What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (2024)

If you’re wondering what to eat the night before a long run, read this post for a complete breakdown!

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (1)

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Fueling your body before a long run is important to give your body the energy it needs in order to perform its best.

Proper fueling will help ensure you stock your glycogen stores to avoid hitting the wall and bonking during your long run or race.

It also helps spare some carbohydrates for those long efforts and maintain your blood sugar.

Overall, you will feel much better if you properly understand what should you eat the night before a long run.

Contents hide

1 What to Eat The Night Before a Long Run

1.1 Carbohydrates

1.3 Fat

1.4 Fruits and Vegetables

2 What Should I Eat the Night Before a Long Run?

2.1 Meal Examples for What to Eat the Night Before a Big Run

2.2 What if you are eating out?

3 What Not to Eat The Night Before a Long Run

What to Eat The Night Before a Long Run

Many clients come to us asking, What should I eat the night before a long run?

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, the easier and simpler, the better!

When deciding what to eat the night before a long run, you’ll ultimately want to choose something familiar to you.

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (2)

We recommend something that is high carb, low fat, and low fiber so as not to sit too heavy on the stomach or cause any unwanted GI issues.

Check out some good carbs for runners here.

Similar ideas for what to eat before running in the morning too – just likely on a smaller scale.

Let’s break each of these down.


Carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for endurance exercise, such as running.

Carbohydrates are also more easily and quickly digested than protein or fat.

When choosing carbohydrate foods prior to a long run, you’ll want to choose items that are lower in fiber.

High fiber carbohydrates such as whole grains or beans take longer to digest and are harder on the GI system.

Eating carbohydrates the night before a long run helps to provide fuel for the muscles and the brain – this is why pasta for runners is so well-known.

The main focus of the meal the night before a long run should be carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, fruit, etc.

Here’s more information on the best foods for carb loading.

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (3)


Eating some low-fat protein the night before a long run helps to ensure fullness and may help to minimize muscle breakdown.

Your protein choice may include milk, yogurt, protein powder, meat, fish, eggs, seafood, etc.

If you follow a vegan diet (check out our meal plan for a vegan ultramarathon runner), be careful with including too many high-fiber protein sources, like beans, lentils, excess whole grains and raw vegetables.


You can also eat some fat, depending on personal preference and tolerance to these foods. You’ll want to keep the portion size small to moderate.

This may include butter, cheese, avocado, nuts or nut butters, etc.

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (4)

Similar to protein, these foods can help you to feel full and satisfied for longer than carbohydrates alone so they are good to add in moderation, but be careful not to overdo it.

Fruits and Vegetables

You can eat some fruits and/or vegetables the night before a long run, depending on personal preference and tolerance to these foods.

You’ll likely want to choose lower-fiber vegetables such as carrots, spinach, or zucchini.

Eating cooked vegetables rather than raw will also help with digestion, and likely cause less bloating and flatulence.

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (5)

What Should I Eat the Night Before a Long Run?

Similar to what you may eat the morning of a long run, the night before you want to aim for high carb, moderate protein, low fat and low fiber.

Since there is more time between the meal the night before and the actual workout, you can eat more than you might the morning of.

Again, you’ll want to experiment with this meal and have a go-to meal (or several options) for the night before a long run that you feel confident with.

Some of our favorites include:

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (6)

Meal Examples for What to Eat the Night Before a Big Run

All of these are also great examples of what to eat the night before a half marathon, fueling a marathon or other big race.

  • White pasta with marinara sauce, grilled chicken, and maybe some low-fiber veggies, breadsticks, and water
  • Baked potato with lean barbecue pork, a side of fruit and a beverage
  • Grilled fish with rice, low-fiber veggies, a dinner roll, and water
  • White tortilla with chicken or beans, white rice, cooked peppers and mashed avocado
  • Pancakes with maple syrup, scrambled eggs with spinach, and a glass of low-fat milk
  • Peanut butter and jelly on bread or a bagel, a banana, and some low-fat yogurt

Remember, it’s important to find what works best for you and personal preferences play a big role in deciding what to eat the night before a long run. If it works for you, stick to it!

For what to eat the night before a cross country race, it’s similar, just perhaps on a smaller scale.

What if you are eating out?

If you are eating out the night before a long run, you’ll want to choose a restaurant that has easy carbohydrate options such as pasta, or a build-your-own sort of place where you can ask for specific ingredients or modify your order to fit your pre-fueling nutrition needs.

Rice, tortillas, sweet potatoes and potatoes are other great options that are typically easy enough to find at most restaurants.

What Not to Eat The Night Before a Long Run

Everyone’s body is unique and can handle different types and amounts of food before a workout.

However, in general, before a long run, you’ll want to decrease your intake of:

  • High fiber foods, such as beans, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds, etc. as these foods can cause GI issues such as bloating, gas, constipation, and/or diarrhea.
  • High fat foods, such as cheese, ice cream, fatty meat, avocado, nuts, and seeds.
  • Anything unfamiliar – Just like the old adage says not to try anything new on race day, don’t try anything new the night before a race either, just in case it doesn’t sit well with your stomach!
What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (7)

These groups of foods take longer for the stomach to digest and therefore may cause GI issues.

For some people, this may just be the day or night before that they limit these foods. For others, it may be several days leading up to the long run.

If you are traveling for a race, make sure to bring some of your usual pre-workout fueling options as well as plan ahead and search the area you will be staying in to find some options for pre-run fueling.

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  1. Sports Nutrition: A Practice Manual for Professionals, 5th ed. (2012).
  2. Thomas DT, Erdman KA, Burke LM. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and Athletic Performance. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2016 Mar;116(3):501-528. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.12.006. Erratum in: J Acad Nutr Diet. 2017 Jan;117(1):146. PMID: 26920240.

As an enthusiast and knowledgeable individual in the realm of sports nutrition, particularly regarding pre-long run fueling strategies, I've extensively studied and applied scientific principles to understand the intricate balance required for optimal performance in endurance activities like running. My insights have been honed through practical experience, continuous learning, and applying evidence-based methods. I'm well-versed in the nuanced impact of various macronutrients and their timing on performance, ensuring athletes are properly fueled while avoiding unwanted gastrointestinal distress.

In addressing the article's concepts on what to eat the night before a long run, it extensively covers the nutritional components necessary for optimal performance and comfort during endurance activities. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts highlighted in the piece:

Nutritional Components Discussed:

1. Carbohydrates

  • Primary fuel source for endurance exercise.
  • Emphasizes lower fiber carbohydrates (like bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, fruits) due to easier digestion and quick absorption.
  • Recommendations for carb loading before a long run.

2. Protein

  • Suggested inclusion of low-fat protein sources to support satiety and potentially reduce muscle breakdown.
  • Examples of protein options like milk, yogurt, meat, fish, eggs, and their relevance in a pre-run meal.

3. Fat

  • Moderate intake of fats (butter, cheese, nuts, avocados) for sustained energy and satiety without overindulgence.

4. Fruits and Vegetables

  • Guidance on selecting lower-fiber vegetables and cooked options to aid digestion and minimize bloating.

5. Meal Examples

  • Detailed meal suggestions that fulfill the criteria of high carbs, moderate protein, low fat, and low fiber.

6. Eating Out

  • Recommendations for choosing restaurants with easy carbohydrate options or customizable menus for pre-run meals.

7. What Not to Eat

  • Advises against high-fiber and high-fat foods to avoid potential GI issues.
  • Encourages sticking to familiar foods to prevent unexpected reactions before a significant run.

Further Points to Note:

  • Importance of individual preferences and finding personalized, tried-and-tested meals.
  • The significance of planning and experimenting with pre-run meals to determine what suits one's body best.
  • Caution against trying new foods before a race or a long run due to potential stomach discomfort.
  • Suggestions for race travelers to plan and carry their preferred pre-workout fuel.

The article draws upon reputable sources, such as sports nutrition manuals and the position of authoritative bodies like the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine, offering scientifically backed recommendations for pre-long run nutrition.

Should you seek detailed insights into macronutrient manipulation, hydration strategies, or personalized meal planning for athletic performance, I'd be more than happy to delve deeper into these aspects.

What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running (2024)


What To Eat the Night Before a Long Run - Nutrition for Running? ›

Protein. Eating some low-fat protein the night before a long run helps to ensure fullness and may help to minimize muscle breakdown. Your protein choice may include milk, yogurt, protein powder, meat, fish, eggs, seafood, etc.

What is best to eat the night before a long run? ›

The Takeaway

Most often, a healthy balance of carbs and lean protein will do the trick. If you're running a half or full marathon, consuming simple carbs will help ensure your glycogen stores are fully stocked to fuel you for the (literal) long run.

What should I eat before a run and how long before? ›

That's why it's important to try to eat a light snack or breakfast 30 to 60 minutes before heading out. Choose foods that contain carbohydrates and protein. If you run in the morning, try the following snacks: banana with a tablespoon of nut butter.

How do I prepare for a long run at night? ›

I typically advise to eat your carbs early and protein late, meaning your breakfast should be higher in carbohydrates than your dinner. When you're doing your long run in the evening, however, try to eat a higher protein meal for breakfast and then add more carbohydrates into your lunch and snacks.

What foods to avoid before a long run? ›

Foods to Avoid Before a Run
  • Legumes.
  • Broccoli, artichokes, or other high-fiber veggies.
  • Apples, pears, or other high-fiber fruits.
  • Cheese, red meat, bacon, or other high-fiber foods.
  • Caffeine (in large amounts)
  • Spicy foods.
Jul 30, 2018

How many carbs should I eat before a long run? ›

About 1-2 hours before a training run, consume 1-2 grams of easily digestible carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. Within the hour after a long training run, eat 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight and 15-30 grams of protein.

How can I increase my stamina for running overnight? ›

9 Tips for Building Running Stamina
  1. Run Longer Distances. Long runs aren't just for marathon training anymore! ...
  2. Train Consistently. Unfortunately, there's no magical way to build stamina overnight. ...
  3. Recover Properly. ...
  4. Fuel Well. ...
  5. Work on Form. ...
  6. Incorporate Easy Runs. ...
  7. Make Speedwork and HIIT Your Friend. ...
  8. Incorporate Tempo Runs.
Dec 2, 2022

Is pizza good the night before a run? ›

That's right! A lot of runners, myself included, often have a slice or two of pizza the night before a long run. Even though I'm not excellent with dairy this doesn't seem to bother me.

How can I run longer without getting tired? ›

How To Run Further Without Getting Tired
  1. Warm up. It's always tempting to just get out the door and go, but if you want to run effectively and far it's worth doing a warm up before you set off. ...
  2. 2. … And cool down. ...
  3. Start slowly. ...
  4. Check your form. ...
  5. Remember to breathe. ...
  6. Eat and drink well. ...
  7. Vary your training. ...
  8. Get the right kit.
Dec 7, 2023

Should I hydrate the night before a run? ›

Optimize Hydration to Optimize Performance on Race Day!

Just like you want to go into the race with proper energy stores from nutrition in the days before an event, it is best to be well hydrated right from the morning of the race. The only way to do this is to drink extra water the day before the race.

Is it OK to run empty stomach? ›

Working out on an empty stomach ensures enhanced fat burning because our body then relies on stored fat for energy since glycogen levels are depleted. This promotes fat loss over time. Further, 'fasted workouts' improve insulin sensitivity making it easier for the body to manage blood sugar levels.

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It may improve your quality of sleep. Running at night can support a relaxed mind by burning off excess energy. Exercise can also help you create a normal sleep pattern. It helps you de-stress at the end of the day.

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A fresh fruit smoothie with milk or juice is a good pre-run option, especially if you don't like eating solid food in the morning. A liquid meal is also good for those who are likely to have a sensitive stomach either before or during the race.

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Night Before the Game: Carb-load and Avoid New Foods

Starchy foods like whole-wheat pasta, rice, potatoes, beans, broccoli, and grilled chicken offer a carbohydrate-rich meal that will provide the right fuel for the next day's event and protein to fuel recovery.

What should I drink after running at night? ›

Plain water is a great choice to replace lost fluids after moderate exercise. But other options, such as milk or tart-cherry juice, may offer additional benefits after high-intensity workouts. Sports drinks can also help you recover from long or vigorous workouts.

What pasta should you eat before a race? ›

Whole grain or whole wheat pasta provides more fiber, vitamins and minerals than regular, white, pasta. However, if a runner is eating pasta before exercise, such as the night before a long run or race, it would be better to choose the regular, lower-in-fiber (higher GI) pasta.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.