What Time of Day Does IRS Deposit Refunds: Fast Access to Tax Return (2024)

Tax refunds aren’t just financial transactions; they hold the potential to bring relief and joy to millions of businesses each year. As businesses of all sizes eagerly anticipate the arrival of their refunds, questions and uncertainties about refund processing linger in their minds. “When will I receive my refund?” and “What factors influence the processing time?” are among the common queries that often arise.

In this article, we focus specifically on a critical aspect of business tax refund processing: the timing of IRS refund deposits. We’ll speak about the intricacies of tax refund processing, exploring the steps involved, the IRS refund schedule, and the impact of early and late filing on refund timing. Moreover, we’ll investigate the possible reasons for delays and shed light on how businesses can track the status of their refunds.

Overview of tax return processing by the IRS

When tax season comes, businesses start filing their income tax returns, and the IRS initiates a comprehensive process to assess, verify, and calculate the correct amount of refund owed to them. The IRS processes millions of tax returns each year, making the process an intricate and time-consuming endeavor. Here’s an overview of the key steps involved in tax refund processing:

Receiving tax returns

Businesses can submit their tax returns either electronically through e-filing or by mailing paper returns to the IRS. Once received, the returns enter the IRS system for processing.

Initial review

Upon receiving the tax returns, the IRS performs an initial review to check for any errors or missing information. If any discrepancies are found, the IRS may request additional documentation or clarification from the taxpayer.

Assessing tax liability

The IRS calculates the taxpayer’s tax liability based on the information provided in the return, including income, deductions, credits, and other relevant details.

Refund calculation

If the taxpayer has overpaid their taxes throughout the year or is eligible for refundable tax credits, the IRS calculates the amount of the refund owed.

Fraud and identity theft checks

To prevent refund fraud and identity theft, the IRS conducts rigorous checks to verify the authenticity of the taxpayer’s identity and detect any suspicious activities.

Finalizing the refund

Once the IRS completes all necessary reviews and verifications, the final refund amount is determined. The refund is then approved for processing.

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Factors influencing the speed of refund processing

In this section, we’ll give an overview of the typical factors that can influence the speed at which the IRS processes and deposits tax refunds for businesses.

Filing method

E-filing typically results in faster processing times compared to paper filing. Electronic returns are easier for the IRS to process and require less manual intervention.

Accuracy of information

Accurate and error-free tax returns can be processed more quickly. Any mistakes or omissions may trigger further review and delay the refund.

Refundable credits

Businesses claiming refundable credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Child Tax Credit (CTC), may experience longer processing times. The IRS must verify eligibility for these credits, which may require additional time.

IRS workload

The volume of tax returns the IRS receives during peak filing season can affect processing times. Businesses filing close to the deadline may experience longer wait times.

Different methods of receiving tax refunds

Businesses have options for receiving their tax refunds, and the choice they make can impact the timing of receiving them.

Direct deposit

Opting for direct deposit is the fastest way to receive a tax refund. The IRS can deposit the refund directly into the taxpayer’s bank account, eliminating the need for paper checks and mail delivery.

Paper check

Businesses can receive their refund in the form of a paper check mailed to their address on file. This method typically takes longer than direct deposit.

Prepaid debit card

In some cases, businesses may receive their refunds via a prepaid debit card issued by the IRS.

Understanding the tax refund process, the factors influencing its speed, and the various refund delivery methods can empower businesses to make informed decisions and potentially expedite the process.

What Time of Day Does IRS Deposit Refunds: Fast Access to Tax Return (1)

When will you receive your tax refund?

The IRS refund schedule

One of the most pressing questions on taxpayers’ minds is when they can expect to receive their tax refunds. While the IRS aims to process refunds as quickly as possible, the actual timing can vary depending on multiple factors. The IRS refund schedule is a general guideline that provides an estimated timeframe for refund issuance based on the filing method and when the return was accepted. However, it is essential to remember that the schedule is not set in stone, and individual cases may deviate from these timeframes.

Typically, businesses who e-file their returns and choose direct deposit can expect to receive their refunds faster compared to those who file paper returns and opt for a paper check. The IRS issues most refunds within 21 days of accepting the return, but some businesses may experience longer processing times due to various reasons, such as return complexity or additional reviews required by the IRS.

Early filers vs. late filers: Impact on refund timing

The timing of your tax refund can be influenced by when you file your tax return. Early filers tend to receive their refunds sooner than those who wait until the tax deadline approaches. If you file your return well ahead of the deadline, your return is likely to be processed during a period of lower workload for the IRS, leading to faster processing times. On the other hand, late filers may experience delays due to the increased volume of returns received by the IRS during the final weeks of the tax season.

To expedite the refund process, businesses are encouraged to file their returns as soon as they have all the necessary documentation and information to ensure accuracy.

How to track the status of your refund

Waiting for your tax refund can be nerve-wracking, but the IRS offers a convenient tool to track the status of your refund. The “Where’s My Refund?” tool is available on the official IRS website and provides real-time updates on the progress of your refund.

To get access to this tool, you’ll be required to provide your Social Security Number, filing status, and the exact refund amount as shown on your tax return. The tool will then display the status of your refund, indicating whether it is still being processed, approved, or if there are any issues that may require attention.

Please keep in mind that the “Where’s My Refund?” tool is typically updated once every 24 hours, so checking it more frequently may not yield new information.

If businesses use the IRS tracking tool, they can stay informed about the status of their refund and take appropriate actions if any issues arise. Whether you’re eagerly anticipating your refund or experiencing a delay, this tool can provide valuable insights into the progress of your tax refund processing.

Time of day for IRS refund deposits

Typical time frame for refund deposits

Once the IRS processes a taxpayer’s refund, the actual deposit time can vary based on the chosen refund method. For businesses who opt for direct deposit, the typical time frame for receiving their refund in their bank account is within 1 to 5 business days after the IRS approves the refund. However, it’s important to remember that this is an estimate, and actual deposit times may vary depending on several factors.

For businesses receiving a paper check, the delivery time may take longer due to mail processing and delivery. It can take up to several weeks to receive a paper check refund.

Factors affecting the time of day for tax refund deposit

The IRS initiates most refund deposits on weekdays, which means that businesses who receive direct deposit refunds can expect their funds to be deposited on a business day. However, pinpointing the exact time of day when the deposit will occur can be challenging.

Several factors influence the timing of the deposit:

  • Financial institution processing the deposit: The timing of the deposit is affected by the recipient’s financial institution. Banks and credit unions have their internal processing schedules, which can impact the exact time the funds become available to the taxpayer.
  • Batch processing: The IRS processes refunds in batches, and the exact timing of a particular batch depends on various factors, including the volume of refunds being processed and the IRS’s internal procedures.
  • Time zone differences: The IRS operates on Eastern Standard Time (EST), so businesses in different time zones may experience their deposits at different local times.
What Time of Day Does IRS Deposit Refunds: Fast Access to Tax Return (2)

Due to these factors, it’s difficult to predict the exact time of day when the IRS will deposit the refund. In most cases, businesses receive their direct deposit refunds early in the morning on the expected deposit date.

Electronic vs. paper check refunds

The method chosen for receiving a tax refund significantly affects the timing of its arrival. As mentioned earlier, direct deposit is the fastest option for receiving a refund. Electronic refunds are typically processed much faster compared to paper check refunds since they involve fewer manual steps.

For businesses who choose to receive a paper check, additional time is needed for the IRS to print and mail the check, and for the postal service to deliver it to the taxpayer’s address. This process can take several weeks, especially during peak tax season when the IRS is processing a high volume of refunds.

When you wait for a tax refund, keep in mind that while the IRS aims to process refunds efficiently, individual circ*mstances and the chosen refund method can influence the exact timing. By selecting direct deposit and staying informed through the IRS tracking tool, businesses can increase the likelihood of receiving their refunds in a timely manner.

Potential delays and issues

Common reasons for delayed refunds

While the IRS strives to process tax refunds promptly, there are several common reasons that can lead to delays in refund issuance:

  • Errors in tax returns: Filing an inaccurate or incomplete tax return can trigger delays as the IRS may need to request additional information or conduct further reviews to resolve discrepancies.
  • Claiming certain tax credits: Claiming refundable tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), can result in longer processing times. The IRS must verify eligibility for these credits to prevent fraudulent claims.
  • Missing documentation: If the IRS requires additional documentation to verify income or deductions claimed on the return, the taxpayer may experience delays until the necessary information is provided.
  • Amended returns or prior-year tax issues: Amending a tax return or having unresolved issues from previous tax years can slow down the processing of the current year’s refund.
  • Filing an incomplete return: Failure to include all necessary forms and schedules may result in the IRS placing the return on hold until the missing information is submitted.

Identity theft and refund fraud concerns

Identity theft and refund fraud continue to be significant challenges for the IRS and businesses alike. Fraudsters may attempt to file false tax returns using stolen personal information to claim fraudulent refunds. To combat this issue, the IRS employs sophisticated fraud detection measures, which can sometimes delay legitimate refunds as the agency thoroughly verifies taxpayer identities.

Businesses who suspect that they may have become victims of identity theft or refund fraud should take immediate action. This includes reporting the issue to the IRS and completing Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit. The IRS has dedicated support for victims of identity theft to help resolve their cases and ensure the processing of legitimate refunds.

How to address refund issues with the IRS

If a taxpayer’s refund is delayed or they encounter any issues with their refund, there are steps they can take to address the problem:

  • Use the “Where’s My Refund?” tool: As we’ve already mentioned, the online tool provided by the IRS is called “Where’s My Refund?”, and it allows businesses to check the status of their refund and get information on any potential issues.
  • Contact the IRS: Businesses can reach out to the IRS directly for assistance if their refund has been delayed for an extended period or if they encounter any specific issues.
  • Seek professional help: If the taxpayer faces complex refund issues or believes they are victims of identity theft or fraud, seeking assistance from a tax professional or the IRS Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) may be necessary.

Overall, while some delays in tax refunds may be inevitable due to the complexities of the tax system and fraud prevention measures, taking appropriate action and staying informed can help businesses navigate any issues and ensure their refunds are processed accurately and efficiently.

Tips for faster refund processing


  • E-filing: Electronic filing, or e-filing, is generally the fastest way to submit your tax return to the IRS. E-filing reduces the chances of errors that can occur when manually preparing a paper return. The IRS processes e-filed returns more efficiently, resulting in faster refund processing.
  • Faster refund acknowledgment: When you e-file, you receive an acknowledgment from the IRS that they have received your return. This acknowledgment typically occurs within 24 to 48 hours of filing. In contrast, when you mail a paper return, it can take several weeks for the IRS to confirm its receipt.

Ensure accuracy in your tax return

  • Double-check your information: Ensure that all personal information, such as Social Security Numbers, names, and addresses, is accurate and matches the information on your tax documents (W-2, 1099, etc.).
  • Review your math: Simple math errors can lead to significant delays in processing your return. Double-check all calculations to avoid errors that could prompt further review by the IRS.
  • Verify deductions and credits: Carefully review your deductions and credits to ensure you are eligible for them and have claimed the correct amounts. Claiming ineligible deductions or credits may result in delays and additional correspondence with the IRS.
  • Use updated forms and software: When e-filing, use the most up-to-date tax preparation software or online tax services. They are designed to help catch errors and ensure compliance with the latest tax laws.

Use direct deposit for faster refunds

  • Provide accurate banking information: When opting for direct deposit, double-check your bank account information to ensure it is accurate. An incorrect account number or routing number could lead to a delayed refund or even a refund sent to the wrong account.
  • Splitting refunds: The IRS allows businesses to split their refunds between multiple accounts or financial institutions. If you choose this option, ensure you provide accurate information for each account to avoid any issues.
  • Avoid paper checks: Opt for direct deposit instead of receiving a paper check. Direct deposit is not only faster but also more secure, reducing the risk of mail theft or lost checks.
  • Keep your bank account active: Ensure that your bank account remains open and active until the refund is deposited. If the IRS attempts to deposit the refund into a closed or inactive account, it may lead to further delays.

By e-filing your tax return, ensuring accuracy in your information, and utilizing direct deposit, you can significantly expedite the processing of your tax refund. Following these tips will help you receive your refund in a timely manner, bringing you closer to enjoying the benefits of your hard-earned money.

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Final thoughts on the importance of understanding refund timing

Understanding the timing of IRS refund deposits is crucial for businesses seeking prompt access to their funds. While the IRS endeavors to process refunds efficiently, various factors can influence the exact timing of refund issuance. By familiarizing themselves with the IRS refund schedule, businesses can have realistic expectations about when they might receive their refunds.

To track the status of their refunds and address any potential issues promptly, businesses can use the “Where’s My Refund?” tool provided by the IRS . This proactive approach empowers businesses to stay informed and take appropriate action if needed.

Furthermore, by embracing e-filing, ensuring accuracy in tax returns, and opting for direct deposit, businesses can play an active role in expediting the refund process. Timely refunds can provide financial relief, assist with important financial obligations, and enable individuals and families to make informed decisions about saving, investing, or spending their hard-earned money.

In conclusion, as businesses navigate the tax refund process, understanding the timing of IRS refund deposits empowers them to make informed choices and reduces unnecessary anxiety. By following best practices and staying informed, businesses can optimize their chances of receiving their refunds as swiftly as possible, allowing them to put their funds to good use and enjoy the benefits of their tax returns.
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What Time of Day Does IRS Deposit Refunds: Fast Access to Tax Return (2024)


What time does the IRS deposit refund? ›

If you file a complete and accurate paper tax return, your refund should be issued in about six to eight weeks from the date IRS receives your return. If you file your return electronically, your refund should be issued in less than three weeks, even faster when you choose direct deposit.

What time does the IRS deposit refunds in 2024? ›

When will I receive my tax refund?
If the IRS accepts your return by:Direct deposit could be sent as early as:Or your check could be mailed as early as:
March 25April 15April 22
April 1April 22April 29
April 8April 29May 6
April 15May 6May 13
8 more rows
Feb 21, 2024

What time does Credit Karma deposit tax refunds? ›

If approved, your Refund Advance will be deposited into your Credit Karma Money™ Spend (checking) account, typically within 4 minutes after the IRS accepts your e-filed federal return and you may access your funds online through a virtual card. Your physical Credit Karma Visa Debit Card* should arrive in 7 - 14 days.

What time does the IRS take money out of your account? ›

When will my tax payment go through? During non-peak times, funds are usually withdrawn on the payment date you specify, assuming your e-filed return has already been accepted (received) by the IRS. If that date happens to fall on a weekend or federal holiday, the funds are typically withdrawn the next business day.

What time does direct deposit hit? ›

What time of day does direct deposit hit? Usually, you'll have access to your direct deposit at the opening of business on your payday — by 9 a.m. In many cases, direct deposits hit accounts even earlier, often between midnight and 6 a.m. on payday morning.

How do I know if my direct deposit is coming? ›

How to Check the Status of a Direct Deposit
  • Online Banking: Log in to your bank's website or mobile app. ...
  • Bank Customer Service: You can also call your bank's customer service phone number. ...
  • The Payer: Sometimes, a delay may be caused by the company or entity that issued the payment.
Sep 22, 2023

What time does the IRS update the refund status? ›

Information is updated once a day, overnight.

Why has my refund been accepted but not approved? ›

"IRS Accepted Return But Not Approved" Meaning

If a taxpayer receives the status update that their tax return was accepted but not approved, this means that the IRS has received their tax return, but they have not yet evaluated the information.

Does the IRS approve refunds on weekends? ›

Absolutely. WMR only updates once every 24 hours though. If you check it more than 5 times in a day, it actually kicks you out until the following day.

What time does refund advance deposit? ›

Advance money is typically available within 24 hours of IRS acceptance of the tax refund. There will be no collections activity on unfunded taxpayers. Upon receipt of a Federal or State tax refund, the Easy Advance is repaid by deducting the loan amount and Finance Charge from the refund.

What day do refunds get deposited? ›

The IRS issues more than 9 out of 10 refunds in less than 21 days. However, it's possible your tax return may require additional review and take longer.

What time will a pending deposit go through? ›

The Automated Clearing House (ACH) processes most deposits within 1-3 business days. Banks can take additional time to verify transfers and make the funds available to you as soon as the next business day.

What time do IRS deposits hit? ›

They deposit funds 24/7. I have NEVER gotten a direct deposit from the IRS on a set schedule. I got my refund this year on a Monday at 10:32am. There is no exact timing on when a tax refund will be sent, so just keep checking your bank account.

How long does it take for a tax refund to show in a bank account after approved? ›

For electronic returns with direct deposit, IRS refunds typically arrive in bank accounts within 21 days of approval. In contrast, paper check refunds may take four to six weeks to be received, whereas e-filed refunds can take as little as 24-48 hours.

How long can the IRS hold your refund for review? ›

If the IRS is reviewing your return, the review process could take anywhere from 45 to 180 days, depending on the number and types of issues the IRS is reviewing.

Why has the IRS not cashed my check yet? ›

If it's been at least two weeks since you sent the payment to the IRS and your financial institution verifies that the check hasn't cleared your account, call the IRS at 800-829-1040 to ask if the payment has been credited to your tax account. Get up-to-date status on current IRS operations and services.

Why was my refund not deposited? ›

An incomplete return, an inaccurate return, an amended return, tax fraud, claiming tax credits, owing certain debts for which the government can take part or all of your refund, and sending your refund to the wrong bank due to an incorrect routing number are all reasons that a tax refund can be delayed.

What does the deposit date mean on Where's My refund? ›

This means the IRS has sent your refund to your financial institution for direct deposit.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.