Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (2024)

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (1)A very common “go-to” funding idea for small nonprofits is fundraising events.

Events are a great way to bring like-minded people together and have a good time in the name of your cause.

Some fundraising events are huge, drawing attendees and sponsors like moths to a flame. Other events are smaller, more intimate gatherings where guests are directly asked for money.

Both have their place and can be highly profitable.

You can raise money with all kinds of fundraising events like parties, galas, sporting events, concerts… and the list goes on and on.

With so many options, it can be hard to pick the right event for your situation.

So, how do you know which one will be THE ONE that raises big bucks for you? Or the one that’s easiest to organize and promote, practically selling itself?

In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at three kinds of fundraising events that work for most nonprofits – community/fun events, heartstrings events, and signature events – and how to choose the right one for you.

But first, here’s a little bit about figuring out how to narrow down YOUR choices for fundraising events.

Evaluating Ideas for Fundraising Events

When you’re evaluating a potential fundraising event, don’t just look at the potential revenue. Consider how much time and energy it’ll take to make your event successful.

Pay attention to the donor/attendee experience, then weigh out the potential cost and get ready to PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!

You already know that every dollar counts in your nonprofit. That means spending money on an event can be a little scary.

You don’t want to spend more than you raise, and poor planning can turn an event into a budget buster that wastes your most precious resource – time and volunteers.

ThoseTupperware parties, garage sales, and candle fundraisers? Unfortunately, they’re not going to sustain your budget.

Though they may be fine for a quick infusion of some cash, there are two downsides to them:

1. They really don’t do much to promote your brand, your cause, or your mission – which means you’re NOT reaching the level of awareness you need to grow your nonprofit.

2. They generally don’t establish any future relationships or revenue streams – which means you’re NOT going to have the donor base you need to grow your nonprofit.

Sure, your organization will get a handful of dollars for doing basically nothing. But is it really worth that $100 to promote and attach your name to Suzie’s multilevel marketing opportunity? (Probably not!)

Fundraisers are basically just sales anyway. They’re transactional by nature and not a good long-term solution for funding.

So why invest time, energy, and other resources into something that’s not getting you what you need or not getting you where you want to go?

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (2)When choosing events and fundraisers, it’s important that you look at the long game. Affiliating your organization with every random fundraiser will dilute your message, annoy your followers, and cheapen your brand.

I know sometimes it’s hard to say “no” to a fundraiser idea your volunteers or Board come up with. When you’re desperate for money, that $200 from a Buffalo Wild Wings night looks good!

But if you’re surviving on little fundraisers, you’ve got a bigger problem. Your revenue isn’t sustainable, and you’ll find yourself living from one fundraiser to the next and one event to the next.

It’s a hamster wheel you don’t want to be on.

That’s why it’s important to do ONE fundraising event each year, do it well, give it everything you’ve got, then move on to other kinds of fundraising.

And that’s where the RIGHT event comes in.

A well-run event can build MANY relationships within your community that’ll serve you well for years to come! It can attract potential new donors and partners, keep your current donors close, sustain excitement about your cause, and build awareness in the community.

So, what’s the RIGHT event for your nonprofit?

The RIGHT event:

  • Raises 10-20% of your annual budget.
  • Generates at least 4-5 times what you spend to host it.
  • Brings in dozens of new donors (or renews existing ones).
  • Deepens relationships and draws supporters closer to your mission.
  • Attracts corporate sponsors.
  • Draws volunteers easily.
  • Sells out every year.

Sound good?

Now, there are many KINDS of events, but they fall into two basic categories: the Community/Fun Event and the Heartstrings Event.

Community/Fun Events

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (3)

Community/Fun Events are widely promoted events that encourage people to do something active or fun while supporting your cause.

Participants usually pay upfront to take part, in one way or another. So you’re not asking them for a straight-up donation, even though you should educate them about your organization in some way and hopefully add them to your list of supporters.

These types of events can help you build community relationships.

People leave Community/Fun Events feeling good, and that’s good for you because they’ll likely talk about their experience for several days afterward – telling friends and co-workers what a blast they had!

Community/Fun Events are great for corporate sponsors, too.

A sponsor who provides monetary donations or in-kind donations, like services or a venue, can be listed on all the marketing materials…banners…bookmarks…t-shirts and so on. Because these events often attract the community at large, the right sponsors are usually happy to participate.

The downside of Community/Fun Events is that they may attract lots of people who are there for the experience and don’t necessarily care about your cause. But if the event meets your goals for revenue and awareness, it might be ok.

Examples of Community/Fun Events include:

  • Fun runs and fun walks. A fun run or a fun walk can be a good fundraising option for small nonprofits due to the low upfront costs.

    Fun walks typically don’t require road closures or special permits. They also don’t require an expensive meal, elegant venue, or elaborate decorations. You can appeal to a wide range of people and, depending on your route and theme, your event can include kids and pets.

    Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (4)Fun runs are similar but may require a little more planning and money upfront since you may need permits, road closures, and official certification of distances – but the principles are the same as a fun walk.

    The cost for these types of events is low so you spend less money to bring in donations. You can maximize your donations by finding corporate sponsors.And these events can be really successful!

    The Humane Society of Greater Dayton hosts their annual Furry Scurry that generates close to six figures for their animal shelter. I’d call that a successful fundraising event!

  • A-thon events. Walk-a-thons, bike-a-thons, golf-a-thons, dance-a-thons, etc., are another type of fundraising event that can be executed for a minimal cost.

    Participants become your fundraisers by asking for pledges and raising money from their friends and family to sponsor them in the event. This harnesses the power of friendly competition amongst the participants, which usually results in more donations.

    These events can be quite powerful if they’re advertised on social media since connections from all over the world can donate.

    To hold this type of fundraising event, you’ll need a strong team of organized volunteers to register participants, track results, provide support and encouragement for the participants, and gather sponsors. You’ll also want to organize prizes (if any), trophies, or an after-event celebrations.

  • Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (5)Competitions. Eating, singing, dancing, pet tricks, or other competitions can make good fundraising events.

    Members of the public pay to participate in voting and/or to participate in the competition.These competitions can be a lot of fun for both the audience and the competitors and can bring lots of new people into your sphere.

    I volunteered with a horse rescue that did a “Dancing for the Horses” event (think Dancing with the Stars) that was extremely successful, raising over $100,000. It took several months to plan but was a fun event that raised a lot of awareness for the mission. You can read the whole story here.

  • Keynote speaker events. While famous celebrities may be reserved for large nonprofits, there are plenty of speakers, authors, and local celebrities (politicians, athletes, newcasters) who are within reach for small nonprofits. Some of them may even volunteer their time to speak at your dinner.

    Local celebrities can be a big draw to encourage attendance. A good speaker with an emotionally powerful story can engage donors and sway them to help fund your mission.

  • Auctions. Silent, live, and online auctions can be very successful fundraisers and can be incorporated into any other event or held as a stand-alone event.

    The labor and time investment vary dramatically, but one universal truth applies to auctions: you need someone with a GREAT mind for organization behind the scenes.

    For online-only auctions, there are lots of websites out there that can host your auction and automatically update bids, notify bidders if they’ve been outbid, and even notifying the winners for you. Most of these sites charge a percentage of gross bids. Shop around and look for the best value.

  • Other fun ideas. Photo shoots, concerts, markets, performances, street fairs, and movie viewings can all be great fundraising events.

    Be creative and think outside the box! Make sure your ideas are relevant to the community and the people you want to attract. The main point is that they’re fun for attendees.

Heartstrings Events

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (6)

Heartstrings Events are more specific to your cause and are designed to attract those people who already care about your cause and your mission.

Typically, a Heartstrings Event has one main goal – to ask people for support. Point blank.

Attendees have either been invited by you or someone else representing your organization, or they have purchased tickets – which means they already care.

These attendees know they’ll be asked to donate, as it’s very clear that fundraising is the sole purpose for the event.

Heartstrings Events can range from small gatherings of potential donors to large gatherings in ballrooms, restaurants, or other venues.

A well run and enjoyable Heartstrings Event can pave the way for faithful donors who will support your vision long term.

A few events that fall into this category, listed in order of ease of planning and preparation:

  • Open house. Host an open house at your facility or office to give people a personal experience with your nonprofit’s mission.

    Provide tours either one-on-one or in small groups, or show a video on a big screen that explains what your nonprofit does. Be sure to include basic information about who your nonprofit serves and how lives are being changed.

    Make sure there’s a way for people to give, whether that’s pledge cards on the table by the door as they leave or their tour guide asks for their support at the end of the tour.

    This type of event is a good way to keep current donors updated and meet and educate potential donors.

  • co*cktail party. A small gathering for drinks is a great way to host current and potential donors, especially major donors, to give them an update and ask for their support for a particular project or program.

    If you host these in a desirable location (exclusive club or the home of a prestigious community member), you won’t have any trouble with attendance. This type of event will not be expensive if you’re careful about keeping the guest list limited.

    These events should include a brief and powerful presentation (less than 5 minutes) to lay your message out there. Keep the program short and moving, inserting messages of your impact every chance you get. Allow time either before or after the program for your team (you, key staff/volunteers, and Board members) to connect with potential donors in an informal, approachable atmosphere.

    NOTE: Check into the legalities of offering alcohol. You may want to host an event like this at a local restaurant that has a liquor license and general liability insurance.

  • Galas. A well-done gala will take some time, money, and manpower to produce and can boost your budget dramatically.

    A gala requires renting a venue, planning a menu, preparing presentations, and maybe even providing entertainment. In almost every case, a gala will require spending money up front to make money, so crafting a budget for this event is a good idea to get a handle on what expenses to expect and when.

    Galas are typically marketed and presented as an upscale evening that includes a nice meal, short program, and entertainment.

    Because you’ll be hosting a larger number of people and you’ll need to fill the seats to cover costs, you shouldn’t count on word of mouth for advertising. Create a marketing plan that includes social media, press releases, and other advertising, like your local public radio station or other local press.

    One of our clients does their version of a gala as a luncheon, inviting loyal supporters and their friends to hear about the work the organization does. After a brief presentation from the Executive Director, the audience gets to hear from a few program participants then is asked to donate to support the work. One year, they raised over $250,000 in just over an hour! Clearly, this approach works!

Signature Event

Whichever event you choose – Community/Fun Event or Heartstrings Event – work to make it a Signature Event.

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (7)A Signature Event is a fundraising event that everyone in your community automatically associates with your organization.

This can be any type of event – golf tournament, gala, walk, etc.

As long as it generates lots of buzz in the community both before and afterward, and brings in the results you want, it’s a Signature Event.

Over time, it should become something that donors, volunteers, and community look forward to.

This is the fundraising event that people anticipate!It’s easy to promote and easy to sell out.

So, once you decide on the right event for your nonprofit, start working to make it a Signature Event.

Create a committee of movers and shakers from the community to work on the event.

Cast a vision for the event.

Set goals.

Go after sponsors.

The more clear you are about the event and the more planning you do, the more likely you’ll be to hit your revenue goals with your Signature Event.

And when you focus on ONE Signature Event, you can stop doing all those other little fundraising events – freeing up time and energy to focus on other areas of fundraising.

What About First Timers and Virtual Events?

If you’re a new nonprofit or new to fundraisingand have never planned a fundraising event, no worries! We’ve got you covered.

Head on over to our blog article Your Complete Guide to Planning Your First Special Event where we give you all the steps you need to follow to host your first one.

When it comes to events, start with one Community/Fun Event or Heartstrings Event (whichever one you decide to go with), and do that one again and again until it grows to become your Signature Event. Don’t rush things.

And don’t expect this to happen overnight. But certainly make it a longer term goal.

Surrounding yourself with a fantastic event committee will help out tremendously – plus, you won’t have to shoulder everything yourself.

How about virtual fundraisers? You may ask.

Gathering face-to-face remains the best way to engage new donors and inspire current donors to give more. But, for many reasons, a virtual fundraiser event may be just the right choice for your organization.

The cool thing about virtual fundraisers is that they allow people to participate regardless of geography, which means lots of people can get involved!

That said, virtual fundraising requires more creative thinking to pull off.

It’s harder to create a fun event when everyone is sitting at home in front of their computer.

It’s harder still when so many people have Zoom fatigue.

But with so many success stories out there, it’s clear that virtual fundraisers can be just the right thing at the right time for the right organization.

To further explore virtual fundraisers, head on over to our blog article 12 Ideas for a Virtual Fundraiser or Online Event.

The Bottom Line

There are LOTS of ways to raise money, including fundraising events. Choose an event that maximizes the skills and talents of your volunteers. Also, pick one that sounds like fun to you because the planning and execution will be easier if you’re enjoying the work.

Don’t fall into the trap of quick-fixes – you can hold online fundraisers periodically to fund urgent needs, but don’t rely on them for a long-term solution.

Choose the right type of fundraising events for your nonprofit and get ready to put your organization’s face out there in the community, attract new donors, and raise lots of money!

Other resources

Which Type of Fundraising Event is Best for your nonprofit? https://www.classy.org/blog/which-type-of-fundraising-event-is-best-for-your-nonprofit/

How to Create a Signature Fundraising Event https://www.dojiggy.com/blog/signature-fundraising-event-ideas/

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (8)

By Sandy Rees|2024-03-18T17:21:50+00:00March 18th, 2024|Fundraising events|7 Comments

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About the Author: Sandy Rees

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (9)

Sandy shows Founders and leaders of small nonprofits how to fully fund their big vision so they can spend their time changing lives instead of worrying about money. She has helped dozens of small nonprofits go from “nickel-and-dime fundraising” to mastering donor-based fundraising, inspiring their donors to give often and give big.Learn how to raise the money you need to fund your new nonprofit without begging, doing without, or paying out of your own pocket. Click here to download our free ebook Fund Your Dream.

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  1. Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (15)

    JasonFebruary 4, 2020 at 7:51 pm - Reply

    wonderful resource that I’ll be sure to share. Thank you!

    • Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (16)

      Sandy ReesFebruary 6, 2020 at 3:37 pm - Reply

      Thanks Jason!

  2. Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (17)

    Dennis FischmanFebruary 14, 2020 at 4:41 pm - Reply

    This is pure gold: “”Do ONE fundraising event each year, do it well, give it everything you’ve got, then move on to other kinds of fundraising.”

    • Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (18)

      Sandy ReesFebruary 26, 2020 at 8:51 pm - Reply

      YES! If we can get small nonprofits OFF the fundraising event hamster wheel, life gets easier!

  3. […] Sandy Rees answers the question, Which fundraising events bring in the most money for small nonprofits? […]

  4. Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (19)

    Fundraising AppealAugust 15, 2020 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    The ideal content for all small charities who need more fund fundraising events are they best solution the content dentally explained the different types fundraising events help people directly or indirectly encourage for charity giving.

  5. […] favourite methods to earn a living at your subsequent nonprofit fundraising occasion, regardless of what kind of fundraising event […]

Which Fundraising Events Bring in the Most Money for Nonprofits? (2024)


Which type of fundraising event is best for your nonprofit? ›

Nonprofit Peer-to-Peer Events
  1. Golf Tournament. Bring together avid golfers and local philanthropists—in many cases, they're one and the same—for a day on the greens. ...
  2. Foot Race. These are a classic of the genre. ...
  3. Bike Ride. ...
  4. Sports Tournament. ...
  5. Challenge Events. ...
  6. Themed Trivia Night. ...
  7. Themed Costume Party. ...
  8. Dance-a-Thon.
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Top 9 Nonprofit Funding Sources for Any Organization
  • Grants from local, state, and federal governments. ...
  • Membership fees. ...
  • Charity crowdfunding. ...
  • Corporate sponsorships. ...
  • Planned giving programs. ...
  • Volunteers.
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Here are five campaigns that made it into the record books.
  1. Most money raised in a week: Disasters Emergency Committee. ...
  2. Most participants in a charity run: Run for The Pasig River. ...
  3. Most money raised by a charity livestream: Z Event. ...
  4. Most individual donations of all time: George Floyd Memorial Fund.
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For example, a walk-a-thon has a higher ROI than a concert, and is much simpler to plan and execute. An auction gala fundraiser has multiple components, including planning a strategy, procuring items, managing volunteers, encouraging board members to bring guests, and a whole lot of organizing.

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With revenues of $23 billion in 2022, Lutheran Services in America tops the list of the highest-earning nonprofits in the United States, according to an analysis by Forbes. The network of 300 Lutheran organizations is one of only three nonprofits bringing in more than $10 billion annually, as our chart shows.

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Government: Of the organizations in our data set with a dominant funding category, government—federal, state, or local—is the dominant revenue category for 40 percent of them.

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Quick and Easy Fundraising Ideas
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Fundraising SoftwareRecommended forFavorite feature
GoFundMe CharityFree online fundraisingDIY Fundraising
BonfireT-shirt fundraisingUser-friendly design platform
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The four main categories of fundraising are: (1) Individual Giving, which includes one-time donations, recurring gifts, and major gifts from private donors; (2) Corporate Sponsorship, involving financial support from businesses; (3) Grantmaking, which includes funds received from governmental bodies and private ...

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.