What's The Difference Between A Roth IRA And A 401(k)/457? - Arrest Your Debt (2024)

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In today’s post, I will discuss the difference between the Roth IRA and a traditional 401(k)/457 retirement plan. Each investment vehicle serves a different purpose and one may suit you better than the other.

Pulling Out Your Money

Each investment vehicle is geared for retirement and you can not draw from them without a penalty until you reach the age of 59 1/2 – with the exception of the 457 plans. You can draw from a 457 plan upon separation from employment without penalty.

You can draw from your other retirement accounts (Roth, 401k) early if you are willing to take a 10% early withdrawal IRS penalty, but I would NEVER recommend giving the government an extra 10%. With that being said, convince yourself that drawing from your Roth or 401k before 59 1/2 is not an option and you will be OK.

Let’s break down the accounts to find out which one is best suited for you.

How Do You Fund The Accounts?

The 401(k) & 457

With the 401(k)/457 option, you are able to deposit money into this account, pretax. What are the benefits of this? With the pre-tax option, you are able to invest more money without feeling as large of a hit in your take-home pay. The funds are taken from your income checks before the government gets to touch/tax your income.

The Roth IRA

With the Roth IRA, your money is invested after tax so you will feel a bigger hit in your take-home pay. You are responsible for funding the Roth out of your after-tax take home dollars, but there are many tax benefits to the Roth option.

Tax Benefits

What's The Difference Between A Roth IRA And A 401(k)/457? - Arrest Your Debt (1)

The 401(k)/457

As stated earlier, the traditional 401(k)/457 is funded using pretax dollars. You pay your taxes on your investments when you make withdrawals upon retirement. For instance, if you invest $100,000 during your working years (pretax) and it grows to $300,000, you will pay taxes on each dollar of the $300,000 as you draw from it and you will be taxed at the current tax bracket you are in. The government will get their money, but it is deferred until you draw from it.

The Roth IRA

The Roth IRA is unique in that you pay taxes on the front end but not the back. For instance, if you invest $100,000 of your after-tax dollars during your working years you would have paid the government the taxes on that $100,000 while you were working. If that investment grows to $300,000; a gain of $200,000 in interest, you will be able to pull this money out of your Roth tax-free! The government does not make any money off of the gains in a Roth like they do on 401(k)/457 gains.

Contribution Limits (2019)

The Traditional 401(k)/457

For 2019, the contribution limit to the 401(k)/457 is $19,000. This means you are able to defer a maximum of $19,000 of your pretax money into a 401(k)/457 in 2019. While you are limited in your 401(k), this does not preclude you from investing in other retirement vehicles as well – such as a Roth IRA.

The 401(k)/457 Catch Up

If you are age 50 or older, the IRS allows for you to contribute an additional $6,000 a year to your 401(k)/457 for a total of $25,000 pretax dollars. This is known as the catch-up contribution limit and employer-sponsored matches are not included in this total.

The Roth IRA

For 2019, the contribution limit to a Roth IRA is $6,000. This means you are able to invest $6,000 of your after-tax money into a Roth IRA. While this amount is small compared to a 401(k), this does not preclude you from investing in other retirement vehicles as well – such as a 401(k). (Couples may contribute $12,000 a year to a Roth)

The Roth IRA Catch Up

If you are age 50 or older, the IRS allows for you to contribute an additional $1,000 a year to your Roth IRA for a total of $7,000 a year.

The Back Door Roth

If you make too much income, you may be excluded from investing in a Roth IRA. Fortunately, there is a loophole in the system and a way to convert some of your traditional IRA dollars into Roth IRA money. Check out this related article onBack Door Roths!

Income Limits To Investing

What's The Difference Between A Roth IRA And A 401(k)/457? - Arrest Your Debt (2)

If you make too much money, the government will exclude you from being able toinvest in certain retirementvehicles. Here is the most you can make before you are no longer allowed to invest in these vehicles.

The 401(k)/457

No limit, hurray!

The Roth IRA

If you are single, you may only contribute money to a Roth IRA if you make less than $122,000 a year. If you are married filing jointly, you may only contribute to a Roth IRA if you make less than $193,000 combined (2019).

Breaking Down The Tax Benefits


The main benefit to the 401(k)/457 plans is the ability to significantly lower your tax liability in your working years. Whatever amount you contribute to these plans lowers your income levels by that amount and it may significantly impact your taxes. The ability to lower your income levels to a lower tax bracket through investments is a great tactic to discuss with your tax professional!

These plans make sense if you expect your taxes to be lower in retirement. Rather than being taxed at a higher amount during your employed years, paying taxes on your money at a lower rate in retirement may be the right choice for you!

Roth IRA

The main benefit to the Roth IRA is the ability to grow your investments tax-free. If you expect that your current tax bracket will be higher in retirement than it is now, a Roth may be right for you! The fact that you can grow your investments and not pay taxes on them is a great reason to invest in a Roth IRA!

Investment Choices

What's The Difference Between A Roth IRA And A 401(k)/457? - Arrest Your Debt (3)

Traditional 401(k)/457

With a traditional 401(k)/457 plan sponsored by your employer, you are limited in your investment choices. You are given a limited number of funds to invest in, based on your employer and retirement plan sponsors choice of funds they make available to you.

Roth IRA

With a Roth IRA, you can take control of your investments and choose the funds you feel will most benefit you. You are not limited by your employer’s investment options and are free to invest in your chosen strategy.

The Bottom Line

The truth is, both of these options are great options for retirement. The fact that the majority of Americans do not save enough for retirement, offers a bleak look into our future. Each investment vehicle offers different benefits, but if you invest significantly in either, you are doing better than the majority of the population.

The only negative with the Roth IRA is the contribution limitations. $6,000 is not a lot of money to invest each year so if you choose the Roth option, I would strongly encourage you to find another investment vehicle to contribute additional money.

Do you use a Roth, 401(k)/457 or both? If you have used either, you know how easy it is to set up automatic payments to get your investments on the right track. If you have yet to start after destroying your debt, I would encourage you to look into your retirement options available to you.

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What's The Difference Between A Roth IRA And A 401(k)/457? - Arrest Your Debt (2024)


What's The Difference Between A Roth IRA And A 401(k)/457? - Arrest Your Debt? ›

Roth IRA accounts are funded with after-tax dollars that then grow tax-free. A 457(b), meanwhile, is like a 401(k) for certain government and non-profit employees. A financial advisor can help you learn about different types of retirement accounts.

What is the difference between a 457 and a Roth IRA? ›

Higher After-Tax Contribution Limits Than Roth IRAs — 457(b) plans allow for greater after-tax savings. While Roth IRAs only allow a contribution of up to $7,000 for 2024, Roth contributions in a 457(b) include both employee and employer contributions with a limit of $23,000 in 2024.

What is the main difference between a 401 K and a Roth IRA? ›

Both can help you save for retirement, but while a 401(k) is a tax-deferred plan offered through a workplace, a Roth IRA is an individual plan where you pay taxes on money before it goes in.

What is one of the main differences between a 401 K and a Roth 401 K apex? ›

Contributions. Since your Roth 401(k) contributions are made after-tax, you're paying taxes now and taking home a little less in your paycheck. Pretax traditional 401(k) contributions are taken off the top of your gross earnings before your paycheck is taxed.

What is the main difference between a 401k and a Roth IRA quizlet? ›

A Roth IRA grows tax free and is a better option than the 401(k), which grows tax-deferred. It's a three step process: first contribute up to the 401(k) match, then to the Roth IRA, then go back to the 401(k) and contribute until reaching 15% of your pre-tax income.

Can I withdraw from my 457 while still working? ›

While you are employed, your employer may permit you to take a withdrawal from your 457(b) plan due to an unforeseeable emergency. All unforeseeable emergency withdrawal requests will be reviewed in accordance with the plan's procedures for a determination as to whether the withdrawal is permitted.

What age can you withdraw from 457? ›

In addition, if you suffer a hardship as defined by the IRS and Savings Plus policy, your 401(k) account will have income tax implications. 457(b) Assets can be withdrawn without penalty at any age upon separation from service from the plan sponsor, or age 70½ if still working.

What are the differences between Roth 401k and traditional 401 K? ›

Retirement contributions to Roth 401(k)s are made with after-tax dollars. Traditional 401(k) contributions are made with pretax dollars. Roth 401(k) withdrawals in retirement are tax-free but traditional 401(k) withdrawals are subject to income tax.

What is the difference between an IRA and a Roth IRA? ›

With a Roth IRA, you contribute after-tax dollars, your money grows tax-free, and you can generally make tax- and penalty-free withdrawals after age 59½. With a Traditional IRA, you contribute pre- or after-tax dollars, your money grows tax-deferred, and withdrawals are taxed as current income after age 59½.

Is it better to max out 401k or Roth IRA? ›

Fortunately, there's a rule of thumb for optimizing two kinds of accounts—a 401(k) and a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k)—that makes sense for most people. Start by contributing enough to your 401(k) to get the full employer match, then direct any additional savings to a Roth IRA up to the annual contribution limit.

Why is a Roth 401k bad? ›

If you're saving exclusively in a Roth 401(k), your options to access that money are limited before the age of 59 1/2. While you can withdraw any amount you contributed to a Roth 401(k) at any time without taxes or penalties, the earnings typically cannot come out penalty-free before you reach age 59 1/2.

How much can you put in a Roth IRA? ›

The Roth IRA contribution limits are $7,000, or $8,000 if you're 50-plus. Use our calculator to see if you're eligible. The investing information provided on this page is for educational purposes only.

Is pre-tax or Roth better? ›

If you expect your tax bracket to increase, the Roth contribution option will clearly make more financial sense. If you predict the reverse, pretax contributions will benefit you more in the long run.

Why Roth IRA instead of 401k? ›

In a 401(k) vs. Roth IRA matchup, a Roth IRA can be a better choice than a 401(k) retirement plan, as it typically offers more investment options and greater tax benefits. It may be especially useful if you think you'll be in a higher tax bracket later on.

Why is Roth IRA the best retirement plan? ›

You don't get an up-front tax break (like you do with traditional IRAs), but your contributions and earnings grow tax-free. Withdrawals during retirement are tax-free. There are no required minimum distributions (RMDs) during your lifetime, which makes Roth IRAs ideal wealth transfer vehicles.

What is the first ingredient to building wealth? ›

The first step is to earn enough money to cover your basic needs, with some left over for saving. To create a financial plan, consider your personal goals, which may include buying a home, saving for retirement, or putting your kids through college.

What is the difference between a 457 salary reduction and a Roth contribution? ›

HOW ARE ROTH 457 CONTRIBUTIONS DIFFERENT FROM TRADITIONAL 457 CONTRIBUTIONS? Roth 457 contributions are made with after-tax dollars. Traditional 457 contributions are made on a before-tax basis and you pay taxes only when you take a distribution.

What is the advantage of a 457 plan over an IRA? ›

A 457(b) plan participant has more flexibility than other retirement savers when withdrawing funds. If the employee leaves their job, for instance, they can withdraw funds without any penalties, even if they're younger than age 59 ½.

Should I rollover my 457 to a Roth IRA? ›

Here are some of the most popular benefits of rolling a 457(b) account into an IRA. Investment Options: You may be able to invest in a wider range of investments with a different tax-advantaged account. Tax Deferral Benefits: With the right account you won't have to pay taxes until you withdraw the funds.

Is a 457 plan a good idea? ›

There are numerous benefits to enrolling in a 457(b). Chief among those: Ability to withdraw funds before age 60 penalty free. Unlike other retirement savings plans, such as 401(k) or 403(b), you can withdraw money from your 457(b) prior to age 59½ without being accessed a 10% penalty.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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