What's the difference between different FICO Score versions? (2024)

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Keeping up with your credit is crucial if you want to qualify for a home loan, an auto loan or even a credit card with the best rates and terms. However, it can be difficult to know which credit score you should monitor. After all, there are several credit scoring models from different organizations out there, with some geared to financial products like auto loans or credit cards and others geared to a broader range of types of credit.

Since FICO Scores are the most widely used by 90 percent of top U.S. lenders, this is probably where you’ll want to focus your time and energy. Yet you should also know that different types of FICO Scores exist to meet unique lender and consumer needs.

If you’d like to know more about the various versions of FICO® Scores out there, you have some reading to do. This guide will explain the different types of FICO credit scores, how they’re used and which type of score you should pay attention to the most.

The basics: What is a FICO Score?

A FICO® Score is a credit score model from Fair Isaac Corporation that is used by thousands of lenders to help them assess the credit risk of individual consumers. It’s a three-digit number ranging from 300 to 850, where higher is better (industry-specific scores use a slightly broader range of 250 to 900), and has been the industry standard since the product’s founding in 1989.

Tom Quinn, vice president of Scores at FICO, says that there are numerous versions of FICO credit scores because they are periodically redeveloped to incorporate new analytic tools. Through the updating process, FICO releases new FICO Score versions to the market, at which point lenders determine if they’re going to migrate to a newer version of the FICO® Score or continue using the version they are currently using.

In addition, there are FICO® Score versions tailored to assess the credit risk for specific types of financial products. In addition to the base model, which is designed to predict the general risk of any credit obligation, Quinn points out that there are industry-specific versions focused on auto and bankcard risk.

According to myFICO.com, the industry-specific FICO credit scores leverage all the predictive power of the base FICO® Scores “while also providing lenders a further-refined credit risk assessment tailored to the type of credit the consumer is seeking.”

By offering auto-specific and bankcard-specific FICO® Scores, FICO has managed to tailor its products and provide more clarity to the lenders who use them.

“And then we have three bureaus, so you multiply everything by three,” says Quinn.

That’s right; each of the three credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax and TransUnion—assigns consumer credit scores based on the unique information in their credit reports. This means someone may have a different FICO® Score among the different models and a different score from each of the credit bureaus.

What are the different FICO Scores?

The most common FICO credit scores are detailed below, along with which credit bureau and for what type of credit they’re used:

Most widely usedFICO® Score 9
FICO® Score 8
FICO® Score 9
FICO® Score 8
FICO® Score 9
FICO® Score 8
Used in auto lendingFICO® Auto Score 9
FICO® Auto Score 8 FICO® Auto Score 2
FICO® Auto Score 9
FICO® Auto Score 8 FICO® Auto Score 5
FICO® Auto Score 9
FICO® Auto Score 8 FICO® Auto Score 4
Used in credit card decisioningFICO® Bankcard Score 9 FICO®Bankcard Score 8
FICO®Score 3
FICO®Bankcard Score 2
FICO® Bankcard Score 9 FICO® Bankcard Score 8
FICO®Bankcard Score 5
FICO® Bankcard Score 9 FICO® Bankcard Score 8
FICO®Bankcard Score 4
Used in mortgage lendingFICO®Score 2FICO®Score 5FICO®Score 4
Newly releasedFICO® Score 10
FICO® Auto Score 10
FICO® Bankcard Score 10 FICO® Score 10T
FICO® Score 10
FICO® Auto Score 10
FICO® Bankcard Score 10 FICO® Score 10T
FICO® Score 10
FICO® Auto Score 10
FICO® Bankcard Score 10 FICO® Score 10T

Quinn says the average person who is not in the midst of a specific loan transaction should focus their attention on the FICO® Score 8 “because that’s the most commonly used score across all the various lenders out there.”

You’re likely to have your FICO® Score 8 pulled if you apply for personal loans, student loans or retail credit specifically. However, it’s possible your FICO Score 8 will be pulled in nearly any credit transaction, including an auto loan application.

Which FICO Score should you care the most about in specific situations? Consider the following:

  • You want to get a mortgage or refinance your current home loan: Quinn says anyone who is hoping to get a home loan or refinance their mortgage in the next three to six months should focus on FICO® Scores 2, 4 and 5.
  • You plan to apply for an auto loan: If an auto loan is in your new future, you should focus on the auto industry FICO® Score options.
  • You need a new credit card: Consumers in the market for a new credit card should find out their FICO® Bankcard Scores or focus their energy on FICO® Score 8.

How to plan when you need to improve your credit

If you’re someone who would like to have a higher score, you may feel overwhelmed about where to start. Fortunately, the main steps you can take to improve your credit will help regardless of which version of your score is pulled.

According to Quinn, the first step anyone can take to improve their credit is getting any delinquent accounts they have into current status. For the most part, this means catching up with the minimum payments on your bills so they are no longer listed as currently “late.”

“Your score is still going to be on the lower end of the spectrum if you have delinquency, but being currently delinquent is much more harmful,” he says.

From there, Quinn says paying bills on time is critical to having a good score, and that seems to make sense to most people. However, you’ll also want to be conscious of your debt load, including your total debt amount and how much of your available credit you’re using.

“If you have two credit cards and you’re currently maxed out on them or close to it, that’s going to be indicative of higher risk and impact a credit score,” he says. “So, trying to reduce those balances so that your utilization ratio decreases is important.”

Other factors to pay attention to include the length of your credit history as well as your pursuit of new credit and your credit mix.

Generally speaking, Quinn says you should only apply for credit when you absolutely need it, and that will help.

Next steps

While each lender determines what is an acceptable score for their credit criteria, most lenders will consider FICO Scores in the upper 600’s and greater to be acceptable. You’ll have a better chance at qualifying for the top rewards credit cards and home or auto loans with the best rates and terms if you can get your score in the mid-700’s and greater—which includes FICO Scores of 760 or higher. This is above the average of U.S. consumers and demonstrates to lenders that the borrower is very dependable.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways to get a free look at your credit score. For example, Experian offers a FICO Score 8 with its free credit monitoring service. Many lenders participate in the FICO® Score Open Access program that enables them to provide their customers with access to their FICO Score for free. Along with the FICO® Score, lenders also share insights into the score and credit education content to help customers understand their credit health.

Sure, when it comes to credit scoring and FICO scores, there's quite a bit to unpack. FICO Scores, developed by the Fair Isaac Corporation, are fundamental in assessing an individual's creditworthiness. They've been around since 1989 and are used extensively by lenders across the U.S. These scores, ranging from 300 to 850, help lenders gauge the risk associated with lending to a particular individual.

The FICO Scores aren't static; they evolve through periodic updates and new versions released to incorporate improved analytics. These versions cater to specific lending purposes, such as auto loans, credit cards, and mortgages. For instance, the FICO® Score 8 is widely used across various lending sectors, while industry-specific versions like FICO® Auto Scores and FICO® Bankcard Scores cater to the unique risk assessments associated with auto loans and credit cards, respectively.

The unique aspect of FICO Scores is their variation across the three major credit bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Each bureau computes its FICO Scores based on the information present in their credit reports. Hence, an individual might have different scores across these bureaus and also across the various FICO Score models.

Now, let's delve into the different types of FICO Scores highlighted in the article and their respective uses across the credit bureaus:

  1. FICO® Score 8: Widely used across various lending sectors.
  2. Auto Industry Scores (FICO® Auto Scores): Tailored specifically for auto loans across the three bureaus.
  3. Credit Card Scores (FICO® Bankcard Scores): Geared towards credit card decision-making and also vary across the bureaus.
  4. Mortgage Scores: Versions like FICO® Scores 2, 4, and 5 are crucial for individuals seeking home loans or refinancing.

Each FICO Score caters to specific lending scenarios. For instance:

  • Home Loan or Refinancing: FICO® Scores 2, 4, and 5 are crucial.
  • Auto Loan: Focus on auto industry-specific FICO® Score options.
  • New Credit Card: Check FICO® Bankcard Scores or the FICO® Score 8.

Improving your credit score involves various steps, irrespective of the FICO Score version lenders use. These steps include bringing delinquent accounts up to date, paying bills on time, managing debt by reducing balances, being cautious about credit utilization, maintaining a healthy credit history length, and being strategic about applying for new credit.

Aiming for scores in the mid-700s or higher significantly improves the chances of qualifying for better loan terms and top credit cards. You can access your FICO Score through various channels, including credit monitoring services and lenders participating in the FICO® Score Open Access program, providing customers free access to their scores along with credit education content.

Understanding these nuances helps individuals make informed decisions about their credit health, aligning their focus on the most relevant FICO Score for their specific financial goals.

What's the difference between different FICO Score versions? (2024)


What's the difference between different FICO Score versions? ›

Base FICO ® Scores range from 300 to 850. Industry-specific FICO Scores

FICO Scores
FICO® Scores are the standard for credit scores—used by 90% of top lenders. Credit scores influence the credit that's available to a person and the terms (interest rate, etc.) that lenders may offer. It's a vital part of credit health.
https://www.myfico.com › credit-education › credit-scores
range from 250-900. A higher FICO Score represents a greater likelihood that you'll pay back your debts so you are viewed as being a lower credit risk to lenders. A lower FICO Score indicates to lenders that you may be a higher credit risk.

Which FICO score is more accurate? ›

There is no single credit score that's considered the most accurate. The truth is, there are several types of credit scores available to lenders—and many versions of each of those scores. Scores are calculated based on many of the same factors. But thinking of these scores in terms of accuracy can still be misleading.

Is FICO 8 or FICO 9 better? ›

Versions 8 and 9 of FICO scores are similar, but FICO score 9 is generally considered the more forgiving of the two for a few reasons: With FICO 9, third-party collections no longer hurt your credit score once those debts are paid off. FICO 9 treats medical collections differently than other types of debt.

What are the different types of FICO scores? ›

The most widely used model is FICO 8, though the company has also created FICO 9 and FICO 10 Suite, which consists of FICO 10 and FICO 10T. There are also older versions of the score that are still used in specific lending scenarios, such as for mortgages and car loans.

What is the difference between FICO score 2 4 and 5? ›

There are five different FICO score models currently used by most lenders of all types. The vast majority of mortgage lenders use the same ones: FICO Score 2, 4 and 5. These are the models used by the credit bureaus Experian, TransUnion and Equifax respectively. They're called FICO mortgage scores.

Why is my FICO score 100 points lower than Credit Karma? ›

Why is my FICO® score different from my credit score? Your FICO Score is a credit score. But if your FICO score is different from another of your credit scores, it may be that the score you're viewing was calculated using one of the other scoring models that exist.

What is the riskiest FICO score? ›

Borrower risk profiles
  • Deep subprime (credit scores below 580)
  • Subprime (credit scores of 580-619)
  • Near-prime (credit scores of 620-659)
  • Prime (credit scores of 660-719)
  • Super-prime (credit scores of 720 or above)

Do lenders use FICO 8 or FICO 2? ›

While the FICO® 8 model is the most widely used scoring model for general lending decisions, banks use the following FICO scores when you apply for a mortgage: FICO® Score 2 (Experian) FICO® Score 5 (Equifax) FICO® Score 4 (TransUnion)

Does anyone use FICO 9? ›

Base credit scoring models like FICO® Score 8 and FICO® Score 9 can be used by lenders for these credit products and a range of others. Lenders may check your FICO® score if you apply for a mortgage, personal loan, student loan, credit card or other credit accounts.

What FICO score do mortgage lenders use? ›

The most commonly used FICO Score in the mortgage-lending industry is the FICO Score 5. According to FICO, the majority of lenders pull credit histories from all three major credit reporting agencies as they evaluate mortgage applications. Mortgage lenders may also use FICO Score 2 or FICO Score 4 in their decisions.

What is a good FICO score to buy a house? ›

Some types of mortgages have specific minimum credit score requirements. A conventional loan requires a credit score of at least 620, but it's ideal to have a score of 740 or above, which could allow you to make a lower down payment, get a more attractive interest rate and save on private mortgage insurance.

Do banks use FICO or Vantage? ›

VantageScore and FICO Score Differences

There are several versions of VantageScore and FICO, and each uses a different scoring model. For example, a lender will likely use an older version of FICO for a mortgage application, while a consumer site might rely on the latest version of VantageScore.

Do car dealerships use Equifax or TransUnion? ›

Auto lenders use a special reporting system called FICO® Auto Score when determining the creditworthiness of a potential customer. The three credit reporting bureaus that contribute information to your FICO® Auto Score are TransUnion®, Equifax® and Experian™.

Which FICO score is usually the highest? ›

And when it comes to credit, 850 is the highest the FICO® Score scale goes. For more and more U.S. consumers, practice is making perfect. According to recent Experian data, 1.54% of consumers have a "perfect" FICO® Score of 850.

Which FICO score is usually the lowest? ›

Most of the credit scores that lenders use in the United States, including most versions of the FICO Score, range from 300 to 850. Therefore, most financial professionals generally accept that 300 is the lowest credit score a consumer can have.

What's more important a credit score or a FICO score? ›

"For years, there has been a lot of confusion among consumers over which credit scores matter. While there are many types of credit scores, FICO Scores matter the most because the majority of lenders use these scores to decide whether to approve loan applicants and at what interest rates."

Which FICO do most lenders use? ›

For other types of credit, such as personal loans, student loans and retail credit, you'll likely want to know your FICO® Score 8, which is the score most widely used by lenders.

Why is my FICO score different from my credit score? ›

The reason for the differences in FICO scores comes down to the differences in credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus. For example, lenders might not report credit activity to all bureaus.

Is a higher or lower FICO score better? ›

A score of 800 or above on the same range is considered to be excellent. Most consumers have credit scores that fall between 600 and 750. In 2023, the average FICO® Score in the U.S. reached 715. Achieving a good credit score can help you qualify for a credit card or loan with a lower interest rate and better terms.

Which credit bureau gives the highest score? ›

There is no “best” credit bureau—all three bureaus can offer helpful information and tools to help you make financial decisions.

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