When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (2024)


Sally Winston, PsyD

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (7)

Dr. Sally Winston is a clinical psychologist and co-director of the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland. She is nationally recognized for her expertise in the treatment of anxiety disorders.Dr. Winston has been active with ADAA for over 30 years. She has served as chair of the ADAA Clinical Advisory Board and was the first recipient of the ADAA Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate Award.

Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (8)

Dr. Martin Seif is a master clinician who has spent the last forty years developing innovative and highly successful treatment methods for anxiety disorders. He is a founder of ADAA and has served on its Board of Directors and Clinical Advisory Board. Dr. Seif was Associate Director of the Anxiety and Phobia Treatment Center for White Plains Hospital Center, serves on the faculty of New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and has a private practice in Greenwich, CT.

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June 3, 2022

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive


When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (9)

It is natural to seek some reassurance when confronted with uncertainty. Reassurance can help to calm a doubt, allay a worry, solidify a plan of action, or guide a decision.

However, people with sticky minds sometimes get caught in what we call Reassurance Traps, unable to accept doubts in some context. This can take the form of endless internet “research,” repetitive checking behaviors, and eventually alienating others with relentless reassurance-seeking conversations. They may try to cope by self-talk, but they become trapped in constant looping internal “debates,” where “what ifs?” and “rational responses” alternate and never stop.

Being stuck in reassurance-seeking can lead to paralysis in decision-making, haunting worries about making a mistake or causing harm, insecurity and self-doubt.

Seeking reassurance and checking repeatedly may seem like a way to nail down facts. But doubts that return relentlessly reveal that certainty is a feeling and not a fact—no one can be absolutely sure about anything. Normally, we put ordinary doubts and uncertainties in the background and proceed because we feel “sure enough.”

In contrast, unproductive reassurance-seeking is an attempt to eradicate doubt, although absolute certainty is unattainable and unnecessary to make decisions, judgments, and actions. People with sticky minds can get caught up in doubts about anything, including their own motives, identity, health and sanity (as well as those of others). They are particularly prone to persistent doubts about things they imagine, including the unknowable future and unanswerable questions. Real-world checking can never satisfy doubts that arise and are maintained in the imagination.

A shift in attitude—a willingness to be aware of feeling unsure and to accept doubt and its discomforts—is needed to avoid becoming caught in the reassurance trap.

There are three distinct processes that make this so difficult.

First, the brain can make uncertainty look dangerous. When certain thoughts trigger brain fear circuitry and alarm systems (amygdala—fight, flight, freeze response), an altered form of consciousness that we call anxious thinking arises. The world seems more threatening, all risks seem unreasonable, and ambiguity looks like danger. Imagination seems real.

Second, paradoxical effort makes your attempts to control thoughts backfire. The more you try to stop an upsetting thought, the more it intrudes. (Try not to think of a pink elephant!) Efforts to distract, push away, argue with, reassure, or “get just one more bit of information” have the effect of strengthening doubts instead of resolving them.

Finally, negative reinforcement is the engine that drives the process. Psychologists have long demonstrated that positive reinforcement (or a reward) can strengthen a targeted behavior. Similarly, decreasing unpleasure–such as the reduction of pain, stress, or anxiety—works to reinforce responses in exactly the same way. Thus, the temporary reduction of anxiety provided by unproductive reassurance reinforces the worry thoughts that preceded it. Intense desire for certainty returns, and the reassurance trap is set even more tightly.

In Needing to Know for Sure (New Harbinger, 2019) we introduce a four-step program we call DEAF for breaking out of this trap and learning to move through reasonable uncertainty. The four mindful steps are 1) Distinguish doubts or distress from true danger, 2) Embrace the feeling of uncertainty, 3) Avoid reassurance, and 4) Float above the feeling while letting time pass.

These steps work independently of the content of the thoughts. Even people with sticky minds can learn to become DEAF to the beckoning of the anxiety-producing bullies of the mind and can turn a DEAF ear to the false alarm signals that are crying “Emergency! You need to check this out right now!” Anyone can learn that thoughts are just thoughts, that doubt is part of every decision, and that we can learn to trust our Wise Minds to tell us when we are certain enough!

Sally Winston, PsyD

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (10)

Dr. Sally Winston is a clinical psychologist and co-director of the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland. She is nationally recognized for her expertise in the treatment of anxiety disorders.Dr. Winston has been active with ADAA for over 30 years. She has served as chair of the ADAA Clinical Advisory Board and was the first recipient of the ADAA Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate Award.

Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (11)

Dr. Martin Seif is a master clinician who has spent the last forty years developing innovative and highly successful treatment methods for anxiety disorders. He is a founder of ADAA and has served on its Board of Directors and Clinical Advisory Board. Dr. Seif was Associate Director of the Anxiety and Phobia Treatment Center for White Plains Hospital Center, serves on the faculty of New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and has a private practice in Greenwich, CT.

Use of Website Blog Commenting

Sally Winston, PsyD

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (16)

Dr. Sally Winston is a clinical psychologist and co-director of the Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland. She is nationally recognized for her expertise in the treatment of anxiety disorders.Dr. Winston has been active with ADAA for over 30 years. She has served as chair of the ADAA Clinical Advisory Board and was the first recipient of the ADAA Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate Award.

Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (17)

Dr. Martin Seif is a master clinician who has spent the last forty years developing innovative and highly successful treatment methods for anxiety disorders. He is a founder of ADAA and has served on its Board of Directors and Clinical Advisory Board. Dr. Seif was Associate Director of the Anxiety and Phobia Treatment Center for White Plains Hospital Center, serves on the faculty of New York-Presbyterian Hospital, and has a private practice in Greenwich, CT.

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This page was updated 05/25/23

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (29)

If you are in crisis please dial 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.Please note: ADAA is not a direct service organization. ADAA does not provide psychiatric, psychological, or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Founded in 1979, ADAA is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders through aligning research, practice and education.

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (30)When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (31)When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (32)When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (33)When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (34)When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (35)

When Reassurance Seeking Becomes Compulsive (2024)


How do you respond to excessive reassurance-seeking? ›

How to Respond to Reassurance-Seeking
  1. Learn to Identify Reassurance-Seeking. ...
  2. Ensure They Have the Help They Need. ...
  3. Talk with Them About Ways to Point Out Reassurance-Seeking Behavior. ...
  4. Don't Neglect Your Needs In the Process.
Feb 24, 2023

Is reassurance-seeking a compulsion? ›

We all face situations where the outcome isn't certain. Reassurance can help you avoid uncertainty. In OCD, reassurance-seeking can be considered a type of compulsion.

What is it called when you need constant reassurance? ›

3. What type of person needs constant reassurance? Most people need reassurance once in a while, but people who have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) tend to seek reassurance excessively. People with anxiety disorders or dependent personality disorder may also engage in excessive reassurance-seeking.

How to stop asking for constant reassurance? ›

How do I stop constantly seeking reassurance?
  1. Embrace uncertainty. Uncertainty is natural and normal. ...
  2. Focus on problem-solving. Rather than looking for someone to give you a specific desired answer, notice if there is an actual problem that you want solved. ...
  3. Identify a trusted confidant.
Oct 12, 2023

Is constant reassurance a red flag? ›

They need constant reassurance

This red flag is a difficult one. If your partner has unresolved trauma or baggage from past relationships, they may need additional support.

Why do I crave reassurance so much? ›

If you lack confidence in yourself, you might look to others for emotional support. A previous traumatic relationship. It may be from a romantic relationship or caused by another important person in your life. But either way the anxiety or fear you feel can cause you to seek constant reassurance.

How to stop compulsive reassurance? ›

The four mindful steps are 1) Distinguish doubts or distress from true danger, 2) Embrace the feeling of uncertainty, 3) Avoid reassurance, and 4) Float above the feeling while letting time pass. These steps work independently of the content of the thoughts.

Is needing constant reassurance toxic? ›

Perhaps you're always checking in with your partner or the people closest to you… The need for validation and reassurance from time-to-time is normal and healthy… We all have moments when we question ourselves, and it takes courage to reach out for support when we need it.

Is seeking reassurance manipulative? ›

Constantly seeking reassurance from others can also damage relationships. When asking these questions, a person can feel manipulated into saying the things you want to hear instead of being honest; a basis for any healthy relationship. No one ever wants to feel controlled by someone else's anxiety.

What personality disorder requires constant reassurance? ›

Diagnostic criteria for dependent personality disorder involve a persistent pattern of at least five of the following behaviors: Difficulty making daily decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others. Needing others to be responsible for the most important aspects of their life.

How much is too much reassurance? ›

One basic measure of whether reassurance-seeking is excessive is frequency: asking someone for reassurance once or twice might be reasonable, but if you ask about the same sort of concern several times or more, even using slight variations on the question, then it is more likely to be excessive.

When does a man need constant reassurance? ›

Excessive reassurance seeking is a pattern of behavior where one partner repeatedly seeks validation, affirmation, and reassurance from their significant other to alleviate feelings of anxiety, insecurity, or self-doubt.

How to deal with someone who needs constant validation? ›

Encourage personal development and self-validation through providing positive feedback to validate your partner's individual efforts and accomplishments. Emphasise the importance of each individual deriving a sense of worth from within rather than relying solely on external validation.

What is excessive reassurance? ›

Excessive reassurance seeking (ERS) refers to the tendency to repeatedly request assurance about one's self-worth, often to the point of exasperating others (Coyne, 1976a, 1976b; Joiner, Alfano, & Metalsky, 1992).

Do Overthinkers need reassurance? ›

There is nothing wrong with dating an overthinker. This type of person needs reassurance throughout your relationship and likes to know what is going on with you in great detail. In other words, there may be some aspects of their behavior that you have to get used to when you date an overthinker.

What to say when someone needs reassurance? ›

“I'm Here For You”

It's easy to assume they know this, especially if you've said it before, but in periods of uncertainty, your S.O. probably needs to hear it again. Even if you're not the best at consoling, a simple, heartfelt “I'm here for you no matter what” can be extremely comforting.

How to stop reassuring someone with OCD? ›

Resist giving reassurance.

For example, they may ask you whether they did something wrong. Or they may ask you to confirm that their memory of an event is true. Try to gently explain that you don't want to make their OCD worse by reassuring them.

What to do when your child needs constant reassurance? ›

Key #1: The “Cold Turkey” Method

As the term suggests, you directly communicate to your child that you'll no longer be reassuring them in that certain situation. For example, you may tell your child that you won't be answering that (insert anxiety focus here) question when they ask.

Can you give too much reassurance? ›

While it is okay to be reassured in a relationship, it is also important to recognize how much might be too much. This might depend from relationship to relationship, but also recognizing our patterns and behaviors can help with actively mitigating the need to be reassured by others.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.