What Will Happen After All Bitcoin Are Mined? | River Learn - Bitcoin Mining (2024)


Bitcoin is the first asset in history with absolute, mathematical scarcity. This scarcity is verifiable by any member of the network and is regulated by an algorithm in Bitcoin’s source code. This algorithm allows miners who create blocks to receive newly minted bitcoin. This subsidy helps miners cover the high costs of mining. Every four years however, the algorithm cuts the subsidy in half in an event called the halving. This process will continue until around the year 2140, when the flow of new bitcoin will drop from one satoshi per block to zero.

Learn more about Bitcoin’s halving.

When a halving occurs, miner revenue is roughly cut in half. As with any industry, a 50% loss in revenue can force a business out of operation. In the case of Bitcoin, mining directly provides security to the network, so a flight of miners from the network could jeopardize Bitcoin’s security model. As the block subsidy trends towards zero, Bitcoin skeptics believe that low miner revenue could lead to lower security and a diminishing value proposition for Bitcoin itself.

Skeptics have also expressed fears of a deflationary currency. As Bitcoin’s inflation rate continuously falls, some economists have claimed that there will not be enough Bitcoin on which to base a monetary system, and that Bitcoin will never support retail payments due to its high price.

Both of these concerns will be addressed in detail within this article.

Network Security Concerns

The total amount of mining occurring on the network, measured by hash rate, gives a rough estimate of the security of Bitcoin’s blockchain at a given point in time. As block subsidies fall, miners’ revenue is threatened, and Bitcoin’s security is seemingly threatened as well. However, several factors compound to allow miners to continue mining profitably and preserve Bitcoin security despite a halving.

Transaction Fees

Firstly, miner revenue consists of the block subsidy—the newly minted bitcoin—plus the cumulative transaction fees paid in a block. This sum is called the block reward. So, while the block subsidy is cut in half, transaction fees are not, and thus the block reward falls by less than half.

As Bitcoin adoption grows over time, demand to transact on the network will grow, and fees are expected to rise to partially compensate miners. This is because only a certain number of transactions can be confirmed every ten minutes. Therefore, transactors must bid to have their transactions confirmed in a timely manner.


Secondly, Bitcoin mining technology is improving at an explosive rate. ASICs, the special microchips that miners use to mine as efficiently as possible, have seen rapid improvements since their introduction around 2013. If a miner can increase the energy efficiency of their mining operation and lower costs, this can offset an additional portion of revenue lost to the halving.

Cheaper Energy

Thirdly, while energy prices fluctuate across the time and geography, the cost of energy—the most significant part of a miner’s operating expenses—is generally falling. If, over a four year period, a miner can reduce their energy costs, they can sustain a loss of revenue without being forced to shut down.

It is worth noting that miners do not typically pay the consumer rate for energy. As large customers, typical mining operations are able to negotiate more directly with providers to source the cheapest possible energy.

Additionally, Bitcoin mining is geographically agnostic; a miner is free to locate their operations wherever the cheapest energy can be found. This allows miners to operate in remote places that are unsuitable for other types of businesses, such as on an oil field or near a hydroelectric dam.

Difficulty Adjustments

Fourthly, due to Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment algorithm, a miner’s expected revenue is reliant on their relative share of the total Bitcoin hash rate. As such, if other miners are forced to shut down due to the halving, miners who managed to remain profitable should see increased returns because their relative share of the total hash rate has risen.

When the total hash rate declines, the difficulty of mining declines as well. For miners who continue to mine, a halving can increase profitability by weeding out competition and increasing their likelihood of finding a block and claiming the reward.

Price Appreciation

Lastly, the price appreciation of Bitcoin can turn a loss in Bitcoin-denominated revenue into a gain in fiat-denominated revenue. A vast majority of miners still pay their costs in fiat currency, so they are more concerned with their fiat-denominated revenue than their Bitcoin-denominated revenue. Therefore, if the price of Bitcoin doubles over a four year period, a miner can sustain a 50% drop in the block subsidy without losing any revenue in fiat terms.

This last factor is especially significant, as halvings fuel upward pressure on the Bitcoin price. Since the halving reduces the flow of new bitcoin onto the market, if demand is held constant, the simple mechanics of supply and demand dictate that the price should rise. Indeed, this theory has played out over the first 12 years of Bitcoin’s existence. Between all three previous halvings, the Bitcoin price denominated in U.S. Dollars has increased at least 900%, more than enough to compensate miners for the 50% drop in Bitcoin-denominated revenue.

All of these factors commingle to maintain miner participation and network security after a halving. In fact, past halvings have not significantly or visibly affected hash rate. On the contrary, the Bitcoin hash rate has continued to break all-time highs.

As the block subsidy nears zero, transaction fees will make up an ever greater portion of the block reward. Miner revenue and thus Bitcoin security will become entirely reliant on these fees. Skeptics have expressed concerns about whether fees will maintain sufficient levels of security. While this concern is valid, the continuous growth of the Bitcoin network in popularity and utility demonstrates that a mature fee market is possible.

While fees for transacting on the blockchain are expected to rise, it is not necessary for all Bitcoin transactions to be settled to the blockchain. Additional layers such as the Lightning Network provide cheaper, faster ways of transferring bitcoin.

Learn more about Bitcoin mining.

Economic Concerns

As Bitcoin’s inflation rate is cut in half every four years, it will slowly become the hardest currency in the world. During the most recent halving, when the block subsidy dropped from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC, Bitcoin’s inflation rate dropped from ~3.7% to ~1.8%, making it less inflationary than the stated U.S. Dollar inflation target of 2%. The halving of 2024 will make Bitcoin less inflationary than even gold, an asset long valued for its low stock-to-flow ratio.

From an economic perspective, many academics fear the effects of deflationary money on an economy. They would argue that Bitcoin’s deflationary policy will leave insufficient money in a financial system, and would send interest rates too high, stifling growth.

To solve the perceived problem of a “lack of money” in a system, Satoshi Nakamoto created each bitcoin as divisible into 100 million pieces. These pieces are called satoshis, and if the Bitcoin price is $43,700, a satoshi is worth $0.000437. As Bitcoin appreciates in value and gains adoption, smaller and smaller pieces of bitcoin will carry larger and larger purchasing power. As Bitcoin rises in price, the price of goods denominated in Bitcoin will fall. Thus, the total amount of bitcoin in the system hardly matters; instead, it is the purchasing power of each satoshi that matters.

With regard to deflation, most Bitcoin advocates believe that fears of Bitcoin causing a deflationary spiral and killing demand for goods are overblown. As an inflationary money, fiat currency has incentivized individuals to spend their money immediately rather than save it for future use. Bitcoin certainly reverses these incentives, encouraging long-term investment rather than short-term consumption. However, no human can lower their consumption to zero.

Thus, Bitcoin would not destroy demand in an economy. Rather, it will shift demand for present goods to demand for future goods. Certain industries who sell frivolous, short-term goods may be negatively impacted by Bitcoin’s deflationary pressure, but industries such as the tech sector would thrive. In fact, the tech sector itself has experienced immense deflationary pressure over the last 30 years. The price of televisions, phones, and computers has remained flat or fallen while the quality, variety, and utility of these devices have exploded. Despite this deflation, consumers across the globe have continued to purchase devices in ever-larger quantities.

Key Takeaways

  • When all bitcoin have been mined, miner revenue will depend entirely on transaction fees.
  • The price and purchasing power of bitcoin will adjust to the lack of new supply.
  • The scarcity of Bitcoin will make it more attractive to investors and users.

I am an enthusiast with a deep understanding of Bitcoin and its underlying mechanisms. My expertise stems from an extensive exploration of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency markets, and the intricate details of Bitcoin's design. As someone deeply involved in the crypto space, I've closely followed developments, analyzed trends, and engaged in discussions with experts in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Absolute Scarcity and Bitcoin's Algorithm:

    • Bitcoin is recognized as the first asset in history with absolute, mathematical scarcity.
    • The scarcity is verifiable by any network member and regulated by an algorithm in Bitcoin’s source code.
    • This algorithm governs the issuance of newly minted bitcoin to miners creating blocks.
  2. Bitcoin Halving:

    • The halving event occurs every four years, reducing the block subsidy in half.
    • This process will continue until around the year 2140 when new bitcoin issuance drops to zero.
  3. Mining and Network Security:

    • Miner revenue is crucial for maintaining network security.
    • A 50% loss in revenue due to halving could potentially jeopardize Bitcoin's security model.
    • Transaction fees, innovation in mining technology, cheaper energy, difficulty adjustments, and price appreciation are factors ensuring continued miner participation and network security.
  4. Transaction Fees and Block Reward:

    • Miner revenue consists of the block subsidy and cumulative transaction fees (block reward).
    • While the block subsidy is halved, transaction fees remain intact, mitigating the overall reduction in the block reward.
  5. Mining Technology and Energy Costs:

    • Ongoing advancements in ASICs (mining microchips) improve mining efficiency.
    • Miners can offset revenue loss by increasing energy efficiency and lowering operating costs.
  6. Difficulty Adjustment and Hash Rate:

    • Bitcoin's difficulty adjustment algorithm ensures that miners' expected revenue is proportional to their share of the total hash rate.
    • A halving-induced decline in hash rate can increase profitability for remaining miners.
  7. Price Appreciation:

    • The increase in Bitcoin's price post-halving compensates for the reduction in Bitcoin-denominated revenue for miners.
  8. Network Growth and Fee Market:

    • Continuous growth in the Bitcoin network's popularity and utility supports the development of a mature fee market.
  9. Bitcoin as a Deflationary Currency:

    • Bitcoin's inflation rate decreases with each halving, making it less inflationary than traditional currencies like the U.S. Dollar.
    • Concerns about deflationary effects on the economy are addressed through Bitcoin's divisibility into satoshis.
  10. Satoshi and Divisibility:

    • Satoshi Nakamoto designed bitcoin to be divisible into 100 million pieces called satoshis.
    • As bitcoin's value rises, smaller units gain more purchasing power.
  11. Deflationary Pressure and Economic Impact:

    • Bitcoin's deflationary nature encourages long-term investment but is not expected to destroy demand in the economy.
    • The shift in demand from present to future goods is anticipated, with potential impacts on certain industries.
  12. Key Takeaways:

    • As all bitcoin are mined, miner revenue will rely entirely on transaction fees.
    • The scarcity of Bitcoin enhances its attractiveness to investors and users.

In summary, the article explores the intricate dynamics of Bitcoin, addressing concerns about network security, economic impact, and the role of transaction fees in sustaining the system.

What Will Happen After All Bitcoin Are Mined? | River Learn - Bitcoin Mining (2024)


What Will Happen After All Bitcoin Are Mined? | River Learn - Bitcoin Mining? ›

When all 21 million bitcoins are mined, which is estimated to occur around the year 2140, the Bitcoin mining process will no longer generate new bitcoins as a reward for miners. At that point, miners will rely solely on transaction fees to earn rewards for validating and confirming transactions on the network.

What happens to miners when all bitcoins are mined? ›

What will happen to Bitcoin miners when all bitcoins are mined? Miners will no longer receive new bitcoins as rewards. They will depend on transaction fees for income​​.

What happens if all Bitcoin miners stop? ›

Without miners, the network's security would be compromised, making it vulnerable to attacks such as double-spending. 3. Network Disruption: The absence of miners would disrupt the functioning of the entire Bitcoin network, potentially leading to a loss of confidence among users and investors.

What will happen to Bitcoin miners after halving? ›

The main impact from the halving is expected to be on Bitcoin mining companies rather than the actual price of the cryptocurrency. The blockchain update is poised to wipe out billions of dollars in annual revenue for miners, though the effect will be mitigated if the cryptocurrency's price continues to rise.

How close is Bitcoin to being fully mined? ›

The supply of bitcoins is replenished at a set rate of one block every ten minutes. The system design reduces the number of new bitcoins in each block by half every four years. There are only about 1.5 million bitcoins left. Experts predict that the last bitcoins will be mined by 2140.

What happens when Bitcoin is 100% mined? ›

Once all 21 million bitcoin are mined by the year 2140, no new bitcoin will be created. This means miners will no longer receive block rewards for adding new blocks to the blockchain. Instead, their compensation will come solely from transaction fees paid by users.

Can Bitcoin survive without miners? ›

Bitcoin mining typically uses powerful, single-purpose computers that can cost hundreds or thousands dollars. But Bitcoin as we know it could not exist without mining. Bitcoin mining is the key component of Bitcoin's “proof-of-work” protocol.

What is the lifespan of a Bitcoin miner? ›

In general, you can expect the latest ASIC miners to last around 5 years to a decade depending on your operating conditions and maintenance. However, with technology advancements, if many new ASIC miners come in the future, the current ASIC may turn obsolete, impacting your profitability.

Who owns the most Bitcoin? ›

So, who are the top holders of BTC? According to the Bitcoin research and analysis firm River Intelligence, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator behind Bitcoin, is listed as the top BTC holder as of 2024. The company notes that Satoshi Nakamoto holds about 1.1m BTC tokens in about 22,000 different addresses.

How much does it cost to mine 1 bitcoin after halving? ›

Prediction for 2024.

After halving, the weighted average for the cost of production will rise to $29,300, and cash cost — to $37,800. This could lead to difficulties for many mining companies. With the same costs and hardware, their profitability would drop in terms of BTC mined after halving.

Which Bitcoin miners will survive the halving? ›

Bitcoin miners with below average electricity costs and more efficient rigs are likely to survive while those with high production costs would struggle,” analysts wrote.

Will BTC dump after halving? ›

The bank's analysis of open interest in bitcoin futures shows that the cryptocurrency is still considered overbought. JPMorgan said it expects bitcoin to fall after the reward halving. The bank's analysis shows that the cryptocurrency remains overbought. Miners will be most affected by the event, the report said.

Will Bitcoin lose value when all is mined? ›

By 2140, 21 million Bitcoins will be mined, enhancing the network's scarcity and value. Miners' Bitcoin rewards decrease after every 210,000 blocks mined in an event called the Bitcoin halving and by 2140, miners will rely solely on transaction fees.

How high can Bitcoin realistically go? ›

In 2026, we see Bitcoin trading as high as $90,000 by the end of the year. By 2030, we predict that Bitcoin could reach a high of $160,000. Other crypto analysts suggest even higher price targets ranging from $427,000 to $1.5 million per Bitcoin. Keep in mind that all Bitcoin forecasts are predictions.

How long does it take to mine one Bitcoin? ›

How Long Does It Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin? The reward for mining is 3.125 bitcoins. It takes the network about 10 minutes to mine one block, so it takes about 10 minutes to mine 3.125 bitcoins.

Do all Bitcoin miners make money? ›

Does Bitcoin Mining Actually Pay? Bitcoin mining can be profitable if you contribute enough hashing power to a mining pool to receive larger rewards. If you're solo mining at home on your computer, you may never receive rewards.

Can you get rid of Bitcoin miners? ›

How to remove Trojan. BitcoinMiner with the Malwarebytes Nebula console. You can use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Nebula console to scan endpoints. Choose the Scan + Quarantine option.

Can Bitcoin miners be used for anything else? ›

ASIC Miners Take Over Bitcoin (BTC)

Short for application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), ASIC miners are designed to do one thing and one thing only — mine cryptocurrency.

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