What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Is Lowballing Me? | Missouri and Illinois Injury Attorneys | Burger Law (2024)

What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Is Lowballing Me? | Missouri and Illinois Injury Attorneys | Burger Law (1)

What should I do if I get a lowball insurance settlement offer? If you’re injured in a car accident, slip and fall or in any other circ*mstance due to
somebody else’s negligence, you deserve full and fair compensation. But too often, insurance companies try to
lowball you when offering their settlement. They make the assumption that most people don’t understand the true
value of their claim, need the money quickly or are poor negotiators. But you don’t have to accept a lowball offer,
and you should never accept an insurance company’s first offer. Read on below to learn more about how to deal with a
lowball insurance settlement offer.

Burger Law us a personal injury law firm that is not afraid to stand up to bullies like
resistant insurance companies. Based in St. Louis and Chicago, we serve the injured throughout Missouri and
Illinois. If you have any questions about your claim, or want to know if a lawyer can add value to it, call Burger
Law today at or contact us online.

Use our free personal injury calculator to see what full and
fair compensation means in your case. But first, a few questions and answers about lowball insurance settlement

How Do I Know The Value of My Claim?

Compensation in a personal injury claim is meant to “make one whole.” That means that the
damages awarded should put you in the same position you were in before. In an injury claim, you deserve compensation

  • Economic damages, such as the cost of any medical
    treatment, lost wages and out-of-pocket expenses
    like transportation costs to and from medical appointments; and
  • Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering,
    mental anguish and inconvenience.

An insurance adjuster may tell you they only have to pay for six weeks of treatment, don’t need to cover lost wages
if you have PTO or that they don’t have to pay for pain and suffering. None of those things are true. They are
liable for 100 percent of your damages.

How Do I Know If I’m Getting a Lowball Insurance Settlement Offer?

There are a few tell-tale signs that you’re getting a lowball offer from the insurance company:

  • The offer comes too quickly — While we always try to get a settlement quickly, the truth is it
    takes time for an insurance adjuster to evaluate a claim. It’s rare for an injury claim to settle in less than a
    month if it’s really fair. If the adjuster gets back to you with an offer quickly, it could be a sign that they
    haven’t thoroughly evaluated your damages. They may also be trying to settle the case before you’ve completed
    your medical treatment, gone back to work or consulted with an attorney.
  • The adjuster ignores evidence or damages — An insurance adjuster may ignore evidence or damages in
    order to minimize the amount of money paid out by the insurance company. This can happen for a variety of
    reasons, such as the adjuster not thoroughly investigating the claim, not understanding the extent of the
    damages, or feeling pressure to save the company money. In some cases, the adjuster may intentionally overlook
    or downplay certain evidence in order to justify undervaluing or denying the claim. If you’ve sent them evidence
    of medical expenses and wage loss damages, there’s no reason for them not to include it in your claim.
  • The math isn’t adding up, and they won’t explain why — Economic damages, like medical bills, car
    repairs and lost wages, are easy to calculate. If their offer is far below your economic damages, you have a
    right to ask them how they came to their offer. Insurance adjusters also love to downplay non-economic damages.
    While it may seem like it’s difficult to put a dollar amount on them, there is actually a formula for
    calculating non-economic damages. Typically, your economic damages should be calculated by a number between 1.5
    and 5. If they don’t seem to be taking non-economic damages into account, that means it’s a lowball offer. You
    can read more about how pain and suffering iscalculated here.
  • They pressure you — An insurance adjuster will sometimes tell you that they can rescind their
    offer, or they’ll call you frequently asking if you’ve changed your mind yet. This is a sign that they know
    their offer is low, and are trying to make your claim “go away.”
  • They blame you for your injuries — If you were at fault for your injuries, either partially or
    fully, that limits how much the insurance company is obligated to pay you. If you know you are not to blame but
    they are trying to say you are, that is a sure sign that you’re being lowballed.
  • They question or downplay your injuries — The insurance company might try to say your injuries were
    pre-existing or that the accident wasn’t serious enough to cause the injuries you’re making a claim for. But
    they don’t get to decide how serious your injuries are; that’s up to a medical professional. They may tell you
    that they need access to your full medical records, or that you need to be examined by a doctor of their
    choosing. That is not true; limit what documentation you give them to your injuries specifically related to your

Insurance companies use a lot of tricks to devalue claims, but there are ways to combatthem.

What To Do If You’re Getting a Lowball Insurance Settlement Offer

If you’re getting a lowball offer, do not accept it. You only have one chance to get a fair settlement; if you accept
their offer you can never get more compensation at a later date. Getting a lowball offer is, unfortunately, quite
common. So stay calm, and follow the steps below to get the adjuster to raise their offer:

  • Review the policy — Go over the terms of the policy you are making a claim against, and make sure
    the adjuster isn’t leaving anything out that should be covered.
  • Ask the adjuster for specifics — Ask the adjuster why they are offering you what they are, what
    they’ve included, what they haven’t included and why.
  • Gather evidence — In addition to bills, receipts and estimates (which the adjuster should already
    have), you can send the adjuster X-rays or other imaging tests, photographs from the accident scene, police
    reports or more proof of the other side’s liability and your damages.
  • Negotiate — If you simply write a letter rejecting the offer, the insurance company may rescind it.
    Instead, send them a counteroffer, with complete documentation of your damages, and why the insurance company is
    liable for them. It’s best to be as detailed as possible when sending your counteroffer.
  • File a lawsuit — If they refuse to raise their offer, you can file a lawsuit against the insurance
    company in civil court. Filing a lawsuit officially begins the process of taking your claim to a jury trial.
    It’s best to file a lawsuit through an attorney. Sometimes, the threat of a lawsuit is enough to get an
    insurance company to finally be fair.
  • Hire a personal injury lawyer — An attorney is your legal advocate; they can assist in all of the
    above steps and more. Experienced lawyers know how to raise a lowball insurance settlement offer. They’ll be by
    your side every step of the way, will handle all the legal aspects of your case and will be available to answer
    any of your questions.

“I’ve dedicated my entire life to helping our clients receive full compensation for their injuries.”

Schedule a free case evaluationhere.

What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Is Lowballing Me? | Missouri and Illinois Injury Attorneys | Burger Law (2)

Gary Burger

Litigation attorney

What if the Insurance Company Makes a Lowball Offer on a Totaled Car?

Not only do you need to worry about compensation for your injuries, but you also likely have property damage if a crash was bad enough to cause bodily harm. In many cases, crashes will total your vehicle completely.

If you’ve been in a car accident and your vehicle is deemed a total loss by the insurance company, you will face the challenge of negotiating a fair settlement for your damaged car. It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to make lowball offers in these situations, offering significantly less than what your car is actually worth. So, what should you do if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that you have rights as an accident victim and policyholder. The insurance company has a duty to act in good faith and provide you with a fair and reasonable settlement for your totaled car. If they make a lowball offer, it’s crucial not to accept it right away. Instead, consider reaching out to an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the complex process of negotiating with the insurance company.

Our attorneys who have experience handling all aspects of car accident cases can review your insurance policy and assess the true value of your vehicle. We can help you gather all necessary documentation, such as repair estimates or appraisals, to support your claim for a higher settlement amount. With our experience and knowledge of insurance laws, we can advocate for your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

When facing a lowball offer, keep in mind that insurance companies are often motivated by their own financial interests. They may try to minimize their payouts to policyholders to protect their bottom line. However, with the assistance of a skilled attorney, you can level the playing field and increase your chances of obtaining a fair settlement for your totaled car.

It’s also important to remember that accepting a lowball offer can have long-term consequences. If you settle for less than what your car is worth, you may struggle to replace your vehicle with a comparable model. Additionally, you may not have the funds to cover any remaining loan balance or purchase a new car outright. By working with an attorney who understands the intricacies of insurance claims, you can ensure that your best interests are protected throughout the process.

If the insurance company makes a lowball offer on your totaled car, don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Reach out to our trustworthy car accident attorneys who can fight on your behalf and help you secure a fair settlement amount. Remember, you have rights as a policyholder, and we can guide you through the negotiation process, ensuring that your interests are prioritized.

Our car accident lawyers not only seek compensation for the injuries you suffered, but all your losses, including property damage.

Missouri and Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers | Burger Law

At Burger Law, we fight back against insurance companies who refuse to be fair every day. In 30 years of service to
the injured, we have secured over $200 million in compensation for our clients. As experienced trial lawyers, we can
see your case all the way through to the end, even if it means going to court. Because we work on a contingency-fee basis, there’s no reason for us to take on
your claim unless we truly believe we can significantly increase your compensation. If you think you’re getting a
lowball insurance settlement offer in St. Louis, or anywhere in Missouri or Illinois, speak to an attorney at Burger
Law today at or fill out our online contact form.

Gary Burger

Founder | Injury Attorney
Gary Burger has dedicated his career to standing up against bullies. The founder and principal attorney of Burger Law | St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer has helped hundreds of Missouri and Illinois individuals and families recover th …
Years of experience: 30 years
Location: St. Louis, MO

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What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Is Lowballing Me? | Missouri and Illinois Injury Attorneys | Burger Law (3)
What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Is Lowballing Me? | Missouri and Illinois Injury Attorneys | Burger Law (2024)


How do you respond to a lowball offer from an insurance company? ›

If you're faced with a low-ball insurance offer, there are several things you can do to fight for the money you deserve:
  1. Rejecting a settlement offer. Don't take the first offer. ...
  2. Gather evidence to support your claim. ...
  3. Write a detailed demand letter. ...
  4. Be ready to negotiate. ...
  5. Don't be afraid to file a lawsuit.

Do insurance adjusters try to lowball you? ›

Many insurance adjusters will lowball you on non-economic damages. That's because they don't have a set dollar amount attached, unlike economic damages. Ask the adjuster which multiplier they used for non-economic damages (this multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 5).

Can you sue an insurance company in Illinois? ›

If the insurer fails to respond, or offers a less-than-satisfactory response, your attorney will help you file a lawsuit to recover contractual and extracontractual damages. First-party bad faith insurance lawsuit are common in Illinois. In these cases, the person making the claim for compensation is the policyholder.

How do I argue with my insurance adjuster? ›

When you disagree with a car insurance adjuster, don't hesitate to take action to protect your rights and seek fair compensation. Remember to gather evidence, review your policy, and explore alternative dispute resolution options like mediation or arbitration.

How do you respond to a ridiculously low offer? ›

“Thank you so much for the offer. I'm really excited about the company and the role. I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience. I'd like to be at a number more like $X.

How do I reject a low settlement offer? ›

If you choose to reject the low settlement offer, you must communicate your decision to the claims adjuster. Your legal representative can help you write a letter that states your intentions. Within the letter, you can indicate that you reject the offer and highlight why you deserve a higher settlement amount.

Why is the first settlement offer so low? ›

Why Do They Always Lowball On The First Settlement Offer? If the insurance company is lucky enough that you accept the first low offer, it's better for them. The less money the insurance company gives you, the better their bottom line.

Should you accept the first compensation offer? ›

Research by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that claimants who instruct a solicitor, rather than accepting the first offer from an insurance company, receive 2-3 times more compensation.

How to know when an insurance company is using settlement tactics on you during a claim? ›

Insurance Company Settlement Tactics
  1. Denying Liability Without Investigating the Claim. ...
  2. Denying Liability Because of a Lack of Evidence. ...
  3. Pressuring You Into Accepting a Low Offer Because You Share Fault. ...
  4. Contacting You Shortly After an Accident With an Offer. ...
  5. Intentionally Delaying The Claims Process.

How long does an insurance company have to settle a claim in Illinois? ›

Insurance companies in Illinois have at least 45 days to settle a claim and make the final payment after the claim is filed. Illinois insurance companies have 15 days to acknowledge a claim and send further instructions to the claimant and then another 30 days to pay the claim if it is approved.

What is the comp neg law in Illinois? ›

Illinois has adopted modified comparative negligence (735 ILCS 5/2-1116) as the standard for recovery of damages. Under modified comparative negligence, an injured party may recover damages only if he/she is less than 50% at fault for the injury or damages.

How to file a complaint against an insurance company in Illinois? ›

An online complaint can be filed here: https://mc.insurance.illinois.gov/messagecenter.nsf or by calling 866-445-5364.

How to get more money out of an insurance claim? ›

Maximize Your Insurance Claim Payout: 10 Tips for Understanding and Negotiating the Estimate
  1. Never Accept the First Offer.
  2. Never Sign Anything Before Consulting.
  3. Hire a Professional to Review and Give You Advice.
  4. Look Out for These Four Specifically.
  5. Show Proof if You Want to Argue the Estimate.
Jun 6, 2023

How to negotiate for more from insurance settlement? ›

8 Insurance Settlement Negotiation Tips
  1. Understand the Insurance Company. ...
  2. Initiate the Claim as Soon as Possible. ...
  3. Never Admit Fault for the Accident. ...
  4. Stick to the Facts, Never Speculate. ...
  5. Know the Rough Value of Your Claim. ...
  6. Be Patient, Do Not Accept the First Offer. ...
  7. Get Everything in Writing.

How do you respond to a low compensation offer? ›

How to respond to a low salary offer
  1. Ask for time. ...
  2. Understand your minimum acceptable salary. ...
  3. Conduct research. ...
  4. Make a plan. ...
  5. Practice negotiations. ...
  6. Show enthusiasm. ...
  7. Negotiate for early performance reviews. ...
  8. Focus on your skills and expertise.

How do you respond to a low price offer? ›

Accept that the offer is low-ball

Consider what strategy might work best. You can say you are willing to negotiate but you want to hear an offer that is serious. Another avenue is to make a counter-offer that is a price slightly below your asking price, even if it's just $1,000 less.

How do you reject a low ball offer? ›

Keep your message concise, clear, and respectful. Briefly explain that you have carefully considered the offer but have decided to pursue other opportunities that better align with your career goals and compensation expectations. Maintain a positive tone by expressing your willingness to stay connected.

How do you respond to a bad counter offer? ›

Being open to more discussion

If you're unable to meet their desired terms, let them know you're open to further negotiations. You could also consider offering any additional benefits and perks you have available for them in lieu of a higher salary.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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