Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (2024)

Have you ever wondered who makes a million dollars a year? Making a million dollars a year or more puts you in the top 0.1% of income earners in the world.

A top 1% income is over $650,000 today in America. With such an income, you should eventually have at least a top 1% net worth of over $13 million per person.

If you earn over $1 million a year, President Biden wants to raise the long-term capital gains tax rate from 20% to 39.4%. Despite only about 0.1% of Americans making over a million dollars a year, it seems like the number is much higher.

If you want to get rich, you might as well focus on joining industries that pay very well. But there's more to just joining a well-paying industry to get you to a million dollar income.

You've also got to perform at a high level, survive cutthroat competition, and receive lots of luck along the way. Let's see who makes a million dollars a year.

Survival Is The Name Of The Game To Make Millions

Corporate politics can be brutal on your climb to the top of the pyramid. Oftentimes, it's those who've been able to successfully sell themselves internally who achieve the greatest rewards.

During my career in investment banking,I was too defiant. Despite getting promoted quickly in my 20s, I stalled in my 30s because due to corporate politics.

I also didn't want to relocate to grind cities like New York or Hong Kong. Nor could I pretend to like enough peoplewho couldpush me forward. In the end, I decided to see what I could doentirelywith my own fingers.

We know that a top 1% income varies by age as well. You can't compare a 25-year-old's income to a 40-year-old's income. Instead, it's good to compare top 1% income levels by age.

For those interested in making a top 0.1% income, let's take a look at some career profiles.I think you'll be surprised at exactly who makes a million dollars or more.

The People Who Make $1 Million A Year Or More

Below are the people who make a million dollars a year or more. They hail from all different industries so there's something for everyone. These are the top 0.1% income-earners.

Once you start making $1 million a year or more, your goal is to become a millionaire. The first million is often the hardest, but once you become a millionaire, you can accumulate millions more.

Making a 7-figure salary won't last for the rest of your life. Therefore, it's imperative to save as much of your income each year as possible. There is a difference between earning a million dollars a year and being able to invest a million dollars a year! You actually want the latter so you don't have to work forever.

Managing Director, Investment Banking

Achieving the title of Managing Director has always meant that you'd finally break seven figures a year, at least when I worked in the industry between 1999 – 2012. The typical MD base is between $450,000 – $500,000. At year-end, these Managing Directors would often earn a bonus of $500,000 or more.

But the bonus is often paid in deferred stock and cash. For example, out of the $700,000 bonus, only $200,000 might be paid in upfront cash. The remaining $500,000 is deferred over four years.

If you quit before the four years is up, you lose your deferred compensation. This is why negotiating a severance is huge in any industry with deferred compensation is so important. Never let your deferred compensation go to waste. You earned it!

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (1)

General Partner, Private Equity

Private equity is one of the most coveted next step careers for investment bankers. The hours are much better, while the pay also tends to be higher as well. These folks earn salary, bonuses, and carried interest, which can often lead to huge bucks.

Some of the top private equity firms include: Blackstone Group, KKR, Warburg Pincus, TPG, and various sovereign wealth funds like Temasek, GIC, and Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. People in private equity are truly some of the highest income-earners today. Many make millions and millions of dollars a year.

First year associates joining top private equity shops out of business school all make over $500,000 a year. Therefore, by year five, they are likely making over $1 million a year. Below is the average private equity pay in the United States, which is looking light nowadays.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (2)

Portfolio Manager, Hedge Fund

Again, your compensationis basedon performance, size of assets under management, andthenumber of employees.First-yearassociates out of business school can make $300,000 – $500,000 at the largest shops.

By the time you become a general partner or portfolio manager, you should be making at least one million dollars a year if your fund is over $500 million. Hedge funds earn a lot of money due to their fee structure, which is still two and twenty after so many years of underperformance.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (3)
Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (4)

Portfolio Manager, Actively Managed Long Only Fund

Fund manager pay is based on tenure, performance, and assets under management. In order to earn $1 million a year, you will probably need to manage over $1 billion in assets under management and have a solid 5-year or longer track record of performance.

A 1% fee on $1 billion generates $10 million a year in revenue to pay the portfolio manager, analysts, office rent, marketing, other operating expenses, and the overall company.

But most of these actively run funds are charging less now (~0.5%) due to the proliferation of index funds. Companies such as BlackRock, Fidelity, Wellington, T.Rowe. Price, Capital, PIMCO, Prudential, Nuveen, Invesco, Janus, AXA, Legg Mason, TIAA-CREF and many more all have portfolio managers and some analysts who earn over $1 million a year.

What's amazing about being an active portfolio manager is that even if your fund underperforms, so long as you have a large enough AUM, you will still likely get paid over a million dollars a year.

Principal/ General Partner, Venture Capital

Just like all the other money management industries, there are good venture capital firms and there are bucket shops. The largest venture capital firms like Benchmark, Sequoia, and Kleiner Perkins pay their General Partners multi-million dollars a year. This is especially true if one of their investments has a huge exit such as when Whatsapp sold to Facebook for $19 billion in stock and cash.

I consider being a VC one of the best vacation jobs or trust fund jobs in the world because you don't have to build anything, you get to earn a nice salary with carry, and you don't have to prove your investment returns for years given the normal 5-10 year lockup periods for funds.

By the time your limited partners discover you've made terrible investments, you'll have earned a lot of money and moved on to a new VC or started a new fund within the firm.

  • Analyst $ 80K – $ 150K
  • Associate $ 130K – $ 250K
  • Vice Presidents $ 200K – $ 250K + $ 0-1MMcarrybonus
  • Principal/Junior MD $ 500K – $ 700K + $ 1-2 MMcarrybonus
  • Managing Directors/Partners $ 1MM + $ 3-10MMcarrybonus

Invest In Venture Capital

Investing in venture capital is a way to find private growth companies way before they go public. If you can invest in the next google, Facebook, Tesla, and more, you could easily make over one million a year. Every rich person I know invests in venture capital or owns a business. You might as well consider doing the same with a minority percentage of your ivnestable assets.

To invest in private growth businesses, check out theInnovation Fund. It invests in the following five sectors:

  • Artificial Intelligence & MachineLearning
  • Modern DataInfrastructure
  • Development Operations(DevOps)
  • Financial Technology(FinTech)
  • Real Estate & Property Technology(PropTech)

Roughly 35% of the Innovation Fund is invested inartificial intelligence, which I'm extremely bullish about. In 20 years, I don't want my kids wondering why I didn't invest in AI or work in AI!

The investment minimum is also only $10 while most venture capital funds have a $250,000+ minimum. You can see what the Innovation Fund is holding before deciding to invest and how much.

Partner, Big Law

Big law partners regularly earn over $1 million a year. The starting salary for big law first-year associates is around $190,000. By their 8th year (34-35 years old), their salaries will have risen to around $330,000. The funny thing about big law is that everybody up to the 8th year all get paid pretty much the same across all firms.

Bonuses are nothing to write home about, often ranging between 0% – 20% of salary. Therefore, in order to make over one million dollars in law, you need to become a partner where you're bringing in business and earning a percentage of profits.

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Strategy Consulting, Partner

Firms like McKinsey, Bain, and BCG are some of the top strategy/management consulting firms. But to get to partner and $1,000,000+ generally takes about 10 years after business school, and only a few make it that far. Many will either burn out or go join a client for less pay.

Here's the salary progression for a typical strategy consultant.

First-year out of undergrad:

  • Base: $85k
  • Signing Bonus: ~$5k
  • Performance Bonus: up to ~$20k

First year out of MBA:

  • Base: ~$165k
  • Signing Bonus: ~$25k
  • Performance Bonus: up to ~$65k

Manager/Project Leader (2-3 years out of MBA):

  • Base: $200-220k
  • Bonus: $100-140k

Associate Principal/Senior Project Leader (4-5 years out of MBA):

  • Base: $250-320k
  • Bonus: $130-230k

Junior Partner/Principal (6-8 years out of MBA):

  • Base: $350-450k
  • Bonus: $350-550k

Senior Partner/Director (10+ years out of MBA):

  • Base: $450-650k
  • Bonus: $500k+(all-in, senior partners at top firms usually make $1M+; top partners can make $4-5M while ultra-performers can make more)

Division I Football Coaches

The average salary of a Division I football coach is roughly $1.8 million. It is the football coach that is often the highest paid state employee.

In 2021, LSU head coach Ed Orgeron is expected to earn $8.7 million and football likely isn't going to even be played. Not bad! In 2023, Lincoln Riley at USC and Nick Sabin from Alabama are expected to earn $10 million a year.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (6)

Public Company C-Level Executive

Don't let $1 salaries fool you. C-level executives are often paid mostly in stock compensation. The theory is to tie compensation to performance. They simply end up getting way more stock than anybody at the firm.

For example, Dara Khosrowshahi, CEO of Uber, reportedly got a $200+ million package to join Uber. Yet, Uber has seriously underperformed since he's joined. Shareholders have made no money in Uber since 2015. Yet, the CEO still gets paid massively. Got to love it!

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has a base salary of around $650,000, but got a stock grant worth $199 million in 2016. In 2023, Pichai still makes over $100 million a year thanks to stock grants, even though Google's stock has tanked since 2022. The median CEO pay for the top 100 largest companies is over $16 million.

But you don't even have to be a public company c-level executive to make $1 million or more a year. You can be a Vice President at Apple, Facebook, Walmart, P&G, or any of the giants. You will more than likely make over $1 million a year if you include your stock compensation.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (7)

Self-Help Gurus Easily Make Over $1 Million A Year

The self-help industry is estimated to be worth more than $12 billion dollars. It's also growing because we're all jockeying to make more money and gain more prestige. The self-help industry is also considered recession-proof since even more people are looking to get out of the muck during downturns.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (8)

Folks like Tony Robbins make millions selling $10,000 self-help seminar tickets. His net worth is estimated at $500 million.

TV personality Dr. Phil wrote a bestseller on how to lose weight and eat right, despitehe himselfbeing overweight. Then there are guys like James Altucher whose company generated over $11 million in sales selling himself as a cryptocurrency genius in order to sell his courses online.

There are self-help gurus who sell $2,000+ e-courses on information you can get for free make over $1 million a year. They are taking advantage of vulnerable people and their securities to make lots of money. If they were really there to help people, they will come out with a more affordable solution, like a book.

Whether you succeed or fail, these people will always succeed because people are always feeling bad about themselves in this ultra-competitive world.

Professional Athletes Make Over $1 Million

They make great money, but their longevity isn't very long. One estimate says that if you are able to finish every professional golf tournament at par, you will average $1 million a year in earnings.

Based on the current 2023 cap estimate, next year’s NBA rookie minimum salary will surpass the $1MM threshold for the first time, while the minimum for a veteran with 10+ years of service will approach $3MM

The average NBA player will make ~$25 millionduringhis career.Thisis based on an averageannualsalary of $5.2 million andacareer length of 4.8 years.

In comparison,the average NFL player will make only $6.5 milliondue to a lower average salary of around $2 million a year andashorter average career length of just 3.3 years. Elsewhere, the average MLB player earns about $3.3 millionannually, while the average NHL playerearnsabout $2.5 million.

Tennis star, Roger Federer is reported to have made over $100 million in 2021 due to a tremendous portfolio of endorsem*nt deals. Too bad it looks like he's retiring after getting a second knee surgery in 2021. Federer said he wants to give Wimbledon one more try in 2023.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (9)

Entertainers Make Over $1 Million

From actors, to musicians, to reality stars, being an entertainer today can be extremely lucrative. No wonder why so many people want to be famous! I thought Judge Judy's salary was only $47 million a year. But according to Forbes below, she took in $147 million in 2018.

Everybody wants to become a YouTube star nowadays with top earners who look like everyday folk earning $10 – $15 million a year. My favorite is Ryan Toys Review, a six year old who pulled down $11 million in 2017 and supposedly over $20 million in 2019.

Streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon doled out $300 million to stars, including Ryan Reynolds (No. 18 on Forbes, $71.5 million), Billie Eilish (No. 43, $53 million) and Jerry Seinfeld (No. 46, $51 million).

Podcasters are making big bucks as well. Bill Simmons (No.13 on Forbes, $82.5 million), sold his podcast company The Ringer to Spotify in February 2020 for $206 million. Joe Rogan agreed to a licensing deal with Spotify for more than $100 million in May 2019.

Hamiltoncreator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda (No. 62 on Forbes, $45.5 million), made bank when in February 2020, Walt Disney paid $75 million for the rights to air the filmed version of his Founding Father musical.

It was also recently reported that Kim Kardashian is now a billionaire. Not bad!

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Doctors Who Own Their Practices Are Top 0.1% Income-Earners

Due to popular demand, I've added doctors to the list. I didn't include them in the beginning due to the enormous cost and time it takes to become a doctor compared to their compensation. Pay has actually been falling for doctors due to many factors, including: government intervention, private practice consolidation by hospitals, rising insurance costs, and more.

Orthopedists top the list with annual average compensation of $443,000, taking into account salary, bonus, and profit-sharing contributions,according to Medscape’s physician compensation report.

Cardiologists and dermatologists come in second and third for earnings, earning $410,000 and $381,000, respectively. The lowest earning doctors are pediatricians, which bring in about $204,000 annually.

In order to make over $1,000,000 a year as a doctor, you need to be a partner in your own private practice and have a great source of recurring clients. I personally think doctors are very underpaid for how much value the provide to society. Teachers too.

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Online Entrepreneurs / Bloggers Can Easily Make 7-Figures A Year

Blogging is my favorite business in the world. You can simply write whatever is on your mind and advertisers will pay you, not your readers. Since you give away your product for free, there are no returns, no customer support, and no obligations to your customers. There is only freedom baby!

Once you build a brand and can generate organic traffic of over one million pageviews a month, there's a decent chance you could make $1 million in revenue a year. Here's a sample income report from a personal finance blogger.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (12)

There are plenty of online entrepreneurs who are generating a tremendous amount of cash. They are in e-commerce, SAAS, and info product space.

As we've learned from the lockdowns in 2020 and 2021, an online business is even more valuable that before, all things being equal, because its earnings are more defensive. When you can't shut down an online business, its valuation clearly goes up relative to other business that are at risk of being shut down.

You'll definitely be surprised at how much some bloggers are making for a living. It's much more than you think!

Techies Can Make Over $1 million

Back in 2000, many college graduates pursued investment banking and strategy consulting jobs. Today, these same graduates are all clamoring into tech.

Big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple are able to pay the most. They are the most profitable and have the largest market caps. Apple has a market cap of over $2 trillion. They have a bottomless pit of money.

However, you won't be making over one million dollars a year at a tech company until you start getting into management roles. Engineers easily make between $200,000 – $500,000 all-in. First year software engineers out of college are making $180,000+ nowadays.

If you get incredibly lucky, your company's share price might allow you to clear $1 million if you sell some RSUs along with your salary.

For example, let's say you got a $400,000 Google RSU package and a $350,000 salary. You get to sell 1/4th of your RSUs each year. Google's share price would have to increase by 6.5X for your $100,000 annual RSU payment to turn into $650,000 for you to clear $1 million.

Below is a snapshot of median pay at some big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. $250,000 is a high median pay at Google. However, it's not one million dollars a year.

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After a robust 2020 and 2021, there are even more techie making more than one million a year. The equity gains have been massive since the pandemic began!

Mom & Pop Small Business Owners Can Earn Big Cash

There are over 30 million small business owners in America. Potentially up to 9% of these small businesses have sales of over $1 million. But as every small business owner knows, sales does not equal operating profit. Therefore, I estimate only about 1% of small business owners, or 300,000 earn more than $1 million in operating profit a year.

Some of my favorite small business types that have surprised me in terms of earnings. These small businesses include laundromats and real estate empire builders. Of course, online small business owners are still the best, especially in this environment.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (14)

Stock & Crypto Speculators

2021 reminded us that stock speculators can make a million dollars a year. It was crazy how much stocks like Gamestop, AMC and more went up thanks to huge shot squeezes. Meme stocks were going bonkers for a while.

In the long run, however, it's hard to make consistent returns day trading and speculating on individual stocks. I don't recommend going on margin and actively trading stocks for the long run. But you can hit it big once in a while.

2022 was a year that cryptocurrencies and growth stocks came back down to Earth. A bear market is always a good reminder to properly asset allocate and have the proper risk exposure.

In case you're curious, here's how I'd invest $250,000 in a bear market. Bear markets created opportunities to build top 0.1% wealth. I certainly plan to take advantage for my kids' sake.

Easiest Way To Make Million Dollar A Year Dream

The easiest way to make $1 million a year or more is as a public company non-founding CEO or senior executive. The compensation is outrageously high for what they do. CEOs have huge teams who do most of the work for them.

A CEO is really just an ambassador of the firm. He or she tries to drum up positive PR and business development deals. They sign off on decisions that have already been carefully vetted. They neither invent new ideas or get in the weeds.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (15)

Hardest Way To Make $1 Million A Year

The hardest way to make $1 million a year or more is in a profession that relies mostly on individual performance. If you remove the CEO, the company will still run fine. The stock might even go up.

As a professional tennis player, nobody is going to win a match for you. If you are a fund manager, you're either outperforming your respective index or you aren't. As a professional blogger, you're either going to come up with interesting content that gets shared or suffer in purgatory.

As a professional writer, you need to earn a massive book advance to make over $1 million a year. I wrote a Wall Street Journal Bestseller and it's not enough to earn a million a year, only six figures.

Despite the difficulty of making over one million dollars as an individual performer, there is also a fantastic non-monetary upside. Individual performers get the most satisfaction.

Building something from nothing is more rewarding than jumping on an already established business. Working incredibly hard on your craft and then winning feels amazing.

I don't have to tell you that earning $1 million a year isdifficult. That's $83,333 a month in income or operating profit. Even if youdoget to such a milestone, it may be harderto stay there over the long-term due to competitive forces that will eat away at your product or services.

Something Things In Common For Top 0.1% Income Earners

From this article, hopefully you agree that making a top 0.1% income is possible in many ways. There are probably over one hundred ways to make more than $1 million a year. But here are some things people who earn a top 0.1% income have income.

  • Highly educated
  • Tremendous desire
  • Grit and determination
  • Personability
  • Expertise, experience, and credibility
  • Have a strong network
  • Takes calculated risks
  • Luck

You don't have to attend an Ivy League school or the likes to earn a top income. In fact, the median income for Ivy League graduates by age doesn't come close to a top 0.1% income.

However, the more education and the better education you have, and the longer you grind, the greater your chances of making over a million a year.

Never Take Your Luck For Granted

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Your extraordinary wealth is mostly due to luck. Plenty of people make the right decisions and work hard every day. Yet 99.9% do not make over $1 million a year. 99% of Americans do not have a net worth over over $10 million a year.

Never assume you'll make $1 million again the next year. Instead, it’s best to mentally rest to zero so you don’t rest on your laurels. Ifpossible, figure out a way to build a brand aroundyourselfor your business to protect or expand your earningpower.

Always work on improving your craftbecauseeventually, you will become irrelevant. When that time comes, however,you already willhave saved up a lovely nest egg tosupport you for the rest of your life in peace.

Remember, you only need to get rich once! Once you get rich, make sure you stay there by protecting your capital.

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Recommendations For Getting Rich

It's hard to regularly make over $1 million a year. Sooner or later, your luck and energy may run out. As a result, it's important to save and invest your cash flow aggressively. Ideally, you want your money to work for you so you don't have to forever.

1) Invest In Real Estate

Every single wealthy person I know has invested in real estate in some form or another. Real estate is a real asset that tends to hold its value and generate valuable rental income. Real estate also benefits from inflation.

Check out Fundrise and CrowdStreet, my favorite private real estate platforms. They enable you to invest in real estate across the country. I've personally invested $810,000 in private real estate funds since 2016.

Fundrise focuses on diversified private eREITs to help you earn income 100% passively. The funds invest mostly in Sunbelt single-family and multifamily homes where valuations are cheaper and yields are higher. For most people, investing in an eREIT is the way to go.

CrowdStreet focuses on individual commercial real estate deals in 18-hour cities where valuations tend to be lower and cap rats higher. If you have a lot of capital, you can build your own select fund.

Both platforms are free to sign up and explore.

Real estate accounts for roughly $160,000 out of my estimated $380,000 in annual passive income. Thanks to technology and the pandemic, the work from home trend is here to stay. Below is my latest private real estate investing dashboard with over $620,000 in distributions paid out since 2017.

2) Start Your Own Business

Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for starting Financial Samurai in July 2009. Recessions are a perfect time to try and start a business and do something new.

Here is my step-by-step guide to starting an online business. It takes less than $3/month and 45 minutes to set up. Building your own business and owning all the equity is one of the best ways to make over one million a year.

3) Invest In Private Growth Companies

Invest in private growth companies through an open venture capital fund like theFundrise Innovation Fund. This way, you've got private growth company exposure, but you're not wasting your time.

The fund invests in artificial intelligence, fintech, proptech, and more. Unlike traditional venture funds that are invite only with $200,000+ minimums, you can invest in the Innovation Fund with as little as $10.

4) Stay On Top Of Your Money

Sign up for Empower (previouslyPersonal Capital), the web’s #1 free wealth management tool to get a better handle on your finances. Remember, it's not so much how much you make, but how much you keep. Run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees.

Then make sure you run your financials through its Retirement Planner to make sure your financial future is on track. There's no rewind button on the road to financial freedom. Best get it right the first time!

Then maybe, you can get to the ideal net worth amount of $10+ million and retire happily ever after.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year is a Financial Samurai original post. I've been writing about personal finance since 2009. Join 60,000+ others and sign up for my free weekly newsletter if you want to learn more ways to become a multi-millionaire.

Who Makes A Million Dollars A Year? Exploring The Top 0.1% Income Earners (2024)


What is the top 0.1 percent income? ›

For 2022, the average wage for working Americans was $61,136. The average wages of those in the top 1 percent of wage earners were $785,968 that year. In the rarefied top 0.1 percent, the average earnings were more than $2.8 million in 2022.

Who are the top 1% of earners? ›

To be in the top 1% of earners, you're looking at an average annual income of $819,324. The top 0.1% of Americans earn an average of $3,312,693.

What jobs pay $1million a year? ›

To make $1 million per year, you'll need to be one of the best in the world as a:
  • Entrepreneur.
  • Entertainer.
  • Law Firm Partner.
  • Pro Athlete.
  • Hedge Fund Manager.
  • Real Estate Agent.
  • Software Developer.
  • E-commerce Business Owner.
May 9, 2024

What percent of people make 1 million dollars a year? ›

What is the percentage of American households with a total annual income of over one million dollars? Making a million dollars a year or more puts you in the top 0.1% of income earners in the world.

Is top 0.1 percent high? ›

US households have added US$37 trillion in wealth in the past four years, but the distribution has become more concentrated among the very rich – the top 0.1 per cent. Those roughly 133,000 split about US$20 trillion in wealth between them as of the end of 2023, equating to some US$150 million per household.

What income is .01 percent? ›

The most populous state in the country has the third-highest threshold for the top 1% of taxpayers. In 2023, households earning at least $844,266 per year are considered among California's top 1%. On average, these high earners are taxed at a rate of 26.95%.

What is top 1% net worth by age? ›

Average net worth by top percentile and age
AgeTop 1% net worth
3 more rows
Mar 27, 2024

What percentile is 3.5 million net worth? ›

The 95th percentile, with a net worth of $3.2 million, is considered wealthy, facilitating estate planning and possibly owning multiple homes. The top 1%, or the 99th percentile, has a net worth of $16.7 million and represents the very wealthy, who enjoy considerable financial freedom and luxury​​.

What is the top 1% income in the world? ›

Top 1% net worth around the world
  • Monaco: $12.88 million.
  • Luxembourg: $10.83 million.
  • Switzerland: $8.51 million.
  • U.S.: $5.81 million.
  • Singapore: $5.23 million.
  • Sweden: $4.76 million.
  • Australia: $4.67 million.
  • New Zealand: $4.57 million.
Mar 7, 2024

Can a doctor make $1 million a year? ›

Doctors in the top 10 percent averaged $1.3 million. And those in the top 1 percent averaged an astounding $4 million, though most of that (85 percent) came from business income or capital gains.

What professions are most likely to be millionaires? ›

The Most Common Professions of Millionaires: Engineers, Accountants, Teachers, Managers, Lawyers. Discover the most common professions of millionaires based on a survey of 10,000 individuals. Join our community to learn how to achieve financial freedom and wealth. Sign up now!

How many people in the US make $2 million a year? ›

How many multi-millionaires are in the US? About 8,046,080 US households earn $2 million or more, covering about 6.25% of American households. 5,671,005 US households earn over $3 million or more, covering about 4.41% of all US households.

What is top .1 percent income in the US? ›

Entering the top 1% of earners requires an average annual income of $819,324. In the highest echelon — the top 0.1% — the average income is $3.3 million. The rapid wage growth for these groups is noteworthy.

What percentage of people have a net worth of $1000000? ›

Additionally, statistics show that the top 2% of the United States population has a net worth of about $2.4 million. On the other hand, the top 5% wealthiest Americans have a net worth of just over $1 million. Therefore, about 2% of the population possesses enough wealth to meet the current definition of being rich.

What is the average age of millionaires? ›

They're predominantly 55 and older; just 2.4% are under the age of 35. Older Gen Xers and boomers have the millionaire market particularly cornered, with more than a quarter of millionaires in the 55 to 64 range.

What is the top 0.5 net worth? ›

Data on net worth distributions within the top 1% indicate that one enters the top 0.5% with about $1.8M, the top 0.25% with $3.1M, the top 0.10% with $5.5M and the top 0.01% with $24.4M. Wealth distribution is highly skewed towards the top 0.01%, increasing the overall average for this group.

What is top 1% considered? ›

The term “top 1%” typically refers to people among the top 1% wealthiest Americans, as measured by either annual income or net worth. The income of those in the top 1% is many multiples above that of the average American.

What income qualifies for the 1%? ›

Here's the list of all 50 U.S. states along with the annual income needed to be in the 1%. California ($844,266), New Jersey ($817,346), and Washington ($804,853) round out the top five states with the highest minimum thresholds to make it to their exclusive rich club.

How much is top 0.1 percent income in India? ›

In 2022, just the top 0.1 per cent in India earned nearly 10 per cent of the national income, while the top 0.01 per cent earned 4.3 per cent share of the national income and top 0.001 per cent earned 2.1 per cent of the national income.

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