for large transactions due tomay be required for large transactions due to anti,d for large transactions due to anti-fraudtransactions due to anti-fraud and taxns due to anti-fraud and tax regulationsto anti-fraud and tax regulations,anti-fraud and tax regulations, andti-fraud and tax regulations, and missing-fraud and tax regulations, and missing paperworkfraud and tax regulations, and missing paperwork canDd and tax regulations, and missing paperwork can contribute in Time Zonesnd missing paperwork can contribute to delaysd missing paperwork can contribute to delays.

  - Timework can contribute to delays.

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C. C. DifferencesDifferences ines in Timen Time ZonesZones

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D. Missed Bank Cut-off Times

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2. What to Do When a Bank Payment is Not has passed:

  - Contact the payer to verify paymentNot ReceivedReceived

When ofcing assionyifnnecessary. payments - Contactntact the banknk provider takeder totiventifysand####ress anyss any issuess any issues related Payer lated to the payment.

to the payment.

3the payment.

  1. payment.

  2. **ment.

  3. Go to GoCardless thats Solutionsutions:s:** he paymentyment. Request prooft. Request proof of submission ifequest proof of submission if necessary toproof of submission if necessary to ensure of submission if necessary to ensure thebmission if necessary to ensure the paymentn if necessary to ensure the payment process isf necessary to ensure the payment process is initiatedecessary to ensure the payment process is initiated.

cessary to ensure the payment process is initiated.

B. Contacto ensure the payment process is initiated.

B. Contact Bank Provider

he payment process is initiated.

B. Contact Bank Provider

Communicate withpayment process is initiated.

B. Contact Bank Provider

Communicate with your bankprocess is initiated.

B. Contact Bank Provider

Communicate with your bank provideress is initiated.

B. Contact Bank Provider

Communicate with your bank provider toinitiated.

B. Contact Bank Provider

Communicate with your bank provider to identify timing

B. Contact Bank Provider

Communicate with your bank provider to identify any issues## B. Contact Bank Provider Communicate with your bank provider to identify any issues related.

  • Thisrovider Communicate with your bank provider to identify any issues related to the payment. ThisCommunicate with your bank provider to identify any issues related to the payment. This step allows likelihoodh your bank provider to identify any issues related to the payment. This step allows you toour bank provider to identify any issues related to the payment. This step allows you to correct or provider to identify any issues related to the payment. This step allows you to correct anyr to identify any issues related to the payment. This step allows you to correct any missing detailstify any issues related to the payment. This step allows you to correct any missing details and obtainify any issues related to the payment. This step allows you to correct any missing details and obtain an estimate issues related to the payment. This step allows you to correct any missing details and obtain an estimate of paymentd to the payment. This step allows you to correct any missing details and obtain an estimate of when.

4t. This step allows you to correct any missing details and obtain an estimate of when the **Additionalllows you to correct any missing details and obtain an estimate of when the transfer:correct any missing details and obtain an estimate of when the transfer will - any missing details and obtain an estimate of when the transfer will be receivedCardless catersls and obtain an estimate of when the transfer will be received.

overbtain an estimate of when the transfer will be received.

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businesses,f when the transfer will be received.

3 themansfer will be received.

3. payment collection# 3. Go GoCardeessymentment processingocessing efficiencyng efficiency.


The article suggestsrticle suggests thatticle suggests that Go articles that GoCardlessCardless offersoffers assolutionion toto late andsesssingng paymentsnts by using a pullusing a pull-based Direct Desing a pull-based Direct Debit system.pull-based Direct Debit system. This method puts merchants Direct Debit system. This method puts merchants in control Debit system. This method puts merchants in control of the payment amount what toem. This method puts merchants in control of the payment amount and timing, reducing the in such situations,rchants in control of the payment amount and timing, reducing the need introducesrol of the payment amount and timing, reducing the need toCardthe payment amount and timing, reducing the need to chase missing transferspayment amount and timing, reducing the need to chase missing transfers andment amount and timing, reducing the need to chase missing transfers and improving overall paymentnt amount and timing, reducing the need to chase missing transfers and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

and timing, reducing the need to chase missing transfers and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

In conclusiond timing, reducing the need to chase missing transfers and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

In conclusion, payment collection chase missing transfers and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

In conclusion, thesing transfers and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

In conclusion, the provideding transfers and improving overall payment processing efficiency.

In conclusion, the provided article sheds light on the various factors contributing to bank payment delays and offers practical advice on how to address delays effectively. Additionally, it highlights the role of GoCardless in automating payment collection and enhancing the payment process for businesses.

Why bank transfers might be delayed (2024)


Why bank transfers might be delayed? ›

Weekends and holidays

Why is there a delay in bank transfers? ›

There can be many reasons why international money transfers take time to be processed such as bank holidays, weekend delays, currency conversion delays, fraud detection & prevention measures, slow international bank networks, global events, and natural disasters among many other reasons.

Why don t bank transfers happen immediately? ›

The transfers move in a series of steps which are slowed down in order to reduce the possibility of fraud. Have you ever seen your money “pending” in your account, but unavailable for withdrawal? It's because all transfers for a bank are done in batches during the day, to an automated clearinghouse.

What does it mean when you have banking delays? ›

Delayed Capture: There can be delays in the payment processing, such as longer times for transactions or issues with international payments. These banking delays are often out of both parties' control.

Why would a transfer be on hold? ›

A transfer is typically put on hold because we need more information from you before the transfer is sent. This could mean: You need to verify your bank account. You need to update a phone number or address.

Why do my bank transfers take so long? ›

The time it takes for a bank transfer to be successful depends on a number of factors, and some of these factors could cause a delay. These factors include the timing of the transfer, where the transfer is being made, the currencies involved, security checks, bank holidays, and the reasons for the transaction.

Why haven't I received my bank transfer? ›

The receiving bank is still processing the money

But some banks are slower than others — they might take up to 1 working day for them to release the money. So your money's safely on its way, but the recipient bank is still processing it. Your recipient can ask their bank to speed this up.

How long do bank transfers actually take? ›

Generally, domestic bank wires are completed in three days, at most. If transfers occur between accounts at the same financial institution, they can take less than 24 hours. Wire transfers via a non-bank money transfer service may happen within minutes.

What happens if a bank transfer does not arrive? ›

If the bank initiated the transfer, notify the bank immediately so that it can investigate your claim. If you first contact the bank by phone, it is a good practice to follow up in writing. If you wired the funds through a third party (e.g., Western Union), contact that party to find out what their procedures are.

How can I speed up my bank transfer? ›

One of the fastest ways to transfer money between bank accounts is with an ACH debit, provided both accounts are linked. To link accounts and set up a transfer, you'll need to know basic details including your routing number and account number.

What is the primary cause of bank transaction delays? ›

Weekends and holidays

One of the most common reasons for a bank transfer delay is a weekend or holiday. Transfers are typically processed during working days and hours, so if your sender has made a payment on Friday afternoon, it won't be processed until Monday morning.

Why would a payment be delayed? ›

Here are some commonly reported reasons for delayed payments: Lost invoice (or never received) The client believes they have already paid. Payment is on the way.

What causes a delay in direct deposit? ›

A financial institution may put a hold on a direct deposited check in some situations, such as if the check is for a large amount, the account is new, the account has been overdrawn, or the bank has a concern about the ability to collect the funds from the payer.

Why are transfers pending? ›

When a transaction is authorised, it's confirming to the merchant your card is valid and there's money in your account to pay for what you're buying. The transaction amount is then deducted from your available funds, and the transaction shows as pending on your account until the payment process is complete.

Can a bank hold a transfer? ›

The receiving bank can hold the transferred funds for a holding period after they've been received. In addition, payments are only settled when the Federal Reserve's settlement service is open.

Why is my ACH transfer on hold? ›

ACH holds are all part of the process of transferring money using the ACH network. These holds are necessary for banks to ensure that funds are in place before completing transactions, helping create a more secure transfer process.

How long should I wait for a bank transfer? ›

Bank to bank transfer times can vary across financial institutions depending on the type of transfer you make. If you're making a traditional inter-bank transfer it will take 1-3 business days. If you use NPP Faster Payments or a PayID it can be near real-time.

How long should a transfer between banks take? ›

Your specific bank transfer time will vary depending on a range of factors, including fraud prevention, different currencies, different time zones, and bank holidays/weekends. In general, the bank transfer time will be around one to five working days.

Can a bank transfer be late? ›

One of the most common reasons for a bank transfer delay is a weekend or holiday. Transfers are typically processed during working days and hours, so if your sender has made a payment on Friday afternoon, it won't be processed until Monday morning.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.