What to Buy at Trader Joe's (2024)

Happy Thursday, wonderful peeps!

We’re so close. SOOOOO close to a holiday weekend. That glorious fact makes me all kinds of happy. Sleeping in. Eating. Celebrating. It’s all a mere 2 days away.

We can do this.

I know a grocery trip (or two) arein your future in preparation for your delightful Labor Day plans. Or work week lunches. Or school-packing endeavors.

I don’t know about you, but I spend an incredible amount my week at grocery stores. I secretly love it, though. Perusing through all the aisles, picking out my favorite items to concoct my favorite meals, snacks, and desserts.

It’s better than Christmas.

And while I’m fond of Aldi’s and Whole Foods, I can honestly tell you that I will drivemilesto be able to buy from Trader Joe’s. Not only would each and every employee do nearlyanythingto make your happy during your time in the store, you can’t beat their prices ortheirquality. Mark and I go to TJ’s at least once a week, and we always leave with bags full of goodies to enjoy throughout the week.

Mark’s mom actually inspired this post. She drove nearly an hour to shop at a Trader Joe’s after reading a “What to Buy at Trader Joe’s” post, similar to this one. I always get a kick out of reading these kinds of posts, because I almostalways learn something new aboutmy beloved TJ’s.

Alas, in the name of delicious flavors, I ran around my local Trader Joe’s like a maniac with an iPhone, taking pictures of all my favorite foodsjust foryou.I even included some serving ideas that go along with each and every item. Let’s get cookin’!

Meal Essentials

When it comes to meals, I need ingredients that will make me a fast, delicious, and nutritious dish. Luckily, Trader Joe’s isfilledwith just the kind of ingredients I’m looking for:

Rolled Oats
$3.99/2 lb. bag – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Coffee Cake Baked Oatmeal or my Samoa Overnight Oats
If I needed to survive on any one ingredient for the rest of my life, TJ’s Rolled Oats would be it! I haven’t found another brand of rolled oats that compare in texture; these oats are the perfect fuel to my oatmeal obsession. I pick up a bag nearly every time I’m at TJ’s because I’m always afraid that I’m going to run out. My favorite Trader Joe’s product. Byfar.

Small Whole Green Lentils & Brown Jasmine Rice
$1.69/1 lb. bag & $3.29/3 lb. bag – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★
Perfect for: my Green Machine Power Plate or my Thai Burrito Bowls
Lentils are such a wonderful source of vegetarian protein, so I always make sure to throw them in my cart (or “buggy,” as Mark calls it ;)). TJ’s Brown Jasmine Rice is so fluffy, chewy, and nutty; it’s the perfect accompaniment to our weekly Mexican and/or Thai Burrito Bowls!

various prices – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Guacamole Tacos or my

Seriously. $.89/can for black beans. How do you do it, Trader Joe’s?! Mark and I go through an insane amount of beansdue to our undying love of Mexican food. Canned beans are such an easy protein addition to ameal, so I try to keep some on-hand at all times. As a plus, TJ’s also has a great selection of organic beans! Beans for the win!

Organic Brown Rice and Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta
$2.99/pound – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for: my Thai Peanut Sauce
Growing up, my favorite food was pasta. Pasta with alfredo, pasta with pesto, pasta with red sauce…I didn’t discriminate against the ultimate comfort food. After I started understanding nutrition, I noticed that the recommended serving of pasta left me hungry, so I turned away from my beloved noodles for many years.

Luckily, TJ’s Organic Brown Rice and Quinoa Spaghetti Pasta came to my pasta-lovin’ rescue. It’s made from 3 naturally gluten free ingredients (brown rice, quinoa, and water), and its flavor is similar to whole wheat pasta. When you have a hankering for pasta, definitely give this stuff a try.

Frozen Vegetables
various prices – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for: my Super Bowl
Winter is coming. Fresh produce won’t be as easy to find, so I like to keep a couple bags of frozen vegetables stashed in my freezer. I’m obsessed with green beans, so I love keepingthis giant bag of frozen French Green Beans on hand. I also can’t get enough of their frozen brussels sprouts. They’re bite-sized, making themperfect for salads or straight munchin’.

Fruit & Vegetable Essentials

I love that, as soon as you walk into any Trader Joe’s, you’re greetedwith beautiful, colorful produce. I could peruse around these aisles forhours, but here are few items you don’t want tomiss:

Sweet Potatoes
$.49/potato – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Peanut Butter Sweet Potato or my Sweet Potato Bruschetta
I couldn’t live without my trusty sweet potatoes! I love that TJ’s offers them for only $.49; add a spoonful (or two) of peanut butter, and you’ll have yourself my favoritequick and easy entree for under $1! Incredible.

Fuji Apples
$.79/apple – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Sweet Potato Bruschetta or my Summer Fruit and Candied Pecan Salad
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, I’ll never see another doctor in mylife.I eatat least two of these bad boys a day, and I crave them all.the.time. Nothing compares to their sweet bite or crunchiness. And how can you beat $.79/apple?I’m obsessed with these!

Organic Whole Carrots
$.89/pound – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Carrot Cake Overnight Oats or my Ultimate Vegan Dipping Sauce
It took memany years to try a whole carrot. Like most kids, I always gravitated towards those cute, little baby carrots. I swear, after I tried a whole carrot for the first time a couple of years ago, I ate an entire pound of them. In one sitting. Whole carrots haveso much more flavor than baby carrots; they’re sweeter, crunchier, and way more addictive. These days, I love dipping them in my 3-ingredient Ultimate Vegan Dipping Sauce. Pick up a bag of whole carrotsthe next time you’re at TJ’s and taste for yourself!

Broccoli Florets
$2.29/12 oz. – Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★
Perfect for: my Green Machine Power Plate or my Super Bowl
Time for a“you know you’re dating a food blogger when…” moment. A couple of weeksago, Mark and I were hungry for a late-night snack. After checking our fridge and pantry, we noticed that we were grotesquely low on groceries and that we had run out of our beloved popcorn go-to. Mark suggested that we roast up some broccoli and serve it with a variety of dipping sauces (including this finger-lickin’ good Thai Peanut Sauce). Best. Night. Ever.

Snack Essentials

I am the poster child for hangryism. I am in constant need of healthy snacks that I can keep within an arm’s reach at a moment’s notice. If fresh fruits and/or vegetables don’t soothe my hangry stomach, I’ll reach for any of these delicious delicacies:

Nut Butters
various prices –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★
Perfect for: my Pumpkin Peanut Butter Truffles or my Gluten Free Vegan Cookie Dough
You know I’m hitting up TJ’s nut butter section nearly every time I step foot in the store! I’mobsessed with TJ’s nut butters, particularly their almond butter and their organic peanut butter. The prices are so fair. The nut butters are so perfectly creamy. Addictive, I tell ya! Don’t pass ’em up!

Dried Fruit
various prices –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for: my Vegan Rice Pudding or my No-Bake Granola Bar Cookies
Dried fruit is the perfect nutrient-dense snack. It’s totally sweet, chewy, and down-right addictive. That being said, whenit comes to dried fruit, I sometimes have trouble peeling myself away from the bag. Luckily, TJ’s has small containers of all of the dried fruit you could possibly think of. And, they’re reasonably-priced to boot! I’m a huge fan of their dried mango and dried figs, but you can’t really go wrong here.

Nuts and Seeds
various prices –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Gluten Free Vegan Banana Nut Muffins or my Vegan Red Velvet Cheesecakes
If there’s one aisle that completely does me in at TJ’s it’s the nut and seed aisle. I love keeping raw nuts on hand for snacking, and I adore throwing them into some of my favorite recipes.

These In Shell Pumpkin Seeds? Incredible. They have just the right amount of salt, and they’re a perfect topping to salads! When it comes to nuts, pro tip: if you buy nutpieces, rather than the whole version, you’ll saveat least a buck or two. TJ’s Cashew Piecesmake me outrageously happy (especially when I can throw them into something like this. Or this.)

Organic Popcorn with Olive Oil
$1.99/5 oz. bag –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my ChocolatePeanut Butter Popcorn

When you’re feeling snacky and a little indulgent, look no further than this incredible crunchy goodness. As I’ve mentioned a couple times, Mark and I areobsessed with popcorn. When we’re feeling particularly lazy and don’t feel like popping it ourselves, we often reach for a bag of this stuff! It has a slight olive oil taste on it’s own, but you’re more than welcome to doctor it up just a bit.

Dip, Sauce, & Spread Essentials

I’m a dip and sauce girl, so I’m constantly on the prowl for some new delicious finds. Whether it’s olive oil or salsa, I’ll find a way to incorporateat least one sauce into my meal. I.go.bonkers over TJ’s selection:

Oils & Vinegars
various prices –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Winter Abundance Salad or my Almond Butter Beet Salad
We love raiding TJ’s oil and vinegar aisle. Mark is an olive oil fiend, so we like buying TJ’s Premium Extra-Virgin variety.And I adore the cute little spout it comes with. I also like keeping a reserve of balsamic and apple cider vinegar on-hand for quick and easy salad dressings!

Chunky Salsa
$2.29/1 lb. jar –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for: my Ultimate Vegan Dipping Sauce or my Best Damn Vegetarian Tacos
I’ve eaten an entire jar of this stuff on the couch with a spoon. Enough said.

various prices –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for: my Super Bowl or my Pesto Hummus
Hummus is a staple in our household, and TJ’s has an impressive variety of sizes, colors, and flavors. This Roasted Garlic variety is definitely one of my favorites, but there truly is something for everyone! I love that I can recognize each and every ingredient in most of TJ’s hummuses, so I always tend to pick up a container…or two.

Traditional Marinara Sauce
$1.39/18 oz. jar –Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for: a quick and easy pasta dinner
It’s a Thursday night. You’re tired from a long day at work. You’rehungry. How does some pasta sound?Let’s topit with this 9-ingredient marinara sauce. It’s rich, slightly chucky, and super flavorful. It’s a delicious base all on its own, but we like doctoring it up with a little bit of red pepper flakes and garlic. Delicioso!

Baking Essentials

For a veeeeeery long time, I was absolutelyterrified to post a baked good recipe on Fooduzzi. Baking issucha science, and I was always nervous that I’d have some sort of disaster on my hands if I included too little of thisingredient or too much ofthatingredient. After I posted mycrazy-popular Lemon Chia Seed Scone recipe, I’ve never looked back! I use the ingredients below nearly every time I’m wanting to whip up a baked good:

Organic Coconut Flour
$2.99/16 0z. bag–Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★★★
Perfect for:my Gluten Free Vegan Banana Nut Muffins or my Pumpkin Peanut Butter Truffles
I cannot believe that TJ’s sells a bag of beautiful coconut flour for so cheap! Coconut flour is anincrediblegluten free flour that’s super absorbent and perfect for your baking needs! I’ve made a couple of recipes using it, and I can honestly say it’s one of my favorite baking staples. It’s coconutty, slightly sweet, and high in fiber. DEFINITELY givethis stuff a try!

Unsweetened Cocoa Power
$2.49/9 oz container–Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for:my Whole Food Bark or my Healthy Buckeyes
Want to know a secret? I use this stuff every.stinkin’.day…for breakfast. I’ll have the recipe up soon, but in the meantime, I have loads of chocolate recipes on the blog that are justwaiting for you to try this stuff out. It has such a beautiful richness that I haven’t found in other cocoas that I’ve tried. Lovelovelove this stuff.

Pure Bourbon Vanilla Extract
$4.99/ 4 ozcontainer–Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for:my Banana Bread Granola or my Vegan Marshmallow Dessert Cups
Oh, how I adore vanilla extract. TJ’s version deliversa powerful punch of delicious vanilla flavor to all of your baked goods and treats. And, because it’s made with bourbon, I enjoy feelinga little rebellious when I dump it in my oatmeal in the mornings. ;)

Organic Raw Honey
$5.99/ 16 ozcontainer–Alexa’s Must-Buy Rating: ★★★
Perfect for:my Dessert Sushior my Whole Food Coconut Eggs
When I was younger, one of my friends would take “honey shots” whenever she had a sore throat. She swore by its magical “healing powers,” so I decided to giveit a try the next time my throat hurt. I don’t know if it actually helped, butdaaaaannnnggggwas it delicious. Now, I’m a full-on honey freak. While it’s fantastic in tea, it also makes a fabulous refined sugar alternative in recipes!

And now you know why I love Trader Joe’s so.dang.much. It seriously is the ultimate grocery store for “foodies,” families, and everyone in between!

Did you learn something new about TJ’s? Did I leave out one of your grocery must-haves?! Let me know in the comments!

What to Buy at Trader Joe's (2024)


What is the most sold item at Trader Joe's? ›

The #1 Overall award went to Chili & Lime Flavored Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips.

Why do you want to work at Trader Joe's answer? ›

Informal Tone:- I love Trader Joe's products and I think it would be really fun to work for a company that I'm so passionate about. I also think it would be a great opportunity to learn more about the food industry and to meet a lot of new and interesting people. Good luck with your Interview at Trader Joes.

Is it true you can try anything at Trader Joe's? ›

Many shoppers may not be aware that Trader Joe's often allows customers to try before they buy. Customers can have an employee open just about any item for a sample before purchase, but that doesn't mean you're allowed to start opening packages on your own.

Why do people love Trader Joe's so much? ›

She mentioned the outgoing, charismatic employees who are encouraged to strike up conversations, its quirky hand-drawn signs, its low prices, its unique seasonal products, and its fun, laid-back atmosphere that helps it to stand out from the hustle and bustle of other popular supermarket chains.

What is Trader Joe's best known for? ›

The eclectic and retail-fan-favorite Trader Joe's is well-known to its loyalists for its quirky culture and low prices on a unique selection of food items. The store doesn't carry many branded items, but it does offer a wide variety of interesting products (especially frozen ones) in the Trader Joe's label.

How much does the average person spend at Trader Joe's? ›

Now when it comes to average spending, Americans are dishing out about $66.00 every time they go to Trader Joe's. Arkansas residents spend the most at $80.50 per trip, and Utahns spend the least at just over $53.00 per visit.

What is the secret to getting hired at Trader Joe's? ›

Application insight: Demonstrate enthusiasm for Trader Joe's and strategic application essentials; stand out with passion and specific product knowledge. Interview preparation: Role-play scenarios, understand company values, and unique culture; demonstrate alignment with Trader Joe's ethos for a significant advantage.

Why do they ring the bell at Trader Joe's? ›

One bell lets our Crew know when to open another register. Two bells mean there are additional questions that need to be answered at the checkout. Three bells call over a manager-type person.

Is a Trader Joe's interview hard? ›

Trader Joe's interviews FAQs

Candidates interviewing for Stocker and Deli Clerk rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for Cleaner and Analyst roles were rated as the easiest.

What day of the week is best to shop at Trader Joe's? ›

What are the best days to shop at Trader Joe's? According to employees, the best days to shop there are Tuesdays and Wednesdays because they are the slowest days.

Are Trader Joe's employees trained to flirt with customers? ›

The company's CEO understands why you may think that. In a recent episode on the Inside Trader Joe's podcast, CEO Bryan Palbaum addressed the rumors that employees are trained to flirt with customers and said it's just that – a rumor.

Can you sit and eat at Trader Joe's? ›

Don't expect to dine in your local Trader Joe's, but don't worry, if you don't enjoy what you brought home to eat, the store is happy to refund you.

What is the average age of Trader Joe's customers? ›

In 2022, the typical Trader Joe's customer was a married person living in an urban area, between 25 and 44 years old, earning at least $80,000.

Who is Trader Joe's target audience? ›

The Target Market of Trader Joe's

With a focus on providing high-quality products at affordable prices, Trader Joe's attracts budget-conscious consumers who are looking for value for their money. The brand's commitment to offering a wide range of curated and exclusive products sets them apart from other grocery stores.

What's the busiest Trader Joe's? ›

New York, New York. Let me just say, this TJ's is always busy no matter what time you shop. The two-story building on 72nd Street and Broadway is known to the busiest Trader Joe's in the world. It's basically a tourist attraction for any diehard TJ's fans—and you might even spot celebrities there.

What is top pay at Trader Joe's? ›

Traders Joe Salary in California
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$108,559$9,046
75th Percentile$106,600$8,883
25th Percentile$35,000$2,916

Who is Trader Joe's biggest competition? ›

Top 10 Trader Joe's competitors
  • Walmart.
  • Bravo Supermarkets.
  • CJ Express.
  • DealsOfAmerica.com.
  • HEB Grocery.
  • Kroger.
  • Pete's Market.
  • Target.

Why is Trader Joe's so famous? ›

The secrets to Trader Joe's success are pretty simple and not all that secret: smaller stores with a limited number of SKUs, a friendly, playful atmosphere, helpful employees, aggressively competitive pricing, and most importantly, the food. It's Trader Joe's focus on food that makes the rest of it work.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.