What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 4, 2024

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You've received a job offer that you're excited about, but the salary is lower than you expected. How can you negotiate a higher pay without risking the opportunity or upsetting the employer? In this article, we'll show you some effective strategies to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer.

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What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (1)

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  • Jacob Warwick Secure your best offer and don’t leave millions on the table.

    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (3) What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (4) 5

  • What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (6) 5

  • Tetiana Danylevska, SHRM-CP, SPHR People are the difference

    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (8) 1

What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (9) What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (10) What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (11)

1 Know your worth

Before you respond to the offer, do some research on the market value of your skills, experience, and role. You can use online tools, industry reports, or your network to find out the salary range for similar positions in your area. This will help you determine a realistic and fair counteroffer that reflects your value and expectations.

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  • Jacob Warwick Secure your best offer and don’t leave millions on the table.
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    Data is helpful when understanding what the average expectation is, but I'd argue that you shouldn't blindly use data to value yourself. You do not get what's fair; you get what you negotiate. Meaning you can get much less or much more than the data would suggest. Most would prefer to be the outlier plotted above the groupings.Do not overly rely on 'the market' to determine how you will get compensated for your work. Maybe you bring something unique and time-sensitive to the table—start there and focus on the needs of the team you negotiate with first.


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (20) 1

  • Know your Worth, and what kind of your experiences that would reflected additional things for new company with proven data, Do A research from related company Salary Package Range (From Colleague, Group etc). used as the baseline to start conversations, and stay polite with truth reason.


2 Be respectful and positive

When you communicate your counteroffer, avoid sounding greedy, demanding, or confrontational. Instead, express your gratitude for the offer and your enthusiasm for the job. Explain why you deserve a higher salary based on your qualifications, achievements, and contributions. Use specific examples and data to support your case. Also, acknowledge the employer's perspective and show your willingness to compromise and find a mutually beneficial solution.

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  • Tetiana Danylevska, SHRM-CP, SPHR People are the difference
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    In my experience, data is the most valuable negotiation tool. Before making a counteroffer, research the industry standards for the role and location to ensure your request is reasonable. After that outline the skills, experience, and qualifications that make you an excellent fit for the position. Explain how your contributions will positively impact the company's goals and objectives.


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (37) 1

  • Jacob Warwick Secure your best offer and don’t leave millions on the table.
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    You don't have to explain why you deserve anything. What you deserve has nothing to do with how you negotiate with others. It doesn't matter if you need more money because you have a family, had a divorce, or want an ostentatious sports car—or you just think you're worth it because you have 20 years of experience and a big degree. How does that help everyone win? However, gratitude is a key emotion to express from the get-go. The employer also needs to 'feel' like they can win the deal and get your services—to make it worth their while to negotiate with you. "I'm grateful for the opportunity and can start on X, but hesitant about..." "...is it unreasonable to make a change?" Several nuances to consider to do this well.


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (46) What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (47) 2

3 Choose the right medium

Depending on the situation, you may want to counteroffer a salary by email, phone, or in person. Email can give you more time to craft your message and avoid emotional reactions, but it can also lack tone and clarity. Phone or in-person conversations can allow you to build rapport, address questions, and clarify details, but they can also be more stressful and unpredictable. Choose the medium that suits your style, the employer's preference, and the urgency of the offer.

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  • Jacob Warwick Secure your best offer and don’t leave millions on the table.
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    The more senior you are, the more you should prioritize negotiation in person, then phone, and then email only as a last resort. The reason is that you can understand and work with emotional queues, body language, tone, etc. As a senior leader, you should also know how to use those queues accordingly.Yes, it's helpful to write out your ideas, alternatives, counterthoughts, etc—but you don't need to rely on written communication to get your ideas across. (Specifically for senior leaders) I recommend working with a sparring partner ahead of time, perhaps a mentor or leader in your industry, or a coach for support to play devil's advocate or challenge your perspective and add more context.


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (56) 3

4 Consider the whole package

Salary is not the only factor to consider when negotiating a job offer. You should also look at the benefits, perks, incentives, and opportunities that the employer offers. These can include health insurance, retirement plan, bonuses, stock options, flexible hours, remote work, training, career development, and more. Sometimes, you may be able to negotiate a better overall package by trading off some salary for other benefits that are more valuable or important to you.

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  • Jacob Warwick Secure your best offer and don’t leave millions on the table.
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    There are many factors to consider, yes—but don't let the bells and whistles steer you away from what's most necessary for your lifestyle. Oftentimes you'll be pitched 'perks' that mean nothing to you or will somehow materialize into value in the future. Don't fall for the BS (especially at startups)


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (65) What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (66) 5

5 Have a backup plan

Before you counteroffer a salary, you should have a clear idea of your minimum acceptable salary and your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA). Your minimum acceptable salary is the lowest amount you are willing to accept for the job, based on your needs, goals, and market value. Your BATNA is the option you have if you walk away from the offer, such as another job offer, staying at your current job, or pursuing a different career path. Having a backup plan will help you avoid settling for less than you deserve or losing the opportunity altogether.

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  • Jacob Warwick Secure your best offer and don’t leave millions on the table.
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    This is a poor explanation of BATNA. Ultimately you will increase your negotiation leverage (power) if you have the ability to walk away. If NO can be your default, you can negotiate what you need with more confidence because all of your needs are already met (or will be met) through alternative means. Basically, the old adage that it's easier to negotiate when you already have a job rings true. Sometimes because you're already desirable, but I'd argue it's because you have income and don't NEED to make a change right away. When you're out of work, many assume that you need to get back to work ASAP (to pay your bills), and that perception will effect their offer (often skewing lower). Don't be desperate; instead, have options.


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (75) 1

6 Follow up and confirm

After you make your counteroffer, you should follow up with the employer until you reach a final agreement. You may need to go back and forth a few times to find a common ground and address any concerns or objections. Be polite, professional, and responsive throughout the process. Once you agree on the terms, ask for a written confirmation of the offer and review it carefully before signing it. Congratulations, you've successfully negotiated a salary without offending your employer!

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    There's no such thing as 'offending' an employer with a counteroffer assuming what you're asking for is reasonable.If they can't meet what you're asking, move on.


    What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (84) 5

Salary Negotiations What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (85)

Salary Negotiations

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What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? (2024)


What's the best way to counteroffer a salary without offending your employer? ›

Show a willingness to compromise

How can I negotiate my salary without offending? ›

Ask for the top of your range

This way, if they negotiate down, you'll still end up with a salary offer you feel comfortable accepting. If you provide a salary range, the employer will likely err on the lower end, so be sure the lowest number you provide is still an amount you feel is fair.

How to politely counter offer salary? ›

To politely counter a salary offer, use the following tips:
  1. Ask for the role's salary range and other follow-up questions.
  2. Ask for more time to consider the offer.
  3. Conduct comparative salary research.
  4. Assess your value as a candidate and form a case for your counter offer.

How do you negotiate salary without being rude? ›

Don't just state your desire (a 15% higher salary, say, or permission to work from home one day a week); explain precisely why it's justified (the reasons you deserve more money than others they may have hired, or that your children come home from school early on Fridays).

What not to say in salary negotiation? ›

More, as in "I want more..."

While this word seems counter-intuitive because you are negotiating to get more, it's a word that is too general for a successful negotiation. Instead of asking for "more" salary or "more" vacation, this is your time to get specific.

Can you lose a job offer by negotiating salary? ›

Technically yes, though it's highly unlikely if you do it right. One thing is for certain: You won't get what you want if you don't ask for it! Explore our library for even more salary negotiation tips to earn what you're worth, or sign up for our Salary Negotiation Masterclass!

What is a reasonable amount to counter offer salary? ›

If the salary offered is within the low range for similar positions, consider an initial counteroffer 10-20% higher, and if the salary offered is within the average range, consider a counteroffer 5-7% higher. In addition to compensation data, you should research the cost of living for the area you'll be working in.

Do employers expect you to negotiate salary? ›

Unless the employer explicitly stipulates that their offers are nonnegotiable, that's typically a mistake. In fact, because they expect job candidates to negotiate salary, employers typically offer somewhat less than they are willing to pay.

How do you politely say salary offer is too low? ›

If you're sure that you want to decline, consider saying something like this:"I appreciate the offer and your time, but I can't accept this position at the salary you're offering. If the salary range is something that can be negotiated, please let me know."

What is the #1 rule of salary negotiation? ›

While numerous strategies and techniques can be employed during this phase, there exists one cardinal rule that stands as the bedrock of effective salary negotiation: Know Your Worth and Articulate It Confidently.

Should you accept the first salary offer? ›

Just as experts often advise job candidates to never accept an employer's first offer for a salary, an employer may counter your desired salary with a new number. You can choose to accept the employer's counter offer or negotiate further.

How to negotiate salary without sounding greedy? ›

1 Know your worth. Before you start the negotiation, do some research on the market rate for your role, skills, and experience. You can use online tools, industry reports, or network with peers to get a realistic range. This will help you set a target salary that is fair, competitive, and achievable.

What to say when counter offering a salary? ›

Make a counter-offer:

I do have a concern regarding the starting salary, however. Based on my understanding of the market value for the position, and my skill set I would expect my compensation to be in the range of $xx to $xx. Are you open to discussing salary?”

What is a polite way to negotiate salary? ›

"I'm very excited about the position and know that I'd be the right fit for the team. I'm also excited about your offer, and knowing that I'll bring a lot of value to the table based on my experience that we discussed during the interviews, I'm wondering if we can explore a slightly higher starting salary of $80,000.

What is the best answer for salary negotiation? ›

How To Answer The Salary Expectation Question?
  1. Research the average salary. ...
  2. Consider your existing pay. ...
  3. Consider perks and benefits. ...
  4. Make adjustments for cost of living. ...
  5. Ask for additional details (optional) ...
  6. Ask for more time (optional) ...
  7. Provide a range. ...
  8. Justify your salary expectation.
May 31, 2024

How do you negotiate salary after receiving a job offer? ›

When negotiating salary after you've received an offer, start by expressing your enthusiasm for the position and appreciation for the offer. Next, present your case for a higher salary by highlighting your experience, skills or market research that supports your request.

What is a reasonable amount to negotiate salary? ›

Entry-level base salaries are usually subject to no more than 10 percent of the original salary offered. Note that many top employers have set, non-negotiable salaries at this level. Mid-level positions typically have a negotiation range of between 10 and 20 percent.

How do you politely say the salary is too low? ›

“Thank you so much for the offer. I'm really excited about the company and the role. I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience. I'd like to be at a number more like $X.

How to negotiate salary without sounding needy? ›

How can you negotiate a salary increase without sounding greedy?
  1. Know your worth. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  2. Choose the right time. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  3. Be confident and respectful. ...
  4. Negotiate with facts and options. ...
  5. Follow up and document. ...
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Aug 31, 2023

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.