Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (2024)

Germany has become the latest testing ground for a four-day week with a new pilot project involving 45 companies starting in February. Where else has tried it?

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (1)ADVERTIsem*nT

Conversations around the four-day workweek were first reignited by the COVID-19 pandemic, with workers and employers rethinking the importance of workplace flexibility and benefits.

The idea is simple – employees would work four days a week while getting paid the same and earning the same benefits, but with the same workload.

Companies reducing their workweek would therefore operate with fewer meetings and more independent work.


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Hailed as the future of employee productivity and work-life balance, advocates for the four-day workweek suggest that when implemented, worker satisfaction increases, and so does productivity.

Trade unions across Europe are calling for governments to implement the four-day working week, but which countries have embraced the idea and how is it going so far?

Belgium introduces a four-day workweek for employees who want it

Belgium became the first country in Europe to legislate for a four-day week.

In February 2022, Belgian employees won the right to perform a full workweek in four days instead of the usual five without loss of salary.

The new law came into force on November 21 last year, allowing employees to decide whether to work four or five days a week.

But this does not mean they will be working less – they will simply condense their working hours into fewer days.

The goal is to give people and companies more freedom to arrange their work time.

Alexander de Croo

Prime minister of Belgium

Belgian prime minister Alexander de Croo said he hoped that the change will help to make Belgium’s notoriously rigid labour market more flexible and will make it easier for people to combine their family lives with their careers.

He also added the new model should create a more dynamic economy.

"The goal is to give people and companies more freedom to arrange their work time," he said. "If you compare our country with others, you’ll often see we’re far less dynamic".

Only about 71 out of 100 Belgians in the age group from 20 to 64 years have a job, fewer than the eurozone average of about 73 and a full 10 percentage points less than in neighbouring countries such as the Netherlands and Germany, according to Eurostat data for the third quarter of 2021.


  • Workers in Belgium can now switch to a four-day week - but they won’t be working fewer hours

The country’s seven-party federal coalition agreement has set a goal for an employment rate of 80 per cent by 2030, an objective that would serve to keep its legal pensions affordable or finance future tax cuts.

However, the prospect of a four-day workweek is not appealing to all.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (2)ADVERTIsem*nT

Some full-time employees will indeed be working very long days if they choose to condense their hours, and others, such as shift workers, will simply not have the option of that flexibility.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (3)

German pilot for a shorter working week

Germany is already home to one of the shortest average working weeks in Europe. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), the average working week is 34.2 hours.

Yet, trade unions have been calling for further reduced working hours - and now it looks like they might be getting what they want, though the reason for a change is linked to the shortage of workers experienced by the country.

As of February 1, 45 companies in Germany started testing the 4-day workweek in an experiment that would last six months in total.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (4)ADVERTIsem*nT

The initiative, which only involves companies whose work can be adapted to a shorter workweek, is led by Berlin-based management consultancy Intraprenör together with the non-profit organisation 4 Day Week Global (4DWG).

According to a Forsa survey, 71 per cent of people working in Germany would like to have the option to only work four days a week.

Just over three-quarters of those surveyed said they are supportive of the government exploring the potential introduction of a four-day week. Among employers, more than two out of three supported this.

A substantial majority (75 per cent) believe that a four-day week would be desirable for employees, with a majority (59 per cent) feeling it should be achievable for employers as well.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (5)ADVERTIsem*nT

Almost half of employers (46 per cent) said they see trialling a four-day week in their own workplace setting as "feasible".

Whether such a measure will be implemented or discussed at the national level or legislated for by the German government is yet to be seen.

Portugal trialling a four-day workweek

Following the success of other trial programmes on the continent, Portugal has taken the plunge and joined a growing list of countries dabbling with the concept of a four-day week.

As part of an ongoing government-funded pilot announced at the beginning of June last year, 39 private companies have signed up to take part in the initiative in partnership with the non-profit advocacy group 4 Day Week Global.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (6)ADVERTIsem*nT


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Companies taking part are expected to follow the "100:80:100 model"- 100 per cent of the pay for 80 per cent of the time, in exchange for a commitment to maintaining at least 100 per cent productivity.

With 72 per cent of people working over 40 hours a week, Portugal has the third longest workweek in theOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, according to a report on the trial compiled by the Universities of London and Reading who are helping to oversee the trial.

UK trial already hailed as 'extremely successful'

Companies in the UK who ran a six-month trial of the four-day workweek are now planning on making the shorter workweek permanent, after hailing the experiment as "extremely successful".

Dozens of companies were involved in the six-month pilot programme - the biggest of its kind - which was launched in June 2022 to study the impact of shorter working hours on businesses’ productivity and the well-being of their workers, as well as the impact on the environment and gender equality.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (7)ADVERTIsem*nT

Some 61 UKcompanies and more than 3,300 employeessigned up for the programme, run by researchers at Cambridge and Oxford Universities and Boston College, as well as 4 Day Week Global, and other advocacy groups like the 4 Day Week UK Campaign and the UK think tank Autonomy.


  • Four-day workweek: 3,300 employees in the UK start biggest trial of its kind

A large majority - some 92 per cent - of the companies which took part in the trial decided to keep the four-day week policy after the trial period, hailing the pilot as a "major breakthrough" earlier this year.

As with the new Portugal trial, employees were expected to follow the "100:80:100 model".

The pilot in the UK was one of several worldwide orchestrated by 4 Day Week Global, which advocates for a shorter workweek.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (8)ADVERTIsem*nT

"Similar programmes are set to start in the US and Ireland, with more planned for Canada, Australia and New Zealand," Joe Ryle, director of the 4 Day Week UK Campaign, said.

Scotland and Wales joining the growing global movement with pilots

In Scotland, a government trial for civil servants started in late January 2024, while the Welsh government announced in the spring last year that it too was considering its own trial.

The Scottish government has confirmed that around 140 public servants working at South of Scotland Enterprise have started working a 32-hour week without loss of pay to test whether the four-day workweek could be rolled out in the country.

The decision was the culmination of a campaign promise made by the ruling Scottish National Party (SNP), with first minister Humza Yousaf announcing the public sector trial in September, the first time any government agencies in the UK will benefit.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (9)ADVERTIsem*nT


  • Wales could become the latest country to trial a four-day week. Here's why

The government pointed to a recent poll conducted by Scottish think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) in Scotland that showed 80 per cent of the people responding to the idea were highly positive of the initiative.

The respondents said the programme would greatly enhance their health and happiness.

Scotland also pointed to Iceland and its strong results as a big reason for taking a chance with the four-day workweek.

Some Scottish businesses have started their own truncated workweeks before the government, with Glasgow-based UPAC Group recently saying its employees will enjoy a four-day week with the same salary after running a successful pilot programme.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (11)

In Wales, calls for a four-day week began when the Petitions Committee within the Senedd (Welsh parliament) recommended on January 24, 2023, that the Welsh government conduct a pilot scheme, following the publication of a report into the idea.

Jack Sargeant, Member of the Senedd and chair of the committee told the website Nation. Cymru that Wales should lead the way in exploring the four-day week.

"It is a bold proposal but no bolder than those campaigners who fought for a five-day week, paid holiday and sick pay which we now take for granted," he said.

“When we’re calling for a four-day week we’re (talking about) reducing the working hours within an organisation, but not a reduction in the rate of pay. There are a number of trials out there which suggests that productivity increases".

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (12)ADVERTIsem*nT

The Welsh government is currently considering the possibility of a trial after commissioning a report published in May last year by the Future Generations Commissioner which recommended a four-day working week trial take place in the public sector.

Spain starts a trial phase

The government agreed to calls from their leftwing allies to launch a modest pilot programme of a four-day working week in December 2022.

The pilot help SMEs cut their working week by at least half a day, without reducing salaries.

The pilot is a test to see if productivity can be boosted. Companies signing up can receive aid from a €10 million government fund, but they must design ways to increase productivity that compensates for the wage cost overruns, Spain's Industry Ministry said.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (13)ADVERTIsem*nT


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These improvements have to be implemented within a year, while the company must stay on the programme for at least two years.

For the first year of the pilot the government will partly finance wage costs, and will help to fund training to improve efficiency.

Only workers with a full-time permanent contract can take part.

Iceland: One of the leaders in the four-day working week

Between 2015 to 2019, Iceland conducted the world’s largest pilot of a 35 to 36-hour workweek (cut down from the traditional 40 hours) without any calls for a commensurate cut in pay.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (14)ADVERTIsem*nT

Some 2,500 people took part in the test phase.

To ensure quality control, the results were analysed by British think tank Autonomy and the Icelandic non-profit Association for Sustainability and Democracy (ALDA).

The pilot was dubbed a success by researchers and Icelandic trade unions negotiated for a reduction in working hours.


  • Iceland trialled a four-day working week and it was an 'overwhelming success'

The study also led to a significant change in Iceland, with nearly 90 per cent of the working population now having reduced hours or other accommodations.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (15)ADVERTIsem*nT

Researchers found that worker stress and burnout lessened and there was an improvement in life-work balance.

However, not every government shared Iceland’s success with the four-day working week.

Sweden’s mixed reactions to the four-day week

In Sweden, a four-day working week with full pay was tested in 2015 with mixed results.

The proposal was to try six-hour workdays instead of eight-hour ones without loss of pay, but not everyone was pleased with the idea of spending money on the trial.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (16)ADVERTIsem*nT

Even left-wing parties thought that it would be too expensive to implement this on a large scale.

But positive results were observed within the orthopaedics unit of a university hospital, which switched 80 nurses and doctors over to a six-hour workday and hired new staff to make up for the lost time.


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The response from the medical staff was positive, yet the experiment also faced a lot of criticism and was not renewed.

However, some companies, such as carmaker Toyota, chose to keep reduced hours for their workers.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (17)ADVERTIsem*nT

The car firm had already decided to do this for mechanics 10 years ago and stuck with its decision.

Finland has not introduced a four-day workweek, despite widespread claims

Earlier this year, the northern European country briefly hit the international headlines after reportedly cutting working hours dramatically.

The Finnish government allegedly wanted to introduce a four-day working week, as well as a six-hour day.

However, it turned out that this was fake news, which the government then had to put the record straight.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (18)ADVERTIsem*nT

Current prime minister Sanna Marin tweeted about the idea in August 2019 but it has not been included in the government’s agenda.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (19)

Japan’s big corps venture into the four-day workweek

In other countries such as Japan, it's the larger companies that are venturing into this territory, following the Japanese government’s announcement in 2021 of a plan to achieve a better work-life balance across the nation.

There are several reasons that this could be good for the country, where death by overwork claims many lives.

Staff working extra hours can often fall ill due to excessive work or become suicidal.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (20)ADVERTIsem*nT

In 2019, tech giant Microsoft experimented with the model by offering employees three-day weekends for a month.

The move boosted productivity by 40 per cent and resulted in more efficient work.

Unilever currently trialling the shorter workweek in New Zealand

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, 81 employees working for the consumer goods giant Unilever are currently taking part in a year-long trial of a four-day workweek at full pay.

"Our goal is to measure performance on output, not time. We believe the old ways of working are outdated and no longer fit for purpose," said Nick Bangs, Managing Director of Unilever New Zealand.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (21)ADVERTIsem*nT

If the experiment turns out to be a success, it will reportedly be extended to other countries.


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Strong interest in the US and Canada

According to a survey by cloud-software vendor Qualtrics, a whopping 92 per cent of US workers are in favour of the shortened workweek, even if it means working longer hours.

The employees surveyed cited improved mental health and increased productivity as the perceived benefits.

Three out of four employees (74 per cent) say they would be able to complete the same amount of work in four days, but most (72 per cent) say they would have to work longer hours on workdays to do so.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (22)ADVERTIsem*nT

In Canada, research from global employment agency Indeed found that 41 per cent of Canadian employers are considering alternative hybrid schedules and new work styles, following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indeed's survey of 1,000 employers of office workers in Canada found that 51 per cent of large companies with 500+ employees would be "likely to implement 4-day workweeks".


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Comparatively, 63 per cent of medium-sized organisations with 100-500 staff members say they’d be prepared to implement a shorter workweek.

A majority of Canadian full-time workers (79 per cent) were also found to be willing to shorten their five-day workweek to four days, according to a new report by Maru Public Opinion.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (23)ADVERTIsem*nT

Overall, the four-day workweek seems to be slowly but surely gaining traction across the globe, but whether governments will definitively adopt the idea is yet to be seen.

Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? (2024)


Which countries are embracing a 4-day workweek and how is it going? ›

Belgium. In 2022, Belgium became the first country in the European Union (EU) to make a 4-day work week culture optional. However the catch here is that the total working hours remains the same in a 4-day work week as it is in a 5-day work week. The total working hours per week is 40.

Which country is moving to a 4 day work week? ›

Belgium introduces a four-day workweek for employees who want it. Belgium became the first country in Europe to legislate for a four-day week. In February 2022, Belgian employees won the right to perform a full workweek in four days instead of the usual five without loss of salary.

Is America going to a four-day work week? ›

4 Day Work Week in the U.S. Traditionally, the U.S. has had a 5 day work week. While the 4 day work week has not been adopted in the U.S. to date, the country is taking steps to determine if it's a feasible option. The organization 4 Day Week Global undertook a 4 day work week pilot program across the U.S. and Canada.

Which countries have 32 hour work weeks? ›

Lithuania and France have also made strides towards shorter workweeks, albeit through different approaches. While Lithuania offers parents with young children the option to work 32 hours a week, France, with its legally mandated 35-hour workweek, has seen many businesses embracing the four-day workweek voluntarily.

Does Germany have a four-day work week? ›

Germany's 4 day work week

Factually, there is still no widespread 4 day work week in Germany, or a right to it. Currently, 45 German companies are trialing a 4 day work week as part of 4 Day Week Global's national partner program.

How many hours is a 4 day work week? ›

When working 4 days, employees will typically be scheduled for four 8-hour days (32 hours per week) or four 10-hour days (40 hours per week).

Does Canada have a four-day work week? ›

While there is no nationwide law mandating reduced work hours and no major unions have publicly called for it, an increasing number of businesses are adopting four-day work weeks. Given the worldwide popularity and positive results of the approach, this trend is likely to continue to grow in Canada.

What is the problem with a four-day work week? ›

Stress could increase with a 4 day work week

The disadvantages of a 4-day work week vary depending on whether hours are compressed or reduced. The problem with 10-hour work days is that people can only focus and work effectively for so long before diminishing returns set in.

What are the benefits of working 4 days a week? ›

Pilot studies in countries including the U.K., Spain, Portugal, and South Africa suggest that shorter workweeks can help employees reduce burnout, manage stress, get more sleep and exercise, spend additional quality time with loved ones, and feel all-around happier and healthier.

How many people want a four-day work week? ›

None of the organizations and businesses planned to go back to a five-day schedule, and 95% of workers wanted their employers to stick with the four-day week. More than half of employees had a self-reported boost in productivity, the survey said.

Which country has the shortest work week? ›

Globally, the average work week is closer to 40 hours. At one extreme, Bhutan holds the record for the longest work week globally, at 54.4 hours per week, according to the ILO. While at the other, workers in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati enjoy the shortest work week at just 27.2 hours.

What are the negatives of a 32-hour work week? ›

HR strategist John Sullivan compiled a list of 26 problems a mandatory 32-hour workweek law would create, including: The workforce productivity rate will go down if labor costs increase. The workforce productivity rate will also go down if employee output decreases. U.S. company competitiveness will suffer.

Does Japan have a four-day work week? ›

4 Day Work Week in Japan

Japan does not officially have a 4 day work week, but a 2021 government report encouraged companies to consider offering a shorter workweek. This recommendation is part of a broader initiative to tackle labor shortages, declining birthrate and improve the well-being of workers.

Is it illegal to work on Sunday in Germany? ›

Working on Sundays or public holidays is generally prohibited, with a few exceptions. If an employee does work, the employer must compensate the employee with corresponding time off within the following two weeks for working on Sunday or eight weeks for working during a public holiday.

Does a 4 day work week save money? ›

Reducing Expenditures

Many businesses have found a four-day work week reduces variable expenses and overhead. By offering a four-day work week, you can potentially adjust the pay each week. If employees work fewer hours, employers will pay one full day's wage less.

Does the Netherlands have a 4 day work week? ›

The Netherlands is arguably one that heavily embraces the 4-day workweek. In this country, employees can request a shorter work week (4 days) for proportionality less wages (so eg for 4 days get 80% of wages). More than 80% of working moms utilise this option and around 10% of dads.

Which state is considering 4 day work week? ›

Some US states, including California, Hawaii, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, are interested in implementing a shorter workweek after seeing its success in the UK trials. In particular, Maryland introduced a bill in January 2023 that would create a trial program for employers.

What countries have 4 day school weeks? ›

Iceland, Japan, and France are among the countries that have begun to adopt a four-day week in some sectors, with that extra day typically being allotted on either Wednesday or Friday, or being left to individuals' discretion. But this kind of set up might not be for everyone.

Which country has the shortest work week in the world? ›

While at the other, workers in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati enjoy the shortest work week at just 27.2 hours.

Which country works 6 days a week? ›

Greece is adopting a controversial new policy that bucks the trend worldwide of moving towards fewer working days. While some countries in the world are considering a switch to a four-day working week, Greece is swinging in the opposite direction.

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